Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 10, 1945, p. 2

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our capital correspondent written- exnressly for the stouffvflle tribune by dean wilson following in the wake of the end of hostilities in europe it is expected in wellinformed quarters on parliament hill that ome war time conditions may be changed in tunelwith the new circumstances but others may be forthcoming in different directions thus it is in- reheated that for sometime it has v been known in ottawa that the can adian- armys demobilization pro- gramme of firstinfirstout would mosj likely be applied to home de fence personnel in the same way as it did to general servicemen then again preparations in fitting canadian ships detailed for duty in tropical waters to have living condifionsequal in comfort to ships of the royal navy or theunited states navy are a sharp reminder of the part to be played by canada in the war against japan though it is said that some australians are resentful about canadas attitude in the pacific war since premier kings announcement that only volunteers would be used- by this country in this theatre of war in i other words the end of hostilities in europe would bring certain changes in wartime conditions but there will be others in different directions with the two aforemen tioned instances stressing in ottawa fhefact that the relaxation o one may be balanced by strengthening of the effort inthe other prior to the victory loan cam paign it had been held in ottawa uksap the loan drive on may 12 so that it has caused considerable surprise that such political broadcastshave been allowed to go on theair before the conclusion of the victory loan however information in the capi tal has revealed that there 2sno particular reason for this change of plans except thatit had- been found by the authorities that it was impossible to await the close of the loan drive before such political talks commenced if the allotted time was to be spaced ad vantageously after a meeting be tween the officials of the canadian broadcasting corporation and party representatives in ottawa there was an agreement about the allot ment of free time among the poli tical parties on the canadian net works- during the forthcoming dominion and ontario elections in accord with the white paper issued some months ago by the cbc at that time it was said that in order that a political party shall have free time for broadcasts in a federal campaign the party must have 61 or more candidates in the field in at least three- provinces across this country and it must have a national policy therefore on- this basis 14 hours of free time has been allowed on the national networks for this purpose with the liberals getting 5u hours progressiveconservatives 3i hours- ccf 3 hours and- like to see the amous baby social credit as well as labor- progressives one hour each r with these political broadcasts starting on may 4 instead- of after the vic- the real reason mentioned previous ly here therehas been a startling flood of requests in canadas capital and this has caused much comment hankctage along parliament hill the canadiancongress of labor a most powerful and influential organization has put into the hands of the federal cabinet a brief call ing of certain changes in labor regulations war control over wages in the personnel of the national war labor board federal assist ance to the provinces on education immigration policies for the future etc the canadian legion in ottawa has been very emphatic about the governments provisions for hous ing especially for war veterans and their dependents demanding im mediate action war controls seem to be unnecessary in some direc- tions due to the change of war for- bonus i measure r differed for a little time to allow f urtherinquiry since it is feared by- these people that this scheme of paying practic ally subsidies to certain families at the expense of others or the whole population may prove ultimately to be an extremely heavy drain- on the national treasury in peacetime when financial questions must be answered and expenditures must be curbed in a more limited nature than in abnormal times these and other requests reaching parliament hill lately have provoked much comment behind the scene in the capital in the midst of the discus sions about cqming peace elections and so forth it may appear as a perfectly in nocent item but it might be men tioned that invthe experience of this veteran observer the refusal of the prime minister to accept the demand of dr arthur beachesne to retire from his post as clerk of canadas house of commons has a hint of the belief that the new parliament to be elected after the 11th of june may contain numer- tune in the eyes of many canadians ous political groups and new mem- who have not been backward about their views in this though any drastic or whole sale changes in such controls will not cbmesudden- iy at this time according to the best information available along parlia ment hill at this time particularly when it is reported that in some re spects supplies are worse now than ever before such as some- foods rubber tires coallumber etc fin- bers in other words dr beau chesne has been recognized by all as canadas outstanding expert on parliamentary procedure which he has handled as an authority since 1925 so that premier kings refusal to accept his wish to retire until after the first session of the next parliament contains a suggestion that there may jbe much confusion in the next parliament inthe num- n t v- stmief theatre i v box office opens daily at slxthirtpinhows begin 1 pjit childrens matinee sat 5c regular admission 20c and 35c friday and saturday may 11 and 12 glmllland marjorie reynolds carl esmonddirectcdiiy fritz lug saturday matinee at 230 pm children 5c adults 30c monday and tuesday may 14 and 15 ally there are many who would ber of- political parties or groups i w 5 i and the following announcement will help to clarify the relationship between family allowances and income tax credits for dependent children family allowances are payable from july 1st 1945 and the registration of children is now taking- place the family allowances act was designed to help equalize opportunities for all children and when the act was passed parliament approved the prin- ciple that there should be no duplication of benefits by way of family allowances and income tax credits for the same child an amendment to the income war tax act will be made to deal with this duplication in the meantime however the govern ment proposes for the last six months of 1945 dur ing which family allowances are payable to re move duplication by adjusting the income tax credits received for children it is natural that parents in the low income groups will be expected to receive maximum benefits from family allowances partial benefits will be received however by parents with incomes up to 3000 the table below shows the effect of the adjust ments whichthe governmentihas decided to make for convenience and simplicity the benefits received by each income group aire shown asa percent of the family allowances received the table shows v v v l l z v v i s ffr heads of families receiving incomes in 1945 of 1200 or less will benefit to the extent of the full amount of the fam ily allowances received as they arc not v required to pay income tax there is no duplication to remove b heads of families receiving incomes in 1945 in excess of 1200 but not in excess of 3000 will in effect retain the full value- of their