f ship bimvtibum tr established 1888 4 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association- issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription bates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 3260 a v nolan j3qn pubjishere t notes and goniriiehts stouffville made an amazing contribution ratepayers of stouffville may be justly proud in having testablished such a grand record in the 9th victory loan the achievement is outstanding in york county and in the whole province of ontario we know of no other community of only 1300 people subscribing over 300000 to the loan stouffville is now looked upon as a wealthy village and it is common for outsiders to refer to us as such usually the wealthy are not very popular and they are greatly envied so let us hops that we will not stand in that light in any event the figures in the loan drive just closed reached an aiazng total for a place the size of stouffville we hope none of the investors will allow mining stock deal ers to fool them into selling their bonds for worthless stock ydividuals who stairjtedasttythiejes7and who in many instances might be j classified jas pampred childreh in vz6 beginuingiajexeacheatjie pgsitionjwhere they glory in theirjbravaojuidthepubucity jhick they attract to themselves the hqldjupm7d6esnbtshrink from a criminal record but he is usually aphysical coward the threat of pain which comes with corporal punishment is much more likely to persuade him that crime does not pay than could cjurtaibnenijqdfbjs liberty eyesores along the road hard to fathom is the fellow- who throws old tin cans bottles and o hi r refuse along the highways evidently tossed out from moving cars these unsightly accumulations show up all too often along main roads and country byways this type of person needs to have impressed uponhim the fact that orderliness is a first rule of beauty tr fytf3s 4 sjiayii t ji stanley theatre box office opens dally atrixthirty pnl shows begin 7 pja now playing iis songs its oirliliilts fuli j- wilralfysndyoi- mbl feu aft v i v d r b ne u m i as al spanking upheld the merits of spanking as a deterrent to juvenile crime were voiced by bench and bar in the court of appeal at toronto recently at the hearing of an appeal against the sentence of i years in the ontario reformatory upon a 15 boy for the theft of two automobiles this is a stand which is being taken by many who are convinced that definite steps must be taken to curb the wave of crime which is sweeping the nation as one of the after maths of the war in many instances no doubt juvenile delinquency can be traced to the absence of the male parent and the inability of the niothertocontrol contributing fac- tors are the large volume of lurid pulp magazine stories and movies in which crime and the criminal play parts it it encouraging to note that the house of commons is considering legislation to ban from canada the magazines which feature crime and gunplay the government should go a step further and ban crime movies while on the subject of spanking it is our opinion also that it might weli be considered as a form of punishment for older criminals in addition to jail sentences these in- simple way of dehoring cattle the annual loss to the cattle industry in canada due to horns has been estimated at well over a million dollars de horning of cattle is of great economic importance and is a matter to which every cattleman should give serious con sideration horns on cattle not only make their handling more difficult and arc a source of danger to other cattle and to the cattleman but they account for injuries which on dressed carcasses can be seen as large bruises necessitate ing trimming an j loss- the simplest easiest most humane and beset way to dehorn is to ue caustic potash when the animal is ten days old states h e wilson dominion exper it mental station lacombe albertaat that age thehorns may be detected as small buttons or scurs loosely attached to the skull the caustic potash is sold in pencil form and is procurable at drug stores at small cost in addition to the caustic potash a pair of scissors a small jar of vaseline and a tumbler of water are needed to perform the operation this practice of dehorning the calves might not apply to range conditions becauseof the time involved in the operation but it does apply on the average dairy or stock farm a mother was enrolling her sixyearold son in kinder garten the teacier following the usual formula brought out her records and began to ask questions does the boy have any older brothers no younger brothers no older sisters no younger sisters no at this point the lad who had grown increasingly un happy and selfconscious put in a wistful word but he said defensively ive got friends a paramount picture itarrna edoie bracken veronica lake diana lynn sad uno crosbys vok fa mw m hlh thurs is foto nitexffer 235 friday and saturday november 16 and it only the sambstars couu play iti only 20rh century fox could make iti our capital correspondent written expressly for the stouffville tribune by dean wilson it is a question how far the people leader i intend to try to ensure that ih d it is reported in ottawa that there has been no system of priority for officers- wives over the wives of others iri transportation arrange ments from the united kingdom to canada though such an impression seems to prevail this has been statedinthecapitalby the defence minister hon douglas abbott who also revealed that there were in britain over 21000 wives and 8270 children of servicemen at the time the late count though al ready no less than about 15000 wives and children had been brought to this country of canada should be asked to go in these matters said in part mr ilsley but consideration will be given by the government to the honourable members suggestion he was referring to a request that even more should be done for war- starved europe than it is now the case though the minister pointed out that canada iias reintroduced meat rationing in canada for this reason made the heavy contribu tion to the unrra and held a national clothing drive only recent ly a- r v rl since tke leader of the official opposition hon john bracken haa requested the tabling by the gov ernment of all ordersincouncil and treasury board minutes since september 6 last and this request was turned down it should be pointed out that the spokesman for the government stated in parlia ment that such a blanket request may involve the work of sixsteno- in answer to a plea that the government of canada should engraphers for two