top crop hybrid seed corn topicrop 645 for silage top crop 625 for silage topcrbp606 for silage top crop 355 for grain top crop 279 for grain beliable brand golden glow corn wisconsin nov7 sweepstakes corn reliable brand garden seeds bulk and packets certified seed potatoes irish cobblers katakdin foundation stock a sebago foundation stock a garden fertilizers stiver bros ri r- i air cadet inspection is scheduled star next thursday night may 24th behe public is invited to come out bind watch the boys go through itheir paces for the rca f markham cadet squadron jseld their annual inspection on fri- jjday night culminating in a dance party at the orange hall following the parade fit sergt- stan ball and sergt keith steckley of stouff- isflle squadron attended from here two showers were tendered the saewly wedded couple mr and mrs i bert paxsleyjat their home on the lloth of markham at mongolia last jweek stduffville young people trailed on wednesday evening and iwvian friends on thursday night ft fine contribution to rthe scores of things required in a new home were received and greatly appreci ated get your ticket now for the big lions club prize list to be drawn on june 27th tickets are available from any member there are twentyseven good prizes to be given away a we do find it a terrible hardship to do without the few things we do not need brandon sun this friday evening the stouff- ville air cadet squadron will be in ciaremont for their regular weekly training period may 24th has been set as inspection night here and the boys are putting emphasis on their parade and drill monoevres one week from today thursday may 24 is apublic holiday stores will close from wednesday noon until friday morning so house wives and others should make necessary purchases tuesday night or wednesday morningbefore clos ing time at 12 noon court of revision on the assess ment roll for the township of markham will be held in the cham bers at unionville next monday afternoon fhe puerto rico evangelical journal a christian publication car ried a splendid likeness of bishop chas flint as its frontispiece for a recent issue since the bishop was the distinguished speaker at the methodist conference held in puerto rico and being an old stouffville boy the copy in the hands of this paper would have proven very in teresting were it not for the fact that it is printed in spanish which made reading more than difficult stouff ille war branch we wish to thank the following for donations received mrs sin clair ringwood 2 mrs brodie 3quilt tops excelsoir class quilt and clothing mrse forsyth quilt lining mrs f gostick 2 coats miss annie duncan clothing and quilt material mrs r hunt bthesda dress mrs buckley clothing 9th line quilts and cloth ing m davey secy the legular morning services m all stouffville churches was observ ed as a national service of prayer and thanksgiving with added emp hasis due to the fact that it was mothers day in the united church a baptismal service was conducted by rev douglas davis the following children being presented linda jean wmterstein daughter of mr and mrs bruce winterstein win ston samuel king son of mr and mrs clifford king robert james wagg son of mr and mrs dawson wagg arid joanne marie stouffer daughter of mr and mrs stewart stouffer mrs e a button has been visit- 1 ing for a few days with her sister miss anderson of wallaceburg when the children at lions head arrived at school some mornings ago they found the building a heap of smouldering ruins for it burned unnoticed during the night instead of throwing l hats in the air those youngsters wayup on the bruce peninsula actually wept good kids you say t a splendid likeness of lieut douglas i urquhart nephew of miss mae urquhart appeared in the daily press last week withhis bride the former betty lilhco of toronto and which was recognized here by a good many friends of the urqu- hart v family since the lieuts father was an old stouffville boy lieut urquhart was pictured with iris bride after their marriage on ve day in halifax miss eva hoover presided at the garrett evening auxiliary meeting of the united chirch held at the home of misses bertha and emma winn the devotional period was in charge of mrs j m storey the theme the need of the world mrs gwr thomas reviewed the book canadians all a quizz on the study book west of the date line was conducted by miss bertha winn a social half hour was enjoyed york federation elects president i york county federation of agriculture has launched another years work newly elected president isdalton rumney left a markham township councillor shown with last years president w j buchanan of downsview the press has received many kindly remarks about the ve demonstration and thanksgiving service held in this town much of which is to the credit of the com mittee men who worked out the program and aided in carrying it out so many people have made re ference to the fine church service conducted by town ministers and to the afternoon affair on the street that we feel disposed to pass on the appreciation to the ministers and to the business men who participat ed and rounded up the afternoon parade and program