Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 27, 1945, p. 5

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for store closed fok stock taking on wednesday 3qehjrsday and friday january 2 3 4 reopen- isc saturday- jan 5th spofford co stouffville happy and prosperous new year building plans plans are completed for a new high school at markham and have been submitted by the architect and we understand approved by the department of education the new school will be a most elaborate affair and will cost in the neighbor hood of 200000 or more the school board at markham has been working on the idea for some time and are now said to be ready to submit their ideas to the ratepayers the question of course will not be voted on this year since it is too late now for january elec tions but a special vote could be taken any time or it may be possi ble for the board of education to assume the responsibility without reference to the ratepayers which however is hardly likely in view of the size of the undertaking encouragement to spend 200000 exclusive of grounds is given im petus by the fact of the liberal grants now available from the on tario government extensive adult education classes are planned building will contain nine class rooms science laboratory library classrooms artroom home economics manual training agri culture classes gymnasium and se parate auditorium seating 700 our capital correspon dent f written i expressly jfor the stouffville tribune- bycdean wilson considering the significance of the statement in mis capital that two out of every five persons reply upon export trade for opportunities of employment in this country this being asserted lately by a minister of the king cabinet it should not be difficult to understand why the government in ottawa seems open ly anxious about having even a gardiner expects more kugar boenizi c i- v i i each weeki additional evidence andspeculation concerning sugar prices appear in canada and the diuicd siatesjonly increase wdjs auttiorizediricanada as fax- as sugar fr acts can ascertain raising the price or beet sugar about 5c a bag to the same price basis as cane that canadas 1945 crop ol sugar beets ben0u0 acres is tne recom mendation of the dominionpro vincial agricultural conference this announcement suggesting a 50 per ceiix increase above this years beet crop was made in the house of commons by hon j g gardiner minister oi agriculture placing tins and other crop goals temporary agreement- with great before the house he saidl do not britain since it might be weeks or know that it is correct to say that months before trade talks could be i in connection with any of these accomplished between canada and estimates we are requesting the t the united kingdom so far it has ueen revealed in this capital that trade discussions would follow the loan negotiations between canada and the united kingdom official information in this capital has disclosed that today the civil service commission supervising a personnel now of no less than 143- 000 or a little more has created a situation whereby the government of this country is the largest employer of labour in canada there is strong demand for reduc tion of staff jeireller n wagg watch repair stouffville spxiffordsfblock upstnirs seldom seen the other day an 5nterestingarticieon how they do things iri- norway in municipalities oike onrs for keeping the peace and keeping down law costs the elec tors organize a court of concilation this court of justice of the peace r is usually a man known for his cult to turn off but that fairness and diversified experience and general ability the item said iko action may be brought in the higher courts of justice until the matter has been brought before the court of concilation the procedure for this purpose is by- a letter or other written communication sign odby one of the disputants the letter is- delivered to the clerk of the court if the communicant is an charles reed died suddenly at his home yonge street north of aurora infant then by somevother person on wednesday dec 12th deceased in their behalf i was born at glasgow ont when any person who is aggrieved by his parents resided on the farm just the action may also write the jus- east of glasgow hill on the sideroad iceof the peace who fixes adate the mill but the family left the clerk- notifies the parties and th when- charles was quite no lawyer or- other persons may be young to live nearaurora lie was jresent other than those implicated a wheelwright and mechanic dur- each party itells his story the ln rr w war he served rusficethen endeavours to bring with the american army he was tie parties together in a voluntary a member of the penticostal holi- vayif an agreement is reached all ne church toronto arties signttand it has the some surviving are ins wife the former orce as the highest court in thei jenkins march andme son and no appeals i j v according to reports all parties the funeral service conducted by rejrequired to shake hands ev a noseworthy of torontowas held from p m thompson s funeral dont have water freezeups if you are going away from home for several days be sure to arrange with someone to keep the home fires burning so that the pipes will not freeze up or see to it that the water pipes are properly drained if fires are allowed to go out most