the tribune stouftville ont thursday october 2 1947 special offer ending oct 11th suits top coats plain dry cleaned and pressed regular 85c pants skirts plain dry cleaned and pressed regular 50c we dry clean any type of clothing or house furnishing raincoats dry cleaned and waterproofed si 25 72 hour service unless garment need special processing dyeing or repairs all storage kept at cranes we specialize in repairs and alterations to clothing and furs we pickup everv monday and thursday at curtis mens wear phone 1g02 stouffville agent for capital cleaners and dyers 5 newmarket tlkmp ckowkks axu iovkkxmkxt officials examine demonstration plots a series of investigation and 1 demonstration plots were arranged in the spring by the turnip com mittee of the ontario crop improve ment association in cooperation with officials of the dominion and provincial departments of agri two thousand tailors coming to canada john moiikhouse should in- ou the reception committee nobody is learning the tailoring i trade and this situation has beeni going on for some years result there are not enough tailors in can- 1 ada to meet the demand for needle pushers a similar condition could j culture these were laid down in be pointed out in many other trades j i the chief turnip growing area including the printing trade conj extending from kincardine in sequemly it is not surprising that bruce county to uxbridge in a move is being made to import ontario county a tour of these journeymen from foreign countries plots was made on september is i right now canada is about to and 19 with a committee admit 2000 skilled tailors from disj there were variety tests with placed devastated places in europe different rates of fertilizer and also this plan is really getting into high to show the difference between the gear and we respectfully suggest several varieties on sod versus that the veteran john mdnfehouse nibble on the farm of stanley of stouffville one of the oldest tail- j i ward uxbridgewho has 12 acres of ors in active business should be turnips in a block and the plots are placed on the reception committee i supervised by r e goodin of tori the plan has the otlicial blessing onto on the farm of morris toltonlof the clothing industry the federal smaller earxkr pays biggest share in 19154g had annual incomes of between 1000 and 2000 it was income tax falls heavy on the disclosed by the revenue depart smaller income earners is proven ment by a statement just issued by ott- 1 a total of 1314050 of the 2515 send the tribune to absent 09 persons who paid income tax friends i m v stouffville bread is good bread whether its in the restaurant or in your own kitchen stouffville bakery bread has proven itself tops any household chef can tell you that its pure wholesome ingredients give it a flavour and texture that make it a favourite now when prices are high lets get the most for our money lets buy bread made in the stouffville bakery the stouff ville bakery 10m come to markham fair and see our exhibit of new international trucks brantford bodys kaiser frazer cars rototiler garden tractors i we also handle the famous motorola car heater and all kinds of motor car and truck parts prompt service stouffville motors phone 170 h ratclifl w pipher of bruce county under the super vision of v f strong guelpli the demonstration plots were laid out to determine results from distances apart of plants in the row rang ing from 1 to s inches tests are also made with different rates of commercial fertilizers vs manure only similar demonstration plots were laid out on the farm of john shearer of bright plots were also seen at oac and in the rockwood district some 25 growers and officials met at the farm of bruce tuckey in huron county to examine plots supervised by j j johnson of london there were plots where 400 lbs of 212g fertilizer were applied per acre with no manure another set of plots with s00 lbs of 0117 per acre and another set with 12 tons of manure and no fertilizer in another part of the field 100 lbs of salt were applied with anadjoin- ing halfacre on which no salt was applied observation did not reveal any very marked difference in the size of uniformity of the crop later in the season weights will be taken and quality tests made of turnips grown on different plots in order that definite results may be ascer tained the field was dusted for water core using a prepared borax dust mixture black rot was present in a portion of the field this is a soilborne dis ease and treating the seed with semesan is the remedy mr tuckey grows a large acreage of turnips and some sugarbeets he feeds the tops putting the manure back on the land this has tended to aggravate the trouble this year the disease has caused mr tuckey- con siderable loss however he had already shipped four carloads of turnips of goo bushels each off of 1 acres and the price was 50 cents a bushel the group visited the turnip grading and waxing plant of the canada packers in exeter where turnips are graded and bagged for shipment the farmers taking the culls home the waxing plant was not inoperation but there is com plete equipment for sorting grad ing washing drying waxing and bagging the turnips the exeter rutabagas company plant in exeter was also visited where turnips are waxed and shipped in this plant the turnips are washed before being trimmed and then go through a forced air drier before entering the waxing vat by this method the air of the building is really conditioned and a high humidity does not interfere with the waxing mayfair restaurant monday thru friday 8 am 11 pm saturday 8 am 12 pm government the amalgamated workers clothing union and unions representing the ladies cloak and