Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 20, 1945, p. 1

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sffvfsk leading weekly forwhitchurchmarkham pickering and uxbridge twps voi 57 no21 ir r r r i the tkebune stouffv1lle ont- sept 20 1945 v v- ten pages tt safl v man dies suddenly r mr jack oboyle of stouffville prominent live stock- dealer died suddenly on tuesday while on a business trip to belleville district mr oboyle left stouffville shortly after noon hour and drove to the village of stirling where he made his headquarters on his frequent trips to the eastern district buying cattle and hogs he was v thej restaurant and had ordered his supper then he took a glass and proceeded to the kitchen for water when he slumped oa the floor and was dead j drae carleton of stirling coroner turned the body over to dr mckay of belleville pathologist and an autopsy was conducted l e oneill local undertaker here brought the remains back to stouff ville on wednesday afternoon 1 the funeral from the late home just east of town will be held on friday afternoon sept 21st at 2 30 oclock interment will be at stouff ville cemetery son of the late daniel oboyle john was 52 years of age and issur- vived by his mother who resides with a daughter at islington he 1 married edna empringham widow of clarence glover who survives to gether was a young son walter two sisters are mrs john alfred and- mary mrs w d wellsand an only surviving brother norman oboyle is a local butcher the late mr oboyle has been in rather delicate health and was known to have a critical heart con- dition but he was very energetic and found ithard to be idle allen harper son of mr and mrs ros harper 6thconces- sion of whitchurch is safe in allied hands according to a cable received tuesday evening by his parents allen was taken prisoner at hong kong and only scant news his condi- tion asajap prisoner of war has come through to the anxi ous parents last week mr and mrs harper received sev- cial letteisfrom their son but all were dated over a year ago and only on tuesday did official word reach them fromottawa of his fety the cable was dated- sept 9th- which may mean that allen s due to ar- rive in canada at any time locai wins honors infour languages uriable to speak english six years ago when she arrived in canada from switzerland rennie david 16yearold daughter of eduard david 10th concersion just south of stouffville and markham high school student has been awarded the james harris scholarship for languages the new canadian citi zen born in germany won honors in english french german and latin during the summer examina tions slie plans to enter the uni versity of toronto this fall to study sociology and philosophy own 1 b national clothing campaign markham farms change ownership mr herb bracken has sold his 75 acre farm on the mount joy side- road in markham township to mr bert weir of gormley the sale price is reported to be 7500 mr bracken was a good farmer but is forced to retire fiom so rugged work he will hold an auction sale m a few weeks as announced in the register of sales still another well known faim that has 3 ccently changed owners is the mrs george lewis farm of 100 acies just south of stouffville on the 9th concession mrs lewis has just sold the place which her de ceased husband bought 33 years ago to mr w a knee of toronto and who farmed with his father at whitevale 20 yearsago mrs lewis will hold a public auction and hopes to- ultimately locate m stouffville but at present is unable to obtain a house here j the philip forsyth place at mt joy consisting of two acres with i buildings has just been sold to mr jchaid of weston it is reported four depots to re ceive the goods from canvassers lieut wesley james reaches home t v flight lieutenant wesley james formerly of goodwood and mrs james arrived in stouffville sunday morning to visit his mother- mrs i nettie james mam street since 1 returning from ovciseas where he spentltwo years on coastal duties wes has been enjoying holidays at the home of his wife in new bruns- wick khe has been 4 years the rcaf r s v hisbr6therronald james a navh gator instructbrjhas recentlyibeen discharged and istakmgtip a senior matriculation course at arehab school in toronto iswe rv2s md the helmkay fam south of good- were here from oshawa at the home vvoodj 30 acres known as the lv mrs george lee last p yopbrteit to have been sold for 33000 j week two bad motor crashes send three to hospital i three unconscious as cars crash at lemon- pilleruckcbhides 4with horse and buggy iat ballantrae married in england for european relief -j- it was purely by accident that the fpress learned this weeksthat the j- members of the old order men- ronites in the stouffville district had just recently killed a beef and canned the whole meat production for shipment overseas to those who ajz are in sucludire need in the war de- t jvastated country- the