sfetbnne vol 59 no 24 the tribune stouffv1lle october 16 1947 twelve pages assessment court sits next monday his honor judge barton will hold an appeal court on monday morn ing next at 10 oclock to hear an assessment appeal filed by mr walter brillinger against his assess ment on land and farm buildings made for 1947 the taxes have been paid on the assessment but will be refundable in any part if his honor finds that mr brillinger has been assessed too highly total assessment made by mr blake sanders is 2600 mr brill ingers appeal is directed against the amount levied against the land which for the 1948 assessment has been reduced but a corresponding increase was placed against the buildings by assessor e r good straight furrow still good for ont farms pointing out that plowing matches have definite value in improving standards of agriculture and in raising standards of farm ing and farm production j a carroll secretarymanager of the ontario plowmens association which is sponsoring the inter national plowing match in fron tenac county this week in a statement issued today takes strong exception to an article headed straight furrow contributes very little to fanning which appeared recently in the globe and mail under the signature of kenneth c cragg claiming that the heading is not supported by the article mr carroll says i cannot find any evidence in the article to warrant the state ment in the experience of scienti fic agriculture it has contributed little if anything to farming or farm production we do not quarrel with most of what has been said says mr carroll but the writer has not said enough has not covered the field and has missed the main objective of plowing matches the first of the objectives is to encour age young farmers to learn how to adjust and use their plows when they have learned this lesson they will not be satisfied with other implements wtiioh are rusty have dull teeth or are out of adjustment the turn to greater mechaniza tion emphasizes the importance of having implements in good shape and using them properly it is significant that during the war when the agriculture of britain was put to the supreme test plow ing matches were organized where they had not leen conducted for 30 years too much fuel and time were being wasted due to improper adjustments of plows and imple ments plowmen who have taken part in match plowing at important events of this kind can adapt themselves to the nature of land ami its plowing requirements when ontario plowmen went to the match in iowa in 1940 they were assigned americantype plows and were told only the night before the type of furrow expected with less than an hour for practice and plow adjustment fred timbers of stouff- ville won the championship of the united states we would expect match plowmen like mr timbers to do the best job of contour plow ing or any other difficult land cultivation project presented to them the second objective is also very important says mr carroll match plowing increases pride in the job no worker can be happy unless he ls trying to do his best and farm work even plowing may become drudgery if there is no pride in it there ls a saying about the proof of the pudding and we are confident there ls sufficient evid ence across the province to prove match plowing has made an inval community stunned over sudden death of business man hugh bannerman retiring as usual evening after closing business the five store after eleven on saturday his place of to a dollar clock hugh bannerman was found dead in bed sunday morning his sister miss mable bannerman made the terrible discovery the doctor said he had passed away in his sleep as a result of a thrombosis in his 6sth year mr bannerman came to stouffville ten years ago from bradford he opened a five to a dollar store in the ratciiff block and later built his present store in the centre of the business block and which has proven an asset to the business life of the town as well as being a leadim business man mr bannerman was an official of the united church a charter member of the stouffville lions club and a member of the board of education he was chair man for the annual salvation army red shield drive and was just com pleting this years undertaking when death intervened a man of solid convictions he al ways stood by his beliefs and never hesitated to show his opposition to undertakings that did not meet with his christian standards as was said at his funeral service he rejoiced in the finer things of life and his quiet manner was a bene diction born at bond head in the allis- ton district he entered business at bradford where he operated a five to a dollar store ten years ago he opened a second store in stouffville and turned over the bradford busi ness to his brother only recently he completed the erection of a new residence in town and had just comfortably settled when the sudden end came alaachelor mr bannerman is sur vived by an only sister mable bannerman who was his house keeper and companion and toy a brother george in bradford the funeral on tuesday after noon from the late home proceeded to the united church for service thence to bond head cemetery for interment rev d davis