the tribune stouffville ont thursday nov 16 1944- mjthesfclassifie0 ups voue market place sale register thursday nov 16 new ford- r tractor and equipmentjjarm implements stock also pure bred hogs at lot 35 con 4 scarboro 1 miles south of sum- van corners the property of g d finlayson no reserve sale at 130 terms cash a s farmer auctioneer tuesday nov 21 complete dis- persal sale of 45 head of hojsteui cattle registered fully accredited and listed a few choice grade cattle of same health status this is a choice herd consisting of milkers springing fresh cows bred and open heifers herd bull also bull calf 8 months old the property of fred baston one half mile north of goodwood sale at one pm a b brubacher auc tioneer wednesday nov 22 farm stock implements hay grain and furniture atlot3 rear con 4 scarboro the property of levi reesor terms cash no re serve as farm is sold sale at one a s farmer auctioneer thursday nov 23 7 acres standing hardwood to be sold in m acre lots more or less at lot 13 con 8 markham mile north no 1 on the 9th the pro perty of atflewis sale at 130 terms cash clarke prentice auctioneer thursday nov 23 combina tion sale of farm implements carpenter and garden tools house furniture at the sunset inn kingston road stop 37 jack miller proprietor terms cash sale at 1230 sharp as this is a large sale a s farmer auction- for sale or rent 91 acres 8th concession of mark- ham modern conveniences nice lawn and- flower garden good barn pig pen implement shed poultry houses for 1600 hens water in all buildings farm high ly productive fa bruels mark- ham rr 2 253 wanted wanted a tricycle in good con dition apply to mrs don rat- cliff phoi 272 wanted a secondhand mec- canovset in good shape phone 101 stouffville lost and foun estray yorkshire boar and yorkshire pig notify roy mor- ley ph 5104 lost yellow collie idog white band on neck harold wright ph 780s for sale on pave road in clare- mont six roomed house gi rame 3piece bath hardwood floors hard and soft water hot air fur nace in cement cellar brick fire place french doors and indirect lighting in large living room 12x21 wired for electric range 2car stucco garage immediate possession price 2200 pay 300 down balance to suit purchaser chas derusha claremont ph 16w 273 live stock for sale 5 pigs 9 weeks old 9 pigs 6 weeks old and 7 pigs 6 weeks old earl mcmullen 9th markham phone 4704 wanted parties to take good steers to feed for winter liberal prices paid for what they gain cecil story ph 3617 claremont wanted singleman for general farm work by the year good home all conveniences good wages apply tribune office wanted quiet warm home in stouffville with modern conven iences for elderly lady for a few months apply box m tribune office 2 ayrshire heifer calves and 2 durhamayrshire heifer calves s months old for sale short of room g riddle clare mont rr- 2 ph 3g08 gilts for sale on saturday afternoon nov 18th 12 gilts six months old parents qualified in advanced registry sired- by our manitoba sire prices moderate r j rogers sharon eer i saturday nov 25a complete brood sow for sale also ajlot dispersal sale of 60 head of reg istered and high grade hoi steins consisting of fresh cows springers bred and open heifers herd sire diplomat finderne also a 3 unit surge milking machine like new at lot 17 and 18 con 4 whitchurch at van- dorf the property or lome johnson no reserve as the own er is giving up the dairy business owing to help leaving terms cash sale at 1230 noon sellers and atkinson auctioneers thursday dec 12 farm stock and implements and entire house furniture at part lot 13 rear con 3 markham mile north of buttonville on 4th con the property of walter tilley terms cash sale at 1230 no reserve farm sold clarke prentice auc tioneer water car heater apply clay ton davis ph 1105 stouffville wanted m e n for part time work day or night apply reesors marmill limited 262 markham ph 9600 live poultry wanted also dressed ducks geese and turkeys highest market prices paid lost tarpaulin between mark ham and stouffville finder please leave at central feed store stouffville or phone 277 salam tea fjv vbiffl articles for sale for sale garden tractor 5706 ringwood garage ph for sale canada pride cook stove with tank and warming closet good condition also crown huron cook stove in good condi tion english brown body carri age baby walker and swing ph 3808 stouffville 25tf percy hewlett stouffville 343 miscellaneous young male pup part police and collie makings of a good farm dog for sale keeping female for our own use- hugh gmichell claremont ont for sale about 16 cords of dry basswood foot length good stove wood all sdlit thos clark ballantrae ph mt albert 1621 cream separator 900 lb capacity for sale also pair of stewart clippers good as new one black mare general