Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 22, 1944, p. 8

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j f i ttjv the tribunestouffville ont thursday june 22th 1944 x classified ad vs phone 15301 for sale or rent house for sale red brick house 8rooms water electric acre land on main street stouffville apply mrs i yake 1936 gerrard street east tor onto 53 miscellaneous cabbage plants for sale 100 per 1000 ed davis glasgow 40000 cauliflower plants for sale ersuret variety merlyn baker phone 202 80 acres more or less all workable at lot 26 con 9 whitchurch clay and sandy loam soil bank barn 76x40 straw shed 24 square inside barnyard two driving sheds and hen house farm equip ped with hydro brick house milk route passes door apply on premises to owner w w lazenby ph mt albert 5- farm for sale 72 acres town ship of pickering good bank barn 2 storey hen house driving house silo good frame dwelling some bush for further informa tion write wm hollinger pick ering rr 2 53 pasture to rent good graz ing land running stream new fencing lot 16 con 3 whit church yearling 1 head older cattle 125 horses 2 payable when taken out apply a mc- kinney 152 fulton ave toronto ph ha 9822 5tf farm for sale 100 acre farm for sale which includes 8 acres of bush and 50 acres pasture at north lot 19 con 4 scott twp hip roof barn 50x26 near new another barn 40x32 driving shed hen house also brick residence eight rooms well watered apply to owner annie silversides stouff ville 63 for sale number of cauliflower plants fred timbers ph 3721 stouffville for sale cauliflower plants 200 per thousand j mcgivern albert st ph 179 about 5 acres of standing mixed hay for sale a s stouf- fer phone 6704 for sale buckwheat suitable for seed also a quantity of sum mer wood frank whetter ph 9320 62 articles for sale for sale extension tablecheap for cash fred lewis phone 9704 stouffville s t r aav berries for sale choice fruit by the box peter savoretti ballantrae ontario 72 about 10000 cabbage plants for sale balled head variety a s stouffer ph 4703 pasture available with good water for about 30 head of cattle rate 125 per head per munth payable monthly location 1 miles northeast of markham village apply to harry cbarry 45 st clair ave west toronto 73 frigidare and woods milk coolers 25 and 60 cycle 260 and up immediate delivery from our toronto warehouse toronto radio sports 1tf 241 yonge st toronto sale register saturday june 24 antique and highclass furniture etc the property of james raine greenwood at no 7 highway sale at one no reserve a s farmer auctioneer see list of articles in the adv tuesday june 27 at brougham the household furniture belong ing to wm bassett who has sold his property sale at 2 pm terms cash a s farmer auc tioneer thursday june 29 enure household furniture belonging to the estate of the late william rennie will be sold at the home on baker ave stouffville sale at 130 pm terms cash a s farmer auctioneer tuesday july 4 household furniture antique articles in very fine condition also garden tools etc the property of misses a j mcglashan claremont sale at 1 oclock terms cash j scott clerk a s farmer auc tioneer wanted reliable girl to care for three children while mother is at war plant telephone tribune wanted one or two rooms for light housekeeping furnishings not necessary apply tribune office auction sale of household furniture to be sold by public auction on baker ave stouffville ox thurs june 29th the property belonging to the estate of the late william rennie chesterfield suite hall rack organ and stool arm chair 5 dining room chairs mirror 2 rocking chairs bedside stand dinette suite with gateleg table kitchen table kitchen chair antique electric lamp dresser small stand secretary fire place screen and tongs pictures feather tick curtains and drapes hot plate electric toaster bake board dust mop coffee percolator roasting pan wet mop aluminum kettle dish pan kitchen utensils fruit sealers clothes shorse coal oil stove full dinner set 96 piece other dishes boiler 2 rinse tubs 2 lawn mowers garden hose axe shovel fork 2 hoes 1 hammer 35 hens chevrolet coupe 1932 kitchen range princess beth quality youll enjoy w m salada stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station machinery repairs including farm implements electric and acetylene welding agents for minneapolis honeywell electric janitors goodwood miss edna mowbray of graven- hurst is holidaying with her sister here mrs j f reid mrs alexander bonnie jean and cushions trunk bed and springs gary have been visiting relatives numerous other articles terms cash sale at 130 pm lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer for sale 300 cedar rails apply stanley slack goodwood rr 1 phone claremont 4011 refrigerator ice refrigera tor white enamel finish in good condition miss nellie dickson eastend stouffville