the tribune stouffville onl thursday nov 25th 1943 qjlje ginuf futile ritwn established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average paid circulation 1900 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 9260 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments on being kept track of not long ago a canadian immigration officer was heard to remark as regards travel across the boundary that he hoped that the regulation requiring passports would continue he said it helped to keep track of people and now comes a canadian press despatch from ottawa suggesting that some ottawa people think it might be a good thing to continue national registration in time of peace provincial authorities it is argued find the regis tration cards useful in various ways including the sale of liquor and they also help in cashing a cheque being skeptical of think stories that come out of a bureaucratic centre we suggest that the ottawa report is the product of some civil service brains which have been realizing that it would be a shame if all that neat filing system established in 1940 to learn which of us can milk a cow were discarded after the war its a filing system that must make a lot of jobs it would be a pity from the bur eaucratic point of view if the filers were sent out into the cruel hard world to do something useful as for keeping track of people there may be a few people so strangely unorthodox in these times as to think that free people who are lawabiding should not be kept track of parents arid wives and sons and daughters and other relatives not to mention neighbors do a fair job without the assistance of a perpetual national registration and if a citizen who is not wanted by the police doesnt want to be kept track of officially he should have that privilege it used to be his privilege why not again hepburn gets back of drew mitchell hepburns strange colorful career in politics has taken another turn or twist the now independent lib eral member of the ontario legislature for elgin county the man who resigned dramatically as liberal premier in october 1942 has announced that he will now support premier george drew in the ontario legislature i am going to support his government because he is a good soldier a good citizen and a hardworking public servant a remark that most people will agree with criptically mr hepburn added i wont say ill do it blindly but so far as my conscience will permit it is al most unbelievable how far you can stretch your con science mr hepburn praised col drew for his tenacity of purpose and described the premiers record as enviable and in closing his address before the property owners convention in toronto expressed the hope that ontario would not see another election for some time are fire insurance rates justified a few years ago the government threatened to turn the spotlight on the fire insurance companies with a view to forcing their rates downward this move was countered by the companies who at once gave more liberal clauses in their policies since then the matter has been allowed to stand it would be an interesting statement if we knew the thousands of dollars paid by stouffville people every ten years for fire insurance we believe that the losses in the same area are surprisingly small as the receipts of the com panies are large if our county council want to do something worthwhile they might appoint a committee to investigate insurance rates in towns of 2500 and less then ascertain the amount of insurance premiums paid in the same area we believe the results would show that we are paying amazing rates in stouffville for instance years ago it was realized that plate glass insurance was high and a local fund was established by the merchants result is the rate is less than one percent of the premiums we would be called on to pay in regular line companies and there is not a claim for breakage that has not been met in 20 years if towns like newmarket aurora uxbridge rich mond hill and other places would collectively study the fire insurance situation there could we believe be a last ing financial benefit accrue to all who now pay insurance rates the experience of carrying front street plate glass insurance through a local firm with such tremendous saving is practical in any small town but it would not be practical to carry general fire insurance that way but that is no reason why we should be paying the fire rates we are called upon to maintain john bracken and canadian agriculture according to the farmers advocate there is no more important pronouncement in the whole 30point program for canadian agriculture submitted by the honourable john bracken leader of the progressiveconservative party than the unequivocal recognition of the farming in dustry as the cinderella of our whole social and economic structure the objective he says is to correct canadas greatest social inequity and to raise agriculture from the inferior position into which it has been allowed to fall and for all too long except for a few years of the last war to remain other political parties will now have to successfully attack this pronouncement or set about to draft a more ac ceptable programme than mr bracken has presented the whole problem involved in canadian agriculture with all its glaring inequities has been thrown into the public forum handclapping armthrowing and hair pulling will no long er suffice political leaders will now be obliged to put them selves on record as the leader of the progressiveconserv ative party has done with a suggested programme to cor rect canadasgreatest social inequity there has already been too much backslapping and logrolling the time has come for sound statesmanlike action and the farm organizations should see that we get it the advocate concludes blessing or a curse will a community hall be a blessing or a curse asks a highly skeptical individual who has failed to disclose their name to the newspaper because the suggestion is so unusual and because it advances such ideas as it does we pass it on to our readers under the heading of the edi tors mail we have never heard of a town hall or community hall turning the young people into drunkards and dancing maniacs as the writer suggests and if we are not to build an assembly hall for fear it may make drunkards and danc ing maniacs then we should not have parks for who knows what might go on in a park our young people have a right to a place where they can develop