l i rij js ip v thetribjbest6 101945 htlrljrrum f we aretruly thankful tg our god by vhose grace brid power we have gained the victbry svw to our 9 deadwhose memory we ever cherish i r to our heroic living whose high courage and bravery have inspired us to nobler effort to all who have contributed to the overthrow of tyranny and the establish ment of peace a ratcliff co missionary convention ontinues c mennonite brethren in christ church gormley thursdayrev s s skarirz who labored in africa will speak friday rev ozra traub will give an illustrat ed address on africa sunday may 1 3 is the closing day of the con ference when three big services will beheld plan to be with us all day bring your lunch basket greenwood theypu met tuesday evening at the home of mrs silcox in the form of a banquet ttf finish their meetings until the fall term percy and mrs middleton also mrs r philip of buffalo spent the weekend at their home- miss marion mcvey of toronto visited with her parents over sun day we welcome vernon short home from overseas a thanksgiving victory service will be held next sunday in our church miss laiirette pegg is spending her holidays at her home here please reserve the date wednes day may 16th to hear the comedy drama entitled mamas baby boy dresented by the claremont good fellowship class in the greenwood vnuited church sponsored by group 1 of our wa this drama comes highly recommended so everyone come out and see for yourself bloomington miss gwen tranmer of kitchener and mrs h kee and betty ann of orangeville were weekend guests at the tranmer home mrs noel storry was a toronto visitor last week several attended the funeral of the late louis tindall on sunday afternoon at churchill mr and mrs wagg of kinsale were visitors atd cowies mr and mrs howard kee of orangeville were guests at the cliff lemon home on sunday the missionary meeting was held on thursday at the home of mrs bruce morton the president mrs e morton conducted the devotion al program in charge of mrs tran mer included duets by mrs- byer and mrs reesor altona a letter from the missionaries rev and mrs percy in africa read by miss alta fockler mrs carter of altona gave an address mrs- w reesor gave the closing prayer our mis sion box offering for the year showed 86 lunch was served by the hostess john bracken at oshawa john bracken will be at the hotel genosha in oshawa on wed nesday may 16 and will give an address and meet the electors at that time mr bracken will be en- route from attending the public auction on the farm of grant christie at port perry and will take time off as he proceeds to hamilton to meet friends in the ontario riding ilt jvj f zv-h- 1 federal election june 11 vote for sinclair y to the electors of ontario riding a j 5 i have filed my nominatiop pap ers and am now an official candidate i am no stranger to you i was your member in the legislature for sever- al years aridleader of theopposition for i0 of those years my experience there will enable me when elected to take full part in the work of the next parliament of canada which will have largely- to do with postwar recon- struction arid the building of- a great- er canada i therefore appeal to you v with confidence for your support at a time when experiericeand mature judgmentare the prime qualifications m or membership in new parliament j the european jvar has drawn to aclosetbthe joy of- all after many anxious and trying jrearswe are celebrating the victory withheartfelt thanksgjvirig during those years the management of ouraffairs has been in the hands of a government which hasspared no effort to prosecute the war with full vigor the record of the government is above reproach- there has been no scandal or improper dealing the whole effort has been to bring our greatest support to the allied c on the- home front our farmers have labored hard to produce food supplies our munition workers motor mechanics and airplane producers have worked long and faithfully to provide everything necessary for the support of our forces our young men and women have served and sacrificed onseaand land and in the air all have joined in loaning money to the government to pay for all services loyalty to our country andour cause has been the motive of the people v and the government with such a record who but the same- goyemment should have charge of the postwar destinies of panada the government has the knowledge acquired during the war years and the experience of all warproblemsto make it the only group capable of pr6perlyhandling our affairs during the next few years toensure tous the proper peace conditions it should and must be returned tbbfflce to carry 6h 4 we mustlook