Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 24, 1945, p. 8

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v wtcainjj woatnrrrrtr i i i glareirtiif 1 district by staff correspondent 3030e30i oc the sale of the residence just northwest of the fire hall to mr frank- loyst was reported this week the house now tenanted by the reynolds family is owned by the h thompson estate mrs john coates who has been confined to her bed through illness for some time is slowly improving her friends will be pleased to learn members of the claremont masonic lodge held a thanksgiving service on sunday afternoon mrs chas neale was expected home this week from midland where she recently underwent a surgical operation mrs taylor of uxbridge was visit ing last week at the home of mr and mrs s taylor and mr and mrs e lewis friends from toronto visited on sunday last at the home of mrs lonsdale and mrs conner mr and mrs j m- wilker of tor onto visited over the weekend at the home of mrs b gleeson mr and mrsbert gibson oshawa visited on sunday at the home of mr and mrs chas hardy doug dickinson rcnwr from shelbourne ns is home on leave here doug tells us that were not the only section receiving an over abundance of rainfall as his trip required considerable extra time through new brunswick due to railway washouts mrs thos gregg was a visitor in peterboro during the weekend with mrs robbins former resident mrs robbins returned with our clare mont lady for a visit gnr d m little and mrs little and baby son michael have been visiting with mrlittles aunt mrs c a overland for a few days gnr little has just returned from overseas after five and a half years he brought with him his english bride of two years the regular communion service at the claremont united church will be held on sunday june 3rd at the morning service a prepara tory meeting will be held on mon day may 28th the organization of a softball league in this area is rumored but nothing definite astar as executive work has been undertaken it is the hope of local enthusiasts to form a loop of claremont audley greenwood and pickering the may meeting of the wms of the united church was held in the sunday school room on friday afternoon the 11th mrs rawsons group was in charge of the pro gram in the absence of the pres mrs f carson 1st vice pres was in charge of the meeting a review of the book second pioneers was interestingly gven by mrs i e kennedy assisted by messrs e rhodes j peddie and f manidn a duet by mrs f redshaw and mrs wm evans accompanied on the piano by mrs w ward was enjoyed the june meeting will be in charge of mrs george scotts group 7 curly cook of claremont and formerly employee of the cooper hardware is now in england after serving for some months on the continent curly was with the canad- dians in italy during the bitter campaign there home from overseas marjorie ward nurse with the canadian nursing corps has arriv- ed back in canada after several years in the war zone miss ward is a daughter of evans ward and is back on a months leave breaks wrist davey turner son of mr and mrs frank turner of the 7th con cession south of here was brought to claremont on sunday evening where dr n f tomlinson render ed medical aid for a broken wrist which the lad sustained in a fall from his bicycle to hold day for library at a meeting of the library board on tuesday evening may 15 it was decided to purchase some more new books there was also a lengthy discussion regarding ways and means of raising extra funds for much needed improvements sug gested by mr doherty at the annu al meeting in january it was de cided to have a tag day early in june the exact date to beannoun- ced later and we hope when the taggers call on you that they will be received graciously and that you will give generously to this worthy cause pickering village on such an occasion realized over 38 can claremont reach that objective perhaps we can surpa it grandmothers honored at institute meeting there was a large attendance at the home of mrs frank loyst last week for the grandmothers meet ing of the claremont institute mrs esther palmer one of the eld est members of the gathering de lighted the ladies at the piano along with mrs walter ward mrs hg mclntyre who hast been president ofthcorganizatipn for six years was presented withan institutepin for her years of service ah the grandmothers joined in the singing of when you and i were young maggie and- miss ollie forsyth gave a reading on the willow chona pattern the meeting concluded with lunch piokeringtownship to proceed avithgarage i materials have been ordered to proceed with the erection of a gar bage torhouse the pickering town- shiproad machinery the new building which- will- be g0x40 feet wilf be west of r the new township offices al the brougham ornerc it will be of cement block construc tion and will face a driveway to the east- local dealers store and overlands store i0sx0e30i brougham miss gladys gannon rn of tor- onto spent a few days last week with her mother mrsd gannon mr and mrs henry madill of lakeview spent the weekend with mr and mrs d mairs miss mary stephenson of picker ing visited with mrs l matthews on sunday the pupils and teacher miss dorothy harlock of brock road school sponsored a bazaar