readers will regard this warning as quite unnecessary but in the light of what has recently happened it might prove helpful to some for instance one householder drained the system but did not drain the traps under the sink or in the bath room nor did they put coal oil in them with the result that there was dire trouble still another house holder who left town a couple of weeks ago and is still away failed to evpn shut the water off the land lord later called at the home and then reported to the authorities that he feared his tenant had not shut the water off a skeleton key was obtained and on entrance to the houseit was found that the worst fearsof the landlordwere well founded the lady had gone away without any thought about things freezing up with the result that the whole system was well frozen the water was at once shut off at the street lineand what kind of a plumb ing job will have to be doneinside is not yet known the house is a small one and vulnerable to the cold since it is a rather light frame there is a shutoff in the basement of every homejand this is not diffi- as most people know is not enough to do if a freeze up is to be avoided it is well to get an experienced hand or a plumber to attend this detail in case you are leaving home charles reed dies suddenly in 58th year sounds very nice but what effect rould it have in canada tjhe claim is that hatred and strife fterileads to crimeand this less ostly wayhvould eliminate that nd of it what does the jps in ms territory think of this old josh vimpressed believes it is nriething worth trying editors nqteour opinion is that tevwhole thing is just a bubble ad we doiibl if any jps would antsuchajobat least we know ne that wouldntjjve have division wrtsand magistrates courts that e not yery costly although law of ry kind is not usually on the bar- dn counter home interment was in aurora cemetery lets have all the news- there have been a lot of interest ing holiday parties and family ga therings during the week and more canadas postmastergeneralhon ernest bertrand has stated in ottawa that wartime bonuses to rural mail carriers have been paid under the authority of the war measures act where the carrier establishes the fact that operating costs have increased due to condi tions which could not have been foreseen when he entered into his contract with the end of the war measures act these wartime bonuses must cease but provisions will be made to invite public tenders in each case where the carrier is not satisfied to continue at his original contract price since the employment situation for veterans has been described as more serious in this country with official reports indicating that at least 23000 in the latest estimates have absolutely no definite plans it should be pointed out that in this capital at is emphasized strongly that veterans are getting their full share of all civil service commis sion jobs available in canada- indeed from january 1 to october 31 of this ear a total of 7711 ex- members of the canadian armed forces had been appointed to gov ernment oosts so that practically every opening in the public is given to a veteran wherever and when ever this is possible in the latest report in ottawa it is also revealed that- predischarge interviews in october 1945 of 97436 veterans more than 54780 had definite places for employment and 42647 had to beprovided for though 50 der cent of these wouldbe taken care of by vocational and university training nlans moreover 25919 expected to be reinstated in their old jobs 3752 planned to return to their own businesses 1820 aimed to go back to their farms with 3520 men and three women indicating a desire to be established in fulltime farm ing under the veterans land act and 7403 men as well as 21 women intending to apply for small hold ings labor minister hon humphrey mitchejl has stated in ottawa that federal wage control and collective bargaining legislation will be con tinued for a considerable period hinting that as far as can be seen into the future these will have to be continued though he did add that this period may be a year may be less or more than a year then he proceeded fo suggest that the war measures relating to col lective bargaining and wage con trol as part of the whole price con trol machinery are integrated matters in canada with govern ment policy being to continue these war labour measures until some future date they can be discontinu ed without the risk of contributing to inflation farmers to do a certain thing they are an indication of what we hope and expect the farmers will do noticeably lacking is any mention of a program to encourage planting this additional 30000 acres com mented a beet growers official who added the goal is fine but impos sible under the present govern mental sugar policy canada has factory capacity sufficient to process products of 100000 acres so a goal of 90000 is feasible if an incentive program is followed similar to that of the two other partners of the allied sugar pool this year a record crop in al berta taxed the capacity of the two sugar factories so the expected increase of 3j000 acres must come from manitoba ontario and quebec each of these claim to be suffering from handicaps that can be removed only by a federal policy of genuine encouragement difficulties are the competion of