tonfftriue afcilmite leading weekly for whitchurch markham pickering and uxbridge twps vol58xo 4 the tribune stouff ville oxt may c3 1946 ten pages lions to stage big street entertainment wedday june 26 the annual stduffvilie lions club street carnival and dan- e is to be heid this summer on the evening of wednesday june 26th flans are going forward this week for the event in addition to he street dance therell be lots of games bingo ets and refreshments in addition the public will be given an opportunity to win some of the finest lucky draw prizes ever rffered tickets for the list yet in complete will be offered for sale next week and include two hand some radios bicycle handy chef wrist watch electric toasters and many other valuable items 31 pri zes in all the net proceeds as always will go to the lions charitable work for the needy and the youth of the community group of oratorical finalists high school teocher receives ma degree mrj bolton slack ba journeyed to queens university kingston during the weekend to be present st the spring convocation and to be presented with his master of arts degree for his research work in canadian history under the guidance of professor rg trotter mr slack spent manv months gathering information and writing his thesis of over one hundred type written pages on the imposing but difficult topic the foreign policy of wlmackenzie king few canadians have a clearer grasp of canadian foreign relations than our own mr slack his knpw- ledge of such present day affairs in canada should make him popular as an after dinner speaker congrat ulations are being extended to him by his friends about town whitchurch reeve buys best bull fortythree fully accredited ayr shire calves were sold on the auc tion block the highest selling at 215 at the first annua ayrshire heifer calf sale sponsored by the toronto district ayrshire breeders club at richmond hill friday it was the first sale of its kind to bo held in the toronto area farmers and breeders were on hand from all parts of the province and officials of the breeders associ ation reported that it was this sup port which is making it possible to continue the sale as an annual event hermitage double lucky rose a seven and a half month old heifer from hermitage farms pickering won top honors in the sale bracket selling at a high of 215 selling at a similar price leitchcroft scho lars baron bred and consigned by leitchcroft farms markham sold for ahe highest price among the young bulls the bull was purchas ed by lome evans reeve of whit church total sales amounted to 5gsgs0 with the average sale 135 while the oratorical contest at kitchener was won by william thompson of midland five of the final ists are here shown including audrey slack who carried the banner for stouffviile from left to right petty kuenemn of kitchener mary lane of clinton joseph connor of kitchener audrey slack siouffville and phvliss mclaren of mitchell photo by courtesy kitchener daily record local entry made fine showing in oratory finals winner of three previous orator ical contests william bill thomp- on 17 of midland emerged as ontario champion of secondary school orators at the kitchener lions club 1916 oratorical contest finals held at the walper hotel last thursday night harvey riedlinger of kw col legiate won second place in the closelycontested competition fol lowed by joseph connor and audrey slack of stouffviile the other three contestants were betty kueneman kitchener phyliss mc laren mitchell mary lane clin ton all champions the seven young contestants who took part in the t niagara falls june 23 to 26 was made by mr meir in addition to the money awards the winners- also received certifi cates embossed with their names guests were welcomed by mayor j g brown who congratulated members of the lions club in spon soring the contests kenneth arch er president of the kitchener club also extended a welcome to the out- oftown clubs clubs represented included clinton seaforth mit chell ingersoll toronto midland mount forest stouffviile st george paris waterloo and kitchener delegates from the stouffviile club were lions l e finals proved themselves masters of i oneill l c murphy and telf the art of oratory and gave the five judges a difficult task in choosing the winners a total of 210 in awards was presented by clifford hines inger soll district deputy governor to the contestants on behalf of the lions club awards included 50 to the win ner 35 to the holder of second place and 25 to each of the five remaining contestants a forceful young speaker thomp son commanded the attention of the audience from moment he step ped before some 300 members and their wives speaking on the topic set by the lions club for all speakers can adas future as a nation thomp sons address was thoughtprovok ing and well delivered address given by the contestants in nearly all cases stressed can adas growing power in world affairs today the ned for imi- gration and compulsory military training and spiritual guidance were factors emphasized by many a large percentage of the group referred to the challenge conveyed to canadians in john mccreas famed poem in flanders field rennie accompanied by their wives ball players attention all boys eligible for baseball in the midget not over 17 may 1st and junior not over 21 may 1st groups are asked to be at tin- park this thursday evening for practice the fol lowing committee has been set up by the stoulfville lions tub to handle this activity ken laushway manager len wilkes secretary elmer dan iels trcas don lewis ken wagg equipment mothercraft fear department plans to destroy stouffviile school we think it is time for col drew and his cabinet to call a halt to the promoters in the department of education who are dedicated to the task of destroying the smaller schools in this province it is without doubt one of the most damaging sug gestions for the smaller ontario towns that has been thought up in a long time the men behind the scheme are former teachers now engaged in the department and are spending much time going up and down the concession lines preaching the de struction of high schools of the value