tsjivtf isjffsj -s5- jv page eiqht the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 1st- 1944 yavlt classified advs phone 15301 live stock for sale 11pigs ready to wean an extra sturdy litter wi smith con 2 lot 11 uxbridge phone 6920 107 chicks light sussex 6 weeks old mixed for sale earl keith lain street stouffville for sale purebred yoricslnre white hog 6 months old elmer fockler ph 6713 for sale 10 young holstein springers some close others back ward j oboyle ph 6715 stouff- ville for sale registeredland grade holstein cows reg bull calves also two good work horses br leech 241 yonge st or leech- wood farm 2nd con of mark- ham 1 mile south of no 7 wanted wanted five men wanted on a poultry farm 40c an hour noon meal provided apply at r g roys farm claremont housekeeper wanted for widower no family good home in uxbridge town can take full charge apply wm calhoun ux bridge- teacher wanted for ss no 11 whitchurch bal- lantrae duties to commence with september term apply to leslie ogden stouffville rr 3 phone 5827 32 for sale 4open yorkshire sows 5 months old daughters of ira violet 116v 230665 lloyd s pugh claremont phone clare mont 3 rl3 for sale registered- holstein bull calf about 3 weeks old come and see his dam and sire and the outstanding production record e david h sauer 10th con markham ph mark- ham 49 r2 a li f r r k k for sale several registered and grade cows and a fresh cow with calf also available two shorthorn bulls to let out for the summer kahn ph claremont 85 r2 42 wanted mare 4 to s years about 1400 must be quiet well broken and sound delbert hilts gorm- leyrr 2 phone stouffville 503 wanted will pay cash for half to two acres for a homesight on townline be tween ringwood and stouffville or on 8th between ringwood and markham call perce hewlitt stouffville 8421 wanted passengers two or three passen gers wanted- between stouffville and ajax day shift only len keeping stouffville articles for sale female help wanted kitchen help for i girlss summer camp at stouffville apply employment selec tive service office new- r market ontario additional locals the women of vivian community church took on the task of catering for the guests numbering 30 or more in attendance at the- vivian forest gathering wednesday after noon under auspices of the refor estation committee of york county council the mealwife served in the church barber shop notice please take notice that len keepings barber shop will be open every night excepting monday and wednesday each week id love to catch that little dog and pat him on the head so prettily he scratches there in my new flower bed oh yes i love my neighbors dog that capers in myyard but tied up to a tree at home id love him twice as hard we look for the tribune every week writes mrs gordon sherk of selkirk ont for it brings us the news from the home district that we could not learn from any other source uality counts most f- for thai rthf satisfying flavourwhich yyi richy satisfying flavourw only a fine quality tea yields u wwm m mat m wmh k for sale quantity of buck wheat phone 3727 for sale 2 yorkshire sows good mothers with 25 sucking pigs weaning age second litters j winterstein ph 8612 sows for sale eight brood sows 2nd and 3rd litters york shires also 2 reg yorkshire sows r e bateman markham twp ph stouffville 606 black mare for sale seven years old sound and good worker merlin baker phone 202 pullets 75 plymouth rock pul lets for sale also 125 new hamp- shires 6 weeks old can offer you a quantity of good potatoes fit for seed or table use fred lewis ph 9704 horse register stallion register the young canadian clydesdale stallion markland 29763 en rollment no 4517 owned by s a stouffer- lot 26 con 9 markham will stand for the season of 1944 at his own home stable fee 1000 payable march 11945 accidents at the risk of owners phone stouff ville 4706 2tf we buy all kinds ot rlive poultry highest market prices aiphone call brings immediate service vernadene poijiery farm ballantrae phone 8421 for sale ford v8 truck tight box good rubber frank harvey gormley phone 7307 delaval milkers double unit complete with motor 5225 and up write for catologue trades ac cepted toronto radio sports 1tf 241 yonge st toronto for sale early mandarin soya beans 275 per bushel j m farquharson gormley ph 6103 stouffville 32 for sale 1 fordson tractor also good work horse and a windmill shadlock bros phone agincourt 221 w2 cabbage plants for sale copenhagen variety george my- land ringwood ph5702 for sale oak diningroom table also oak bedroom set both in good condition apply phone 1603 claremont mrs wal ter baker- for sale 325 hupmobile 1931 deluxe sport coupe rumble seat tires perfect looks and runs like new apply- r price ph clare mont 1612 for sale 1930 cherolet sport coupe- car in fair condition ap ply to h a kirton ph 1520 claremont lost and found purse lost with registration card and sum of money good reward howard ratcliff phone 4809 stouffville found wire wheel for car owner apply to sandy davis bloomington and pay for this adv estray a white holland tur key finder please notify j o spang ph 6616 miscellaneous frigid are j and woods milk coolers 25 and 60 cycle 260 and up immediate delivery from our toronto warehouse toronto radio sports 1tf 24ryonge st toronto good delivery delaval sterling double unit milker and pump 17500 delaval magnetic- 2 separate units and pump 30500 hp25 cy motors 5500 frigldaire coolers 4 can 26000 woods coolers 6 can 28400 strainer disks per 300 100 5mhk can seals per m 150 electropail heaters 1675 trades accepted free circular toronto radio sports 241- yonge- st wa 4501 milking machines we can now give good delivery on delaval surge and woods milking machines we install- and service all our sales good t supply of all parts likely to