dramatics and enjoy other forms of enter tainment from time to time as we have said before most high schools have an auditorium but the stouffville schools lack such an assembly place and a community hall or music hall would fill a dire need in our community since the ownership would be vested in the town it would be the duty of the municipal council to see that it is properly conducted but we have not heard of any towns having trouble from this source no community can get rid of dark alleys and hangouts but we can provide bright wholesome places to which young people may be attracted to suggest that drunkards eminate from a town hall is not borne out by facts at all ask the people at markham uxbridge sunderland or beaverton they all have such a place as stouffville lacks but no such trouble eminates from them sunday school lesson lesson for november 2sth truthfulness at alt tdfes golden tet wherefore putting away lying sponk every man truth with his neighbors for we arc members one of another eph 425 the lesson as a whole approach to tho lesson while the ninth commandment forbade particularly all falsehood that would work harm to another it is clear from our lords teaching tmroronometrown s by stanley that it was designed to prohibit dis honesty of every character lying is a sin no matter what excuses may be offered for it all liars we are told shall have their part in the lake which burnetii with fire and brimstone this in itself should be sufficient to sliow gods abhor- lence of this evil habit yet lying is almost as natural as bieathing no child ever had to be instructed in how to lie al need to be instructed as to the importance of telling the truth the wicked go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies satan himself is a liar and father of it by lies he corrupted our first parents and the virus of deceit is in the very blood of all the race the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked some have attempted to palliate ceitain kinds of lies on the ground that even scripture recognizes them as at times helpful and even neces sary in trying to sustain this the ory they point out to the fact that many of the bible characters who are commended by god as rahab the woman who hid the messengers of david and others prevaricated in order to save life but while god commends their devotness he never approves their deceit he is the god of truth a nd he delights in guilelessness and absolute honesty our lord calls himself the truth he who would have fellowship with him must walk in truth verse by verse exod 2016 thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neigh bor this ninth commandment de finitely forbids all misrepresentation and evil speaking it applies not only to witness in a court of law but to all that one might say to another concerning a third party chap 231 thou shalt not raise a false report it is so easy to do this sometimes just an un kind suggestion which is taken up by otbeis will exaggeate as it is spread abroad until one who is ut terly innocent will be blackened be yond the possibility of clearing h im- self this in gods sight is wicked ness to be an unrighteous wit ness is abhorrent to him who is the god of truth our lord himself suffered in this way when false wit nesses rose up against him pervert ing his words and charging him with offenses of which he was guilt less verse 7 keep thee far from a false mailer this is the only path of safety avoid all fellowship with those who indulge in the evil habits of slander and misrepresentation gods ear is ever open and he hears every false accusation and will in his righteous government cause all such falsehoods to react against those who are guilty of promulgating them matt 533 ye have heard that it hath been said thou shalt not forswear thyself god had so spoken as in leviticus and other old testament passages this how ever had been narrowed down by jewish traditionalism into a pro- a weekly editor looks at ottawa mmm sjweiafy ar ti uy mwpoprs of caaadb by jim greenblat canadians are ample savers as in dicated by the fact that savings on deposit in canadas chartered banks ai sept 30 last amounted to 1998- 904000 remember thats savings alone an interesting trade angle be cause of the need of foodstuffs at home canada so far this year hasnt filled quotas allocated under trade agreements with the usa under preferred duty arrangements for in stance we could have sent three million gallons of whole milk but to oct 2 had only sent 5585 gallons out of a quota of 1500000 gallons of cream only 702 were shipped we hibition only of testimony sealed by an oath verse 34 swear not at all the lord here forbids the use of stiong asseveiations of every kind such oaths are not needed to give any added force to the straightfor ward declarations of an honest man it is wrong to appeal to hea- en as a witness to the truthfulness of ones words for he who sits in the heavens may detect guile wheie one is hardly conscious of it himself verse 35 nor by the earth neither by jerusalem in spite of our lords solemn words how many are guilty of the very thing he con demns even those who profess to acknowledge his authority over their lives even christians often use such expletives as heaven jerus alem and so on in the most care less and to god offensive way verse 36 neither shalt thou swear by thy head this was a com mon oriental oath and is still in eastern lands the folly of it is emphasized by ones helplessness to change even the color of his hair permanently veise 37 let your communica tion be yea yea nay nay for whatsoever is more than this com eth of evil he who is conscious of speaking the truth needs to add nothing to it in order to give greater force in the multitude of words there wanteth not sin the chris tian should learn to be careful in speech as in all else that thus he may bring no dishonor upon the name of his lord paul seems to have had these words of jesus in mind when he wrote to the corin thians this might imply that matt hews gospel was in circulation al ready when this letter was written john 842 i proceeded forth and came from god in these woids jesus affirmed the truth of his pre- existence before he was born on earth t he was one with the father in the past eternity he humbled himself by becoming man in order that he might bear witness to the truth and die at last as a substitute for sinners verse 43 ye cannot hear my word the selfrighteousness and deteimination