rjpjsff jk w fft va xtf- fivisifc- t55 tfsx iaasjt j make these clflssifiepad your market place v-s- hvelvstqcg- 25 pigs foksale 7iweeksold gordon hodgsorspii clare14rl3 forsale40 pigs 79 weeks old bert tait ph 288y ac for sale aberdeen angusgood temperedbull nearlythree years old- registered bandolierof don head 20000 rawlinson ten- tone farm 3rd concession gorm- 16t 200 white rock pullets for sale 4 months oldad grove ph 4802 for salefresh durham cow good milker geo alsop ph 8714 goodwood holstein bull for sale puredred registered holstein bull fourteen months old also cock- shutt riding plough foot lift and onehorse light wagon apply to lloyd jas white lot 22 rear con 6 pickeri twp 162 twelve- pigs for sale 8 weeks old j w bruce stouffville ph 3605 for sale 4 registered holstein heifers 2 due in august 2 due in sept j o spang ph stouffville g616 16 ip 7- s for sale 100 new hampshire and barred rocks hybrid pullets 4 months old bruce taylor ph 7602 i i alt iclestforsale 1 for sxle or rent terypfcone claremont 1620 for sale bicyclesgood runn- ing condition newlyi painted in 2 dark y maroon- apply at the ringwood harnessshop ph7903 vs for sale hinman milking machine two units 60 cycle slightly used alsa gas engine closing- and estate- write j mighton 704 bloor st west toronto vv for salebeatty electric wash ing machine in perfect condition ken laushway ringwood ph 5706 281 stouffville plymouth car for sale 1929 model sedan good tires price 185 serial no gp088d rev e strain ballantrae antique hanging lamp for sale with dingleberries attached also a rayo lamd almost new owner has no further use for them- and will sell at a bargain robt j mann prince albert stifftooth cultivator for sale cockshutt 11 teeth for trac tor use good shape homey farm 10th markham ph 49 r2 for sale two medium weight work horses edgar r james brock road 2 miles south of brougham 1l two cows for sale milking good fresh 2 months a holstein and a part jersey george alsop goodwood phone 871 12 pigs for sale seven weeks old f timbers phone 3721 nine pigs for sale 7 weeks old murray nesbitt 9th of pickering telephone claremont iv li- iv fv v 17 pigs for sale just weaned ho ward nesbitt cor 7th pickering and atha road for sale 10 pigs 7 weeks old w j mccartney phone 3607 claremont pullets for sale 100 leg hornbarred rocks hybrids 4 months old mrs d burnett phone 6412 for sale 10 pigs 7 weeks old good mart tait stouffville 10 holstein heifers due in aug and sept for sale or will trade for springer cows suitable for export 150 pullets for sale ready to lay h kahn claremont ph 85 r2 bay mare for sal years old soundin every way and good worker- roy wilson 7thcon of pickering lmile west of brock road for salegrade shorthonucow 7yearold fresh with calf grade shorthorn calf month old heifer reg dualpurpose shorthorn heifer 4 months old also cock shutt one-furrow- riding plow 11 pigs 7 weeks old jos h forsyth ph uxbridge 98 r4 for sale 22x36 waterloo threshing machine in good con- dition also 10x20 mccormick deering tractor in good condi tion and one new drive belt 100 ft r harbinson 3rd con ham lot 27 sawyer massey threshing machine for sale suitable for pri- vate work good condition g r hambly unionville phnoe 15 two reversible scatter rugs for sale also a kitchen table mrs peter lehman ph 1208 case threshing machine for sale22 in cylinder cloverattach ment complete in good condition win timbers stouffville ph 7906 for sale gendron folding con- s vertible baby carriage blue lined with bone good condition ph 5406 for sale 100 acres of good clean land well fenced and watered low taxes good building clear of iricumberances r harbinson lot 27 con 3 markh 1 for sale 100 acres east lot 34 con 3 uxbridge township 12 acres hardwood bush balance under cultivation bank barn frame house- driving and hen houses hydro apply to mrs wellington smalley uxbridge or edgar smalley on the farm 153 house for sale on main st markham 7 rooms brick clad hydro and bath possession oct 1st g tidsbury markham home evenings 163 farm for sale 100 acre farm clay loam good water supply and good bank barn and enclosed barn yard with pig pens and straw shed combined also imple ment shed and garage bungalo frame house in good repair farm adjoins provincial highway close to stouffville hydro install ed and water pressure system the farm has 5 acres of young bush apply to a s farmer gormley ph 7313 16j2 140 acre farm for sale at lot 21 concession 2 uxbridge twp 15 acres hardwood bush virgin t imber good grain or dairy farm bank barn 40 x 64 large brick dwelling hydro good well phone 7603 j e wagg 163 j lost and founds lostor stoijechinkycat black white and tan tortoise shell neiters500reward percy hewlett- ph stouffville 343 personal corns instantly relieved with lloyds corn and callous salve the effective corn remedy 50c at storeys drug store- stouffvuie youthful beauty and appearance of hair yours again