mmm jrgyiyi v v 4 3 kcac v yss- r- 3 5jtixrr j i fvit r- the tribune stouffville ont thursday december 20 1945 christmas cake at christmas time of all times you want the best ytvhethcr its wearing apparel or baking and speaking of i 7lakiiig have you ever tried stovers christmas cake its delicious made from the choicest ingredients wended to a delectable flavour then wo have a host of other baked goods cakes pies 1 m cookies donuts biscuits etc that will save you time and worry in preparing for that big holiday feast the stouffville bakery mmmmmmmmmmi pal ssn christmas candles will burn brighter this year and christmas turkeys have a new and special flavour for the thousands of canadians who will be sitting down to their first christmas dinner with the family circle complete and many a childish face will glow in the candlelight because dad takes his place at the head of the table again with his strange tales from italy from france germany or the pacific but even as the candles are lit and the heaped plates go round canadians will pause and remember remember those family groups that will never be complete those thousands of desolate and homeless in europe that great army of children who have been frightened and hurt and starved by a war not of their making sunday school c lesson lesson for december 23- c golden- textlgiory to god in the highest and on earth peace- good will toward men luke 2 14 the lesson as a whole once more we are called upon to consider t with reverence and grati tude the wonderful fact of- the nativity of our blessed lord and the precious truth of his incarnation the mystery of godliness god was manifest in the flesh 1 tim 31c for the birth of marys child was the fulfillment of the promise given when the archdeceiver was put under the curse in eden at bethle- at long last in davids city he had been born who was- to be the saviour of all who would avail themselves of his grace christ that is messiah the anointed of jehovah the lord of all verse 12 ye shall find the babe lying in a manger not in some royal palace or a rich mans man sion was the saviour to be found but in a stable probably a cave cut in the limestone rock- lying in a manger where the cattle had fed what lowliness was thus manifest ed in his birth which as one of our poets has said would no glory borrow no majesty from earth verse 13 a multitude of the heavenly host the announcing in was hem the seed of- the woman came angel was ho longer alone but a as a babe into the world toaccomlvast throng of these glorious beings plish the work of our redemption joined with him in praising god for but he who thus assumed our the wondrous way in which he had ing santa 52 weeks a year give the tribune humanity apart from sin was actually the eternal word john 1 1 2 the only begotten of the father john 1 14 who stooped in grace to be made like unto those whom he was to own as his brethren in order that he might freejus from the judgment hanging over us and so dpen for us the gates of paradise heb 214 1517 the supernatural events attend ing his advent are all in perfect accord with the- importance of the birtliof the promised saviour our kinsmanredeemer lev 2548 and require ho explanation ribr do theyneed any apology unbelieving skeptics may- sneer and demand an explanation in accord with natural law those who are taught of the h0i3 spirit receive the plain declar ation of the word of god without question because all are in perfect harmony with his revealed purpose faith receives without difficulty where mere human reason refuses to accept without full explanation when we realize- that god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself 2 cor 519 we bow in adoration and thanksgiving before the babe in bethlehems manger knowing that in him we see the manifestation of divine love inter vening on behalf of sinful man mary wasnot the mother of god as romanists declare but she was the chosenvessel to be the mother of the humanity of him who isboth god and man in one blessed and glorious person bethlehem thus be came the preparation for calvary where 4he work of redemption was accomplished vcrsc by vero luke 21 there went out a decree from caesar augustus that all the world should be taxed this was gods way of overruling in the affairs of the nations so as to bring mary and joseph to batnlehem their native city in accordance with the prophecy uttered by micah seven- centuries before it came to pass mic 52 by the decree of augustus practically the whole world was set in motion and gods word was fulfilled to the letter verse 2 the taxing was first madewhen cyrenius was governor of syria some years ago biblical critics thought they had found a discrepancy here as there was a record of this man being appointed ruler of syria a number of years later but further investigation brought to light the fact that he had also held the governorship before at the very time indicated here verse 3 every one into his own city this was the provision that obliged mary and joseph to go to bethlehem at what might have seemed to both a most inconvenient time verse 4 joseph was of the house and lineage of david in fact had things been in order in israel joseph would have been heir to the throne of david as his genealogy in matthew 1 makes clear verse 5 mary his espoused wife while joseph cared for and threw the mantle of his protection about mary she remained a virgin although an expectant mother matthews account corroborates this verse 6 while they were there the