purpose good all harness r jas smith mt albert phone 4203 for sale 1 general motors 6 tube car radio like new phone 5706 ringwood garage small size findlay quebec heater also a heater self feeder for sale both in good condition clayton hill phone 3313 clare awarded dfc word has been received by mrs l middleton formerly of broug ham that her son fit borden e middleton tias been awarded the dfc borden went overseas isst january and is now stationed in holland congratulations from everyone send the tribune to absent friends notice i will be at home in goodwood during the week of nov 20th to 26th anyone needing rawleigh products or cream separators repairs and oil write or phone f j middleton retail stores and post officers will be permitted to engage christmas help without the formality of ask ing selective service that is they may engage women students and school teachers northern spy apples for sale all sprayed fruit and gootl quality stewart stouffer ring- wood ph 9909 252 young pigs for sale jos heise gormley ph 1514 for sale year old grade hol- stein bull phone 5102 arnold harper oils for sale motor oils tractor oils all weights also coal oil greases and antifreeze we deliver p f bramwell stouffville just west of town 25-4- phone 7914 farm machinery we can now supply delaval woods surge milking machines all machines instiled and serviced also woods gileon milk coolers beatty bros equipment electric pumps hand pumps pump jacks woods electric grain grinders and oat rollers a good supply of parts for all machines shell oils and greases livestock spray and fly spray e j stickley gormley 10tf ph 7513 stouffvill milk coolers woods new and used 150 and up portable metal lined insulated vats with lids 7500 andvup delaval milker double units complete with hp motor in stalled for 10 cows 25300 immediate delivery trades accepted write or phone for circulars and prices toronto radio sports 241 yonge st toronto for sale about 125 leghorn pullets 5 months old from trapnested hens with high pro duction and of good type limit ed number of high class breeding cockerels selected from our best producers homey farm 10th concession of markhani e david h sauer phone 49 r2 for sale 11 pigs 7 weeks old charles vine east of altona farrs elevator claremont phone 38w surge milking machines we have a good supply of asphalt roofing and cedar shingles builders supplies chop and whole grain poultry feeds molasses fencing iron jfence posts notice to creditors in the estate of patrick murphy late of the township of whnv church in the county of york farmer deceased creditors of the abovenamed de ceased who died on or about the tenth day of october 1944 are hereby notified pursuant to the trustee act to send to the under signed proof of their claims on or before saturday the ninth day of december 1944 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned will then have notice dated at newmarket this eighth day of november ad 1944 mathews stiver lyons vale newmarket ontario solicitors for rev father edward canning executor wiring repairs and addi tions phone markham 74 r4 238 quantity of good quality mixed wood for sale cut stove length will deliver apply george smalley rr3 stouffville phone 2101 mt albert wood for sale417 cords of 4 ft soft wood alex zarko ph ernest lageer 4120 for sale set of scales ren frew 2000 lbs- also anchorholth cream separator 800 lb cap both in good condition geo e hill ph claremont 2002 modern looking cooking stove with excellent oven and clock complete 6 holes for sale mrs briard market st stouff ville x for sale 1928 whippett 4 cyl good tires newly painted 30 miles to gallon serial no 12351 price 17500 ringwood garage phone 5706 auction sale farm stock implements hay grain roots vehicles swine household furniture and other articles the property of levi reesor lot 3 rear concession 4 scarboro on wednesday november 22nd for sale at 3501936 chevro let car in good condition good tires also 7 pigs 8 weeks old l kahn ph claremont 85 r2 272 steel stanchion for sale one lot of 24 stalls complete with feed divisions and water bowls and pipe second lot of 17 stalls complete with divisions and water bowls and pipe 273 telephone stouffville 4813 combination buffet and china cabinet for sale like new mrs a clossen ph 309 car radio for sale 1937 model elgin hastings ph 3715 milking machines we can now give good delivery on delaval surge and woods milking machines we install and service all our sales good supply of all parts likely to be needed always on hand woods and gilson farm milk cool ers beatty bros electric pressure systems deep and shallow well pumps woods and beatty electric grinders supertest oils isfl greases bel1 and soj the coekshutt dealers phone 281 stouffville personal angeligue grey hair restorer gives lustrous