Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 23, 1945, p. 7

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some local boys uirhias viirniture- some bfj5urjocalboysjave yre- turned borne aboardthe ilqueen mary and more will be returning aboard thismagnificent liner before the yearisput- to them added to the biggestjthriu of all thatof re- j haima tuocannthai that ef turning homewasariotherthat of travelling onthe largest heroine of thesea which along with her sis ter ship the queen elizabeth have borne c allied armies unscathed across perilous oceans for five years before these two ships had even commenced to carry the vast host of men across the atlantic for the invasion they had ferried 105000 troops and steamed 339000 miles to other theatres of war such asnorth africa and the pacific the atlantic ship is short com pared to these and a larger number of passengers can obviously be accommodated it was accordingly determined to pack them as closely as possible with troops c making the altera tions that ingenious invention the standee proved its worth the ordinaryships hammock to which marines of every nation the world overare accustomed had proved an object of doubtful value as a beclto the australian and new zea land troops the mysteries of ham mock slinging are not for landsmen and was no reason to suppose thatmenjfrom canada and united states would be more expert in their manipulation of hammocks thanwere their dominion comrades in arms they were therefore abolished and in their place a neat stretcherlike contraption supported on steel uprights and made of canvas slung on poles was substit uted the great advantage of these tiered bunks or standees was the small amount of space they occu pied staterooms so fitted could accommodate ten times the number of passengers they had held in time of peace moreover jhe canvas shelves being hinged could be fold ed flat against the side of the ship and could be built up in tiers of anything irom two to six they were installed everywhere in the great- saloons and dining rooms in all the staterooms except the few reserved fdr the officers of the ships only two dining rooms and two lounges were retained to pro vide a space where eating and some form of recreation were possible the swimming pools were made into dining rooms and the squash courts intostores in fact the only parts of the great ships which were eft clear were the alleyways and compamonways in this manner it was possible for some 8000 troops to repose themselves but this was notenough aman doesnot sleep for 2 1 hours a day so a two shift system was instituted and the num ber which could be carried was al most doubled- there were in fact two men to every bunk thus it ivas that from may to september 1943 the number of troops carried by each ship on each voy age was more than 15000 and even n the winter- months which follow- d it nevervfell below 12000 on the jueen mary or 13000 on the queen blizabeth in other words for every oyage lasting less than a week a vhole division of infantry could e taken into the battle zone the two main problems confront ngthe authorities responsible for he ships were first to see to it that hisgreat host should never go hurt ry andsecond toprovide a suffici- nt number of safety devices to nsure that in the event of disaster ivery man on board should at least iaveachanceof saving his life he english proverb a hungry nan amaugry man was constant- y borne in mind by the cooks of he queen elizabeth and the queen jary yvith iy upwards of 15000 roopsbnboard it was impossible optoclucemore thantwor meals a lay the number-of- sausages fried in any day would if put to nd stretch entirely roundthe or the amount cooked on occasion ras three tons each ship had a lifeboat certificate or 4000 persons a number of ad- itional boats were fitted but it was possible to iprovide enough for hthej deficiency was madeup y installing large rafts and these 3gether witlrthe boats provided mergency accommodation for25 lorethanheaximumvnumbefbf oops ever carried on any one trip oat andtraf fdrill were rehearsed t leasonce daily andatall times ight and daytievery officer and lan on board was required to carry lift belt i there were other aspects ofthe roblem of giving 15000 mentoler- ble conditions in whichto livedur- lg the voyage conditions on board ven vessels as huge as he queen lary arid the queen elizabeth suld neverbe more than l ble but cramped quarters can be ade easier to bear by organization was impossible to allow the free- om of either ship to everyone con- quently they were divided into lreeizonesrthered white and i and- every man before he me on board wasgivena cardof iv of these colors that card en- tled him- to live and move onlyin at partofthe shipcorresponding its color mt indicated the place id hour of his meal each soldier rovided his own seating ironsvand ashed up by means of special juipment at the doorpf each din ig hall v highciasskobxitubb including radio rugs dishes cftokingjutensijlstcvj the undersigned has received instructions toeeuby public auction at the residence of marflybrillinger viiinsxreerjyesy cstoupfvlmib now variehes of rustresistant wheat j- j lz2 3v x- t ouringjthe past week the york county cpimprovementiissocia tior in cperailonith jocatjr farmers groups rheld- three field meetings to give