mmm fgotegtrib lss discharged personnel hay return to old jobs the reinstatement in civil employment act passed by parliament in 1942 sets forth conditions hinder which employers must reinstate their former employees in their employment after discharge this act and its regulations are adminis tered by thedonunion minister of labour through the national employment service reinstatement officers are available in the national employment off ices to answer in quiries and assist in adjusting cases employees either men or women are to bereinstqted if a they worked for their employer 3 months immediately prior to enlistment and were not replacing another employee who has since been reinstated bthey left their employment to join the armed services the merchant marine or the fire fighters corps c they apply to their employer for reinstate ment verbally or in writing within 3 months following discharge in canada or 4 months if discharged overseas s provision may be made for extension of- time if the employees healthprevents him or her from returning within the specified three months in this event the employer must be advised within the 3 or 4 months j iast the oase may be thefollowing points in the legislation are t also important i discharged men and women upon reinstate- ment are to be given conditions not less favourable than would have been enjoyed had they continued in employment instead of -joining- theforces 2the period of time spent with the armed services is to count for seniority rights pen- sion rights vacations with pay and certain j other benefits 7 8 discharged personnel who cannot perform their former duties are to be reinstated in the most suitable employment available at which they are capable of working 4 if an v employer dismisses a reinstated em- ployee withur 6 months he must be able to prove incourt thathenad reasonable cause r for so doing all exservice men and women are urged to use the fa cili ties of the national employment service when looking forwork department of labour humphrey mitchell a macnamara minister of labour deputy minister of labour -l- i sunday t5chgol 7lesson i lessonf ornwembexl jjji golden tevtw- beauiadlyfaffcctioned onetoanotheiwith brotbcrjyjofe hvets251wet being manyiare one body in christ iand every one members onei of another of this thetbreadxn theconimnnionttame speaks- asiweiarejpldsinl corin thians lg16ivherethis unity is iu honour preferring one another recognized there wiuvbe true fellow -romi- 120 ship- r r ci i i ithe juessojijasaowhole r verse 6 havinggifts differing the church of god is defined as i these gifts are given to each one by the fellowship of his son in- 1 corinthians 19 this church is composed only of those who have personal faith- inthe lord jesus christ ithey alone constitute- the churchwhiehis his body jeph 122 23cthis bodywasformed by the baptism of itheholy spirit 1 coril21213it isitherefore the communion or fellowship of the spirit 2 corci314itshe who unites believers and gives them to enjoy the precious things of christ itisthereforeincutnbention us as christians to endeavour uofkeep which- implies to manifest vthe unity of the spirit inthejbond of peace eph 4 3 this unity is sevenfold for we read thereis one body and one spirit ieven as ye are called in oneiiope nf iyour palling rone lord one faith one baptism one god and father of all who is above all andilhrough all and in you ail eph446it is not a sectarianunity nor aquestion of loyalty to some one particularjde- nominationit is the recognition all christians everywhereas-mem- bers of christ and hence of one another fellowship involves the sharing of like interests and service in com mon for the jglory of the onegreat head of the church it is a fellow ship of life and thespirit and can not therefore be forced or built up by mere human effort or loyality to certain ideals it is something spontaneous which nthose tonly know who have fellowship with the father and with his son the lord jesus christ- into iteveryuiew con vert is x from the moment he receives divine begins to share -in- its blessings whether at first hefnlly realizes it or not unsaved peonle have nopart nor lot in it acts 8 21 for can two walk together except they be agreed- amos33 mtis god hlm self who asks what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighte ousness- and what conmunion hath light withdarkness- 2 cor614 verse by verse rom 123 think soberly ac cording as god hath dealt to every man the measure of faith one of the first essentials for true christ ian fellowship is that- none shall joe actuated i by jafbnorml selfesteem but- each will be for all and all for each recognizing that every mem ber in the body is to function as en abled bygod for the blessing of all the rest selfish ambition and haughty conceit should have no place among saints of christ- whose great exemplar is ke who is meek and lowly in heart verse 4 many members all vhava not the same office as in the human body so it is t in the spiritual body of christ just when one is in health each organ functions for the benefit of the whole so it should ever