forward now and carry on for the welfare of ourselves and our countryiwith divine guidance and our affairs in the hands of an experienced goyerrimentwe shall succeed i ask you to send nie to ottawa to lend my efforts and experience to the task of maintaining aridimpfoving the positiohbf canada among the nations ofythe world and enabling all its a people toenjoy all the blessings of the peace years which are to follow our years of anxiety and sorrow- and to see that first of all our returning men and women are fully and satisfactory replacedin civilian life r yours for service to canada weft- sinclair oshawa- 5 vote for sinclair r- 1green river r a drama mamas baby boy will be presented by the claremont young peoples society on monday evening may 14th in the church everybrie 2nd line uxbridge mr and mrs wilf hubbard and family visited at bristol mcguckins on tuesday t mr and mrs albert taylor and mr arid mrs bruce taylor visited with ralph cooper in the east general hospital one day last week we extend our sympathy to the tindall family in their reeent bereavement 7- v mr and mrs murray stewart and family visited with mij arid mrs bruce taylor on sunday mrs ed taylor and robert visit ed her daughter marjorie at belle ville on sunday 8th line markham miss lillian morgan and friend of toronto spent last week at her home here mrs alvin wideman visited with her sister mrs andrews of oak ridges last saturday harry turan visited over the vic tory holiday with mr and mrs blizzard mr and mrs smith of glasgow visited recently with mr and mrs lome byer miss velma castor of toronto was a recent visitor at the home of mr and mrs albert reesor we extend sympathy to mrs thos lilley in the sudden death of her brother mr roiitley at winni peg messrs percy dike and gordon pipher are installing hydro on their farms we congratulate mrs issac warn- bold who celebrated her 76th birth day last week her friends sur prised her with a card shower mrs wambold is improving after being confined to bed all winter early last j saturday morning a brooder house with 200 baby chicks and brooder on thos blizzards farm was completely destroyed by fire the house and other surround ing buildings were rain soaked which saved them from flying sparks i mrs don t mingay and baby daughter eleanor arrived at the home of mr and mrs h mingay on saturday from england mrs don mingay is the wife of don mingay who paid the supreme sacrifice in the campaign in italy last septem ber we welcome mrs mingay to our community quebecs six per cent luxury tax has been reviewed by the wptb and declared not to be part of the price of the goods or services taxed the board says that the tax is a retail purchase tax similar to one imposed by the federal government in its budget of 1942 sale register s aturd ay mayjli auctiorisale including entire household f urni- ture garden andcarpenter tools the property of thos crandall south of no 2 highway at high- land creek sale at 1 pm no re- l serve as property is sold terms cash sellers and atkinson auc- tioneers thursday may 17th public auction sale of farm implements 1020 tractor tractor and horse drawn implements farm and garden tools etc property of g f h mackayeast lot 17 rear con 3 markham twp on 4th con mile north of buttonville sale at 115 pm terms cash no reserve owner giving up farm- ing clarkeprentice auctioneer saturday may 19 extensive sale of household furniture garden tools at lot 18 con 8 whitchurch on the lake road the property of w cockerill terms cash- lloydturner clerk as fanner auctioneer saturday may 19 auction sale entire household furnishings in- eluding electric washer beatty electric vradio iron toaster bedding linen dishes etc the property of jesse cober main ststouffvillesale at 130 pm sharp no reserve as property sold owner giving up housekeep ing terms cash sellers and atkinson auctioneers saturday may 26 auction sale household furniture- electric washer porcelain tub like new electric toaster iron plate etc the propertyof john w lehman albert st stouffville sale at 130 pm no reserve terms cash sellers and atkinson auq- tioneers saturday june 2 auction sale of entire household furni ture chinawareetc the pro perty of len wickham just off no 7 highway in unionville no reserve sale at 130 pm terms cash sellers and atkinsonauc- tioneers ioexok v2 t jv ciuaissthassjhfrcweati shop the modern way jx aylmer vegetable soup 310oztiris r 23c bettys tangerine marmalade 9fl- oz jar fl7c nestles evaporated milk 6 tall tins v 54c royal york salt pl or iod 2 lb pkg- r icj allens apple juice 220 ozmiris 25c monarch baby cheddar cheese ls 37c carload groceteria we deliver phone 280 ok wrnmivr aicvtviirsarv