with-angeli- que grey hair restorer 100 at storeys drug store stouffville slendor tablets are effective 2 weeks supply 1 12 weeks 5 at storeys drug store card of thanks the nieces and nephews of the late mrs enoch anderson wish to express their sincere appreciation to all those who so kindly remem bered her with fruit flowers and cards during her stay in the brier- bush hospital delicious arm refreshing mm additional locals mr and mrs wm bryan were in town last week visiting at the home of wm and miss effie hard ing main street east not many years ago bill bryan attended school here but now he is skilled in the manufacture of scientific in struments card of thanks i wish to take this opportunity of extending to my many friends my appreciation for the many cards and enquiries received during my recent stay in the hospital r h stover farm for sale 100 acres lot 4 con 3 uxbridge about 80 acre workable balance pasture and swamp barn 45x60 hog pen driving shed good house water at house and barn spring water in pastureexcellent grain farm option of buying stock and equip ment priced reasonable for quick sale apply on premises to cecil latcham or 295 jarvis street tor onto 163 furniture forsale kitchen range box stove kitchen cup board organ hand wash power washing machine and wringer radio small table model and other articles owner sold the house apply on premises to miss alice brown ballantrae for sale used mh ensilage cutter used mh corn binder also 4wheel rubbertired trailer all good j l gillman broug ham ph pickering 98 rl2 woods milk coolers24hour delivery from our toronto stock dairy cows accepted in trade order now avoid disappointment toronto radio sports 241 yongest toronto for sale 15 cords of soft wood also 100 whue giant yearling hens laying phone mtf albert 4120 172 miscellaneous sanitary work done in stouff- villealso cess pools and septic tankscleaned chas d dadson wood hardwood and softwood slabs also cord wood geo de- rusha ph claremont 4 r3 17tf assure your futureranch minkpleasaht outdoor -occupa- tion can start you in a small way with three pens and three beauti ful dark mink for 25000 w syrett box 10 mink ranch north woodrow blvdscarboro phone scarboro686 172 chopping outfit for sale i am offering my complete chopping outfit for sale also a ithrivlng business j- r- sider gormley ont plowing done x we are in a position tddotractor plowing on shortest notice in town or country- use our mach inery to catch upwithyour late summer work henry odgen stouffville 5 i phone 159 153 li electric wiring new work alternations and additions poles supplied and delivered 166 phone markham- 74 r4 immediate delivery 2woods portable milk coolers 4can- 25 cycle the lowest priced high- grade cooller on- the market bell son ph 281 water pressure systems beatty mcdougall and fairbanks shallow r j deep well pressure systems for the farm installed and serviced- rluv rv woods and gllson electric and gas oline milk refrigerators rfwiv 5 delavalsurgeandwoodsmilkers beattyand rwoods electric grain grinders electric fencers and sale register saturday aug25househoid furniture onehorse implements power clippers garden tools etc at cedar grove the property of mrs bismark reesor sale 130 pm ino reserve as property is sold terms cash sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday aug 25 auction sale of entire household furniture including some choice antiques and electrical appliances- also dishes sbedding garden tools etc property of james gibson main st unionville sale at one pm terms cash no reserve i property sold clarke prentice auctioneer tuesday aug28 extensive sale of farm stock and implements including dairy cows pigs trac- tor and implements- also 85 acre farm see large bills and dis- j play adv- in this paper before saledate all the property of dour glas bacon atlot 16 con 9pick- ering quarter mttejeastof clare- mont john scott clerk ais farmer auctioneer- wednesdayraug 29 high- -classand- modern furniture the entire household goods and effects belonging to mrharry brillinger- main st-west-stouff- ville sale at130 as- this is- a i large saleit will start promptly terms cash av sfarmer auc tioneer- saturday sept 1st auction sale of household furniture elec- trie washing machine good gar- den tools etcsthe property of the estate- of the late edward knowles on no 2 highway by cfentenial church at highland creek sale 130 pmterms cash no- reserve sellers afiu atkinson auctioneers saturday sept 8th extensive auction sale of high class walnut furniture bedding dishes elec- trie lamps grand fathers clock antiques etc the property of r c blewett main st agincourt v no reserve terms cash- sale at 1 pm sellers and atkinson auctioneers 75 acre farm for sale 75 acre farm for sale 3 miles north of stouffville at lot 15 on the whitchurchuxbridge town- line about 65 acres workable balance hardwood bush large picturesque pona bank barn driving shed and good house