cultivator for sale mccormick- deering stifftooth tractor hitch power lift like new floyd bur rows ph 49 r4 markham nearly new rogers radio with complete new battery also 4 collie puppies sam adams bethesda warriner electric brooder stove 500 bird capacity very good condition also a 16foot hay rack for sale mrs roy brown ph 702 7 lost and found estray two heifers came to my premises oh or about june 18th owner prove property and pay expenses oliver harding con 8 whitchurch ph 9920 stouffville 73 l v horse register laets napier 16100 enrolment no 3942 a beautiful dapple grey govern ment premium percheron stallion form 1 will stand at his own stable lot 18 con 4 whitchurch this is your opportunity to breed to a sire of outstanding quality all accid- dents at owners risk lome john son gormley rr 1 ont phone aurora 8012 66 shetland stallion grand champion midnight of pittsford standing for service at the farm of wm morris con 1 lot 7 uxbridge township fees registered mares 10 nonregister ed mares 5 grooms fee 100 v gaslyn general france g776 a belgian draft horse no 4120 chestnut with some markings foal ed in 1937 a good thick type a very sure and dependable horse this is a new horse for these parts souvenir 1684 foaled in 1936 a dapple grey in color weight about 1800 height 163 hands upstanding good mover and a good depend able stalky horse usual terms 11 to insure payable feb 1945 acci dents at owners risk come and look these horses over all the pro perty of w h johnson markham ph markham 98j we can truck these horses at a small charge to your farm 56 glexgary royal favorite 29773 a handsome bay clyde face off fore and hind legs white bred by h c mclaughlin gait enrolment no 4498 will stand for season at his home stable claremont terms 10 g m forsyth owner 56 markland 29763 the young canadian clydesdale stallion markland 29763-ven- rollment no 4517 owned by s a stouffer lot 26 con 9 markham will stand for the season of 1944 at his own home stable fee 1000 payable march 1 1945 accidents at the risk of owners phone stouff- ville 4706- 2tf notice to creditors and others the undersigned having agreed that from this date neither of them will be in anywayresponsihje for the debts of the other hereby re quire all interested to take notice hereof and to govern themselves accordingly v blake johnson edna johnson by their solicitor herein willard f grelg uxbridge ontario 73 for sale crown proso buck wheat crown proso yields heav ier crops than buckwheat and is equal to corn for feed mccor- mack big 6 mower in good con dition masseyharris binder easy electric washer ph 8203 joseph betz 02 position on farm wanted by single man military discharge familiar with rop work on reg holstein would prefer job on good dairy farm write particu lars to w j brown lloydbrook farm claremont rr 2 63 personal milkers pumps etc woods milk cooler 6 can automatic 3 beatty bros hand pumps pump jack and hp motor a few cow boy electric fencers shurshock fencers fencer bat teries haying tools draw rope and trip rope few moffat electro- pails e j stickley phone 7513 gormley 62 live stock calves number of bob calves wanted thos ogden ph 4106 mount albert pullets 100 leghorn pullets four months old ph 8003 baby chicks for sale i still have a few baby chicks barred rocks or new hampshires week- old henry miller ph 4914 reg holstein bull for sale 14 months old eldon fairies phone 8620 stouffville for sale 100 pullets light sus sex leghorns and rocks 4 mos old also 1000 danish ballhead cabbage plants lc each phone stouffville 2515 geo kelly gormley for sale one yorkshire hog eight months old albert reesor ph stouffville 6013 for sale bay saddle horse young sound quiet phone 290 stouffville wd atkinson 300 barred rock chicks ready for monday evening june 26 order early michells poultry farm claremont rr 2 phone markham 81 rll 250 barred rock chicks month old for sale from blood tested stock selling on account of space shortage eugene win- terstein phone 861 holstein springer for sale quiet easy milker due about july 5th peter ferguson stouffville percheron 3yrsold clydesdale 6yearold general purpose or sad dle mare 5 yrsold big hunter type colt sacrifice for quick sale registered cows for sale b r leech 241 yonge st toronto or leechwood farm 2nd con of markham 1 mile south of no 7 highway ayrshire bull calves from high testing dams with good udders and teats the 4th genera tion of our own rop dams breeding one born may 31st his dam as 2 records 2 years old 9062 lbs milk test 425 3 years old 13884 lbs milk test 398 one born june 9th his dam as a 2 year old record 7376 lbs milk test 476 they are sired by a class aa son of harnelbell netta she produced j22355 lbs milk with 4659 lbs but ter fat he is a grandson of greenan golden glory many times grand champion bull j ii wallwork son ballantrae ph 1606 mt albert springers wanted