not to acknowledge their true condition blinded the eyes of the opponents of jesus so that they failed to understand who he was and so rejected his word verses 44 and 45 ye are of your father the devil those who definitely array themselves against the testimony of christ manifest the fact that whatever their pro fession they are not the children of god at all but children of the devil the seed of the serpent note how this effectually negatives mans prideful conception of the univer sal man all men are gods crea tures and all are brothers in adam but it is by regeneration through faith in christ we become sons of god and brethren in christ the devil is a person not merely the personification of evil he is an a- postate angel who abode not in truth since his rebellion against god he has ever since been charact erized by deceit he is a liar and father of it by his lies he deluded our first parents in eden and he has used the same methods ever since hence we are warned against the wiles of the devil to he therefore is to imitate him something of which no child of god should ever be guilty yet so perverse is the human heart that even when christ him self spoke men believed him not but rather accepted the testimony ofsatan the heart of the lesson we are told that out of the heart the mouth speaketh where deceit is cherished 1n the heart the lips will speak falsely but where the truth of god is known and loved we will delight to speak the words of truth and soberness and will learn to hate lying and dissembling even as god himself hates them the holy spirit is called the spirit of truth as we yield oursel ves to his control our lives will be transparently honest and our lips will never be defiled by falsehood did better in fish shipping nearly 13 million pounds out of 15 million only 16 per cent of allotment of 1500000 bushels of seed potatoes went the calendaryear quota tor red cedar shingles is 2506072 squares with only 449 per cent be ing shipped we could send 100000 pieces of silver or black fox furs on a preferred rate but only 456 per cent went across the line we filled our quota of 795000 bushels ot wheat for the 12 months beginning may 29 this will interest housewives who like salmon or will it although 200000 cases of british columbias 1943 salmon pack may be available for the canadian market the great er part will be eaten by other allied nations we will be doubling onr 1942 shipments ot frozen fish to the united kingdom and the entire ex portable surplus of dried boneless and greensalted fish some 27 mil lion pounds has been allocated to various countries under a united nations plan the department of labour in commenting on measures taken to alleviate impending shortage of pulp- wood and conserve existing stocks has in preparation a vigorous pro gramme of waste paper salvage did you know that many of the pulpwood industrys products enter into es sential war use such as shell cases as a substitute for metal wood pulp is nitrated into explosives plastics substitute for metal in component parts of electrical apparatus radios for the navy army and air force components for land and sea mines submarine detectors and many other devices are made fiom wood pulp millions of feet of lumber have been released in the packaging field and ingenious useus made of paperboard thus ensuring safe delivery of food delicate instruments clothing etc to the front line whatever con ditions prevail there from dissolv ed pulp synthetic fibres are made for tire cords fiagmentation bombs selfsealing gas tanks these essen tials compiise about 55 of the total pulp wood consumed by the in- dustiy the balance is used for news print paper of which canadas con sumption is only 3 a notable con tribution is british columbias aero- plane spruce providing 70 ot total lequirements agricultural notes in connection with ranched furs the government was able to see that additional out lets were available and 100 ship ments were made to south american countries during the past season approximately 103000 or 6 percent of the telephones in canada are op erated by rural cooperative compan ies in which there is a total invest ment of 20000000 we are asked to send out the reminder that distributors of milk and manufactur ers of dairy products must obtain permission of the agricultural food board ottawa to purchase milk or cream from any producer from whom they were not buying milk or cream at september 9th last in view of the fact that the experimental farm system has de veloped a sawfly resistant wheat it is interesting to know that the wheat sawfly is a native insect which has spread from wild grasses to closely allied cultivated plants such as wheat and rye the benefits of experimental work is accepted as matter of faot by the public tor instance people who enjoy the lusc ious vedette valiant and veteran peaches from the okanagan valley may not realize that they are collect ing a dividend from the experiment- wheie these varieties originated wheie these varieties orginated seeing we now have our first canadi an minister to brazil it is well to note that brazil is making a big contribution to the allied cause her mines and industries being virtually turned over to war production to canada she sends crystal rock an essential material in the manufact ure of optical instruments and stab ilizers the dominion bureau of statistics has been making an estimate of the national income you know your own butwhat about canadas in sept ember it was tagged at 745 million as against 646 million in september of last year total for first nine months of 1943 was 6579 million as against 5515 million same per iod in 1942 the advance in nation al income has been sharp since war started women in rural communities as well as those in the cities as stand to benefit from the price ceiling on cabbage beets carrots and parsnips if they have this produce in their root cellars they are assured a fair price for these vegetables when they or their husbands sell them on the market a slight increase for storage costs will be allowed up to next may in order to help prevent any uncontrolled rise in the price ot storeables the consumers branch wtftb are asking all canadian women to familiarize themselves with ceiling prices on these veget ables piles sufferers ot bleeding and p r o t r u ding piles shonld know bunkers herbal pills treat the cause at its source money back it the first bottle does not satisfy boy from your druggist