Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 23, 1944, p. 7

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the triburiestouffville ont thursday nov 23 1944 a weekly editob looks at tt considered sion years in contrast the 11042 health campaigns are figures showed probable marriage as great aids for 95 of girls 15 years old which is abnormally high and not likely statistics show that stillbirths to continue for any length of time have been on the decline since the jvear 1939 a contributing factor while the longterm canadian fates the article is fewer large trend is toward smaller families i families and more families of one the article points out most mar- awa witfm ipsravy muy wtpcpt of in view of its importance in post war planning on a national scale and the health of canadian merits riages are followed very soon by a first birth and many by a later second birth the birth rate close ly follows fluctuations in the mar riage rate at an interval of about one year the rising trend- of mar riages arrested the downward trend in the birth rate but no marked increase occurred until 19- 40 it continued to rise through 19- 43 but will probably decline again after the decline in the marriage rate which began a year earlier studies show women marrying young have larger families than those marrying at an older age but considering the interruptions in the childbearing of women whose husbands are overseas the a top spot we are discussing brief- net effect of earlier war marriages ly this week an interesting article will not be easily detected in the on trends in canadian vital statis- tics from a recent publication of the wartime information board while substantial improvement is evidenced in canadas health in the last 20 years and public inter est has been greatly increased it is pointed out that much remains to be done through improved pub lic health services and educational programs so that needless deaths and preventable disease can be wiped out the article is introduced by statistics showing that fewer can adian mothers are dying in child birth that the number of infant deaths has been reduced by almost half that recent measurements of school children show that children seven to thirteen years of age one to two inches taller than they were 20 years ago to dispel any com- overall statistical picture the article declares the effects of war on civilian mortality are dif ficult to assess accurately the mortality rate seemed to be stat ionary during the worst depres- ion years began to improve in 19- 38 in 1941 a bad epidemic year the death rate rose but dropped in 1912 to the lowest level ever re corded of interest are the figures life expectancy which has proved greatly in canada in last ten years figures show mean life for children born in the years 193032 to be 60 for males 621 for females male children born 10 years later in 194042 had an i expectancy of 6295 years and fe- on im- the the placency however dr jj heag- m e children i 669 years erty director of public health ser- l s indicated that whiie uie m- vices for the department of nation- pidence of tuberculosis inci eased al health and welfare is quoted as i c lowered the uea saying that the general death rate j nave lweiecl the death is still too high and deaths from certain diseases and conditions are excessive particularly did he refer accidental deaths in 194112 were to infant and maternal deaths and h tnan the a of 5 said that most of them definitely previous years and while automo- are preventable he believes tuber- accidents were numerous in rnlosisj for instir noerl nnt v 194041 the 1912 death rate was below the average for 193640 oi course the gasoline and rubber culosis for instance need not ex ist in any civilized community yet in 1942 a total of 12361 cases were reported in delving into the trend of sta tistics the article picks out some interesting points related to mar riages births and deaths the mar riage rate is closely allied with prosperity levels and- employment opportunities it reached a lowebb during the depression period and showed a marked increase in the early war years with marriages taking place at an early age the 193032 average age of marriage for girls was 253 years in 194042 it was 238 the peak of marriages was apparently reached in 1942 since then the rate has declined and is now about what is consid ered normal however it will prob ably decline further if the war is prolonged because of the absence of men nuptiaity figures for 1930- 32 indicated that of every 100girls 15 years old 82 would live to be married at least once this was a low rate that reflected postpone- ment of marriages during depres- editors mail islington ontario dear editor the stouffville tribune i too enjoy reading your splen did paper especially those articles and two children conditions affect- ing maternal mortality also affect of a controversial nature the stillbirth rate i read mr milligans reply to my brothers letter to the the conclusion reached is that in general the health of the can adian people showed a marked improvement during the 10 years preceding the war and that im provement has continued through the war years progress has been greatest in maternal mortality some aspects of infant mortality and mortality from pneumonia and influenza contributory factors are believed to be advances in med ical methods and the improved