and totliose who took part in it messrs thos and ezra grove of markham have purchased 25 acres of bush land in the township of scott at lot 12 con 3 from the bre- thour estate ubera action for s jo bl agriculture here are some of the practical slops which your liberal government has taken for your benefit i guarantees of minimum prices for farm products v trade agreements with 20 countries o debt cancellation took 225 millions debt off farmers shoulders a took import duty and war exchange tax off farm equipment t saved apple industry by special marketing j agreements f premiums paid on high grade cheese and grade a and b 1 hogs i twheat acreage reduction 4 and prairie farm income pay- dents madc in 1941 to tide far- men over until market for wheat found o export contracts operative until 1947 act as floor prices under farm products q the above with the export credits insurance act will maintain farm incomes through- sue postwar period r appointed august 1944 agricultural prices support n sozrd to guarantee for postwar security to farmers incomes i 11 to enable farmers to improve their working and livingcon- iififionsiyour liberal government i tas provided for intermediate and v short term credits by amending jbebank act and passing the jl sum improvement loans act and iather has arranged that those r i wishing tobuildjnew homes or xepair extend or renovate their r t present homes can borrow ithe araey under the national hous- sag act i rising farm income tvf rm f cauf mcomi fkom thi saluwmtm products shown w meuohs of douats ss55sssss13ss 9 inaugurated annual farm pro- cash ihcome front ihosale of r duction programmes through farm products millions of dollars cooperatioa betweentbe depart- f r mtbt of agriculture and umersu iai rjanizations in every part of veep- it 3 p under liberal government farm incomes rose steadily v one out of every three men working in canada is on the farm agriculture is the nations most important industry since 1935 your liberal government has kept farming at the top of its list for action look at the panel left r v although 23 fewer men have been available for farm work production has increased more than 40 a splendid record of achievement for victory even before the war by securing foreign mar- kcts taking off surpluses and stimulating home consumption your liberal government assisted in raising total farm income by 45 during the war the farmer for the first time was put in the sound position of knowing exactly how he stood financially he was protected against increases in his costs of production- and guaranteed a market at fixed prices for a specified volume of produce in 1939 farm income was 772- 000000inl944itwas 18 17- 000000 an increase of over a billion after the war your liberal government has arranged to keep farm incomes up by floor prices on farm and fish- prod ucts and by foreign trade to improve farm living condi tions by r family allowances national housing plan f farm improvement l6aris act and other social measures and to secure agricuirurcxfuture by conservation of soil and other natural resources together with farsighted projects for irriga tion road and other improve ments as soon as manpower and materials are available when you vote liberal you act foryourown and your fam local soldier helped longest floating bridge a letter just received fromspr a maskell of stouffville and ad dressed to the soldiers comfort fund- tells how he assisted with the erection of an 18000 ft floating bridge across the rhine river it wasthe longest bridge of its kind ever built up until that time and the letter is datelined april 27th3 hesays it wasa 48 hour nonstop job at the time of writing spr maskell was on the eve of a 7day leave in england dog owtiersdefy law toomany people are persisting m breaking the dog law so that the council is soon going to be forced to engage a dog catcher who will make it his business to pick up dogs running at large and place them in pound where it will cost the owner one or two dollars to recover the canine within a given number of days or hours lifter which it may be destroyed this is the power that councils have to give effect to and which while drastic would be brought on by the dog owners themselves there is something to be said for the poor dog but pro perty owners their gardens and flowers have tfie first considera tion missing jfinc months now safe ralph stevens son of rev and mrs h r stevens of windsor and formerly of stouffville and ciare mont has been reported safe after being missing from an raf flight over the burma jungle some nine months ago ralph had com pleted four operational tours in africa europe and india and is one of two men out of fourteen to be saved following an air collision over burma last august it was really a joyous vday for the stevens after almost all hope had been abandoned for their son rev stevens was the iformer baptist church minister at ciaremont and the family resided in stouffville for a time big whitchurch rally for toole and mckenzle a public rally in the interests of major alex mckenzie candidate for the ontario legislature and c earl toole progressive coriserva- ltve candidate for the