colour to grey lifeless hair 1 at storeys drug store slendor tablets are effective 2 weeks supply 1 12 weeks 5- at storeys drug store in memoriam gostick in loving memory of our dear father thos c gostick gone dear father gone forever how we miss your smiling face but you left us to remember none on earth can take your place sadly missed by family black cloth coat for sale misses size 20 black fur collar good condition ph 288 youths brown horsehide lea ther coat plush lining size 36 also youths winter overcoat size 38 and a girls wine winter coat size 12 years all in good condition reasonable ph 8704 mrs latcham in memoriam roberts in loving memory of our dear son and brother harold buster roberts who passed away nov 16 1940 we who loved you sadly miss you as it dawns another year in our lonely hours or thinking thoughts of you are ever near sadly missed by mother dad brothers and sisters wanted dead horses and cattle telephone for free pick up phone stouffville 255 markham 4326 claremont 913 9 rl4 we pay phone charges gordon young ltd ph adelaide 3636 toronto for sale holstein cows grades and registered fresh jersey cow percheron mare rising 4 years old cne winner also 8yearold percheron mare sacri fice 10000 each b r leech 2 miles east of yonge street 1 mile south of no 7 highway 24tf a young man at unionville seemed very quiet until a big man stepped on his corn you shouldve heard him storm he then used bakers solvent right that very day it painlessly took his cordis away bakers solvent wlllpalnlessly dissolve a corn in 10 days or money back callouses bunions hardspoiswaru thlcknails etc take longer guaranteed as representee 25c 50 75c 100 george e baker manufacturing chemist in memoriam frisby in loving memory of a dear father richard frisby who passed away nov 20 1943 the rolling stream of life rolls on but still the vacant chair recalls the love the voice of one who once sat there lovingly remembered by his daugh ter and soninlaw belle and percy in memortam wells in loving memory or our darling daughter and sister shir ley who passed away november 14th 1941 ace 6 years when evening shades are falling and we sit in quiet alone to our hearts there comes a longing if she only could come home who shall say the grief is lessened though the smile may hide the tears memories keep the wounds still open despite the passing- of the years sadly missed mummy and daddy wells somewhere beyond shadows dwellsadeaf sweet sister of mine whom we looked on as a treasure whom we cherished as divine we love to think of you shirley in mansions bright and fair there jesus reigns in glory there is no sorrow there lovingly remembered by sisters and brothers in memoriam gostick in loving memory of my dear husband thos c gos tick who passed away november 5th 1940 t i have only your memory dear husband to remember my whole i life through but the sweetness will linger for ever as i treasure the image of you for years we journeyed together heart to heart and hand to hand though you were the first to jour ney to that bright and happy land will you watch and wait my com ing when my lonely life is oer will you come and meet me hus band when i reach that silent shore sadly missed by his loving wife for sale number of slate shin gles various sizes unused lc murphy ph 181 stouffville for sale irish fordson trac tor in good running order les mccullough ph 1605 for sale barn 26x36 hip roof lightning rods les ogden ph 5827 for sale 1931 chev coach good condition newly painted heater 2 spare tires serial no 563470 price 19500 ringwood garage power demand by towns comparison of the peak power demand in the various towns of ontario is given for the month of august in the recent issue of hydro news v shows the fol lowing demand in stouffville and neighboring places to have been a pretty girl from the adriondaks came in laden with packs she had been quite a sport but lost all confidence when rations were short bakers sweetner she did see now she could have her tea no coupons no bitter taste not ai moment did she waste bot 10 gallons ordered it sent and to her home it went bakers sweetner its good cheaper than sugar bakers swcctncr chart will show you how to save sugar in tea coffee on porridge baking etc one quart bakers sweetner will sweeten 20 pounds applebutter guaranteed as represented or money back 25 ozs 25c 40 ozs 35c 80 ozs 65c 160 ozs 1 gal 125 800 ozs 5 gal 500 large bottles extra 2500 tspoons in 500 sugar 6400 tspoons in 500 bakers sweetner george e baker manufacturing chemist horse and cattle brown mare jersey heifer calved aug 31 jersey heifer calved sept 6 jersey cow calved sept 11 jersey cow calved october 22 jersey cow calved october 11 jersey heifer calved october 28 jersey cow full flow calf by side 3 jersey heifer calves swine and fowl 