nu trition of mothers during preg nancy however there is no room for any slackening of health edu cation and public health programs shortage was the reason now as to infant mortality there has been a steady improvement between 1926 and 1942 significant is the fact that two causes of in fant deaths much affected by the state of health of the mother dur ing pregnancy show the most favorable improvement even dur ing the war years this would in dicate improvements in nutrition and education in prenatal care heres another fact worthy of note in the three years before the war the maternal mortality rate was reduced 25 and in the first three years of the war a further 30 percent reduction was noted this improvement kept on through 1943 despite an increased number of births among a highly mobile population a severe strain ori hosp itals and medical facilities the use of sulpha drugs and improved nu trition of the mother are two basic reasons for this good trend it is suggested recent government plumbing and heating furnaces cleaned repaired hot water systems checked guaranteed rebuilt furnaces for sale parts for septic tanks piping pumps etc- general repairs expert workmanship john irving wilson aye markham cold storage lockers are now available at 6 to 8 you will save many times your meat bill its cost on stouffville creamery co stouffville ont phone 18601 goodwood anniversary the anniversary services at the united church goodwood were attended by overflow crowds both afternoon and evening the after noon service was led by pastor b garrett in devotional exercises message of welcome and prayers- the visiting choir was the quaker hill quartette who gave their mes sage in song eulogizing the church and our duty to keep the lower lights burning pastor garrett led in an inspiring solo of praise and thanksgiving rev rowan gave a stirring address from judges 6 re minding us how god used gideon to deliver israel and who when spoken to by the lord exclaimed oh my lord if the lord is with us why is all this befallen us this shows that we too when we get wise to ourselves will take our brother by the hand and bible un der our arm and go back to god speaker told us that it was because of our forefathers simple faith and earnestness that we have been able to enjoy such a wonderful heritage and that it was imperative that we recapture their simple faith if we ntended leaving the next generat ion the same heritage that we enjoy rev taylor of goodwood baptist church led in prayer the home pas tor closing with the benediction i certainly respect his views how lucky we are to be living in a country where there is so little in tolerance i think however that mr milli- gan is confusing religion and christianity we have plenty of the former but far too little of the lat ter christianity is simply a way of life the right way and jesus christ lived and died to show us that way russia never at any time re pudiated christianity religion was in a terrible condijion the church was deeply involved in politics and morally rotten with a depraved priesthood little wonder that they soured on religion they welcome christianity i too think the ccf with their imperfections is the only peoples party christianity and capitalism in its present form cannot exist in the society liberalism and conservativeism have played their part in the past and played it well both are selfcen tred and topheavy true we are getting some much needed reforms but only because there is a third party pushing them unwillingly ahead if those people who now jeer at the ccf would take t he trouble to investigate its beginning aims and ideals i do not doubt they would remain to whitewash- respectfully harry l wideman york ctycouncil recalls the ole swimrain ole reeve doubts council vision doubt was cast on the fitness of a county council to deal with prob lems of postwar rehabilitation by reeve w e macdonald of new toronto in course of discussion or the report of the postwar planning committee at york county council the report which presented sug gestions for the rehabilition or farms the immigration of new in dustries to the county and the establishment of more extensive industrial markets was adopted i do not jdobut that you men are big enough in heart excell0 hog rations to meet the demand for a lower protein hog ration for straight feeding excell0 hog grower and excell0 hogv finisher are meeting with splendid favour with hogmen everywhere- these two excell0 rations work with the marmill feed ing plan nursing and weanling pigs require a higher protein content in rations as is provided in marmill piggy starter pellets and by marmill 17 pfg ration at sixty pounds weight pigs have a sufficient start to change to exccll0 hog grower and at 140 pounds again change to excell0 hog finisher and continue until marketed these rations supply all the essentials for growth and most economical gains per pound of feed consumed ask for our special delivfred price on western grain central feed store stoiiflville ont ihone commercial tire depot synthetic tires size 550x17 1550 size 600x16 1725 size 525x18 1410 size 500x19 1175 size 500x20 pre 1085 size 30x3v4 prewar 685 prewar tubes group c1819 275 group c17 245 group b19 210 group a2021 165 group c2021310 30x3 120 seat covers for all makes of cars at special prices paris auto supply jos parisi richmond hha ont in this northern