be in the church of god to each has been committed some special responsi bility which no cneelse candis the risen lord our head in heaven through theholy spirit- he divides toeveryman severally as lie will 1 cor 12 u as we receive the gifts iwejare responsible to use them for the good of the whole church iverse 7 let jusvwait on our ministering this is not something ofian official character as of one man beingresponsibleto act as the minister to the exclusion of all othersvjbut true ministry is service in devotioiuto christ in this each mayhave a part according to the measure of his gift verse he that giveth let him do if with simplicity there is no place for ostentation in the church of god all that is done should ever be as unto christ ha that sheweth mercy has to do particularly with church discipline repentant offen ders should be forgiven notgrudg ingly but encouraged to renew their neglected privileges and re sponsibilities verse- 9 let love be without dissimulation that is without pre tence or hypocrisy to stimulate an affection which is only covering a malicious spirit is uievery opposite ofuwhat isihere enjoined all evil is to be detested all good delighted in verse 10 in honour preferring one another what a lot of mis- understanding and dissension would be avoided if this simple admonition were always acted upon see philippians 2 34 verse 11 nouslothful in busi- to all hoj3 producers in county of york nog marketing scheme under- consideration iyq a proposed hog n marketing scheme or ontario under the farm products controlact his been submitted to the vfarnvproducts control bbardbythe ontario hog producers association before the board wilj consider recom- mending the scheme it muitbe satisfied i thatvfair representation ofthe hog i producers are in favour of its adoption in order to obtain the recorded views of theproducers a vote by ballot is being taken on the question j you in favour of the iproppsed ontrario hog 4pr0pucers marketing hschervie being brought jnto orcein ontario a pro must only hog producttlwlio w rcjittucd joff tilt pur potc witk their own county afrfculturj rcprcicntitivt will b catltlcd to volt on at kiwu all hoj pro 4uert irctlircfortwsjlo rwr t oixc by mail or fn person t tfadr county asrkultur rep antatlvcs offke in order to be clijiblc to otw vcken rejitedn by mall pleam forwual naaw addien and townlnlp public meeting to beheld 0 a public meeting wiubwdi newmarketwed sun i 5 m v ai lib mctbf at k1wm wis be oaulmd uly ad 0r v cmmstloaa will be- wppllcd at tie eetif to producers r have rejlrtered klhat they amyvotc threiitra- tlont will be accepted at the nteetlnj andlro iot ten days after k ah producea who are resltrediu receive beilott either at the ajrlultwe reprema auvee offke at the eetit 4yenit of the proposed schew nuyvbe xcored mdmajrl cukural representatives office or ot the public aneetlaa all ballots ami be returned to the atrlcuitufalrepfe icntauvc before deceaber 8 194j any ballon rcccived after thai date will not be recorded auction sale jfurniture i beddingelcctrickadio antiques etc i the undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at iiots8 conr8rwhitchurch at baker hill two miles north oi ringwood saturday nov 3 1945 the following property belonging to the estate of the late mrs sylvan us baker electricradio oak library table walnut- sideboard hand carved good antique oak sideboard with mirror dining room chairs 6quartercut oakleather 6 walnut parlor chairs antique oval parlor table g odd chairs antique rocking chair heavy oak good wicker rocker good antique organ stool large oak wardrobegood regal heater sewing machine new williams good coleman lamp with shade good glass cupboard antique congoleum rugapprox 9x12 2 chest drawers empire treasure heater good brass clock antique wall clock battery radio parlor carpetapprox 10x16 8yds stair carpetgood 6 yds linoleum runner good 2 hanging lamps childs bed cherry bedstead springs and i mutfcltgss simmons steel bed springs aladdin hanging lamp beaded hanging lamp- coleman gas lantern good extension table gateleg extension table with leaves 2burner coal oil stove queen anne buffet with mirror star phonograph with records g oak dining room chairs with leather seats springs rocking chair antique tapestry day couch good 2 feather ticks day couch antique rocking chair dresser with mirror 2 washstands 2 toilet sets washstand antique 4 coal oil lamps 4 white kitchen chairs small oak table antique dresser wooden bedstead antique 2 wooden bedsteads sprlngsand mattresse8 8 feather pillows- good 6 woollen quilts good leather davenport with springs mattress single bed number woollen quilts 6 kitchen chairs good 3 odd chairs veranda seat cellar table 2 lanterns iron pot bird cage cutter cellar table wash tub all hog producers are urgently rvrequested to register to attend themeeting in their area and to votei ontario farm products control board 81 vevrvruiu libfias i v i 1 jivvu asi 3 it- fyjlgp rocking chair 2lawn chairs high chair workbench 2 sets flat irons number cushions crokinole board washstands daisy churn 30gal vinegarbarrel