the tribune stouffville ont thursday may 23 1946 queen of the may trownod may chool held its miss lois brown right of owen sound out wa queen at stratford ont when stratford normal annual celebration and enjoyed the traditional maypole dance she is shown with her chief attendant miss olive lyons of paisley out one of the beauties of the court italys xkw klvt with family may be governed by boy parliament by lewis muligaa the government oi saskaichei wan has lowered the voting age for provincial and municipal elections from 21 to 18 and the age quaiin- cation for mayor and city or town councillors has been reduced ccordingly obviously this enfranj chisemem of teenaged youths and girls will benefit the government that granted it but is it wise from a longrange and national point of view one of the mot plausible argul ments put forward in favor of the above during the war that if a vouth of is i able to fieht for his country he is surely qualified to i vote but ability to shoot a gun isj no more a qualification for the tranche than the ability to shoot a goal in hockey no doubt there are many young people of is who are better qualified to vote intelli gently than some adults of 50 butj taken as a whole 18yearolds naturally lack maturity experience and balanced judgment granting that there are many adults whose mental age is not above 17 or is that is ao reason why we should add so enormously to their num ber on the voters lists would we be wllin to give youth- and girls of is a vote on a business board or appoint them as directors or presidents of an indus trial corporation is a city coun cillors or a mayors position of less important e of course there are infant prodigies in music in mathe matics in chess playing and there are boypreachers but even their talents along those lines would not necessarily qualify them for voting on public issues much less for holding positions of public trust with most young people the age of is is a period of indecision and frequently of irresponsibility they are attracted by novelties and by plausible arguments anil appeals to their vanity or cupidity we have all passed through that stage we were inch ed to regard our elders as oldfashioned and outofdate in their ideas we knew a great deal more than our parents and when we came of age we were like the young man who remarked its smazing what the old man has learned in the last few years but the worst feature of this attempt to regiment youth fori revolutionary politics is that it is an imitation of the nazi youth movement in germany the nazi knew what they were doing when they organized the hitler youth it is very doubtful if hitler and his political gangsters would have gained power so rapidly if they had oepended solely for supoort on thej adult population their strategy was to undermine the prestige of the parents by perverting the minds of children and young people and j bending their pliable wills to fana tic obedience to a political party we have already universal man hood franchise in canada and the right to vote on public issues should remain restricted to the status of manhood that status is reached at the age of 21 which is generally regarded as the age of discretion and for which the teen age is a period of preparation if we are going to reduce the voting junior farmer field dav treewarthas for the summer sgeto is why not to 10 it would j the ontario county junior farm- months alter spending the winter make little or no difference w o 0 are holding a gigantic field dav in toronto she was a sister of the would have another million voters at sunderland june sth the four late w a fuller the funeral on and everyone of them would use ontario county clubs from brook- tuesday from markham with burial the vote merely because of the n uxbridge brock and brechin in brunswick hill cemetery novelty ot the thing they would e each entering two softball a number from here attended also naturally vote for candidates teams a boys team and a girls itie rodeo at maple leaf gardens of their own age and then what a team the winners of the touma- last week mr roy carter and mr political mess we would be in we bent will be presented with a alf michell took car loads of school shield children as well yp class met on tuesday at the green river j home of mr and mrs geo gray mr and mr w cho sest speaker- mrsb day dinner cherrvwood tona the next meeting will be held at the home of hazel michell on king humbert and his wife quen mariajose are seen in one of their latest phtotgraphs strolling through the flower harden on the palace grounds in rome their children are victor emman uel beatrice 2 and maria pia 11 might wake up some morning and find that we were being governed by a boy parliament slow going lindsay pernapstourfme1eople fail to skst properly appreciate the spendldlsfbpmmsn on sii oach and rail service between hfer i u r i i o tll0 chose as guest speaker mrsb m z rceso1 of altona who is always out- i with henry michell s of standing for her work among young young people we were delighted to have a number of past members of the class from stouffville and also al and toronto where we can take either mode of travel and reach the city 30 miles away handily in one hour complaining about the train ser vice in haliburton county a travel ler declared that last week the local rocket which creeps over the rails between lindsay and hali- nurton established a record leav ing lindsay at 1215 noon to arrive at haliburton at glo mak ing the 50 mile run in six hours flat or slightly better than nine miles per hour after all up in that neck of the woods one should have a little more time to enjoy the scenery of the delightful countryside and probably the folks who live there are making a mistake in lodging any complaint about the time allow- 1 cd to look things over while travel ling- this world is becoming time crazy going faster an i faster yet no time in which to enjoy life known here and had