and rev l e atkinson conducted the ser vice pall learers were messrs frank riches harold spofford a e weldon chas nolan lloyd turner garfield kellington late hugh bannciinaii make popular choice for synod head a report comes from charlottetown pe1 of special interest to stouff ville people since rev mr somers referred to is the soninlaw of mrs edward walls his wife being the former jessie walls of this town the report reads rev t ii bussel somers min ister of st james presbyterian church at charlottetown has just been elected moderator of the mari time synod of the presbyterian church in canada the election took place at the opening session of the threeday convention mr somers succeeds rev d w mac- donald of mahone bay ns a native of toronto mr somers is a graduate of the university ql toronto and knox college and also of the union theological semin ary new york he has been minis ter of st james church there for six years missionary to china takes local charge fairlawn united visited second mahkham baptist the program of sacred music rendered by fairlawn united church choir in second markham baptlst church on october 1st was delightfully received the choir numbers trios solos and readings were greatly enjoyed to the last number fairlawn choir has as its mrs john mckinnon 111 only short time the death of mrs john mckin- non at the knerbush hospital on wednesday evening last week brought to a close a life which had been lived in stouffville since young womanhoodor over fifty yearsmrs mckinnon was in her s2nd year and passed away following a week or two in the hospital where she was taken when overcome by a stroke born in the locality of ballantrae she was a daughter of pioneer farmers to that district her maiden name was lucinda davis at an early age she united in marriage with john mckinnon and the couple lived at ringwood also just southeast of stouffville for some years until they located in the east end and maintained an attractive home and grounds during their active days like her husband mrs mckinnon worked hard on the land operating an extensive market gar den her husband died in 1939 and on friday rev e morton conduct ed the funeral service for the wife who found a last resting place in the family plot beside her husband pall bearers were messrs lud hoover chris arnuurong fred crossen wm taylor also two nep hews from the davis family surviving is an only daughter mrs w taylor of toronto a son having predeceased the mother just a few years ago the mckinnon home in the east end of stouffville was for long years quite a show place and former residents will recall its well kept hedges and grounds council fears health unit may prove too costly whitchurch township council indicated on saturday that they feared a public health unit if formed for the northern municipali ties of york might get too costly and will have to be assurred on that point before the reeve and deputy reeve support such an undertaking it is proposed that the 14 north ern municipalities form themselves into a health unit under govern ment supervision at a cost of 120 per capita of which the provincial government will pay 50 per cent to bring such a system into exist ence it would require that each municipality pass a bylaw to pro vide for entering into an agreement to establish a health unit for this area markham to lake simcoe having a population of 3soo0 at an ipproximate cost of 15000 per annum the units share would be 22000 if such a unit is established all local boards of health sanitary insiectors milk inspectors health nurses would be out of office but the nurses would be given positions in the unit the unit would have jurisdiction or authority to inspect dairies water systems i all buildings used or deemed neces sary for the public health hockey practice next tuesday stouffville junior hockey club will take to the ice at oshawa arena on tuesday night of next week for their initial workout many of last years players and an equal number of newcomers will be on hand from 930 until 1030 pm any further information regarding this first practice may be had from secretary bruce clark or manager bob snowball died suddenly at uxjoxville mrs alfred rush died suddenly at her home in unionville in her 67th year on tuesday she was the former mary edith knights and was greatly beloved by a wide cir cle of friends the funeral today will ibe to st philips cemetery horse barns 300 cost of the new horse barns at markham fair grounds is 5300 according to final figures just com pleted this included the purchase the program under the proposed price of the barn structure the health unit would include control moving and mew covering of communicable diseases tuber- 1 colisis venereal diseases maternal mr frank rovvbotham is getting just returned on furlough from china mr f h muir has been called to become pastor of ieader mr david tees stouffville congregationalchristian church and is now entered upon his duties a young man with a wife and two small hoys mr muir will spend his furlough on this charge and is now getting settled in the parsonage on main street east the muirs went to china in 1939 under the china inland mission and have served continuously