on fri day afternoon may 18th to raise funds for the junior red cross society and they netted over forty dollars during the afternoon mrs hetu being fortunate enough to hold the lucky tickets for both the occasional table and bookends the wms held their regular meeting on thursday afternoon at the home of mrs h malcolm with a good attendance mrs norton gave a report of the recent meeting of oshawa presbytery which she attended mrs geo phillip and mrs geo duncan assisted in the pro gram hostesses mrs malcolm and mrs w gray served lunch po ross turner rcnvr who is on leave called on his uncle mr e e annis one day last week mr and mrs b kydd and daugh ter gladys of toronto called on mrs l matthews on sunday mr and mrs b harvey were in toronto one day last week attend ing the funeral of the late mr ash ley mrs w knox and daughter bar bara also mrs ross knox visited mr and mrs j knox of hampton on sunday the young people held their reg ular meeting in the church on sun day evening under the- leadership of miss dorothy harlock culture convener mr and mrs m hamilton were guests of mr and mrs c balsdon arid family at pickering on sunday the many friends of mr fred cassie are sorry to know he has been confined to his bed suffering a very bad attack of pleurisy wedding bells are again ringing the many friends of mrs lemon will be glad to hear she is improv ing after her recent illness mr donald ritchie has returned home from the hospital where he was receiving treatment for an injured knee the womens institute held their annual business meeting on tues day afternoon may 15th at the home of mrs- w e holtby with an attendance of 28 the meeting open ed in the usual way the secretary read the minutes of previous meet ing a discussion followed on attend ing a training class in uxbridge re ports were given by several mem bers on citizenship achievement program recently held in clare mont when miss mary clark was speaker delegates were appointed to attend the district annual meet ing at kinsalc on june 6th the sum of 2500 was voted towards the jam for britain fund reports were given by conveners of varfc ous committees the secretary gave an encouraging report showing that with a membership of 55 the sum of 508 had been taken in dur ing the past year a balance of 107 now remains eleven regular meet ings were held one social meeting mrs m hamilton who has- been president for several terms resign ed and although prevailed upon to continue for another year still ex pressed her inability to do so- mrs t norton then conducted the elec tion of officers owhlch resulted as miss mary morgan spent last week at the home of her brother mr and mrs jack morgan of brook- lin visitors at the home of mr and mrs john knox of hampton on sunday last were mrs wm knox mrs ross knox mr harry knox mr and mrs jack morgan and fam ily mr and mrs david crawford and grandson lloyd mr ralph crawford and miss helen malcolm settlement reached in local farm deal followjs president mrs m annis 1st vice president mrs t robert son 2nd vice president mrs bur- rell secytreas mrs burk mrs annis district convener mrs wmeuicott press secymrs robertson and miss matthews organist mrs harvey directors mrs harvey mrs johnston mrs w gray mrs norton and mrs sheppard flower committee mrs annis mrs w j gray and mrs matthews the meeting closed by singing god save the king fol lowed by a dainty lunch served by mrs ws holtby mrs g e holt by mrs wm milne mrs r holt by and mrs cassie rural school area tribune classified ads give the best results over 2300 copies read each week trustees of whiteyale green river and brougham public schools met at the township offices on mon day evening along with inspector a archibald to discuss the setting up of a township school area to in clude the aforementioned schools these particular schools were chosen as they have been experi encing peak attendance and in fact have found it necessary to hire additional teachers if the plan comes into effect other schools will be asked to join and the entire scheme would be worked- out over a period of three years the financial benefits to the schools joining would be grants ranging from 150 to 400 a year but there are other benefits from a school area more sought tharfthe small additional grants to be obtained one set of school trustees runs the area ontario county beats objective byt 6125000 the j8th victory loan is over and as far as ontario county is concern ed the people have done a good job and kept the canvassers busy writ ing out applications to the tune of 551255000 an increase over the objective of 40000ckby 612550 thats some job and the boys are to be congratulated on the success that has attended their efforts and the peopleforthe faith they have shown by subscribing to the loan in district d comprising ux- bridge town uxbridge and scott townships they beat the gate to the tune of 71900 that much over their objective of 22000000 uxbridge town with an objective of 88000 came across with 101700 scott township with an objective of 60000 dug up 73450 and uxbridge township beat their objective of 55000 with 68200 and the banks and outside credits amounted to 4s550 an interesting courtaction sche duled before mr justice mackay in whitby last week was settled by