highest prices paid for grade and registered holstein springers s lkahn ph claremont 85 2 claremont lions club big street fair june 2sth over 200 in prizes kleerex for skin ail- ments sold in two strengths medium and strong heals eczema boils psoriasis erythema impetigo itch chaps etc while you work 50c 100 sold by storeys drug store constipation biliousness indigest ion quickly relieved with kipps herb tablets the effective tonic laxative 25c and- 75c sizes at storeys drug store slendor tablets are effective 2 weeks supply 1 12 weeks 5 at storeys drug store lloyds corn salve makes you for get your corns 50c at storeys drug store delaval milkers double unit complete with motor 225 and up write for catologue trades ac cepted toronto radio sports 1tf 241 yonge st toronto j 6tf milking machines i am prepared to supply you with a new delaval milker also gil- son woods milk coolers beatty bros electric pumps and stable equipment e j stickley j ph 7513 gormley card of thanks the family of the late george carter acknowledge with grateful appreciation the kind expressions of sympathy from the altona chur ch and sunday school the wo mens institute and friends mani fested by the beautiful flowers cards and thoughtful helpfulness in memoriam ogden sarah in loving memory our our dear wife and mother who passed away three years ago june 18 1941 if i had all the world to give id give it yes and more to hear her voice and see her smile and greet her at the door so if you have a mother cherish her with care for youll never know the heartache heartache till you see her yacant chair joseph ogden and family in memoriam forester in loving memory of john forester who passed away on june 16th 1935 no one heard the footsteps of the angel drawing near who took fioni earth to heaven the one we loved so dear lovingly remembered by wife and daughter milking machines we can now give good delivery on delaval surge and woods milking machines we install and service all our sales good supply of all parts likely to be needed always on hand woods and gilson farm milk cool ers beatty bros electric pressure systems deep and shallow well pumps woods and beatty electric grinders supertest oils and greases bell and son the cockshutt dealers phone 281 stouffville good delivery delaval sterling double unit milker and pump 17500 delaval magnetic 2 separate units and pump 30500 hp 25 cy motors 5500 frigidaire coolers 4 can 26000 woods coolers 6can 28100 strainer disks sper 300 l 100 milk can seals per m 150 electropail heaters 71 j 1675 tradesaccepted free circular toronto radio sports auction sale of antique and high class furniture the property of james raine greexwood just off no 7 highway on sat june 24 piano and bench weber chesterfield suite end table 2 axminster rugs 12x9 axminster floor runner mohair couch 6 chairs to match good antique round extension table oak oak buffet studio couch walnut tea wagon divanette 6 leather dining room chairs leather couch glass cupboard 1 walnut dining room table ex tension electric clock electric cabinet radio victor electric irortf electric plate singer sewing machine good findlay cook stove polisher carpet sweeper vacuum beatty hall rack 4 mirrors number small tables dresser oak bedroom suite antique 3 toilet sefs complete washstand arm chair iron bed and springs desk rocking chair bedroom suite 6 cane bottom chairs wooden bed with springs ironing board 5 mattresses no electric table lamps 4 feather mattresses clothes rack no feather pillows set scales 25 lb capacity electric washing machine wringer egg crates 2 verandah chairs no of crocks 2 lawn seats silver cruet set 2 silver tea pots silver water pitcher silver butter dish set dishes 2 silver cake plates no cushions cut glass water set quantity of dishes and cooking utensils buggy pole dinner bell cutter rubber tired buggy good covered cutter good set light bob sleighs set light single harness nickel mounted good set light team harness good other articles too numerous to men tion terms cash sale at one w f disney clerk a s farmer auctioneer in st thomas pte harvey feasby of ottawa is at his home here for a couple of weeks is our main street looking up well i guess since mr reid has been treating his house to a fresh coat of paint a pleasant hour was spent on sunday evening last at the home of mr and mrs d mcdonald when some twentyfive enjoying pictures shown by mr bunny morgason of toronto who is employed with the evening telegram thanks to mr and mrs mcdonald and mr mor gason the township hall was nicely filled last friday evening when mr foskett put on a free show thanks again to mr foskett j pte jack johnson long branch spent a few days with mr forest johnston x glad to see claude watson better after being forced to miss school all last week owing to badly swollen glands mrs porter and mr w r kin- dree of toronto were at chas