churcfohas a i ftjdistributing officer in europe who i will see that the goods shipped are v properly disposed of t f incidentally it might be rstated lemonville and the other car was thafrthis same grour of people have rdrlven hv nainh piavter rvn9 iasewing circle and when they meet 1 tf40 or 50 members are onhand to i make overhand make new goods for lac keiineth harperr c af sonofmr andmrsross harpefj 6th concession of whitchurchywas united m wedlock recently with miss jean stevenson of chester england the bride has been serv- whep two motor cars were in ing in the rc a fwomens volun- colhsionat an intersection on the teer corps while the groom has 7th concession of whitchurch just been overseas slightly over a year north of lemonville on saturday and a half t saturday afternoon three persons all the passengers in the ftwo cars weie rendered unconscious and might have been left in a bad con dition for some time had not a little gifl heard thecrash and soun ded the alaim phylis claughton daughter of mr and mrs norman claughton on thedan hall farm just nolthof lemonville heard the impact ard told her mother who went out and made the discovery dr ssball was summonediand found the occupants of onecar to be dr s s crouch and son tom of toronto who has a summer- home a brother donald harper also a member of the airforce recently arrived home from service over seas is hockey to return to stouftville on monday evening a group of public spirited citizens gathered in the council chambers and organized the town for the national clothing campaign that is being staged across canada during october and for which it is expected that every village town and township will or ganize the reeve of stouffville was named as chairman and it was decided to make a canvass of the whole community on a date to be named between october 1 and 20 the lions club have offered to make the doortodoor call and the baptist united and christian churches will provide depots for the goods brought in also the municipal hall womens organization m each church will be expected to do the sorting and packing of the goods left at their respective places while the war branch will look after the goods left at the municipal hall by this means none of the stations should be taxed too heavily other church basements are available but it is felt that four depots will be sufficient millions of people in europe will surely freeze this winter unless canada comes to the rescue and with- this knowledge the national clothing drive is backed by our government it is felt that every home in canada can donate some thing from a scarf to a used pair of shoes the needy 30000000 of them hsve not had a new dud m five years and will welcome any thing inthelme of covering blan kets and other bed clothing too are acceptable whou there that can not dig up something from the attic or clothes closet if every home in stouffville gives something the depots will have about 400 parcels to handle not a burdensome job but then some may contribute half a dozen parcels the goal of national clothing col- jectiohis to obtain a substantial volume of f serviceable used clothes hatj canadians can spare without replacement with millions of pounds of clothing forgotten or un used iby jus placed at the disposal of the commitiee the goal can be leached of doing a needed job for humanity that really must be done now will reach eiglity 4h 11 t v y rev peter carey cameron tor- this saturday an interesting caller at the tri bune office on monday was mr flavious reesor who was bent on onto for many years active m the ministry of the baptist church in ontario died jsuddeuy tuesday in hospital at englehart ont of in juries suffered in a fall he had been supplying the puloitjof engle- hart baptit church forthe last renewing his paper for another 14 years he had beena resident of vear ths lifelone resident of the toionto over 40 years ago he was dfstrict will celebraeus birthdavp of stouffville baptist church district wm ceiedrae ms dirtnaay born at tlverton ml cameron e on saturday sept 22 when hewill -a- a- become an octogenarian for it will fjssssjlsi mss be his soth birthday mr reesor js l5ftj f enjoys very god heblth anddnves his car with the oxpertness of a k er slw much younger man born in south- 5 h- east corner of markham township e bay he s had been active on con 11 he never moved far from i fsi of 0nt the place he first saw the light of day since for the past 55 years hese iwljs has resided on his present farm on i isr hss the scarboromarkham townline i lissss r2ss just a short distance from his psvfcvannrt ass- birthplace records show the old ji 5jus farm where mr reesor was born l catharines and a was first acquired by his grand father in 1828 and that his father was born there as wellas himself the grandfather came from penn sylvania and so far s mr reesors knowledge goes he was born in the states flavious reesor has two sons ernest at home