suit industry trade and union representatives have reached england on their way to the european camps to conduct work qualification tests canadian immigration officials will screen prospective workers a number will be flown to this country and it is anticipated now that all will be here by the end of the year the plan fostered by the nation al council of clothing manufac turers of canada is designed to meet a growing need in the clothing industry particularly for hand tailors as distinct from machine tailors tailors are badly needed for alternations at retail outlets a clothing official reports manufacturers desiring foreign workers have been required to sign contracts guaranteeing continuous employment for a year also guar anteeing pay at the established local rate manufacturers are said respon sible in part for the workers wel fare during the first year that they are in canada the immigrants will be distribut ed across canada montreal toron to winnipeg and the west coast aljl being allocated the number they require federal authorities stipu late that not more than 50 of the immigrants shall be of any one religion max e enken toronto is chair man of the joint industries delega tion now on its way to europe david solomon represents the man ufacturers council of ladies cloak and suit industries sam posluns the toronto cloak manufacturers association bernard shane the union in the ladies cloak and suit industries in the quebec market and samuel herbsl the union in the winnipeg market had darning needle in leg for years didnt know it a belleville ontario woman hear ing the century mark found out the other day that she had been walking around for years with a three inch darning needle in her leg she didnt know it was there until recently and she hasnt any idea how and when it got there she hasnt done any sewing for ten years though she did a lot in her youth the elderly woman is ninetysix year old mrs mary louisa crosby she lives in belleville with her daughter mrs mayme brown mrs crosby felt a pain in her leg recent ly and was bundled off to hospital an xray was taken and a three inch darning needle was revealed the 96yearold woman had an operation on her leg and now she is fully recovered her only com ment on the matter is the needle must have been there a good many years nineteen showed evidence of tb in markhcm survey the recent tb survey carried on j in stouffville results of which were recently published and now follow- ed by results of that area of the county to the south of stouffville i that was sponsored by markham- unionville lions club in the recent markham -union- ville survey 1 persons were found to show xray evidence of tuber culosis of the lungs clinical ex aminations of that number revealed that 7 were presently active 2 were possibly active requiring early re examination while so far 3 are definitely active requiring admis sion to sanatorium a further 14 showed presumptive evidence of tuberculosis and 7 others require further examinations the contacts of those with active or possibly active tuberculosis are being ex amined if not xrayed in the survey to find possible sources of infect ion in addition to the discovery of those having tuberculosis of the lungs 34 persons were found to have nontuberculous diseases of the lungs a number of others approximately 27 were found to have less significant abnormalities such as previous pleurisy or slight calcification in the lungs danforth bus lines toronto east pm sun hol 945 1010 1020 1035 103s 1040 1030 1100 ii a 11 10 1120 bo un pm dally ex sun hoi 545 g10 620 635 63s 610 650 700 7 05 710 720 d read down pm sat onlv 200 225 235 250 253 255 305 315 320 3 25 335 am sun hoi 1000 1025 1035 1050 1053 1055 1105 1115 1120 1125 1135 am daily ex sun hoi 915 940 950 1005 100s 1010 1020 1030 1035 1040 1050 brougham toronto bay and dundas danforth and luttrell scarboro jet malvern browns cor town line cedar grove locust hill green river brougham claremont claremont west bound am daily ex suhs hoi sio s10 soo 715 7 42 740 730 720 715 710 700 am iun hoi 935 910 900 s45 s42 s10 s30 s20 s15 s10 s00 pm daily ex sun hoi 150 125 115 100 1257 1255 1245 1235 1230 1225 1215 read pm sat onlv 520 455 445 430 427 425 415 405 400 355 345 up pm sun hoi 935 910 900 s45 s42 840 s30 s20 s15 s10 800 painting barns and roofs sprayed painted red lead and aluminum houses brush painted estimates freely given a e heaton son gormley ont ph stonff 7315 parcel express ox 1 383 daily reduction in fares to locust hill to brougham to claremon eastern standard time effective sept 20ih from toronto sirgle fare return fare 60 110 70 130 75 140 new store hours monday 8 am to 8 pm wednesday 8 am to 8 pm thursday 8 am to 6 pm tuesday friday and saturday open as usual we trust our customers will find it convenient to shop within these hours effective october 1st a mcquarrie east end store r0xy theatre main street markham monday to friday show starts 730 pm last complete show starts 930 pm saturdays continuous 700 pm to midnite matinee saturdays and holidays at 200 pm gala fall fair attraction thursday friday saturday october 2nd 3rd and 4th continuous shows nightly starting i pm rot rogtri mk of wtokw trigger surhthwtfiw monday tuesday october glh 7th powerful drams set to the magnificent music of the london symphony orchestra j arthur rank presents james mason ann todd in the seventh veil wednesday and thursday october 8h 9th the one picture thats worth thousands yvonne decarlo brian donlevy song of the sheherazape soon something to crow about the egg and i iii i j worthy companions to firestone tiros g stouffville motors andy forson stouffville ontario rinfrtvood ontario art staley goodwood ontario