rtfisssstts-i- i j5 -t- pihctpf irv i5ti r u i the tribune stouffvmeontthursyau31th vw i at the convention i we realize that the warvent- of the canadian weekly newspaper association held in winnipeg this month does not hold keen interest for the large majority of the tribune readers and on that account we shorten to the utmost our report on the social functions which we were called on to attend as representative of the stouffville tribune at winnipeg at later date we may t publish some of the speeches which are worthy of space in any newspaper in the meantime we give you a birdseye view of the social pro grams during that busy three days at the royal alexandra hotel which is nothing short of a cpr palace when we were not attend- ing luncheons of course the bus iness sessions of the association were on at noon hour on the opening day a complimentary luncheon was given by the government- of the province of manitoba in the main dining room and presided over by the attorney general the guest speaker was premier stuart s garsoi who spoke strongly against premier drews opposition platform to the baby bonus at 030 another banquet was sponsored by the winnipeg grain exchange when dr j s davis director of food research at- stan ford university california spoke for more than an hour- he was brought up from california by plane just to fill this engagement a number of newspaper men saw him aboard his outgoing plane again at this affair a radio review was broadcast from coast to coast the artists were all professional they put on a skit getting out the weekly paper which was cleverly done and most interesting to watch as well as to hear many people in stouffville have since told us that they heard the broad cast on the second day of the con vention we started out by attend- avivtb questions continued from previous page a yes this increase isallowed and you were not overcharged this is not the same apple iuice as was available a couple bf years ago the- apple juice on ihe market now- was spec ially processed for the armed forces as there was more than required a small quantity was released for the civilian maf- n ket q must i surrender preserves coupons for unsweetened fruit and if so why when no sugar is used a yes you must surrender pre serves coupons for unsweeten ed as well as sweetened fruit last year the fruit crop was a small one and fruit was jvery scarce if unsweetened fruit was removed from the ration list the supply would not meet the demand please waving the flag of freedom of action when in bed at least farmers retain more individual ism than any other class of people andve hope they will not be thwarted in this nightshirt cam paign even mrs josh knows the pyjamas are not the comfortable things they are cracked up to be but she wont admit it fabmek fined for failing tobuy license lewis giverty wales ave- tor onto was fined 10 and costs in magistrates court newmarket on friday for illegal possession of liquor township constable j r foote told his worship that on july 2sth at 1030 pm he searched the accuseds car which was park ed at wilcoxs lake and found a partly consumed bottle of wine he stated that the defendant admitted ownership magistrate w f wood- liffe ordered that the wine be con fiscated for failing to purchase a 10 license for his refreshment booth at preston lake as is required un der the bylaw of whitchurch town ship george preston vandorf farmer was fined the minimum of ing a breakfast- luncheon sponsor- 1 nightshirt to nightshirt- l you ed by the toronto type foundry j dr floyd willoughby gave an put- standing address on education he being connected with the teachers federation at a later date we hope to pass on that address to our readers the winnipeg free press arid the winnipeg tribune provid ed a noon luncheon this day wes mccurdyof- the tribune- presided and victor sifton of the free press was introduced graham towers governor- of the bank of canada was- scheduled-togive- anaddress but could not be present on account of illnesshe sentagopd substitute who spoke at length on finance what is known as the- trophy dinner came that evening when cup awards were made the speak er was percy philip of the new york times whose jovial speech and genial attitude was entertain ing and the whole affair was not without its fun andjokes- as for instance the presentation- of an alarm clock- to harry reid mgr canadian linotype co- and brother of our j f reid cnr agent at goodwood harry was accused of falling asleep during- the address of premier garson oh a previous day a complimentary dance given by the massey harris co andnheir genial john martin was held later in the crystal ball room butbe- yond hearing the distant refrain of its 10piece orchestra we did not get around to thisaffair the last day- of the convention openedwjth a breakfast tendered by the manitoba division of the canadian red cross and at which the main address was given by capt gat mckidd who was wounded at dieppe victor sifton president of the red cross presid ed miss betty furriess soloist from brampton sang several num bers we were guests of the t eaton co at noon dinner when under the direction of mr murray sin clair a good program was provided one of the sons of the late sir john eaton sat at head table but took ho part in the proceedings farewells were made at a hur ried afternoon buffet luncheon given by the lieut governor of the province and many hurried off to pack their goods for the return journey to ontario quebec and the maritimes while still- many- more left for western points we caught a place on the con tinental limited bound for tor onto but this train was not nearly to our liking as was its running mate on the journey west such were the festivities cramm ed into a three days convention and all quite apart from the long busy -sessions- of the- convention proper which had to dowith news paper business in canada we are tt for do sjf sr manufactured by stouffville tribune 500 including costs- constable foote who laid the complaint told his worship that he had approach ed the defendant at