and garage good grain farm apply on premises to owner lloyd brown or ph 5805 173 country properties for sale 4 acres in whitchurch at mussel- mans lake good soil for garden ing chicken ranch 18x72 tennis court and frame house several good 100 acre farms for sale see these properties any time- t harvey mo yer 173 stouffville ph 8309 wanted 2 storage rooms wanted very urgent mrs plant ph 1609 claremont wanted capable girl to do gen eral house work in farm home apply mrs j a clarke ph 5101 stouffville capable girl wanted for general housework 50 monthly good home simon gottlieb 133 maria st toronto wantedbabys crib also play pen pho 5107 stouffville wanted 2 or 3bob calves for vealers also 3 good quality feeder steers beef breed weighing 700 lbs to 800 lbs each orville burton claremont jh claremont 14 rll card of thanks i wish to extend my sincere thanks to all those who so kindly sent let ters cards fruit and flowers and to members of the stouffville baptist and christian churches and the sr womens institute for remembran ces also for all inquiries and those who called on me during my recent illness louie marie lloyd card of thanks i wish to thank every individual and organization who sent me con valescent cards flowers fruit and reading matter while i was in the hospital i am also grateful to those who visited me in the hospital and later at my home i wish to express my appreciation of those who gave blood donations also of the ones who made special trips with cars i want to thank mr daniel wagg who kept the stove going while i was away and since i am not un mindful of the many prayers that were offered chnrles d jones goodwood ontario in memoriam topper in loving memory of clayton topper who passed away aug 2nd 1934 time may heal the broken hearted years may make the wound less sore but it cannot fill the longing for the loved one gone before who shall say the grief is lessened though the smile may hide the tears v a memories keep the wound still open despite the passing of the years lovingly remembered by mother father brother and sister live poultry wanted also dressed ducks geese and turkeys v highest market prices paid s we buy leghorns we pay top prices per lb for hens in goodcondition and come to your place to get them there is ho need for you totravel long dis tances with your poultry jonthe promises of high prices only to haveit graded into two or three grades they know you will not- haul it all the way back home i percy hewlett vr j stouffville 343 -j- phone 231 vthe cockshutt- dealers lightning rods dont take a chance of losing your v buildings with- lightning have yourplace brlbld rods re paired estimates given free rf u hogden jr-i- z phone 159 v vjlchurch streetstouff ville v mrsgecdewitt and baby spert thewegkend stbuffvlllevith her parents mr and mrsf c row- we have the following new and used farm equipment for sale 1 10 ft peerless hay rake new 1 no30 grain grinder new f 1 cockshutt cylinder pulper near- ly new 1 bell cutting box excellent shape 2beatty shallow well pressure s systems new several beatty hand and power pumps new 1 furrow cockshutt 80 tractor plow narrow bottom goocl shape good stock of drive belts mechani- 1 cal belting v and flat pulleys fractional horse power elec- 1 trie motors gasoline engines etc etc f 1 t it ehnbchnd we can gctit zbell sonti cockshutt dealer stouffnie x datcyct ijfifl cup until wednesday noon no new date for the bantam ball gamebe fweenvmarkhamvantrstouffvillev which a called by darkness once theriralneabutroncerriasbeeri get tillie the toiler always neat lovely tomatoes she did eat with bakers sweetner its a treat a basket of peaches she bought at a terrible price mom thot mom says these are precious wont bakers sweetner make them delicious tillie says mr simpkins any chance of me getting an advance mr simpkins says sure heres a cheque the teller says by heck those are lovely peaches you got tillie says come up to dinner mom is having peaches and cream made with bakers sweetner theyre a scream mom lets nothing go to waste bakers sweetner has the sugar taste no coupons easy to use nobitter taste guaranteed as represented or money back bakers sweetner is frequent ly used alone but is miscible in proportions with sugar no sugar required for tea coffee cocoa chocolate lemonade drinks etcno sugar required forpickling beets cucumbers v beans cauli flower cabbage for- pickling use only about a third as much bakers- vsweetner as you would sugar for canning use bakers sweetner chart- for baking cooking cereals puddings put about a cup of sugar in a clean quart jar and use this mixture as your sugar jar its good 25 ozs 25c 40 ozs 35c gal 65c jug 15c 1 gal 125 jug 25csgals 500 jugs extra 10 gal 950 jug or cans extra 25c each no shipment made less than one gal 150 cash with the order we pay express charges up to 100 miles when cash accompanies the order for 6 gallons or more george e baker