uf havirfsngl k ioe bv staff correspondents uji local dealersmowders store and overlands store l mrkandmrs mjwilkekof torwasattentlinglthewiusonauctlon onto visited over- the weekend at saturday the home of mrs e gleeson ten acres of wood probably the first- wood sale by auction in this district for the sea- we understand that mr and mrs chas- derusha who have recently disposed of their home here will likelylocate in uxbridgein thenear f t t future son will bethejearl bnlunger sale the members of the baptist on saturday dec 15 at lots 4 and 5 ladies circle have sent a box ofconl 5 uxbridge two miles north christmas cheer to the children of claremdnt quarter acre lots all of the beverly st mission in tor- onto this week i friends will regret to learn that mrtdave pugh wellknown citizen of the village has been in very poor healthfor some days- mrs james grant- of toronto visited over the weekend at the home of her sister and family mr and mrs jas briscoe mrs william puckrin one of the eldest ladies of the village and who resides with her niece mrs fred wardhas been quite ill and con- jinedto her home will binstead we understand has secured a position with the teaton co toronto miss jean taylor daughter of mr and mrs james taylor has also secured a position in the city- rev wenham pastor of the baptist church here came home from hamilton on thursday and has been under the doctors care since his arrival the service in his church on sunday morning was conducted by rev gillmore of tor onto and mr e lewis occupied the pulpit in the evening mr voss who is the fireman at the sarco plant is now making his home in a small oneroom dwelling which he has erected with the help of friends at the rear of the plant property mr and mrs geo lee of stouff- ville visited at thehomeof mrs esther palmer on sunday the december meeting of- the womens institute will be held on wednesday- dec 19th at 230 pm at the home of mrs tomlinson the roll call will be answered by a verse of peace and mrs e wilson will lead in the carol singing the cus tomary gifts for the needy babies and children will be received mrs f evans- mrs g cott mrs f loystand mrs j mccullough are in charge of the refreshments mrrand mrs erie dingnian r oshawa accompanied by- mr and mrs freddingham v of whitby visited at the frank ham home on sunday r t hardwood with sellers atkinson doing the selling starting at one oclock i public meeting airs alleged boozing ai public meeting was called by theclarembnt park board due to alleged drunkedness being display ed at the community hall during dances conducted by the board a member of the board told the press that while the offenders in the spreading of these unsavoury stories were not exactly tracked down the meeting did show that theincidents of improper conduct were exaggerated the dances will continue for another week and then be closed down for the holiday sea son there have been infractionsof the liquor law by outsiders who arrived inclarembnt to createa dis turbance and have caused the pub lic to frown on many of the young people who attend the affairsarid were there strictly for- entertain ment this is the unfortunate situa tion that has occurred a check on the hoodlums who rare the streets of the village half the night would show that they were not in town for the dance at all but were well tanked to create a disturbance and draw the wrath of the public if they could summonses have been threatened but it would appear that thq threat should now be carried out the park board have done a good job in putting this business of maintaining an athletic field and hall on its feetand its toobad that their efforts are jeopardized by these brazen visitors whitev ale baptist church the whitevalc baptist church recently extended an invitation to rev henry b hardy of toronto to become its pastor- and mr hardy began his term of service sunday dec 2nd all members of the church believe themselvesimost fortunate securing a minister of such lli harold hopkins is expected to praiseworthy ability and wide r experience and are lookingforward to interesting and helpful services mr that for some time to come his sunday morning message is to based uponsome one experience or observation of the previous week to which he will apply bibleteachirig the sunday school and congregational holiday festivity will be a supper party friday evening dec 21st- yill t be a 5christmas tree for- the children anaawelcomvto the pas- tbr- and- family offive children the mission circle met at the home of mrs s j pugh members were happy to learri by tlie treasur ers annual report that the funds have recently been increase by the proceeds amounting to over 135 of a sale of work held in the sunday arrive home from overseas this weekend he was formerly employ ed at- chas coopers several more farmers on the north townline have completed their hydro installations and are all set for the power r linewhich is hoped for befofetool6rigi congratulations are being extend ed to mr andmrstaul wellman on the birth of a son thejnew- market- hospital on dec8thr c members of the- united church s bibleiclassithe wms and- other friends gathered at the home of mrs luther pilkey- on monday evening to mark the occasion of thisladyjs 81stbirthday mrsbil- keyis an ardentchurchworker and v one of the oldest members- of- the bible class in point of membership over 35 has already been collect ed in the village on behalf of the bible society campaign and the outlying districts are yet to hear from- mrs g m forsyth