prestons lake but the latter refused to comply with the law in his defence mr preston stated that he had been unable to get sup plies- to sell in his booth he had approached the council and offered them five dollars for a license estimating that this was a fair amount considering the amount of business he was doing the council refused to consider the proposition so he offered to pay ten dollars as the charge had already been laid the council refused to accept the money you do own a- booth there and you kiiow that you must obtain a license commented his worship you have no right to decide how much you should pay that is set by the bylaw mr preston pur chased the necessary license from constable foote who was given authority by the whitchurch coun cil to accept the money for exceeding the speed limit of aurora george clifton was fined 1800 and costs and rosario invidiata and sol saltzmen were each fined 15 and costs all were toronto residents and were timed by chief constable fisher dun ham yugoslavia miss warworker fltlleut jackd rice of springford ont who made a sensational night landing in the yugoslavian hills to evacu ate a british mission to inspect poxatoi crops -ave- hive been informed by the agricultural office in newmarket that arrangements are being- made by the crops seeds andwweecu branch of the department of agd culture in toronto topr6videln spectionof potato crops for acom paratively new disease called bac terial ring rot this service will be withoutchargefordneacreor more arid growers whose names arelisted in the newmarketoffiee before sept 1st wiubeygiven first preference for inspection j according to w mp cockburn- agricultural representative for york county this bacterial disease- of potatoes is very contagious and if adequate control measures are not taken by potato growersit- may threaten the entire potato pro duction programiof the provinceilt is therefore essential that- potato growers avail themselves of- this- service by forwarding their request for inspection to mr cockburn record proceeds of 3000 were taken in by the newmarket lions club at their threeday carnival fn the- yonge- street town quite an imposing sum you will agree commercial desnit magus believed to be the perfect type of great britains warworking woman hood has been named miss war worker 1944 by sussex county the pretty 19yearold land girl holds the cup- which she hopes to retain outright because 1914 is victory year synthetic tires size 550x17 1550 size 600x16 1725 size 525x18 1410 size 500x19 1175 size 500x20 prewar 1085 size 30x3 prewar 685 prewai tubes groupc1819 275 groupic17 245i group b19 200 group a20-2r- 1165 group c2021 310 i 30x3120v seat covers for all makes t of cars at special prices paris auto supply jos paris richmond hhiia ont lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family shoe repairing womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots v and mitts- stouffville t phone 4301 opposite the town clock aoi aocaoe aoc t- kaeh north shore musselmans lake dancing eyeryt saturday i evenjng max bong and his 10piece ikjir orchestra old timcand modern wednesday evenings bruce goulde dancing commences at 830 pm seldom seen during that terrific heat wave i slept on the veranda and mrs josh insisted that i wear pyjamas since she doesnt like me wandering around in a night shirt- says i look a fright and all the rest of it well so far as comfort goes my night shirt is just the thing and i never was one for giving up com fort for style somebody said that next ranking to the problem of where will the hired man wash his feet is the question of the nightshirt vs pyjamas recently a conference of pyjama manufacturers was held and they took up aday discussing the question of how they might interest farm people in wearing pyjamas drawing up a post war slogan they adopted the battlecry of pyjamas for the farmer i hope mr editor that they decided to take space in the tribune to carry their battle to the homes of the farmers althoughti am- not in favor of pyjamas for farmers mind you definitely i am with those who standon the nightshirt side of the fence we must mobolize our force and be prepared to combat those people who would take away our last vestiage of comfort no doubt those manufacturers are con cerned about what they believe to be an advantage to the wearervbut again they may be thinking of their own pocket books and not about my comfort or discomfort theres nothing wrong about the night shirt it gives more freedom of action and if those hollywood stars wouldnt constantly portray some old codger with a candle in hand and wearing a nightshirt the shirt would nflt go into the discard why dont theypicture a bowlegg ed man with baggy pyjamas hair on end roaming in the dark with a feeble candle now i call on the farmers to lderto stand bravely should i shoulder is- f for best results as to price and service let our truckcall for your cream fcirfff- we pay an extra two cents per lb of butter- fat for cream delivered to the creamery fstbjuf f ville creamery go stouffvilleont phone 18601 vseyv- hver walk into an auction and find yourself getting l excited and wanting to bid a victim of auction fever wartime conditions can breed auction fever if we let them everything is in short supply many more people are able to bid but if prices are bid up ail our dollars willlose some of their value even necessities could get out of reach what uso ismore money if living costs go up still higher- what good are higher returns to business if they are offsot by higher costs what does tho farmer gain if higher farm prices lead to depression and low prices later we cannot continue a fullwar effort and prepare to meet the problems of the postwar period unless we maintain a stable and reasonable price level how bid against yourselr dio in and holdi uttntointhisporught thlf it oiwof a twtet facing ittimd by ui9ovmmml of ramo programme svdtr sunday nioht canada to mphatli the impoftuk ofpmvkrttng furtlwr i v tihmaut in the cottel living newand deflation lamfcji 1 4s i 5 1 ml lsfe efrfi 3l