wat sons on saturday we wish for rev and mrs ken dall a pleasant summer at their home in bala forwhich place they left us last friday mr wm wilkinson has been going to town on those front steps of his yes sir we expect to see orange and blue wherever we look when the big celebration eventually arrives we buy all kinds o live poultry highest market prices a phone call brings immediate service vernadene poultry farm ballantrae phone 8421 wanted dead horses and cattle telephone for free pick up phone stouffville 255 markham 4326 claremont 913 we pay ph charges gordon young itd ph adelaide 3636 toronto 241 yonge st shingles siding we have a good supply of asphalt shingles and in sulated siding also full stock of wood shingles other supplies youll be needing include fencing cement chop or whole grain seed corn poultry feeds- bug killer farrs elevator phone 38w additional locals childrens matinee 230 pm at the stanley theatre this saturday afternoon for my friend flicka mrsjohn sanders is in town visit- with her husbands parents mr and mrs blake sanders leading stoker roy davis who has teen visiting his wife and fam ily in stouffville has returned to halifax the royal canadian navy the canadian army and the royal canadian air force have appointed three advisors on discharge affairs to prepare and plan the way for the return of members of the armed forces to civilian life they will be responsible for the service planning which will ensure a smooth transition from service to civilian life so that there will be no delays once it has been deter mined a man can be released noav presumed jde ad this week rev aj and mrs orr of cashel received official advice from ottawa that their son flying officer herbert orr must be pre sumed dead notice cars trucks all makes greas ed washed polished arid sim- onized slip covers installed on all makes of- cars a new stock just arrived greasing done by the modern way and equipment with a 6000 lb high pressure gun on the premises of d f holden sons ford sales and setvice ph 18401 stouffville ont concrete products cement blocks tile cistern blocks etc order at ence many were unable to secure their requirements last year gormley concrete products 498 ph w baker 7304 we asked a fellow townsman last- week why he never identified him self with one of our churches not knowing for sure that he never went to church the amazing excuse was that the last time he went to- church the person next to him had been eating onions so he was dis gusted not feeling it vas our duty to press the matter we simply said well well mans inhumanity to man- makes countless millions weep a public school donation stouffville red cross has received 1025 from the sale of quilt made by pupils of hillcrest school ss no s whitchurch miss isobel fleming is the popular teacher of this active school auction sale of household furniture the undersigned has received im structions to sell by public auction at t brougham on tues june 27th the property of william bassett empire cook stove and pipes beach heater rocking chair sideboard extension table 6 dining chairs leather rocking 2 leather arm chairs writing desk- electric washing machine gilson sliding couch with new mattress deforestcrosley electric radio antique table sewing stand radio table number stands 3 piece bedroom suite with spring and mattress 3 chairs chiffonier bedroom stand 2 bedsteads spring and mattress toilet set wash stand large mahogany dresser with plate glass mirror kitchen cabinet extension table 4 kitchen chairs 2 other kitchen tables t kitchen cupboard small cupboard kitchen scales barn scales 240 lbs tool cupboard 2 lawn chairs quantity of empty sealers dishes and glassware bird cages clothes press no egg crates 2 iron pots parlour lamp wash boiler copper bottom no crocks steamers sewing tray coleman lamp n brooder stove ideal 1200 chick cap also pipes chick feeders eureka garden scuffler and seeder combined 2 paper racks hand pressure sprayer medicine cabinet twowheel cart chicken shelter no rags few bags grain quantity coke 20 plymouth bock hens roosters yearlings- and numerous other articles terms cash sale at 2 pm no reserve as pro perty is sold a s farmer auctionccr- woods cowboy electric fencer complete with battery and flasher 50 line knobs 6 corner knobs 50 leather washers 50 handy clips 50 double headed nails regular price 1725 special 1650 ph281 bell son stouffville wa 4501 claremont implements for sale immediate delivery deering hay rake used deering mower used peter hamilton mower used horse scuffler used bt hay carrier good 2furrow riding plow ihc 2 gem milk coolers 2 milking machines stainless steel equiped 2 elcctropails mod and large 3 electric fencers complete 2 years guarantee international motors mccormickdeering agency w d atkinson phone 280 stouffville sa i

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