be needed always on hand woods and ollson farm milk cool ers beatty bros electric pressure systems deep and shallow well pumps woods and beatty electric grinders supertest oils and greases beta and son tho cocksbutt dealers- phone 2s1 stouffville for sale 1929 durant four cylin der sedan exceptional condition throughout geo watson ph 3105 stouffville 16 house shutters for sale apply to mrs t- condy clare mont for sale 75 bags choice no 1 kathadin potatoes suitable for eating or seed 75c bag call p hewlitt ph 842l for sale1934 chev sedan good rubber and good mechanically fred cook ph 5807 card of thanks we wish to take this opportunity of expressing our appreciation to our neighbors and friends also the stouffville and richmond hill fire brigades for their assistance at the time of our recent fire harry and audrey forrester card op thanks the wife parents and brothers of the late dawson burnett wish to express their thanks and appre ciation of the sympathy extended for floral- tributes and of the help given by friends and neighbors in whatever rendered during their recent bereavement card op thanks mrs jason stouffer and family wish to thank their many kind friends and neighbors for their many expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings and many acts of kindnoss especially the rev mr macgregor for his words of comfort the lemonville church and pallbearers during the illness and- passing of a beloved husband and father send the tribune to absent friends in memortam stiver in loving memory of a good husband and father mr frank sliver who passed away may 25th 1943 and while he sleeps in peaceful sleep his memory we shall always keep sadly missed by v wife and family concrete products cement blocks tile cistern blocks etc tt order at once many wfere unable to secure their requirements s last year gormley concrete products 49s ph g w baker 7304 sale register saturday june 3rd combina tion sale at the skating rink markham consisting of large quantity furnitureelectric wash ing machine kitchen utensils anyone having anything to sell kindly get in touch with a s farmer auction ph 7312 wednesday june 7 entire household furniture and garden equipment horse cow hp mower at lot 4 con 6 markham on the highway the property of j o steele sale at 1230 sharp terms cash a s farmer auc tioneer friday june 9 at victoria square household furniture be longing to mrs lena meek sale at 1 oclock terms cash a s farmer auctioneer saturday june 10 household furniture the property of miss margaret neal mill street stouff ville who is giving up housekeep ing sale at 130 pm terms cash a s farmer auctioneer friday june 16 household furniture etc the property of the late selena forsyth main street stouffville sale at 130 terms cash there will also be offered for sale at same time and place the 6roomed brick house barn hen pen and garden lot for particulars apply to stanley lewis ph 9713 or mrs delbert holden ph 1841 executors peaches mr j w warriner is spending a few days with relatives at island grove mr john leadbetterof markham was a sunday visitor at the smith home douglas cleverdon spent the weekend at his home thos hastings had mr fox as a visitor to his chickens that he had out on range several nights last week thos hopes to have a gun handy next time mr and mrs hartnell and john of toronto were sunday visitors at the miller home nelson smith and les hood of ruttonville motored to hawk lake over the weekend they report the fish scarce but the mosquitoes very plentiful miss gloria cleverdon and miss jean allen enjoyed a visit to tor onto on the 24th rev and mrs english and family of toronto spent the 24th at the hoover home mrs hosking entertained her sis ter and other relatives from port hope qn sunday stouffville machine toolworks telephone 253 rear of cnjt station machinery repairs including farm implements- electric and acetylene welding agents for minneapolis honeywell electric janitors rescued from japs public health notice village of stouffville notice is hereby given that all residents of stouffville are required to forthwith clean their cellars drains yards pig styes water clo- sets outbuildings and remove there from all dirt manure and any other substance which may endanger the public health and have the same completed by the 3rd day of j june next on which day the sanitary in spector will commence a general inspection and furthermore take notice that the section of the public health act prohibiting the keeping of hogs be tween the 15th day of may and the 15th day of november except in pens at least 70 feet away from any dwelling house and laneand street with floors kept clean frdm jail standing water and regularly clean sed will be strictly enforced all citizens are requested to keep their property constantly clean and thoroughly disinfected h b freel 32 medical health officer court of revision municipality of the township of whitchurch county of york i public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assess ment roll for the township of whitchurch will be held in the township hallvandorf on saturday june 10th at 200 pm to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the assessment roll of the township of whitchurch for the said year 1944 all parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves ac cordingly john crawford clerk of the said township dated may 26- 1944 court of revision municipality of the township of uxbridge connty of ontario tjjijsk v public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assess ment roll for the township of ux bridge will be held in the township hall goodwood on saturday june 10 1944 at 200 pm to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against- the assessment roll of the township of uxbridge for the said year 19-14- ah