part of york county ratepayers look upon our county council as largely abqdy of farmers and if they- are then strange support is given to some matters brought before them for instance last week recom mendation by the education com mittee that leadership training courses initiated this year in the more urban schools we presume be continued and expanded was endorsed by the whole council without any opposition from the rural representatives whose rate payers may have to share the cost although the children in the country will still continue to use the old swimming ole at the creeks bend a course operated in york town ship resulted in the development of 25 playgrounds supervisors while an extensive course cover ing several phases of volunteer community service leadership is being operated in the lake shore district at the present time with an enrolment of 187 leaders the committee reported to council the education committee also reported the operation of a course to develop advanced swimmers as swimming coaches the course is being operated all fall and winter by the lake shore swimming club at humberside collegiate with gus ryders rlss- as director with an enrolment of 4o prospective coaches not much in this undertaking for the rural sections mr ryder reports that he has developed 20 swimming coaches who can take groups anywhere having first passed tests in life- saving deputy reeve hugh griggs secretary of the education committee reported to council he said an additional 20 will be train ed in actual class work during the next term council unanimously recom mended upon the suggestion of the committee that recommendations be forwarded to the ontario de partment of education that this type of program be encouraged by way of provincial direction and the establishment of approved grants to finance same the committee reported further that v k greer of the ontario de partment of education has given assurance that consideration will be given in 3915 to the countys re quest that king township be made part of york inspectorate 1 tocatj ttkeeder buy tops at disieksatj j op fioneek iioijstkin herd e h fairly milliken bought twotoppriced cattle at the disper sal sale of the pioneer ilolstein herd of fred e hilliker held nov 15 at norwick they secured a first calf heifer at 465 and a heirei at 420bothare animals and are excellent individuals the 28sold in j dispersal averaged f 20277 macdonald told the council but you are not big enough in political stature to handle the problem he maintained that a reeves short term ofoffice would tend to make rehabilitation plans a political foot ball reeve c hooper of markham tp marks saying we should not sit back for anyone who knows the immediate needs better we are the closest representatives to the people in all canada the report suggested that a do minionprovincial joint planning confprence be held with a view to establishing a provincialdominion reevej point planning board challenged reeve macdonalds re- the soil councillors decried the tendency to emphasize industrial redevelop ment after the war as the key to prosperity the greatest industry in this country has been forgot ten said reeve c h hooper of markham twp the industry that comes from the top six inches of westend garage a new service expert repair work on tractors cabs trucks imperial oil products telephone service wilson thomas lcs wilson alf thomas toe against vd is a family affair laughing couple dodging showers my of rice fireside garden chubby babies these are scenes we know and like be cause theyre pare of our lives because they spell happiness contentment but wc know that these things dont just happen they have to be worked for lived for protected too because oi everpresent dangers which may spoil them venereal disease is a spoiler in a cold relentless way it can kilf infants rob the home of its breadwinner cripple destroy these are cot mere possibilities they happen right here in canada but these things should never happen they can be prevented young men and women can safeguard their fucurc happiness together by making jure before marriage that vd will not blight their plans a medicil examination including a blood test for syphilis is a protection no couple cm afford to pass up the expectant mother too may know for jure thac her baby will be all she dreamed of syphilis in the expectant mother rarely shows outward signs and it is no respecter of persons an early checkup by her doctor including a blood test is a most essential ret simple first step in protecting her babys health nor muse the breadwinner neglect his part the security of the home depends upon his ability to work regularly and efficiently unsuspected syphilis striking in middle life may make the head of the home unable to provide for his family it is wise to know for surein time industrial medical exam inations should include a routine confidential blood test a blood test should not be looked upon as something unusual it should be regarded for what it is a normal safeguard of health security and happiness invest a few minutes of your time in assurance ficht vo om thcmsectomi fbont for oft the facta about vd write yottr provincial department of health for the nrw free booklet victokt ovw dissas sponstrtd by dzrafttkrnt or national hxalth and vtkltasx tofurtiur ctnojosftkt agoitut vd j3vw

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