and har old w reesor on the 5th of mark- daughter mrs fred v light new york interment was made- at onlha ov v opens new business 1 ed and ham also two daughters mrs peter in spoitoid block he will carry u nighswander of altonaand mrs jos reesor living on the marlcham- scarboro townline there are 17 grandchildren we congratulate mr reesor on his splendid physical fitness and his capable mind one would never take him for a man of his age since his alertness and keen mind would lead you to the conclusion thathere is a manof 70 a line of jewelery as well ken is a son of mr james wagg of good- wood and became proficient in this line of during his years in the armv t y v i is a to address lion r robt harris of the law firm of harrisharris wallacesuxbridge will address the stouffville lions club the vijt- due to arrive public relations for military dis- tnct 2 informed the tribune today that due to arrive immediately on the pasteur from this locality are gnr g a kennedy gnr p t fockler gnr sg a foote pte l- p pugh vv mr isaac barkev has purchased j a ibuilding lot on rupert avenue funeral today for alfred e gibson listhissame cause s it this work hasbeen going on since jsstneoegumhigof the warbut little igjisknowniabout it since themem- lrtbersofthe faith are not given to i letting their right hand know what ifp thejlefthand doeth the old order i f vt mennonltes have three churches i otin this locality one on the 5th con- lt oneon the 1 tr south jorjscarboro townline on the i trllth concession and then there is lf- the churclrat altona 4 is- if- iihopes sightwnjii be t- t jcercmrldvwraymer of markham i village has had a cataract removed ilisfrom eacheyewithina month and tafteri being unable to see for over ja year he anticipates being able to i read once again his friends will i wish- him every success in regain- iring his sight again mrraymer ffjwill be86 in november ns-g- i- driven by ralph playter con2 whitchurch dr crouch was the first to regain consciousness buthis son thos who was the most serious ly injured suffered a concussion and a broken thigh playter suffered bruises and cuts and was complete ly knocked out constable elmer wells said that when v he reached the scene hecould not identify any of the in jured all were unconscious both drt crouch and his son were hang ing out i the one door of their car while playter lay two feet from his car there i were no skidmarks which indicated thau neither car sawithe other tho radio was still going in the crouch car a from information jj put- together later it was saidi than the doctors car was travelling tdown the con cession line hauling a trailer with sand in it while the playter car was proceeding east on the sideroad both cars were very badly wrecked snd turned- over several times from the impact theoccu pants of both cars were rushed by ambulance to toronto where they were taken to the emergency ward octhe general hospital drcfouch who is widely known in masonic circles was able to sit up on sun day his son tom suffered more serious- injury playter i showed bruises cuts and is still in serious conditionas is tommy crouch constable wells directed cars to be removed- the accident occurred about 5 oclockin the afternoon and was the third motor crash of the afternopn in the municipalitx one other occuring at wilcox lake and one at ballantrae where a truck ran in to a horse and buggy v at ballantrae albertvmapes85 yearold resident ofthe7th of whit- church was in tthetact of putting groceries va his buggy the horse being tled at the hitching post when a truck struck him and fairly toret thejharnessvoffthef animal which was not injured mapes how- cvervhadtobeiv removed to the alfred e gibson 80 yearold re sident of whitchurch townshipmied rather uriexpected on tuesday even ing at the home of his sonjim gib son lot 2 concession 5 the aged will thelcoming season see the tors tcos of leturn of oha hockey to stouff ville some are predicting so presi dent dintyr moore of theoha expects the season will see the resumption ofjuniorband c hockey to the smaller centres and has stated that they will be given every encouragement the local lions cjub boys- woik committee and others connected with this summers baseball organi zation are thinkinc of carrying their sports efforts into the arena although there is no word that the lions clubs as a district are consid ering sponsoring a lions league however- sportminded men in the yongest towns have proposed that some league for the younger group should be sponsored whether the lions are behind the project or not we understand markham is likely to enter the junior- oh a ranks again and some have stated that c thinkthis is where stouffville should place an entry the local- lions might seeflttp back such an outfit there hasnot beem a junior hockey teamj here since prewar days and the last entry created quite an interest as they went into the playoffs only to be ousted by aurora such