is the treasurer suffers more broken bones lawrence norton son of mr and mrs jack norton tis- being hard hit with accidents as last week he suffered a broken collar bone after just getting nicely around follow ing the breaking of- a bone tin his jaw the result of a car accident the latest mighap occurred whilehe school room briknov 24th all articles and expenses having been donated friends from other churcho and communities itterided and much pleasure has been expressed over the success of- this bazaar v miss hornshaw has again accepted the presidency of the mission circle and other members of the executive committee for 1946 are mrs s j jpugh vice president mrs eeyans secretary mrs akayes treasurer the president summoned all mem bers to a year of earnest endeavor in the important service women are able to render to missions brougham mr and mrs gray were guests on sunday at the home of her brother mr and mrs chas caer a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all who attended the euchre in the hall on friday evening- the ladies first prize went to mrs hop kins second prize to mrs middle- ton the gents first weiu to mrr reineand second to mr g todd l harry porter will be at his barber shop in brougham on wednesday dec 19 the firemen held their regularl yearly meeting on tuesday evening when the following officers were elected president mr w slack vice presidentdmairs secretary dabeer treasurer f carter chief eeannis dept chief a j gray and mannis directors mjharlock thosphilip jr rreine jas phil lips mi burkholder w knox and m ellicott auditors fred cassie and geo duncan the- firemen are holding their regular dance in the hall on friday evening special door prize ramers orchestra in attendance the annual sunday school christ mas concert will be on dec 20th mrs b ritchie had the mis fortune to slip on some ice fractur ing her wrist which she now carries in a cast mrs jo millerdoes not improve as fast as her many friends would wish the sympathy of their many friends is extended to mrs milne and daughter reta in the passing of win milne whose funeral took place on sunday afternoon mr w j- brown of toronto visit ed with his mother mrs t- c brown on sunday mrr and mrs fred hamilton spent sunday with friends in tor onto the wms will hold their next meeting on thursday afternoon at the home of -mrs- howard plaxton a good attendance is hoped for mrt philip sr returned home last week after visiting with his son russell of buffalo mr and mrs c ilubbord of brock rd visited with her parents mr and mrs hamilton on saturday mrs wright of pickering called on mrs t c brown one day last week mr and mrs albert burrows ralph and helen and mr and mrs russell burrows of oshawa had sunday dinner with their parents mrrand mrs chas burrows mrs beer sr met with a serious accident ontuesday evening when she slipped on some ice while gett ing a pail of water andfractured her left ihip she is now receiving treatment in oshawa hospital imrand mrsgerold harbron and daughter berhiceof myrtle were recent guests of her parents mr and mrs albert matthews mr frank hamilton spent the weekend with friends around columbus mrm barrett of pickering was a guest and mrs wm ellicott on sunday a r luvf sijljiujjy li o o k r f rkvrsp new high prices fob live poultry until further notice wc arc paying the following prices for live poultry delivered to our plant in whitby v cdvff ai ti f notice will pay 23c per lb hjruwaail iivc weight for fat ducks top gradjb heavy fowl 23c lb top grade light fowl 4 to 5 lbs 21c lb top grade licht fowl under 4 lbs 19c lb top grade broilers 2 to 3 lbs 28c lbv top grade j chickens over 4 m lbs 28c lb top grade- roasting chicks under v lbs 26c it top grade heavy capons over 5 lbs 30clb wc are also inthc market for dressed poultry would llketo receive your shipment of dressed chiciccristurkcys dncks and gccso pickering farms limited whitbxkp telephone j whitby 336 ontario commercial tires iivhji iiiijamj made to government regnlation by responsible tiro manufacturers 0016 55017 55048 1725 1550 1410 50020 50019 44021 w 1220 1175 il25 695 i595 595 495 110 v95 double trumpet homes i8svijp drivinglamp3 tractbkllghls leatheretteqcushlons shock absorber exchamge service y0tsbwaoitcars from f8wtfii i v i ban hotel articles which advertise brewery firms byjanl allontario hotelsand beverage rooms must get rid of all furnishings and equipment which advertise liquor or have been supplied by breweries or liquor interest it is announced banned by terms of a liquor authority control board order are allash trays service trays clocks bottleopeners wall signs and any thing else bearing brewery beer or liquor advertising or supplied by breweries or any person or corpora tion engaged in the liquor business included in the order are fixtures glasses and electrical eauipmeht a liquor authority control board oflicialsaid it was known that in some- cases refrigerators had been supplied free or loaned to hotels and beverage rooms by brewery interest robert a gaskin board registrar said the order was issued to improve the appearance of beverage rooms and to eliminate what he termed unsightly equipment he saidmuch of the equipmentoften bearing the beer advertising had been supplied during the early years of the war before the prices board banned further distribution for such purposes the ban was relaxed a few months ago and it is understood that the lacb acted at this time to prevent a fresh influx of advertis ing gadgets into hotels- hotelkeepers willbe