i hoover 9th line sunday evening 2oth wedding anniversary u surprise it being tne occasion some thirty relatives gathered at of their twentyfifth wedding anni- the home of mr and mrs arthur versary the church services second markham baptist church rev norman rowan pastor sunday may 13th 955 am sunday school lloo am a service of prayer- praise and thanksgiving tuesday 8 pm prayer meeting time friday may 11th 8 pm young peoples meeting worship with us mennonite churches dickson hill and jwt joy rev s s shantz minister o mount joy sunday majr 13th 1000 am sunday school 1100 am divine worship 730 pm illustrated address monday 7 pm sunshine gospel band monday 8 pm young peoples missionary rally dicksons himi sunday may 13th- 1000 am divine worship y 1100 am sunday school f this will be missionary sunday rev ozra french returned -mis- sionary nigeria w africa willbe thespeaker rev r p ditmer- general mission- ary secretary of- the unitedmis- sionafy society will be the guest speaker at the young peoples missionary rally stouffville united church kev douglas davis minister sunday may 13th the best way to honour your mother is to go with her to church 1000 am sunday school 1100 amidivine worship baptism service 7 30 pm evening service wednesday- may 9 at 8 pm the stouffville christian mens fel lowship meets in the united church ladies specially invited guest speaker mr harry laul nier music cyril redford and his male quartette pianist mr r smith are you grateful folf vic tory in europe say so at church on sunday the national day of pray- er and thanksgiving claremont dance sat may 12 i- inote change in date admission 35c x0e30e tea rz stouffville mennonite church rv e moyer pastor- sunday may 13thv loooamrunday schoolvf 1100 am divine worship 230 pm youth bible drill dis- cpnunued fpr the summer v 730 pm mothers bay sfervlce in charge of young people thursday evestoufeyille prayer meeting monday eve young peoples ruvival meetings in progress at altona rev mrrwrayevange- list- revival meetings in stouffville mennonite church onmay27ito june 10 sara gregory evangel list professor and mrs r a shanksongleaders touffville t basjht ui churchf v rev d macgregor pastor sunday may 13th i 1000 ajnl bible school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship v 750 pirn evening worship and now head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me j- therefore will1- offer in his taber- nacle sacrifices of joy rvj- c i will sing praisesunto wednesday 8pmprayer meeting come and receive a blessing melville bethesda and peachs churches rev r t chapln slinlstcr sunday may 13th melville joining with peachs i sunday school at 1000 am divine worship 1115 am bethesda service 730 pm st james presbyterian church stouffville- bot t deconrcy rayner minister sunday may 13th please note the hour 945 am divine worship followed bysabbath school bible class empire day of prayer and thanks giving god is exalt him every member and should attend respond to the call of our king praise the lord and exalt his holy name all invited to share this service this is the lords doing and it is marvellous in our eyes adherent bloomington rengwood christian churches jrevg w brown pastor sunday mayl3tn 1100 am bloomington day of prayer and mothers day services t 730 pm ringwood a mothers choir will provide the music at these services opening service of evangelistic campaign altona church at 730 pm see elsewhere in this paper for complete i announce- merit childrens meeting- in ringwoodf church monday 7 pm t all are cordially invited to attend these services plan to come i 4 stouffville christian church charles montgomery- pastor miss nora stapleton organlct sunday may 13th- v i 1000 amtsuriday school 1100 ammorriing wprship 730 pmmsospel service j- rev e morton will preach at both services monday 730 pm teeri age girls friday 7 pm childrens meeting friday 8 pm christian endeavour cthdrohhiui v sunday may 13th 200 pm bible school t 300 pm divine worship rev e morton will preach friday 430 pm childrens meeting atmrs forfars homev v a rev p herihah secior siindaysmay 13th 2odpmfsuniayschool 250 pmeverilng prayer ifiterylody welcome v gormley and bethesda mennonttebrethren ts v christ church s rev vj hoson- pastor r sunday may 13th sunday school 2 pjn preaching- vr 3 pm young peoples 730 pm r i sj bethesda sunday may 13th preaching 1030 ajn the- big missionary convention is- attracting large crowds arid promises- to- conclude 6n sunday with a capacity crowd for morning afternoon and evenfng services- bring your lunch and make it a day with us sziizmj watch the printed programs for weeknlght meeting thursday and friday at a x vvv ill