federal- cam paign m north york riding is announced to be held in the com munity hall vandorf on the even ing of wednesday may 23 at 8 oclock j there will be guest speakers and other talent when a discussion of the public issues of the day will be heard this is mr tooles home district where he is- so popular and where he sat for reeve of the township of whitchurch for some years hence a big turnout is anticipated at this gathering of more than usual size with the elections running con currently and thereby complicating the issues at stake to some extent electors are urged to turn e to hear what the candidates have vtp say and to make themselves more fully informed on the problems facing t province and dominion damaging frosts timothy and clover fields are re ported to have been damaged in the local area by the persistent nightly frosts of last week and farmers predict there willbe a short crop in this feed as a result of what has been done by theun- usual cold nights after the growth had well gotten underway s early fruits too are reported to have been damaged while straw berries in flower were cut off and will accordingly lighten the produc tion of early varieties the engagement has been an nounced of grace mary daines of uxbridge daughter of mr and mrs james daines of that town to william edward whittleton son of mr- and mrs samuel whittleton of goodwood the affairwiirbe held some- time in june v 2nd line uxbridge mr andmrs cain visited at the robert hope home on saturday despite the unusually wet wea ther the barn raising at mrs tay lors was heldon monday ithad been scheduled for previous sat- cub news we held our usual meeting on friday may 11th with22members present we hope to have a par ents night in the near future when cubs y will receive their first star v at the close of the meetingthis fri day- 18th from 8 30 to 9 oclock we will beprepared to register all boys between the ages 12 to 17 years vho are sincerely interested in boys scouts we hold our meetings in the basement of the united church cecil andrus cm walter f acm paul sherk a instructor safe in england only three words but ttheyj mean so much to anxious parents thus when bruce lintnercabled this week- to his motherland father mr and mrs ed liritnef main street east stating that hejhadbeeh res- cuedb ythe british and was now safe in england the simple words carneda great and satisfying mes- sage so far as is known bruce is in good health and it may not be long nbwuntil he reaches canada and his home town of stouffville he was taken by the germans at dieppe n asvannounced in this paper last week stouffville is being urged to form a hardball team to enter in a j league withmarkham richmond hill willowdale aurora and new market and on monday evening the stouffville lions club took up the challenge and are asking all boys interested to meet in the park this mondaynight the boys workn committee of the club are in charge and willbe on hand to dir ect the organization stouffville has had a great reputation as a baseball centre in the past and it is thought that this placeman be retained if youre one of the boys interested be sure and be out monday night- weather permitting si l 4 s baptist anniversary un uwu iul i oat- goodwood urday buthad to becanceltfri on the goodwood baptist church account offain howeveragbod crowd gathered on monday and al though -the- timbers were uite water soaked went together j very well geo todd and ralph davis were captains and it was aclose race davis men winning by only a few minutes although late gettt ing underway it was up six oclock mrs gardiner of toronto is spend ing a few days at the helmkay home c will hold their anniversary service on sunday may 27 with services at3and 730 pm rev dr c h schuttjwillbe s guest speaker at both services and special music- by the choir willberendered assisted in theeveningby the ladies trio mrs donvratcliff mrs j oldham arid miss evelyn dougherty a cordial invitation to all friends and former members to attend these services 32 y ilys continued welfare build a afwsocm 0dr 1 ffrj h ft rusushb ir the tuiionaiinaui coluumx vf jjrttftttjgrtjttwvty too careless with shade trees many towns says trie hanover postare too careless and unappreo iative of what trees meanto their streets and this includes hanover trees are cut down when they could be spared by alittle planning they are butcheredandynutilated for telephoneand hydro wires with no thought of the years of time that went into their growth the han over paper is right for tbefeis nothing which will add to the beautiful appearance of streets in a town or village- as much as trees wjll do it is always with a feeling of regret when j we see what was once a lovely cut because it died and usually from ill treatment the time is coming when stouff- villemiist- have a systematic tree planting program inthe jneantime every one who cuts a tree that is deador unsafe skould replace it with a sapling dq and you will be proud of your effort in a few years -y- rtfisilf v j ance r- on wdfteday vlly 23 to bilvtkqinpsohidridhis red goats at cedar beach gardens v musselmans 1 lake dancing every saturday nighttdurincisummerr l j