months so that deavour to do more in order to help such copies may be made as soon as wartorn europe the minister or possible then again it has been finance honjlilsley has dis closed in parliament that the gov- ernment has never taken a narrow view of such aid stressing that canada was the first country to pay its contribution to the united nations relief and rehabilitation administration unrra and this argued that similar requests from sir henry drayton when he was acting as opposition leader in 1926 and hon rbbennett when he was opposition leader in 1936 were like wise refused in parliament empha sizing the existance of precedents for such rejections on the other nation has agreed to pay a second j hand hon john bracken said in contribution of about 75000000 part as long as i am opposition canada is governed by this house and not by the secrecy of the coun cil chamber we submitted to prac- ijjcalcabinet dictatorship during the war but i think now the peoples representatives are entitled to know everything the government is doing by ordeimncouncil and particular so when parliament is in session parliament and the opposition have a duty to perform in these import ant matters there are many questions being asked how the government intends to control firearms when these are brought here as souvenirs and in formation in ottawa has shown the measures being taken with such an objective measures deemed to be appropriate have already been taken to control the entry or such souvenirs as revolvers pistols etc in canada by returning members of the canadian armed forces stated in part canadas minister of justice hori louis stlaurent who quoted a report from commissioner s t wood of the royal canadian mount ed police with the disclosure in parliament of these measures taken to control such firearms in this countrv while it is admitted in well- informed circles in this capital thai a shortage of bar soap and soap chips across canada exists at this time yet there are strong hopes that this shortage will disappear grad ually it is pointed out in ottawa that it is a shortage due to the fact that since there is a desperate need for fats and oil abroad canadian bar soap manufacturers have been getting an allocation of about 88 per gent of their 19101911 average consumption and not long ago there was a reduction of 12 per cent in the soapmaking materials allotted to makers of soap chips though an increase of production of these articles may be witnessed soon there may be an effort to put more teeth into the law so that the criminal code may aid in curbing the present crime wave sweeping across tihs country this has been hinted in ottawa no less than about 95000 members of canadas armed services are deeply interest ed in j receiving a university train ing this hasbeen indicated in a survey which has been made known in the capital newspapers can now be mailed from this country to the united kingdom and other over seas points since there has been a removal of all restrictions for send ing whole newspapers arid period icals in face of the widespread publicity given to a report that sentences imposed on deserters from the canadian armed services are more lenient or more severe jn some sections of the country than in others particularly in quebec official information in ottawa shows that this is entirely without foundation since defence minister wwi son of flicka roddy mcdo wall puk foster rita jg james bell diana hale carleton young ralph sanford directed by produced by 20 louis king robert bassler monday and tuesday novembtr 19 and 20 guest in the house ralph bellamy ilene mcmans if i f- t co february 14 is the jumpoff datefor operation muskx uie canadianarmys 3100mile wlmertrekacrossthe top of canadasome45army person net and official observers will be inithemoving party travelling in canadian designed armoured snowmobiles- and they will be supplied from the alrby planes of the royal canadian air force theabove- map shows the route to be followed start- ing at churchill on hudson bay s touching in tat victoria island beyond the arctic circle and f ending early spring at edmon ton alberta air- supply will be carried on from bases shown on the map at churchill c fort smith andfort nelson canadian army photo- 91 m5 wednesday and thursday november 21 and 22 baxter hodiak douglas abbott has stressed in heavier paper for ottawa that after checking with stenographers notebooks officials it has been disclosed that h weights of n such sentences are uniform b used in manu e in sfs3 sommnstn limitations in the number of men allowed to marry adding the pro of paper step bystep as they s sss t w ir iv5r ple their stocksof raw materia ssfi j jjesx from the mills mrc v hmcfc inhhx w admiriistraforof packages andcai iffiri s verted paner product wpti lupport of acly em in explainedmmaking the announc poor sleepers in king twp ment elm flooring under king township council has en dorsed col- adamsohs bill before price ceiling parliamentrotesting against train because of increased products whistles which is in reverse to the elm fi diu the lasts attitude taken- in stouffville where fixed prices have beent council felt train whistles have a on tne salo of this commo by definite dutyto perform and in the d rdsenberry timber admims absence of complaints against them tor prices and tra stouftville refused to endorse the board bill- i thirteen timber orders have be probably in king township as a t0 inc a complete in r no warnin whistle there up of manufacturers wholesale should be a level crossing- fatality reta maximum prices members of the council who endors- elm fi this typ 0 floori ed the bill wouldnot feel so proud was not in in any prevw price control order of their actions i the cost of wigwags in lieuof train whistles isprohibitive stouff- ville is now assessed 160 ajyear as i in tava this their share of the wigwag operat- f in the unil ing here on main street and as the- f ol i s total cost is shared three ways it mean ab 2su bsrss madtqorins kn warning comes very high 1946 or a 5 increase over pres anticipated supplies current a estimates from i armysources placed the ambum sugar now in bags in java at ab sugar stockpile is really there 5 boost coming- v hopethat thereimigtit be some one million metric tonsan sllghtalleviatldn of the tight sugar tional 400000 metric tons are supply situation in canada was portedby dutch authoriuesto raised again last week with the con- inbins this total is ecnilvalenl firmatlon byus million short ton earlier irithe pacific area of theexlstence ported iijisxm v aw se