100 leghorn hens yorkshire sow and 8 pigs yorkshire sow ana 7 pigs yorkshire sow and 4 pigs yorkshire sow bred october 19 implements frost wood binder 5 ft mh hay tedder deering mower o ft f w cultivator massey har ris hay rake 10 ft massey-har- ris seed drill 11 hoe with clover seed attachment hoover potato digger steel land roller inter national mh corn cultivator set pringle bob sleighs pringle wagon box and springs complete no 21 fleury walking plow high wagon wilkinson double mould plow potato digger coekshutt gang plow turnip drill fleury root pulper onehorse scuffler 3 hp page gas engine honey fanning mill platform farm cart p hamilton cutting box road drag set of scales 1200 lbs cap set iron harrows 4 sections hay rack miscellaneous 2 hog crates 40 gal steel oil drum pair log bunks number of chicken crates 40 rod rbll woven wire fence stoneboat quantity 1 inch lunwer cord wood rack quantity 2x4 lumb er number trestles quantity of cedar posts number chicken coops pump jack number of milk pails number ladders ex tension ladder 28 ft number of barrels shot gun no 10 perfect ion sprayer grindstone delaval cream separator no 12 number bushel boxes baskets berry stove and hover 2 poultry feed hoppers emery frame number chop boxes 2 bag trucks number of grain bags 100 ft of draw rope number planks 24 ft line shaft number belts ana pulleys 2 crosscut saws bucksaw forks shovels hoes and numerous other articles vehicles open top buggy democrat top buggy tudhope cutter mclaugh lin hay grain roots mow of clover hay mow of tim othy hay 300 bushels of mixed grain 400 bushels of early oats quantity turnips timothy seed 6 dozen corn shocks harness set brass mounted team harness set team breeching harness set of democrat harness 2 sets single harness no collars furniture dmingroom ex table number of other tables brass bed large glass cupboard iron bed 4 wooden beds number springs and mattresses studio couch walnut davenport couch acme quebec cookstove with copper reservoir 2 wicker chairs number of chairs 2 bake trays 2 flour chests 2 chest drawers rocking chairs oak heater coal oil heat er cradle number of lamps 3- burner perfection coal oil stove crokinole board egg crate coffee grinder large enterprise meat grinder and pulley butter bowl shot gun richards no 10 easy power washing machine box stove secretary and bookcase bird cage large wardrobe cherry number of wash stands sink porcelain- lined 2 clothes racks dish pan 2 lawn mowers childs iron crib churn sale at 1230 sharp terms cash no reserve as farm is sold crates barrel containing vinegar lloyd turner clerk wheelbarrow buckeye brooder a s farmer auctioneer stouffville 401 hp markham 401 hp richmond hill 534 hp cannington 256 hp port perry 364 hp uxbridge 370 hp blood from sixty year olds some people just over the mark would think that they could not donate blood but this is not the case if they are found fit byfthelr physician and with his consent such people are eligible there are said to be plenty of people in this class overcome by gas the loveday family who occupy the upper floor of the lee home in markham village were overcome by coal gas on sunday and required artificial respiration for some time before they could be revived a child in the home was the first to slump over although she was only overcome momentarily she was taken to a nearby doctor who could discern nothing wrong however when the little girl and her father returned home the remaining mem bers of the family had collapsed lloyd hurst was the first on the scene to administer help the communion service at st james presbyterian church post poned fro mlast sunday afternoon on account of the community mem orial service will be held this sun day afternoon at 230 pm wnen the sacrament of the lords supper will be observed electrical equipment for the farm woods and beatty electric grain grinders woods automatic milk coolers beatty and mcdougall electric pressure systems woods electric oat rollers several to horse 60 cycle motors several to horse 25 cycle motors moffatt electric pail heaters electric drive pump jacks electric and engine drive milking machines electric and engine drive cream separators several galvanized and painted pressure tanks from 25 to 70 gallon capacity a good supply of v belts v and flat pulleys al ways in stock if it can be had we can get it ph281 bell son stouffville motorists winter is coming try our one stop service- transmission and differential drained and refilled with winter grades of lubricants radiators filled with antifreeze h v batteries serviced your battery is the heart of your car look after it try fgoodyear tires most sizes on hand satisfaction or money refunded international motors mccormickdeeriiig agency w d atkinson phone 290 stouffville ijltu jti4 i fl j 3f4fc