mutual consent of the parties con cerned hugh g michcll poultry farmer and hatcheryman of picker ing township was the plaintiff and violet may postill of the same town ship and her sons thomas w and clifford l postill defendants in a case having to do with a farm deal in which the purchaser sought to enforce a transaction a w s greer acted for plaintiff and r g mcclelland and j c anderson oshawa for defendants violet may postill is the widow of the late frederick postill and with her two sons acts as executor of her husbands will by an agree ment in writing signed by the de fendants they accepted a written offer made by the nlaintiff on sep tember 18 1944 to buy certainfarm lands and buildings thereon fifty acres in extent being part of lot 35 rear of concession 6 for 5500 which included 500 to be paid to the agent of the defendants the balance was to be paid in a sum of 3000 on october 15 1914 and a mortgage of 2000 to be given back by the plaintiff to tlie defendants through the postills solicitor we n sinclair kc of oshawa a let ter was sent to the plaintiffs solici tor with a draft deed and statement of adjustments also a request for a draft mortgage the draft deed was approved and returned to the defendants solicitor prior to tlie closing date which on agreement between solicitors for both parties was extended until october 28 on that date the plaintiff accompanied by his solicitor went to the office of the defendants solicitor and ten dered to j c anderson kc a sum of 299225 in cash but the deal was not closed later one son thomas winfield postill alleged that he did not appreciate the true nature of the arrangement andsaid further that the defendants had no power to make such an arrange ment as beneficiaries under the will of the late frederick postill the other two defendants failed to file any defence in the matter after the plaintiff had taken action to compel the completion of the trans action the settlement arrived at and ratified by the court directed all the defendants to hand over a deed of the farm to hugh g michell with damages fixed at 300 to com pensate the plaintiff for being kept from possession since last fall they have also to pay 500 toward the plaintiffs costs in the action pos session mustbe allowed by october 1st federal election june 11 vote for sinclair to the electors of ontario riding as we emerge from the europ- ean waiand turn to the conquest of japan we look to the future bf our own country the government has made plans for the reconstruction period it has created a new depart ment of reconstruction and has placed a cabinet minister at its head the minister is hon c d howe who has made such a success as the head of the department of munitions and supply during the war this new de partment has made preparations for the speedy conversion of war indus tries to meet peacetime needs it is promoting and coordinating pro grammes of national and regional development housing and community planning ahdother projects to main tain employment an industrial deve lopment bank has been created and is now in operation to assist in the conversion of war plants to provide for the construction of new houses the repair and modernisation of exist ing bouses rural and urban the national housing act has been greatly expanded in scope at the last session of parliament in the whole field of reconstruction the liberal government has made extensive plans and has put them in operation it has not waited until the war is all over arid trouble has set in it has themachineryall in operation now this one phase of government preparation to care for the interests of the people in peacetime should warrant a return of that govern- ment to carry the plans through on behalf of that government i am appealing to the voters as its candidate in this election i ask you to think of this planning as well as of the matters i have discussed in former mes sages and to give me your votes to see that the government is returned to office i hope you will be at the monster liberal meeting in the arena at oshawa on friday may 25th at 8 pm i expect to speak see the announcement in this paper and be on hand x wen sinclair published by the ontario riding of the liberal association vote for sinclair r township assessor has fulltime job at a special meeting of pickering township council last week adam spears local township assessor was hired on a fulltime basis with sal ary- of 1000 plus 300 for car ex penses mr spears will also re ceive remuneration of 15c for each dog assessed i since the inauguration of a county assessor in ontario local assessors are required to kcepan index file pfcyeryproperty in the municipal ity tin which thcy are employed whlchivill entail considerable work vit is expectedv that threeyears wiuberequiredto fully organize the new system of assessing r-rr- c mammoth m f hepburn 111 man who qeu huty 26te liberal candidate for the dominion parliament liberal candidate for the ontario legislature w e n sinclair dr w h gifford other outstanding speakers band in attendance other musical treats james heffering chairman friday pm oshawa arena published by ontario riding liberal association r jotwjlakmsg sfr3ft- stfis 4 vujjssiissaalisit

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