heavily subsidized crops a refined sugar price ceiling pegged too low and the misplace ment of skilled field labor agnews hardware n 4 church hill mr and mrs art waggof wex ford had supper at albert clarks one night last week mr and mrs floyd martin tor onto visited his fathers mr jos martin on sunday christmas visitors with mr and mrs h pegg were mr and mrs bruce maclean betty and helen mr and mrs denzil oldham and family- mr and mrs r wright miss velma pegg mr roy flewell also mr and mrs w lazenby miss leone lazenby and mr leo wagg of stouffville the poggs had is for dinner christmas day mr j martin stan and lois visited with mr and mrs floyd fairies o nchristm asday mr and mrs ivan mclaughlin visited with his mother mrs ida mclaughlin toronto on christmas day rmr albert clark marjorie and roy spent christmas day with mr and mrs ross hood ballantrae whitevale within a relatively short time it is forecast in ottawa- the familiar cwac will disappear since there is a story that these women divis ions of the armed forces are to be gradually disbanded and returned to civilian life though originally it will be held over new years we had been held that the cwac would would appreciate it- if friends would report such matters to the tribune even short mention of these happenings adds to the inter est of thereaders be sure and tele phone or send in your items or see that our rural correspondent for your area is supplied with your list if you live in the country xrwc its si k i i ft u happy new year v- is r e curtis ka gents furnishings aovrwfo zitli fafor vii 31 tfl stouffvnlfi out remain for a year or more after the end of the war with the latest story being that within three months or so considerable numbers of them will bemustered out of the services starting in large numbers in early weeks- of 1946 the atomic bomb will be childs play and the devastating effects of the new weapon would be so far beyond anything known until now that it would be nossible to wipe out whole continents said in part canadas deputy minister of national health majorgeneral brock chisholm during the course of an address in ottawa justice minister st laurent has disclosed the interest ing information in ottawa that per sons sentenced to short jail terms for participation in the hectic hali fax ve day riots and celebra tions have been released prdmisfiig that those in jail withoulprevious records would e dealt wirh in the christmas releases stating that release of- prisoners were much greater at christmas and easter than at any other time of the year whpro has all the money gone during the war ode answer has been given in this nations capital with the disclosure by the real estate disposal chiefrof the war assets corporation g h s -dins- more who told of a laridinjf field at watorville ns whose land 6rte- inally had cost 27990 and expendi tures for grading smdofhlig fenc ing installing one runway qnd bor- by m e b the christmas dinner- party held for the congregation and sunday school of the whitevale baptist church last friday evening was also the occasion of sincere welcome to rev h b hardy mrs hardy their two daughters and three sons ta bles decorated by red candles and large bc apples were laden with platters of hot roast chicken and such other good fare every one agreed it was a most satisfying as well as a happy event speeches by mr sid pugh mr alfred kayes and miss hornshaw the annual business meeting of the whitevale baptisu church will be held on the 1st saturday evening of the new year this will be fol lowed by the election of teachers and officers for the sunday school sid pugh secretary of the picker ing township game committee re ports that up to date he has paid the bounty on seventysix foxes he reminds those applying for the bounty that it will onlybe paid on unskinned foxes or green unstret- ched pelts milton burke dressed 88 turkeys last week some of them weighing over 26 pounds and one of them 29 pounds during 1945 the donlands dairy of toronto has been making labora tory tests of all milk received this community feels it honor that mr walter booth heldnumber one standing for all shippers last month no demand seen for election in whitchurch twp while an election contest is quite possible in whitchurch township there are good indications that an acclamation maybe given all round it is fairly well conceded that de puty reeve lome p evans will be accorded an acclamation since reeve leary has announced his re tirement also since councillor ed logan has announced his intention to run for deputy reeveship it ra ther remains with the next in line on the council in point of years ser vice leslie j harper to cast the die if he permits mr logan an acclamation then there is little likelihood of a contest for council however councillor harper has not stated what he will do councillor ivan mclaughlin is being persuaded to stay in the council although he had an idea that he might retire if mr harper remains in his pre sent position there will be but one vacancy to fill caused by the step- up most prominently mentioned as a- candidate is fred timbers whose name is well known allover whitchurch and should he stand he happy and prosperous new year would undoubtedly make a good mr and mrs menno grove of showing his supporters ara confi- 1 markham also mr and mrs oran dent if