permitted to paint over beer trays to eliminate the advertising they contained they may put up wall signs stating what draught beer the hotel hasto offer but no other advertising in any form is permissible the new regulations prohibit acceptance of any further gifts or loans from brewery or liquor interests i statistics have been released in ottawa showing that no less than 02 per cent of women drawing re- establishment credits in the latest officialreport of such matters used them- to buy furniture and house hold furniture and household equip- mentandto repair and purchase homes in canada this report found that 85 per cent of the 355 women successfully ogettingr their- credits during the month ofoctoberti945 spontr28575von furniture and householdrequipmentiwith a total of v 1266canadiani wbmen veterans haying drawn 128332 for this pur- posekupv to the jendof october tout of 151975 approved for purposes by the reestablishment credit division cofithe yeterans depart ment for 1483 exservice vtomena str r iv nt ctr- rv f n m uxbndge lown rlii jtaotf b- wsflr9 infant plaintuvstruck by bicycle ridden by defendant in afatherandsori action at whitby on friday which morris brethour father and ross breth- ourson aged twelve of uxbridge brought against emery alsopaged 19 also of uxbridge the jury of the general sessions court return ed a verdict in favour of the breth- ours after eliberation of 55 min utes i as compensation for damages re ceived in an accident which occurr ed on brock streetr uxbtidge on april 6 1943 when the younger brethour received dental injuries when struck by a bicycle ridden by alsop the jury awarded 200 father jand 300 to the son alsop was f ound negligent in riding on the sidewalk and being without a lamp and a bell- displaying a composure and intel ligence that overshadowed that of many of the witnesses of more ma ture years ross brethour testified that he was rolling a hoop along the sidewalk of brock- street when he was struck by the handlebars of alsops bicycle arid knocked to the sidewalk one tooth was knock ed out- and three other teeth were driven out of position he said hestated that his speech had been impaired and that he had not re turned to school till the following week when questioned as to whe ther he had talked the matter over with his parents he replied to mc l matthewskc of toronto soli citor for the defendant that he had but he didnt heed to for he remem bered the event anyway arthur ws greer solicitor for thebrethours called norrisbreth- ourto the stand who said thathis sons speech had been be fore the accident he related that the boys teeth had been removed on the recommendation by dr wr butcher uxbridge dental surgeon i t 5i jjgg5a m os fk f j pteiy segjab 3 8oz pkg quaker corn flakes 23c 2 loklsbrjflakes 23c 2 flbpiegtliolwiyorkffcereal c 23c 3 8ozttfoiesc6nflakes 23c y 39c vz lb 4k any orwge pekoe 43c homes deluxe bakingpowder8 percenti3c special in coffee 1 lb ahyrkihd 47c bulk coffee sun rose 35c the corner store clarciuont ontario fee prior to the collision- she said that he had returned to school the se corid day following the accident however he did riot lisp before the accident she stated harold brethour brotherof the youngster gave evidence that he had seen alsop turn on to the side walk a short time before the acci dent he said that alsop descended the brock street hill at rapid speed emery alsop when called in his own defense testified that the bre thour youngsters speech was iden tical before and after the crashkhe said that he did not strike young brethour but that the boy had stumbled to the groundin the path of his bicycle to avoid hitting hirii he had crashed into a gas pump he i related when crossexamined by mr thattheboy besent to a torontojgreer and questioned as to why he orthodontist for examinatiohwhenhad assisted the boy after the event crossexamined by mr matthews had given him first aid taken him he maintained that the boys speech home- and later brought him ice had been normal before the accilcreanvhe said that it seemed tobe dent the decent thing to do he main- however the boys mother mrs tained emphatically that his bicycle brethour testified that her son had had nevertouched the boy he had an impairment in his speech denied a conversation which the brethours had said took place at their home in which they claimed he stated that he had knocked the boy down he admitted riding on the sidewalk without a lanipor a bell on his machine the next witness was miss dor othy f anderson uxbridge school teacher armed with the school records she statedthat ross bre thour had returned to school on the thursday following the acci dent she described him as an ex cellent student and said that he had stood first in his class in 1943 she said that emery alsop was a trust worthy boy and tliat she had taught him at sunday school ross bre- thour definitely had a defect in his speech- prior to the accident she related elwood lee 18 chum of emery alsop stated that he had been rid- ingfvvith alsop at the time he stated that he had seen the boy stumble and that he had heard a crash he said that the mark of alsbpscrash against the gas pump had beeri visible on the south or road side of the pump skis ski poles ladies lorie watches 1 pressure steam cookers 1750 i heating toffee pads makers aladdin pyrex radio lamps dishes batteries thermos bottles toboggans aluminum ware wooden toys lrjij1fi xhas cooper claremorftj ontario uc iru iswfta- tcc- ft w fygxt h- t4fatrjti yitlb4zivsgi rwivjvdi3siai