farmers anoppor tunity to see sevefalplots varieties tof trust jreslstant oatiin four rust areas in the county seed had been suppliedby the experi- vsiis ivi menial -farm- ottawa to test out wednespayau 29 uiesenewvarietie3ondrill width 3u iv- v plots and the very striking differ- 1945 the following property ences were pointed out byagricul- gerrard heintzman piano in good condition v western harvesx jfc wm cock- the peanut hulls have become urce of a new maferialwomens tnctagschalrypadswallboard jid futolture a iwof the products that have beep 2piece chesterfield new 2 yrs ago cogsweol chair foot stool coffee table walnut mahogany lamp tdble 2 walnut end tables twilight electric lamp table lamp occasional chair mahogany floor lamp spiece dining room suite fumed oak round mirror mahogany rocker wilton rug 6 x 7 mahogany bed hall mirror new mattress springs large mahogany dresser with beveled mirror walnut dresser walnut bed springs spring mattress rose bedroom rug walnut dressing table bench large chest of drawers walnut occasional chair 2 bedroom lights oval mahogany table barometer floor waxer telephone desk chair walnut leatherhassock magic air vacuum and all equip ment near new 2 card tables columbia radio 10 tube in first class condition square wall mirror 2piece chesterfield suite with slip covers studio couch with spring mattress 2 bed couches round table 2 dropleaf tables bridge lamp small rug mahogany table lamp axminster rug 7x4 axminster rug 4x6 velvet rug 9 x 12 iron be j and springs metal bed springs simmons mahogany washstand electric sandwich grill electric toaster hot point dresser mattress 2 brass mantel lamps childs crib bedroom box quantity books electric sewing machine western electric v quantity pictures all cooking utensils including a ilarge quantity aluminum ware quantity glass dishes and china number good vases bread box flour bin electric kitchenclock harris ice refrigerator white enamel like new acme electric stove 2 high speed elements in first class condi tion drapes 1 white kitchen chairs table white enamel top babys high chair table linens baby carriage veranda gate 2 rocking cliaivs 2 pair veiour portieres window shades large gardener 2 square kitchen tables number large crocks garden table step ladder large quantity good jars stone churn lawn mower extension ladder 30 ft quantity hose shovels clippers- lawn chair 2 large veranda chairs itcrin- cisli sale starts at 12 oclock i sharp no reserve as owner is leaving town v lloydxturner clerk as farmer auctioneer gormley ontph stouff 7312 bench j tural- representative burn- on the snively farm at lake wil cox operated by geo i smith the new and unnamed 601 the roxton and vicland a usa variety were all standing up in this very bad leaf rust i the new beaver and ajax were badly broken down and the erban also damaged to some extent about 25 local farmers at tended in spite of the rain on tues day evening on wednesday evening fifty neighbors meeting at wm camer ons south of woodbridge found that the 601 and roxton were the grams chieflybarleyainimanitobaiand southeasternsaskatchewanis re ported during the pastweek but cutting will not becomegeneratfdr another week to ten daysmnthe drought i areajwnichjembraces western saskatchewan and east- ernalbertamnany sectiohsjceported usingevery means toharvest the crops aiat remain while in certain areas livestock are being turned in- to grain fields owing to snortageof pasture- according to v the weekly crop report of- the department of agriculture of the cnr change studied ix gasoline tax exemption pjlax continued from- front page exists but the gasoline tax act has now partly fallen away one government officiar explained he indicated that a drastic change in policy now is likely alternative systems if is understood the department of highways is considering three solutions 1 a return to the affidavit sys tem of rebating taxes this would mean refunding- tax on a sworn -v- m m aaa b m am hib n tjonight every thursday is fotorniti at the only varieties standing- there being affidavit that the gasoline was not no vicland planted there the farml f travel on provincial high- ers present however reported that the erban was showing fair resist ance to the leafrust at pefferlaw the lots on the farm of albert weir were all standing but as with the other tests the 601 was very clean in the straw on all 2 institution of a modified affi davit whereby up to 5 tax would be rebated on a simple application by the user 3 wiping out entirely of all re bates and refunds of gasoline taxes farms the roxton was standing but as some of the united states al- showing some rust however this ready have done is a rather late variety with veryi the government is unwilling to long straw and does not appeal to adopt the third course and it is said the york county farmers particu- that it is also unwilling to embark larly on heavy land send the tribune to absent friends whiloav beach pavilion wilgox lake dancing thursand statu r nights 12 05 ken rose and his band admission 35 cents roller skating monday wednesday and friday nights matinee monday tuesdjy wednes- day thursday fiiday dance and skate at wilcox lake on a plan to market marked gas oline tax free under the present system there is no provision for farmers and others inthis category buying the other two grades