oiiys were accomplished thus 1 the word of prophecy was fulfilled that which had been foreordained of god so long before came to pass in his due time verse 7 she brought forth her firstborn son and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn to what depths of humiliation had the eternal son of god stooped he who created all things chose to be born in a stable and cradled in a manger doubtless those better able to pay for accommodations than joseph and mary filled every available space in the inn there was no room there for the saviour of the world verse 8 there were shep herds keeping watch over their flock by night these lowly men were destined to be the first to get the glad news of the redeemers birth he who is himself the shep herd of israel psa 80 1 23 1 and who declared himself to be the good shepherd who came to lay down his life for the sheep john 10 11 14 fllsewhere as the risen one he is esignated the great shepherd heb 1320 and as the coming one the chief shepherd 1 pet 5 4 how fitting it was that his advent should first be announced to men who were engaged in guarding their flocks of sheep verse 9 the angel of the lord came upon them and the glory of the lord shone round about them it must- have been a scene of in comparable splendor so marvelous was it that the simple men were filled for the moment with terror not comprehending what was actually taking place verse 10fear not for behold i bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people it was a message of comfort and good cheer that the heavenly visitor brought as he announced the- com ing into the world of him who was to bring blessing to untold millions of people verse 11 unto you is born a saviour christ- the lord mlcahs prophecy had been fulfilled intervened on mans behalf verse 14 glory to god in the highest and on earth peace good will toward men some render it to men of good will and it is true that it is only such who really enjoy the peace of heart that jesus christ givesto all who follow him but it is to sinfid menhitherto in rebellion against god that he offers peace through the sacrifice his son has made he came seeking sinners and therefore the authorized version here seems more in accord with the gospel message the heart of the lesson the angels message as heard by the shepherds on the hillside near bethlehem- that first christmas night was the proclamation of gods good will to sinful men offering them peace through the one who had come from the glory that he had with the father before the world was john 175 and united our humanity with his eternal deity in order that- he might give his harry pritchard was severely injured saturday even- ing when he was in collision with a car driven by norman a graham omemeel the accident occurred in oshawa graham is facing a charge of reckless driving pritchard sustain- ed a broken leg broken collarbone and possible internal injuries according to police the accident occurred when pritchard who had parked his car on the side of the road was changing a ire when the car driven by graham came from the rear and collided with him dr facuddy whitby was called and ordered the man removed to the oshawa general hospital n the accident was investigated by- pcs r love and john thomas of the whitby police palestine is now the home of 1035154 habitants the worldwide zionist movement is working on a project which would allow this ancient country to again become fertile and raise its popultaion to between 6000000 and 7000000 28 that is for all who would be lieve on his name though the- world as such has rejected him god is still preaching peace by jesus christ acts 1036 the babe of bethlehem became the christ of the cross that all who will life a ransom for many matt 20jmay be saved through faith in him mg electric power and lighting special ists- home commercial wiring by licensed electricians write box 210 or phone richmond hill 195 r3 cream for best results ship your cream to stouff- ville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lookers to rent from 6 to 9 per ye ar stouff ville creamery co stouff ville ont phone 18601 r feeding the dairy herd marmill 24 percent milk maker a cow maybe likened to a large manufacturing plant- raw materials go in- and a finished product comes out the raw materials that go into a cow are the feeds while the finished products are milk and cream but as in a manufac turing plant if the raw materials are of poor quality or are not correctly mixed and put together properly the product turned outis also of poor quality v v y the majority of our dairymen are able to produce home grown crops that have a definite place in the feeding- of cattle these crops are used and fulfil a purpose but they are greatly improved by the addition of concentrates these concentrates provide a grcat of the i food nutrients lacking in the homegrown crops moreover the concentrates are balanced and draw their supply of food elements a number of sources that is one reason theyare so valuable for feeding purposes m in the offering to the canadian dairyman the complete line of marmill dairy concentrates supplements and rations the utmost care has been taken toprovidea correct balance in the variety of essential food nutfientsrespecially needed for production reproductiohandinaintehahceiof body health they are offered to you atpricevmore able than the cost at which you would beable to ihixand feed homegrown rations of equal quality central feed store phono 277 stonffvfrieont- vsv k j- mm