on that field right up to the present while taking over the work of the congregationalchristian church here the pastor will attend the university of toronto taking a special course he will preach his introductory sermons next sunday at 11 am and 730 pm athletic club banquet stouffville athletic club will hold a banquet at the high school next friday evening oct 24th guests of the evening will be the players of the four ball teams which oper ated under the club this summer an outstanding sports speaker will be on hand in addition to enter tainment any citizens desirous of liable contribution to forming and farm production in counties where matches are held with interest in plowing well done but also in other cultivation one sees neat productive farms but we can be more specific champion plowmen are top ranking farmers with high production yields and fields rela tively free from weeds some of the top crop men in the province could bo named to illustrate this fact match plowmen are much more like ly than others to use new imple ments such as the tiller or new meihxis as suggested in the aril- cle and in fact were among the first to do so m melntyro hood supervlsor of publicity attending are irwin borinsky asked sec to contact mrs jean hastings spent her thanksgiving holiday with her daughter mrs r w morningstar near bala mr elgin hastings visit- cd with friends at tally ho hunts- find everything in the way of win ville during the holiday summer homes for the winter reeve l p evans informed his council a few days ago that no less than 56 or 70 summer cottages at wilcox lake would be occupied this winter by city people who it seem ed can find nowhere else to go they will he given a garbage resident of 70 years mrs vanzant gone a home that has continuously held sway and leen an attractive setting in the community for exact ly sixty years was broken this week when airs henry vanzant passed away in her 87th year she would have reached her 87th birth day on the second day of next month born at sharon mrs vanzant came to stouffville as a bride of 17 her maiden name was julia bram- mer and her husband who died many years ago was an agent with an extensive business here sur viving the mother are three daugh ters mrs ida kydd who has tender ly cared for her mother over her latter years also mrs roe may and mrs campbell ella both in western canada and an only son xorval vanzant of winnipeg all three western members of the fam ily flew home on sunday on being informed of the serious condition of their mother they reached here ixifore the elderly lady passed on mrs vanzant will always be re membered as a good neighbor a fine house keeper and her home and premises have always been a model of neatness down through the years while living in the pre sent house since it was built sixty years ago mrs vanzant has acta dogs prefer lamb for fall diet two muttoneating dogs attacked the sheep fold on the farm of mr j a clark 6th concession whit church on no less than three occasions recently taking a toll of eight sheep killed three injured and flock damage of 10 the town ship council in session saturday awarded mr clark 145 the amount of his claim two dogs attacking the sheep have been shot one by ross hood and one by l l peterson the sharpshooters were paid 5 each the township reward for killing dogs caught attacking sheep the dept of highways advised the council that their request for an additional expenditure of 5000 on roads would be approved bringing the total road budget for 1947 up to 40000 of which the dept pays onehalf whitchurch expects to have a i new caterpillar deisel no 12 tan dem motor grader in operation by february since the company mak ing the sale to the municipality advised council on saturday they gave the latest delivery date as february 5th tenders for plowing snow were received at this meeting but action on them was deferred to the special meeting that will be called within a couple of weeks robt forfar was ordered to be paid 650 amount due him for removing garbage from mussel- mans and wilcox lakes during the summer season this sum ls deriv ed from the land owners benefitted in the area served and appears on the tax bills as a special item relief for september ran 100 and child hygiene sanitation water around again after being oixiered and food control many of these to take a long rest due to a heart things are sadly neglected now and condit member of the munici- it is claimed that a fulltime staff j co he may not take his under no obligation to individuals would exercise better authority than we are getting a fulltime staff would be engaged as follows with headquarters cen trally located in the district served estimate of cost medical health officer 5500 additional moh 3200 supervisor of nurses 2200 staff of nurses 8 14400 sanitary inspectors 2 4000 clerical staff 3 3400 transportation 6500 administration 5500 emergency 1100 45600 the issue will 1e raised again by the interested municipalities at seat again this session since there is but one more regular meeting before the term of office ends for this years council mrs harry stover roger and elizabeth are spending thls week at the home of her uncle