names as jake baker joesaustinallen boadway bruce jdavis ike harper andotheri were on thetoster at- that time inter mediate hockey has nad no entries from this town since names like gar lehman harold lewis jako gwillimburyjust north of the hope church there deceased grew up to be a steady workman he married janet wilhams- who predeceased him in 1918 surviving are three sons and four daughters james withwhom the father lived ed mund and roy of newmarket also mrs hai ry prestonrin- whitchurch mrs walter poster sutton mrs norman bridgeman whose husband is in the army and mrs fred rod- gerson of hamilton j the funeral will be held this thursday afternoon sept20 from thelate home to pine orchard ceme tery serviceat the house at two oclock -i- j k i v 4 atgsr the 61st mennonite bus line va albert to toronto has inaugural run newmarket hospital for treatment he5wasjfoundto5haveabroken hipand4broken5nkie occupants of the truck werel two girls anda v hoover carried the local colors a there should certainly beenough material in a town of this size to form an entry and its not abit too soon tobegin talking uptheldea the localjhockey publichas had little to entertain- them for some yearsand wouldalmost surely give ateamfan support as they did in thebaseball season just ended v- i v and mrs eabyei hamont7oannounce-jtheehgage- mr and mrs e- abyermark- ianv ontto announce the engage ment of their daughter evelyn to mrleonardwburkholderthe marriage is to take place on sept 26 at the vwideman mennonite tannduncementpf the 61st annual session of theontariotconference of the mennonite brethren in christ church being held- at bethany church sepf 17 toseptr made by revp glehmair former mt- joy pastor this week h x delegates from manitoulin island petroliacolborne- stayner owen sound toronto markham -vlne- landr waterloo -stouffville- and gormley districts are to attend mf- dr h- a jcellerman of calvary evangelical churchv openedvthe ministerial conference on monday eveningand was the mainrspeaker this serviceas well as that of tues- day- mornings wasdevotedto the needs andiproblems of a minister business r sessions beganvtuesday afternoori beach chairman of the confgrence pre sidingnif reports iofwork athome and abroadwill be given v general s-ensuing-yearof-ln- the bus line tobe operated by the holhriger bus co from mt al- bertto toronto with two trips a day each way wa- given its in augural testlast week the service was set up following the signing of 11 petitions carrying a total of 1405 names the bus will run from mt albert to vivian by way of the 8th concess ion of whitchurch- west to plea- santville south to sunderland cor ners and on to dawes rd and oconnor dr the south terminal is at bay and dundas sts- toronto initiating the service a bus left mt albert at730a m on wednes day with six passengers and stop ped for municipal officers and pet ltionersas it travelled south ran dal chapman pine orchard- andr brown of vandorf were two of the group earl toole as former ward en of the county was asked to come the terminal for the first trip was the parliament bldgs where the petitions were presented and the petitioners interviewed chairman coulter of the ontario government- the only objector to the route was an advocator of a lindsaytoronto line which would concidewith the new route over five miles between highway no7and cutoff j r i i leaving the parliamentbuildings the group of 20 went totthejeluott house in toronto and then to the proprietors of thebusline where mr hollinger spoke his thanks for the manner in whichthe service had been arranged o- si mrs hl tractive brideof the month she wasstheiformefavgwen- dolyne traniner- daughter of mr and mrs bloomingtonv j -ii- y photo by sanders u r it woulid eirtploy 5jjirls ibr actqry rrcmiscs round v saturday the reeve showed plans for the m teresf isthethursdayinlghtineet- irigwhen kft 6ralrepororcnristianwork sent immediately the crash occurr imtheurespecuvefieldvk4 tfchgax a number i of toronto people over the town with to securing a suitable building in whichto manu facture- childrens rarmentsmvhlle the deputationwassmorevthan pleased with the town- and indicat ed their desire to locates here it seems there is not abounding avail able- ratcliffs hall a very s suitable placehasonly recentlybeen rented and others negotlauonsare on- for the rental of theupper half of the gold fish supply building another yery desireable placeiiscws-fj- sithe officials of thctcompany wero very definite in their statement that 50glrlswould nndvemploymentjf theinitolcbuldnndbuiiaingin townand this wasenthusiastically announcecattiyeresults is iff i j s az j rfu mcdermotti goodwood jresevve grand championhshaw brosf peterborough junior v irjl female classes the grand and senior champion wasvishownfebjrfjohn gardhotisc iwestbn reserve senior championshaw2sbros5peteri borough junior champl6h vr

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