of gas oline above the marked type furthermore many farmers are protesting that the purple dye used in the marked gasoline is harm ful to farnj machinery opinion generally seems to lean to a return to the old affidavit system but in a modified form decision will be made by the high ways department within a few days it js expected best argument for such a course officials indicated is that it will eliminate entirely the mounting and expensive abuse of the present permit system while still guaranteeing an annual saving of nearly 4 million in cheaper gaso line to farmers fishermen and others whose livelihood depends on it exemptions now granted to dry cleaners and a number of other businesses under affidavit will be continued o o s stouffyille there are only two thingsto do to besure of quali fying for the s115 offer j r 2 s 2 w r sign your ime on a 2 l-be- sure to fotonite registration card 2 be sure to- be present at the stanley theatre on fotonite mrs vera woodward whose name was selected last week was not present at the theatre so we are adding 15 to the original offer therefore tonight august- 23rds offer iss115 s o its a lotof fun its a lot of cash i 2 o o k sign vbur name on fotonite registration card deposit it in fotonite boxn lobby register only once all duplicates destroyed if your name is selected and if you are at the theatre the management will offer to enter into a contract for the purchase and use of your photograph subject to the terms therein contained 5 the management will offer to purchase your photo graph the following fotonite i 6 children under 12 years not eligible 7 the management reserves the right to purchase or reject your photograph 8 you must respond when your name is called to be 1 eligible register now it the theatre cither by phone or in person tonight on our screen the veryjlotightof you with dennis morgan and fayc emincrspn stanley theatre stouffville it 6 p 2 o t s3 6 o 4 i v s fy fa i- v ni k 1 v s t chalk kivek bomb plant material f moving for year sudbury aug13 they didnt knowitsexact naturebut railroad ers of this- canadian pacific divis ionhave known for oyer ayear rtiat some big thing was underway near chalk river sudbury district where it was revealed that a pro cessirig pilot plant the new atomic bombs is under way chalk riveraiturharouhdtiter- minal2 pembrokeand served only by the canvpac- rail- way5vas tion material has been laid down for- life hewtplantricethe summer of 1944 j the movement was just as secret asjefesident roosevelts fish ing trip to manitoulin island over our lines iri1943said aniember ofthe staffpf mdonegan super- iniendent of the sudbury division who i chargejpf thechalk river shipments it 150 cars per month were spotted on the cpr team track for atl2monfns period up to lastjune it was revealed and the movement is continuing- the construction company got trie material to the plant site under elaborate securltyregulatldns rail roaders on that run were told the construction projectwhich is partpf the united nations gigan- ticgamble tosplit the atom meant aniricreasein the freightstaff at chalk riverwhere normally the cpr- maintains staff for a round house car repair- track and- term inaloperation j i chalk rivers population num bers 500mostofthemjdependent ontliegprit is a place where the railroads quebec and algoma dis tricts meet- jcasaaieafj iveloped fro muienewmaterial aosfor pr it pays to use tribune classified ads for prompt results h l ik 1 someday that dream home i dont realiy we kniist support will be yours you are rattomngobserve price ceiiiqgsand to t bricks may avoid black markets if wejithis s build a house but to build a borne iweean keep prices from shooting you need more than bricks you sky high if we jojsoineday well 7 need security a job4 future and ibe paying a dollar i for- fiftycents ithescdepend on a canadian dollar worthbrgbodsithis means your l- that will always buy a full dollars dollars those dollars youve saved tr j j j to buy your home willpnly be worth fifty cents is inflation t v- 5 and after inflation comes depres- sion we know what happened after the last war fit mustnt be allowed to r happen again thats why for our own sakes the sakeof the t it soportarititsfo renirhedmento whom weowea job because wisthetimecivilian goods a v arescarce and money is plentiful inust inakesure canadas dollar re- f sy worth of goods a steady- sound dollar thats not pulled down to half its value by inflation thats why its necessary now moreithah ever now for all of us to fight and work to keep that dollar worth a dollar c imake this pledge today s sri buying things we enemynflatic mmbtm brewing dtoustry ontario to tcfctltbt danger ofiaflusoa i phwge myself lo do my patf inflghting infertjonrp f v by obttivlng rationing nd voiding black markets in ioy ihape or- 1 iorm- t by respacllng prlc conhols and otber l- antiinflaion measures and re- f sarfibuying i willnotbuy two where one will do nor will i buy a newwhere an oidwiu do a j vv v s f 1 by baying victory bondf supporting raxationand abiding by all tich measures which will iqwerthe- cost of jitngv- and 3 help keep prices at a s normalletel 7vi i vs j j si m at s ri t v r f i 4 y z jt t uumzjt hltttt a j u t i y s t fiis sfx 5vs5- vj bi yr1 ft- ij sk viv fecjr t ii jbsfcs

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