at lions head on the bruce peninsula next meeting of county council in november the whole thing looks very good on paper observed reeve evans but it could get out of control like- childrens aid and other things deputy reeve logan expressed much the same idea but these officers will go to county council with instructions to use their best judgment on the issue anniversary greetings from chas w flint at the fiftyfifth anniversary ser vices of stouffville united church last sunday rev john a redmond of niagara falls ny preached two very effective sermons rev mr redmond took as his morning text he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide and endeavored to show the place of religion in a changing world by vivid and effective illustration the speaker portrayed to a large con gregation the uncertainty of gods place in a great many human lives of todays generation i does the community know on which side youre on he challeng ed his audience too large a per centage of people are religiously indifferent he charged going into the realm of inter- and general accounts ordered paid national affairs mr redmond were for routine services or referred to the overconservatism of supplies a grant of 25 was made to the north york plowmens association reeve l p evans presided and other members present were deputy reeve edw logan and councillors mclaughlin l j har per and fred timbers businessmen honor hugh bannerman the mercantile section of stouff ville paid respects to the late hugh bannerman who passed away in his sleep saturday night or early sun- day morning when business was suspended for one hour during the time of the funeral serice in the united church on tuesday after- ally been in town 70 years which is probably longer than any other person of her great age she poss essed a keen mind up to the end remembered vividly incidents of the early days and never lost interest service for which a special tax will early lays and never lost ii be levied against the homes receivin her friends and neighbors a staunch presbyterlm she took i noon no business man was ever held in higher esteem than their late associate and instead of merely drawing the blinds when the fun eral passed by the stores suspend ed business so that clerks and pro prietors alike attended the service ing the service a similar situation arose at ike wilcox last winter when many cottagers were left at the lake over winter many of them it appears never get concerned about securing a house for the winter until fall arrive and the ter quarters taken up a keen interest in church affairs engagements mr and mrs walter pipher until only very recently when hr stouffville announce the engage- physica condition became such mem 0 their onk daughter olive that she was unable to get down i joan to murray robert daniels jown very much she was a splen- youngest son of mr and mrshenry did conversationalist and being a j daniels markham the wedding greet reader she kept herself well will take place on saturday nov informed 1st 1947 the nations shown by their billions for war and only millions for peace their narrowmindedness critizing the foreign policy of his own country across the line he said the united states reaches out into the pacific 6000 miles and then blames russia for- encroaching just a little in the west at the head of the great metho dist parish to which mr redmond is affiliated across the line is bishop chas w flint native of stouffville who sent a brief message to his hometown people that was read at this service it said my most enthusiastic greetings to the church at stouffville that was the village of my birth and childhood and is indeed a shrine in my memory i saw the present church building erected and dedicated all i am and have accomplished i owe to the god of my parents and their church living in the home with them and in their church with them and their fellowmembers gave my life its direction and inspiration may gods richest blessing crown the anniversary occasion cordially charles w flint i will forgive them their sins and their iniquities will i remem ber no more was the subject of the evening sermon heard by a bishop charles w flint very large congregation declaring that the present generation did not read their bible as much as their parents and grand parents mr redmond exhorted his listeners to search his word that we may be privileged to learn more about gods purpose does god forget was the impelling question the speaker held before hls audience in proceed ing to review the attributes of god many of them too little known he said by a generation that do not read their bible as they should the god who doesnt forget to feed the birds to paint the flowers to bring about seedtime and har vest the rain and the sunshine does forget our sins if we comply with the conditions laid down in the scriptures were facts revealled as the speaker discussed what he termed the history and moral examination of god the church choir under leader- fihip of mr l c murphy rendered special music and the guest minis ter paid the choristers a special compliment and congratulated the congregation in being privileged to hear such a choir from sunday to sunday