parties interested are requested to take no tice and govern themselves accord ingly v w- v s johnashenhurst clerk of the township of uxbridge dated may 22nd 1944 i auction sale of household furniture and brick residence in thei village of stouffville the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction on the south side of main st on friday june 2nd at the hour of 2 pm the follow ing goods and chattels be longing to addie l atkinson hall seat and rack piano walnut parlour table sofa 3 jparlour chairs couch diningroom suite table sideboard and six chairs cabinet radio 4rockers 2 small tables 3 verandah chairs mcclary coal cook stove oil stove kitchen table glass cupboard 6 kitchen chairs bedroom suite springs mattress brass bed i wooden bed 2 mattresses s 2 sets of springs occasional chair chest upholstered rocker tub settee sewing machine chamber set coal oil heater lawn mower boiler number of cushions 2 clocks clothes basket pictures rugs and carpets quantity of dishes cooking uten sils cutlery and bedding terms on chattels cash brick residence at the same time and place there will be offered for sale the brick residence containing six rooms and bathroom and known as village lot no 5 on the south side of main st according to plan no321 stouffville this residence is equip ped with electric lights furnace residence will be offered at 3 pm terms 10 day of sale balance 30 days without interest when possession will be given or the purchaser- may leave onehalf of the purchase money on a first mort gage at 4 per annum payable half yearly for a term of five years the property wulbe offered subject to a reserve bid for further- terms and conditions of sale apply to siccullongh bntton stouffville solicitors for vendor a s farmer auctioneer gormley ont ph stouffville 7312 wanted dead horses and cattle telephone for free pick up phone stouffville 255 markham 4326 claremont 913vwepay ph charges gordon young ltd ph adelaide 3636 toronto notice to carrot growers grow thc core chantcry variety for all soup purposes phone or sfcc r e brown -for- particulars avc still want more carrots grown better prices r e brown stonffvlllc phone 176 little august johnson an aus tralian boy had a big smile and shoes many times too large for him when rescued from the japanese who had held him cap tive in the hollandia dutch new guinea area send the tribune to absent friends ballantrae mrs george windsor- was here this week- three weeks ago mr and mrs windsor moved their trailer to angus that busy spot at the entrance to camp borden and where they will make their home for an indefinite time george is on the asphalt gang at the big mili tary centre warm weather last weekend brought a tremendous crowd to musselmans for the sabbath day the new potato crop is coming through the ground and with any thing like sufficient moisture a grand yield is anticipated we hear thatthe wallwork acreage is in the 500 bushel club or has planted seed from the 500 club atalliston so the results will be watched with inter est mrs jane flewell of this place recently received a picture from overseas of george cook who was born in whitchurch a son of the late david- cook and who as a young man worked for geo talbot when a little boy george cook lived with his aunt mrs flewell and when he was big enough to work at talbots and attended bloomington school that was 25 years ago and now he is in sicily where he says of the early spring that at nights it got cold and in the day time it became very hot george has been oversaes since 1941 he forwarded a picture of himself to his aunt but it wouldnt produce for newspaper printing tenders for coal and coke federal buildings province of ontario sealed tenders addressed to the- undersigned and endorsed tender for coal will be received until 3 pm edst wednesday june 7 1944 for the supply of coal and coke for the dominion buildings throughout the province of ontario forms of tender with specificat ions and conditions attached can be obtained from the purchasing agent department of public works ottawa and the supervis ing architect 36 adelaide st east toronto ontario the department reserves the right to demand from any success ful tenderer before awarding the order a security deposit in the form v of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in canada made payable to the order of the honourable the- minister of public works equal to- 10 per cent of the amount of the tender of bearer bonds of the dominion of canada or of the can adian national railway company and its constituent companies un conditionally guaranteed as to- principal and interest by the dominion of canada or the afore mentioned bonds and a certified chequ if required to make up an odd amount such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract by order jm somerville sscrstsrv department of public works ottawa may 15 1944 the best results are obtained from tribune classified advs- shingles and siding we have a goock supply of asphalt shingles and in- sulated siding also full stock of wood shingles other supplies youll be needing include fencing cement chop or whole grain seed corn poultry feeds bug killer farrss elevator claremont phone 38w woods cowboy electric fencer complete with battery and flasher 50 line knobs 6 corner knobs 50 leather washers rr 50 handy clips 50 double headed nails regular price 1725 ph 281 bell gfcson special 1650 stouffville implements for sale rowcrop cultivatorvipt and convertiblespringtooth cultivator made in our own shop can be installed on any hydraulic left tractor- especi ally suited- for fordsonferguson system strongly built having an electric we iidcd frame inquire at once as the supply of materials arelimited r intern atjonal motors mccqrmickdeering agency w d atkinson phone 290 stouffville