of the one we have in stouffviile unless the local board display real energy in light ing the damaging movement thy will find that our school will be snuffed out overnight or as soon as schools the size of cas tles can be built along yoiige street 7 a department official is credited with making the statement only monday that stouffviile wouldnt have a chance to take in clavemont or any part of pickering to form a stouffviile school area and that they hoped to snuff out the opposition in stouff viile to closing out this school snuff is right and that is just what will happen unless an appeal is made over the heads of these men in the educational dept the idea is to hem stouffviile in so small an area that it will ultimately be snuffed out the thought of destroying the school community life of stouffviile is so shocking that one wonders where the members of the legislature and the premier stand on the issue which our school board should bring to their attention immediately it should not be left to a few heads in the department to force their whims on the public under their scheme educational costs will be higher schools will be far removed from each other or at least vast areas will not have a school and whole communities will lose the community school spirit they now enjoy farmer killed when death ends long horses bolted lite spent here iirday 7s00 being collected the following girls did the tagging marion white shirley bone helen snowball marion atkinson joan hayries barbara hotchkiss patsy lehman sheila tail joyce white edna sanderson s78 for xnoiwtz maxwell kcmpson 41 dragged living to the ripe old age of 00 down lane when cylinder hits years mrs maria hoove widow of fence tle late david l hoover died at the brierbush hospital in stouff- dragged several hundred feet thuke draws at stanley a total of 105 will be offered for foto nite at the stanley theatre this thursday and the number of draws will be increased to three the first two for 200 each and a third for 500 110 members stouffviile horticultural society has made a splendid start in gain behind a roller when the team of horses pulling the roller went mad maxwell kempson 41 was killed on the farm of l f fiaska rri unionville where he was employed last wednesday police reported that kempson had apparently finished rolling a plot of ing membership it now stands at land and was returning through a i 10 after a very good canvass ofjlaneway to the barn with the team the town and district anyone who may have been overlooked and who would like to join are requested to contact miss m mertens secretary or mr e r good president tendered shower a number of friends gathered at the new home of mr and mrs the west end former ministers son appointed principal w schotield battersby viceprin cipal of the stalf of lindsay central school for several years was appointed principal of lindsay school at a special meeting of the board of education he succeeds john c staples who is retiring at the end of the present school term after 10 years in the teaching profession 20 of which were spent on the stair of the vari ous lindsay public schools mr battersby only son of rev canon h f battersby retired lindsay anglican clergyman and onetime rector at stouffviile has taken an active part in boys work there for several years lt insurance agent frank cikndenninc died on monday a native of stouffviile district born here nearly 7s years agofrank d clendenning died at the resi lience of his brotherinlaw a m jardine in gait on monday after noon of this week he had lived ii gall for many years and conducted an insurance agency there son of he late darius clendenriiiig stouff- rille he was well known to many here ha had been ill for some vime suffering a stroke two years 3go survived by his wife ana one daughter there is also living five isters and one brother they are harvev clendenning mrs ernest hatchsl mrs thos b rae all of uffville mr- ross of yineland mr- dr campbell of gal and mrs j m duncan pincher creek alta the funeral this wednesday af ternoon will he attended by mem bers f the family from stouffviile interment will lv made as mount view cemetery gait mr arid mrs a 8 bartholomew were guests of their son allan at his conace in haliburton over the weekend ss convention well attended despite the busy period in which we live there was a splendid at tendance at the annual convention of the township of whitchurch sunday schools held in the gorm- ley mb c church on tuesday there were three sessions and in the evening mr alex cox of tor onto gave an impressive address on parents responsibility to the child and the sunday school mr clarence doner of gormley was elected president to succeed mrs r j filyer other officers elected were pleased with the results of the vicepresident earl davis many oratory contests held through- secretarytreasurer win paisley out ontario mr meir told the i and jacob grove gathering that over iso students young p division lloyd grose from ontario secondary schools had girls division mrs grant morley competed in contests tlrs year all other officers were reelected he expressed hope that next year quebec students will compete with shopper suddenly seized ontario orators and that in the near i in town on saturday evening future the contests can be expanded 1 mrs james morrison the former throughout the dominion jean bartholomew of siliam was costs be assumed by the corpora announcement that there is a suddenly seized with illness and lion which means that the matter strong possibility that the winner was rushed to the western hospit- should bs submitted to a vote of of the competition may address the al toronto where she underwent the ratepayers and with excellent lions club convention to be held ian operation for appendicitis j chance of being carried when suddenly the horses bolted it is believed the team broke loose when the roller ran up against a fence and almost ran down mrs red mcvey wife of the farm manager as they ran through the lane running back through the lane mrs mcvey found the hired man alfred thomas on monday and i dead coroner dr c d farquarson tendered a pantry shower to the of agincourt was called