come to mrs sweet and uuhxf hauler 1ifk down woksk still to hail 11 kb ip a resident of kinmount in hali burton county was placed on sus pended sentence on a charge of mistreating his wife evidence swore that he had pulled her down the hill by the hair of the head and kicked her only one thing we think a cowardly man could do that would be more offensive than to pull her down the hill by the hair of the head and that would be to hard her up the hill by the same propelling contact would bfil shkki signal wolves neu so many sheep have been killed by wolves in the township of pens ion that reeve w worsley has advised farmers to bell their sheep at a meeting of the council it was ioi red that of the sheep hell- id i one had been killed the so find enough bells- the t of muses to farmers hes p killed by d has i il ni in one year r laps we had bette bell the ii 1 added one councillor lets all dance to he lifebuoy dehonoires on the evening of sat june 1 from s to 12 p m markham own home burned is freed of arson handing down judgment after i hearing evidence a week ago mag istrate j e pritchard dismissed a charge of arson against michael s west of holland landing in new market court west was charged after his home was destroyed by fire on april 12 he told the court he had gone to i bradford where he had done some drinking but that he remembered nothing after he had returned home until he woke up in newmarket police station after the fire it was argued by john vale de fense counsel that west could not be charged with arson because it was his own home that was burned the building was not insured and the owner did not stand to profit by the tire arleigh armstrong crown attorney admitted there was no evidence of intent to defraud but contended the charge was valid be cause accuseds wife and children had been rendered homeless by the fire arena sponsored by the markhamunionville lions club who will make an extra charge of 35 cents per person for their charities admission i life btov box latest silver dollar hasnt arrived here although the royal canadian mint has started to turn out new canadian silver dollars on a large scale they arent available yet for coin collectors and souvenir hunt ers as a matter of fact the banker didnt know that a new dollar had keen minted they hadnt seen any but expected that supplies would soon te forthcoming when the mint had sufficient numbers on hand to merit general distribution one party recently tried to obtain 25 for a silver wedding gift but even an appeal to toronto had lailed to produce any the new silver dollar is reported to have earned the admiration of coin collectors and artists who have seen them the face of the coin is of standard design bearing the head profile of king george vi and thej traditional latin motto george vi by the grace of got king and eroperc of india june 4th mrs w duncan is expected to be home soon from toronto hospital mr robert malcolm is erecting a new home directly oppode the mal colm homestead yp class have been invited to join with the whitevale circuit yp for a picnic in woodland park on mav 2th around 4 pm mr and mrs p forsvth mark ham called on mrs r dafoe on sunday the tribune is your ixst cassi- fied adv market enters more than 2500 homes every week filler brush products sales and delivery anywhere in markham pickering uxbridge and scott townships v lexnanen main st east stouffville ontario 41gm phone 0502 look at these items wetheys peach jam 24 ox jar 33 handy ammonia pkg 05 clarks tomato or vegetable soup 310 ox tins 25 niagara maid grape juice 16 ox btl 23 ingersoil malted cheese half lb pkg 19 kelloggs all bran 16 ox pkg 21 carload groceteria stouffville ont feeding pullets with marm1ll growing mash saves money analysis protein 18 fat 3 fibre 7 a growing mash plays an important part in the feeding of poultry it is the connecting link between the feeding of a baby chick and a laying pullet and as such must carry on from where the starter ration left off and fit the bird for the long contin uous high production in the fall and winter marmill growing mash is the connecting link on many hundreds of farms this mash made up of only carefully chosen highcpuality ingredients and manufactured and balanced to give the highest possible digestibility of ingredients will give your pullets the strong welldeveloped bodies and large frames necessary for pullets which are to start laying at six months of age and continue through the winter please leave your orders for next winters fuel all orders taken prior to april 1st which have not been filled are cancelled saaag the next place i live in is going to have many an overexpanded household has endured the bathroom prob lem but lack of adequate electric wiring is a more subtle irritation having to move the chesterfield to plug in the vacuum cleaner for instance just because the only wall outlet is back there with all the lamps and the radio hooked up to it and then there is the new range or water heater you would like to have if the main wiring would only stand the strain that is where the real rub comes when you cant use some new electrical convenience until new wiring is installed for it many homes are not wired for modern demandt as more appli ances become available the use of electricity keeps right on climbing and makeshift wiring adjustments lead to trouble that is why it is so necessary for you to insist on adequate wiring for your home be it old or new hydro rates have been reduced until they are now among the lowest in the world enjoy full benefit of lowcost electrical servants by having your home adequately wired a good electrical contractor knows how to wire adequately and your local hydro will gladly give you information jf you ore improving or building a home ask your hydro lor the book let adequate wiring for the postwar blectric homes of canada chan up paint up plant up beautify your community the hydro- electriig power commission ofontario