phmb manuf acting chemist stouffville -ontario- theatre notice the cherokee strip announced for the stanley as showing here on friday and saturday has been can celled the weekend picture for these dates including afternoon matinee will be land beyond the law mrs i hampton of toronto was a weekend guest at the mertena home her daughter muriel re turned with her after a two weeks holiday here births hyde atyork county hospital newmarket- on august 15 1945 1 to rev f e and mrs hyde ofi v royal oak michigan a daughter martha jean smith at the brierbush hospital stouffville on august 20 1945 to mr and mrsiroy smith dorop thybyer markham a daughter janet ruth loveless af york county hos pital newmarket aug 12 1945 to mr and mrs elmer loveless stouffville the gift of a baby- brother for morley and muriel x atha news mr and mrs joe tran and daugh ters motored to kingston on satun day and spent the weekend with the formers sister and husbandmrandi mrs gordon overland mr and mrs s arnold entertain ed relatives from 1 aurora on sun day mr and mrs fred draper eilpett and frqda mr and mrs orville cox spent last weekend at rice lake mr and mrs ernie carruthers and mrs a carruthers spent sun day afternoon at chalk lake mr and- mrs murray dunkeld a party composed of miss violet hoover and sister mrs miller also mrs chas ward and miss gertrude todd motored to kitchener on tues day this week to visit friends in cluding our former residents mr and mrs gordon bailey the entire household effects to be sold by auction of mrharry brillin- spent tuesday in toronto ger are listed in this issue for the big sale on wednesday afternoon next week aug 20- a s farmer also has an important sale for dou glas bacon at lot 16 con 9 picker ing on tuesday the 28th of farm stock and implements mrsconnor at musselmans lake is selling her household effects this saturday as announced in the list of sales one of the first to complete thresh ing in the immediate locality of stouffville is thos mcchessney of altona this farmer on his 100 acres is not only through harvest ing including threshing but he has sold 190 worth of wheat while re taining a supply for his own use mr mcchessney says that the grain yield was even better than last year numerous farmers have finished drawing in and by the end of the week many will complete threshing man wanted experienced single v man for dairy and general farming good wages arid com- portable quarters ap- pivsjackifrasercon- cordphoney61 r4 or toronto ihdrl 8481 send thetri6un3 wanted good alfalfa h a y reesors marmill i markham phone 96 mr a wallace is home over the weekend from toronto mr and mrs a featherstone jane and paul visited his mother in pickering on sunday mr and mrs ken walters tor onto visited over the weekend with her mother here quality pays the best advertisement is v the satisfied customer who tells his friends feeds for poultry hogs dairy cattle bindertwine diversol alberta coal universal milker all kinds of inflatiqns stouffville coop phone 1802 gormley on tuesday rev and mrs huson and ronnie and miss vera hilts enjoyed a trip to niagara falls they saw the illumination before returning mr w b henderson and mr k troas of buffalo have been on fish- ing trip to lions head mr hen derson hauled out an 8 pound lake trout a prize beauty mr and mrstrois and family are holiday- i at the henderso home here auction sale of furniture by public auction the undersigned has received inr struction to sell by public auc tion at lot 18 con 8 whitchurch conner drive lake mussclmaxc on sat aug 25 the property of mrs gertrude connor 6 ft masseyharris no 4 binder 5 ft frost wood mower 1 plow no 21 fleury 1 40gal gasoline barrel about 10 rods chicken wire 5 complete bedroom suites 1 iron bed 1 writing desk 1 large cupboard 1 wash stand 1 large chest 1 stretcher 1 fallleaf table dishes 2 pair pillows books several kitchen chairs 2 rocking chairs pictures 2 toilet sets bread tray 1 set quilting frames fruit jars dishes numerous other small articles sale at 130 pm terms cash v alvin s farmer- auctioneer wanted dead horses and cattle telephone for free pick up phone stouffville 255 markham 4326 claremont 913 9 rl4 we pay phone charges f mkdontoungms ph adelaide 3636 1 toronto stou ff vi lle vm ach i n 1 tool works telephone 853 rearofcnb station i y i electric and y acetylene welding i farm machinery- machinery repairs j agents for minneapolis honeywell electric janitors see us vk 4 t you buy goodyear tire service i- v f if you have a permit we can give quick installation on ntost sires we will make out your- application for goodyear car truck and tractor tires more people ride on goodyear tires than any other make for better traction on- your tractors we fill your tires j with an rantifreeze solution make ah appointment before you come arid we will fill your jtires while you wait you make the test iutern at lon al motors we selljhe best tvjy zi ikaiiim