police in- couple who have just recently vestigation was conducted by moved into their new dwelling in i township constable clarence wide man and york county sergeant sidney barraclough donation report still incomplete while promises of financial sup port to the veterans community hall fund is said to be doing very well it is not suggested by the can vassers that they are approaching anything like the 10000 they set out to obtain the committee had hoped to com plete their work last we2k but they have asked for still another few days before making a report indi cating the sum pledged all the press could learn is that there is still increasing desire that the hall be built and that the total cows for montreal l kahn sons prominent stock inenmyrle stationcommenced this week to ship consignments of milch cows to montreal and othei quebec centres where the firm have a good connection and supply a market kahn sons are calling for back ward springers holstein breed for which they make their own pickup and pay good prices ville on sunday may 19th 1916 fol lowing a iengthy illness born just south of town at the southern end of obrien avenue a daughter of the late mr and mrs jacob hoover maria never had to change her name when she united m marriage as a young woman with david l hoover the couple farm ed on the harvey clendenning farm west of town where he died 53 years ago the widow then came id stoufl- ille and resided with her parents at stouffviile very re cently she went to richmond hill to reside with her son mr fred hoover bank manager however due to her health she became a patient at the brierbush hospital a short time ago she was a fine type of womanhood loved her home and made it her first consideration in iife besides her only son fred there survives an only brother elias hoover stoulfville and two sisters mrs bishop trenton and mrs edwin lloyd slouirville a brother samuel 88 died only on march 14 a member of the ringwood christian church the funeral ser vice was conducted from the church at stouffviile on wednesday after noon thence proceeding to the wideman cemetery markham for interment stores will not be open in town his thursday night the stouffviile sleeper it may come as a surprise to most readers that the canadian nationaj railways is on of the let advertising medium for stouffviile that we have on its lines this sleeping car is con stantly rolling mostly between montreal and sidney ns lettered on the side of h ten- section sleeper is the name stouffviile emblazoned in gold lettering and how many eyes read the word in a month would be hard to innate what a thrill it would give some boy from the home town if he chanced to see it stouffviile sleepr with drawing romi and one c mpart- ment has been used by the com pany for special parties but during the war it was i regu lar duty between montreal and moncton when the tribune learned of its existence a few weeks ago we set about to locate the car through the advertising depart ment of the railway and they joined in the hunt with the result thai it was learned to be rolling into moncton early last week anrl a photographer was there on the spot ready to shoot and here is the reult pictured aove in accordance with the plan of the company to name these cars afier towns on the cnr system stouftvillc was recog nized quite a number of years ago on a request made at that lime by the tribune council plans for more tarvia top streets stouffviile councillors and the- reeve went over numerous streets c in town one evening last week i engagements with a view to arriving at a decision m d hamilton of i i woodstock announce the encaco- as to what roadways would be mom of anne daughter of the lite given a tarvia top this summer the mr and mrs w m reith of till councillors were accompanied byisonburg to bruce lehman son of representatives of the jupp con- 1 and mrs j w lehman of strutlion co who are interested in uelhi the wedding will take place doing the work i2 prices are being obtained on l mr ar ms joseph ilcrold of completing church street to the s 0nt wisn t0 announce northern limits of mr gunns pro- l engagement of their eldest pony edward street from the i uer catherine rose mary to mansion house to the baoil prom- 1 wrett mcnclly only son of mr ies and albert street south fromv m el mcnelly uxbridge main street about 500 feet albert p n marriage to take place street north is also in bad condition y ln une and will be scarified and rolled as mr and mrs l keeping an- will several other streets that can- nounce the engagement of their not be completed with new top this daughter gladys joan to ralph summer forfar eldest son of mrs m forfar consideration is being given to stouffviile the marriage to take placing tarvia on the short street place shortly leading to the creamery and immediately east of the- canadian plans to leave town lank of commerce mr cecil andrus garage proprie- obrien avenue which broke up tor has sold his interest in stouff- in several places will be resurfaced ville motors the former silver- thorn garage to mr j w perkins of unionville who is now in full charge mr andrus expects to take a position down in the beamsville district in a supervisory capacity on a large fruit farm which employs lot of truck- and other machinery n the pursuit of their business mr andrus will leave stoult ville just as soon as h- disposes of his house n main erect west which is small lodern and just about what many people are looking for mr andrus as proven himself a valued citizen king an active interest in the boy scout movement along with aree of the roads on which walter pipher his associate in in those area- where the trouble occurred the jupp people pointed out that roads costing five times as much to build as obrien avenue cost blew up last spring due to the iack of rain which normally draws the frost from the ground this made for one of the worst breakups in years if stouffviile can maintain the road building program started last year for two or three more seasons the need of oil will be nil after that annuallv for oil and gravel about ssg0 has been spent all of which is to be only for temporary i- spent busine