wringer boiler stove mat oak washstand oakbed stead springs wood box large mirror paper rack kitchen tawe kitchen washstand clothes horse hand washing machine bake tray bread bowl 2 small kitchen tables 2cellar tables crock large aluminum preserving kettle doz stainless steelknlves bunk box buffalo robe large wooden box number coal 011- cans quantity stove pipes number good pictures quantity odd dishes number jars cookingutensils odd dishes granite ware crocks aluminum ware numerous other articles saleatlisharp terms cash r e sellers atkinson auctioneers phone agin201w2 or stouff 290 jl bras s not remiss in j other words we are never to beicarelessrabout fulfilling our dutisiwhether in the homethecburchbr jur connection with earning our livelihood- fer vent in spirit serving the lord all service 4stqbo him vith earnestness ofipurpose- verse 12 continuing instant in prayer we shall- fail in all else if we neglect prayer i is only as we live daily in conscious dependence upon the lord seeking guidance fromhim in all things that we will be able to live up to what is here enjoined verse 13 distributing to the necessity of saints given to hospi tality- real fellowship is manifest ed in care for the temporal needs of gods children as well as in spiritual things this was exhibited from the first- in the early church acts 244 45 4 3237 and in mea sure at least- has characterized the churches of god throughout the centuries since verse 14 blessand curse not it is not for those who are them selves the objects of gods match less j grace to be vindictive towaid anyone but ever to be followers of him wbo came not to judge but save and bless verse 15 rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep sharing one anothers joys and sorrows is another expres sion of a fellowship that is more than mere companionship 1 cor 1226 verse 16 condescend to men of low estate the translation may seem a bit unfortuafe suggesting a sense of personal importance which can nevertheless berd to recognize those regarded as- minors zzju darby translates it going along with the lowly and the r v- mar gin reads- be carried awaywith the lowly it is an admonition to show the fullest consideration for those in less fortunate circum stances than someotliers verse 17 recompense to no man evil forevil provide things honest in the sight ofallmena forgiving spirit than can overlook offences and a life that is above feprciiare incumbent ifstrue fellowship is to be unimpaired verse5l8asinucbasliethjn youvlivt peaceablywltliali itmaynotbeposshiealwaysto come to mutual understanding with someofduterent mindbut we are everttoeeek the things that make for theheart of the lesson x the recognition of this unity of all christians a not as- denomina tions but as individual members of christ results in practical fellow- ship and love for all faints it des- troys narrow sectarian prejudices andenablesustorecognlzeevery one redeemed by the precious blood of christ as bing one with us in him- he brayed that we all might be one john- 17 21 it is some times said that it is a pity this pray er has never been answered but that is a mistake however much outward schisms have rent the pro- fessing church- the glorious fact re mains that there is one body and one spirit even asye arccalled in one hope of your calling eph 4 4 the more our souls enter into this the greater willjte the power of our testimony to the world man ifested unity is the strength of the church of god and strikes terror to the forces of evil phil 1 27 28 send the tribune to absent friends i dan forth automotive supply tom dobson 705 danforth ave toronto phone ha 0931 parts f accessories and machine shop service commercial tires made to government regulation by responsible tire manufacturers x600-i-16- 1725 50020 1220 550 17 1550 500 19 1175 55018 1410 44021 1125 doubleitrumpet homes 695 efog lamps 595 driving lamps 595 tractorlighs 495 leatherette cushions 110 ueibretcushioiis 95 shock absorber exchange service for cars from 1929 to 1942 paris auto supply richmond -hiijii- ontario stou ffvi lle mach i n e tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr- station electric and acetylene welding sparmmachinbry 1machinbry repairs agents -forvminneapolls- honeywell electric janitors buckwikeat wanted contact usf or best prices reesors limited ltd markhani phone96 eso lesaoc v high prices for live poultry until further notice weare paying the following prices for live eoultryidellyered tpour plantvin3yhitby top grade heavyfowl 23c lb top grape lightjfowl4 to 5 lbs 21c lb topqrabelightfowl 19c topgradebrohiers2 to 3 lbs r 28c top grmetroasttag cjhickens oyer 4 lbs 28c tpp grejroastingchickeitfe under 4lbs 26c top gdeheavyjcapons oyer 5jbs t 30c r- pigkering farms limited nwidtby ontario xotaobssa lb lb lb lb lb cream for jbestj results shipyour cream to istquff- j- yille creamery we paytwo cents moreper pound butterpat forcream delivered to the creamery storage is i -vr- -r-nsr- t t f vfki to rentfrom6 to9 percys ar stoiiffyilie f creamiery rcp souffvilleont phone 18601 iivj ii s7k f j ta rj3tilfcstfb litia