mr harper opposes mr j loveless and familyof milliken logan there will be a new face spent christmas day with mr and spring up from the northwest cor- mrs john timbers back to the bottle cost him a tooth in order to get at the contents of a babys bottle without going through the formality of drawing the fluid through the iproverbial nipple as is expected and required of the infant john crawford town ship clerk of whitchurch and dr vannostrand head of christie st hospital were both worsted by a v young farmer of the vandorf dis trict in a comic contest during a christmas- concert- in the vandorf hall for the township clerk the thing was climaxed when in his haste lie tried to bite the nipple in two in order that the milk might flow more freely enabling him to win the prize when he broke off a per fectly good front tooth that wasnt so funny but everybody rolled with laughter to see the men attempting something they no doubt could do very well in their firstdays only with awkward gesture and fruitless- attempts to empty even a small bot tle somebody said the holes were plugged and the contestants were sure such- was the case perhaps they were garnetjfauenden fin ished first almira we wish all our readers a very ner where they might be left with out representation there is no outspoken- demand on the part of the ratepayers for an election and that makes it difficult for opposing candidates bring one on however the candidates have the last word or rather they have the sole right to choose whether of iotjheywllrunjliejqjljerajepay ers will have the last word as to what they think about it our guess may be no better than any other but we foresee an acclamation throughout the various offices how some papers do it the guideadvocate the ahiston herald and other weekly news papers announced their decision to skip the issue of their papers be tween christmas and new years last week the issue is a difficult one to get out because of the christmas holi days and rush ofcommercial work that comes in to the average news paper office at this season favored with a good staff the problem has been overcome by the tribune by just being a day late this year but there will be no issue of the paper missed 100 years old mrs lucy metherall little bri tain celebrated her 100th- birthday on- dec 12 she has relatives in aurora mr- and mrs allanjvvideman and family had christmas dinner with mr and mrs maurice eby and family mrand mrsjohn nigh of spring- vale spent christmas withmr and mrs roy nigh and- familyr vi mr and mrs- lou lehman arid john of port robinson called on friends here over the weekend- ljirtatia dinner christmas day with mr- and mrs j- h heiseof stouffville visitors with mrahdmrs chas- conner on the holiday were mr and mrs ken stewart of toronto and mr- and mrs bill porterof stouffville i r mr andymrs fred yake spent christmas day with mr and mrs clifford gordgp ofbethesda a m send the tribune to absent friends to make tractors tractors will be manufactured in brantford ontario by cockshutt plow co cg cockshutt president and chairman announces this will be the first time farm tractors have been manufactured canada since masseyiiarris stopped making them here- about l reports the financial post first vunit to be made will be a 23 niowsize in two types with all latest jmprovements in design and manufacture youll make no mistake bv seeing now about an advertising contract with the tribune for- 1946 over 70q0 readers each week closed the best offer obtained was under 6000 col moore cos- grave canadas official representa tive at the signing of the official sur render of japan on the uss mis souri has returned to ottawa and he has brought with- him historic articles of that nevertobeforgotten ceremony including autographed pictures of all the officials as fail as could be learned in this capital immigration officials in ottawa had not received any specific request for the general admission of jews from europe where many of these people ire destitute at the same ottawa letter continued time mrs lorna orde wingate widow of the tamous british soldier who had been killed in burma general charles orde wingate who served on the staff of general dill made a stirring appeal for the admission of the worlds homeless jews into palestine i hope the white paper of 1938 which closed the door of palestine to 150000 jews will be thrown ort the waste hedb she said in part in an address in ottawa- contehdfng tfuft pales- tlnewjjs achrfgf ferns problent and a fcroblefftfor the whole christian world honing that btafri atid her alllesr would rbaev tfa balfour declaration the wartlnfe prices and trade board of cayfada it ii reported in ottawa- has used565 lawyers and paid 651370 frf legal f- a i l 25tw hadmotinted- to noj feesjnconnection with drbserftidrt less than 189885 so far he dlsfor violations of the wptb we wish to take this op portunity of wishing our many friends and custom- ers a very happy and pros- n perous new year your cooperation during the past years of diffi cult business conditions has beenmijch with peace with us ed once again we hope that restrictions and short ages will soon be a thing of thepast andiwe will again be abiieto supply all your requests ii town delivery iv v j m vljiiffi tf j wr rmiijvltzlriiil j

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