present income tax credits and in addition a percentage of theactual family allowances received c heads of families with incomes in excess of 3000 will retain their full income tax credits for children if they do notjreceive family allowances these taxpayers may however apply for family allowancesto protcctthcmsclvcsagainst a possible decrease in income at a later date which might bring them into a lower income range where they would benefit from family allowances in such cases if the income remains in excess of 3000 the income tax credits for child ren would be reduced by the full amount of family allowances received table showing effect of adjustments for 1945 amount of taxable income not over 1200 over 1200 buf not- over 1400 1400 percent by which taxpayers will benebt from family allowances in addition to present income tax credits for 1945 100 is 00 2000 2200 200 2600 2800 3000 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400- 2600 2800 3000 100 90 of 80 ihe 70 actual 60 family 50 allowances 40 received 30 in the 20 year 10 1945 v 0 note this tabic applies to married persons and others having the status of married persons for income tax purposes tor the rclamely small number of single persons sup port ire children and not having married status for income tax purposes and for members of the armed torces special tables can be obtained from the regional direaor of family allowances in each provincial capital family allowances will be pend in f ui 3 f t in all cases those who apply for and are eligible to receive family allowances will receive them in full month by month see scale below scale of monthly allowarjces for thefirstfbur children for each child under 6 from 6 to 9 inclusive from 10 to inclusive 1 from 13 to 15 inclusive 500 600 800 where there are more than four children under let in the familythe monthly allow ance for each child after the fourth will be reduced in accordance with the provi sions of the family allowances act m as far as is possible to take care of the adjustments necessary toavoid duplication of benefits current income tax deductions at the source will be adjusted to take into account the new situation when family allowance pay ments commence this will avoidplacinganawkward burden on the taxpayers at the end of the year family allowances are not taxable special attention is drawn to the fact that the income ranges used in the table above refer to taxable income and any amounts received as family allowances should not therefore be included in calculating income for this purpose because family allowances arc not taxable family allowances are also additional to dependents allowances fot servicemens families arid military pensions s for children registered after july 1st 1945 family allowances will be paid as from the month following the month when registration is made family allowances arc not paid retroactively i published under tht authority oj v hon brooke claxton muter daparfmmrt of naflenal haallh and welfare ottawa note these two examples 1 family with two children ages 6 and 8 with total income during 1945 of 1200 total for six months of 1945 first child second child 36f00 3600 7200 as this family does not bonefit by way of income jax credits it feceivesand- keeps the full amount as stated above 2 family with two children ages 6 arid 8 with total income during 1945 of 1950 total for six monthsof 1945 first child 3600 socond child 3600 amount returnable being loss of income tax credits amount retained 60 see table 4320 register now t i if you intend to apply for family allowances but have not already done so please complete and mail family allowances registration form copies of farm maybe obtained at the nearest post office wednesday and thursday may 16 and 17 gumlc1m w- j i f 1 1 j t as well as new members and this means that dr beauchnesnes knowledge and experience max de indispensable under such circum stances in the nations best inter ests though dr beauchesne who is close to 70 years is known to desire retirement immediately if possible newspapers may receive more newspaper advertising in the scheme of postwar affairs than ever before in the history of pub lishing this is the impression that is gained by this observer back stage along parliament hill from some of the activities going on at this time in postwar planning since postwar planning has be come an extremely important con sideration both inside and outside of- the capital it is clear that prop erly directed salesmanship will be absolutely essential during the re adjustment period in canada more over war requirements have in creased canadas production facil ities to recordbreaking proportions and the national economy will re quire- some adjustment of these facilities to peacetime needs with conversations between this obser ver and experts indicating that many new products coming on the canadian market would need intel ligerit salesmanship before these would be accepted by the public so that the medium of newspapers would be used to the greatest pos sible extent in such efforts because it is the best possible medium in the light of trils notwithstanding a widely distri buted report from ottawa that the rationing of meat policy in canada would be the responsibility of the chairman of the wartime prices trade board donald gordon yet it must be stressed that information in the capital reveals that this is wrong since this was a matter of government policy or federal cab inet decision rather than that of the chairman of the said board in cidentally it is disclosed in ottawa that canada would ship to britain as much meat and meat products this year as in 1914 when a new precedent was set in these quanti ties of shipping though canada may not be able to supply as much bacon and ham this year as last year even if there were hopes that this would be offset by increasing the shipments of beef and beef products i a tip has been giveniinpttawa by a former chief of army public relations that the famous field marshall montgomery may visit canada sometime fafter the conclusion of the european war when premier klngdepartcd for the san francisco conference the throws in sponge colgeri heinrich von viet- ingenhoffscheel commander of the german and italian fascist armies in italy unconditionally surrendered all german land sea and air forces in italy and southern and western austria his capitulation provided for field marshal sir harold alex ander supreme- allied com mander int italy uhe largest haul of prisoners in history nearly 1000000 men hop j t ilsley minister of fin ance was namedas acting- prime minister with mr- ilsleys greater need for speed being obvious in the disclosure that he went by plane for a visit to nova scotia from the capital often information from ottawa may not be clear nor full on account of wartime res trictions or secrecy but this should notbe questioned under certain conditions this is emphasized and shown in a practical way in the latest disclosure in ottawa that the 35yearold member of parliament major alan chambers who repre- sented a constituency in british columbia inthe parliament re cently dissolved has been awarded the distinguished service order on recommendation of thebritish war office andtheking for outstand- ingoperational services of a-se- cret nature with the exact details ofjthevjservicesv rendered by this canadiahmphavirig to remain a secretiintilaftercthewar y extra copies of the tribune are- available at jwatsons goodwoodj mowders andoverlnnds ciaremont ffi8assw

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