ffjv i christmas cake is robbers leave most of 10000 in mail boxes at christmas time of all times you want the best whether its wearing apparel or baking and speaking of baking have you ever tried stovers christmas cake its delicious made from the choicest ingredients blended to a delectable flavour then wo have a host of other baked goods cakes pies cookies donuts biscuits etc that will save you time and worry in preparing for that big holiday feast tfa4e4 the stouffville bakery the atomic t bomb is a sword of damocles it is a shot in the arm we needed it tells us jyou be good or youre going to hell these words were said in ottawa by the boy scout commissioner john astyles who has just come back from over seas a total of 117gg953 has been paid to 18762 canadian army exservice personnel applicantsfor war service gratuities during sep tember and this has brought to 03206672 the total gratuities paid to the end of september according to the latest report in this capital the home of the irish high commissioner to canada honjohn tmearne who has been away on i state business was broken into in ottawaby a unknown housebreaker and considerable damage was done to several priceless antique pieces of furniturein his beautiful house defence minister hon douglas abbott- has forecast j ottawa that by march or april 1946 the armys repatriation from jeurope may be concluded with- the exception of electric wiring n ew work alterations and additions poles supplied and delivered 309 phone markham 74 r4 bkooklin soldier phones parents prom holland pte john blair puts in long distance call pte john blair son of mr and mrs alex blair enjoyed a brief telephone conversation with his familyohsunday pte blair first talkcd from gendlaren holland but owing to interruptions was forced to travel eighteen miles to amsterdam to complete his mes sage he is in good health and wishes all his friends a happy christmas as he expects to spend his third christmas overseas a great change appears to have come over mr ernest bevin and other leaders of the british labor party since they have assumed the responsibilities of government dur ing the recent threepower confer ence in london mr bevin remark ed that there was need for a new definition of the word democracy mr molotov had used the word as applying to the socialist system in russia and to the method by- which he proposed to set up the new gov ernment in the balkan states mr bevin bluntly declared that soviet russia was not a democracy and he likened the soviet policy to that of hitler upon which mr molotov got up and threatened to leave the con ference if the statement was not withdrawn mr bevin spoke as though he had only just discovered that russia was not a democracy that may have been the case for during the general elections the labor party had capitalized on the popularity of russia and the chairman of that party had held up russian socialism as a model on which a labor gov ernment would build up a socialist state in britain but when mr bevin as foreign secretary came at close quarters with mr molotov he discovered that russia was not a democracy at all mr churchill and mr eden in their dealings with the soviet leaders took that for granted and dealt with the situation accord ingly v in a recent dispatch from mos cow brooke atkinsonr special cor respondent for the new york times said that in the common use of the word democracy thejpeople of the united states and the people of russia do not mean the same thing with us in america safd mr atkinson democracy is a habit of mind as well as a political system with us it is an expression of faith in the principle that over a long period of time the people asa whole are able to make wiser decisions than their leaders our western democracy is flexible we can spontaneously overthrow a government with startling speed as in the democractic revolution of 1932 or the labor victory in britain this year we can define democracy as that form of government in which the sovereignty of the state is vested in the people and exercised by them through representative institu tions the russian socialists may claim that their system conforms to that definition we would need to define what we mean by the people and by representative institutions we believe in the rule of the people as a whole through representatives elected periodically after- free and open discussion by secret ballot free dom of speech freedom of the press mrs elizabeth boyce of peterboro ont holds the sheets which were used to bind her and her son oswald when five gunmen ransacked their farm home and took 10490 in cash and bonds registered bonds valued at 7500 part of the loot were left in corner letter boxes and later discovered and freedom of elections among several parties are the essentials of democracy as we understand it but those freedoms are not com patiblo with socialism whether it is that of soviet russia or the state socialism which the british labor party or the ccf party have vis ualized in their programs socialism cannot be put into operation or maintained without- some form of dictatorship if the russian- people were to be given freedom of speech freedom of the press and freedom of elections the soviet socialist republic would very soon go to pieces socialism may be the very best system for the russian people they have never known freedom and they do not miss it but to the people ofthe western democracies freedom is as necessary as the air they breathe we may admire what a planned economy has done to uplift the russian people from the oppression of feudalism but we left feudalism behind us hundreds of years ago at the signing of the magna carta and we have made wonderful progress under our free democratic system the russian people have profited by that progress and are sharing in our heritage we may learn some thing from their daring experi ments- but they have more to learn from our longerexperience of free dom- all true progress is toward greater freedom not away from it the political democracy of the western world thursday night is foto nite offer 275 cb cooper r w- richards general sales manager of the goodyear tire rubber company of canada an and it is that reason that soviet metsf c sdbiallsm cannot be combined with general samaer a stouffville christmas market and horse show -on- wednesday dec 19th -1945- prize list entry fee 100 light horse driving class in harness 12 10 8 5 special class best mare or gelding heavy draught teams 1600 lbs or over light draught teams 1600 lbs or under amateur class for teams belgium orpercheron teams 4horse team 10 5 3 2 15 12 8 5 15 12 8 5 2 2 20 18 15 12 10 donated by special friends 15 12 8 5 2 8 5 3 2 entries must be made withthe secretary lloyd turner by 12 oclock noon the day of the show entry fee 100 welcome to stouffville dec 19th li- c i shop where a deposit wna hold any article we have a smart mne op new lamps boudoir bedlamps table lamps floor lamps also elec tric toasters and hot plates buy now whil our supply iiasts we also have some lovely dolls and animals for the kiddies all kinds of furniture new ches terfield linoleum and mattresses also good used dining room suites kitchen suites dress- ers dressing tables etc we handle frigi- daire products furniture store -t-r- m p i v n irmkfel