page eight the tribune stouffville ont thursday nov 11th 1943 classified advs phone 15301 for sale or rent for sale farm for sale or rent township scugog 140 acres 5000 good buildings metal roots ce ment floors lake frontage apply j d lucas 1009 lumsden build ing cor adelaide and yonge to ronto or mrs isabel rennie stouffville 253 articles for sale building lot for sale in stouff ville good size apply owner bert maskel 1148 queen east tor onto 8 272 to rent three rooms and bath for sale a boys brown winter overcoat in excellent condition size 14 mrs albert kingphone 2808 for sale girls wine coat also navy snow suit both size 14 years phone 5112 r f saunders for sale mans ccm bicycle practically new phone 4712 miscellaneous due to arrive about nov 15 a car of mill feeds selling below usual prices car at stouffville dickson hill mill ph 2g3 for sale electric radio cabinet model just overhauled fhone stouffville 5210 hot water heating central loca- for sale g w size tion apply to t oflce 16 boy winter tweed overcoat size 12 in excellent condition also suffolk iram c doner phone 2512 stouffville bell son phone 281 stouffville ont agents for beatty bros barn equipment electric and hand pow er water systems de laval milkers and cream separators woods and gllson milk coolers supertest oil and greases cockshutt farm macliiuery auction sale of household furniture house and lot and extra lot 2 electric krigidaihes dishes garden tools the undersigned has received instruc tions to sell by public auction ou west point cresc rosebank pickering township half mile south from rough hill for sale lot cellar excavated in village of claremont lot no 22 cheap for cash and must be sold before nov isth e a boyd co newmarket ph 533 or 42s for sale lot 33 markham 7th property of gladys gilbert one acre with some fruit trees hen house barn double garage five room stucco house this proper ty to be sold at once make your offer to e a boyd co new market ph 533 or 428 live stock team for sale gelding good work horses owner purchased tractor apply to thomas white ph 608 262 for sale 1932 ford vs coupe good tires motor in fair running condition harry tindall phone stouffville 9703 lost and found found a new boiler and two rat traps owner phone 8602 j reesor for sale girls winter coat and muff size 10 years blue with gray fur trim like new mrs jack barkey stouffville for sale quebec heater stove good condition mrs e c jones gormley ph 7116 for sale beatty hand washing machine and wringer good order mrs ted lintner victoria street stouffville 100 pullets for sale white leghorns started to lay hatch from 5 year old hens mrs claughtonfh 9305 hens for sale 100 new hamp shire yearlings fisher strain mrs orr vienning phone clare mont 240s for sale white leghorn pullets and white leghorn yearling h d sawyer main st stouffville sugar beets for sale by the bushel percy dike phone 6215 stouffville for saleihostess electric irefri- gerator 5 cu ft like new b pickering ph stouffville 4012 wanted wanted number 3030 shells for winchester rifle apply tribune office for sale number of leghorn pullets phone s602 stouffville for sale white pekin ducks and drakes t howsam phone 9006 stouffville fullets for sale 50 light 1 sussexnew hampshires lnd 50 light sussexbarred rocks all ready to lay j d booth phone 8207 stouffville for sale 11 pigs 6 weeks old also 40 hybrid roosters sussex earl keith stouffville notice to creditors in the estate of john albert davis into of the township of mnrkhnm in tho county of york fanner deceased all persons having claims against the estate of john albert davis late of the township of markham in the county of york farmer deceas ed who died on or about the 13th day of february 1943 are hereby notified to forward to the undersign ed on or before the 15th day of nov- r ember 1943 full particulars of their claims against the said estate veri fied by affidavit after the said date the administratrix of the said estate wilf distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which she will then have notice to the exclusion of all others and she will not be liable to any person of which claim she shall not then have notice for the assets so distri buted or any part thereof dated at richmond hill in the county of york this twentysecond day of october nellie irene davis by her solicitor b bloomfield jordan 84 yonge street 253 richmond hill ontario notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of heze- wall roach sr into of tho town ship of uxbrldge in tho county of ontario municipal clerk de ceased i v n6t1ce is hereby given pursuant to the trustee act that all persons jfhaving claims against the estate of hezekiah roach sr late of the township of uxbrldge in the county of ontario municipal clerk deceas ed who died on the 17th day of octo- f ber 1943 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned solicitors for the executors full particulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 20th day of november 1943 after which date the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executors shall then have had notice dated this 2nd day of november1943 orval roach esq markham ont f a forsyth esq goodwood ont executors of the said estste mccutlough button stouffville ont solicitors for the said executors wanted man or boy for farm chores during winter apply box r stouffville tribune wanted a guernsey bull state price and age phone 1 r12 manilla in memoriam wells in loving memory of our darling daughter and sister shir ley who passed away november 14th 1941 aged 6 years heies a face that is haunting us ever theres a voice that were longing to hear theres a smile well remember for ever though we try to forget every tear theres a sad but sweet remembrance theres a memory fond and true theres a token of affection dear and heartaches still for you sadly missed by mummie and daddy wells the dearest sister and sweetest friend one of the best whom god could lend she was loving gentle thoughtful and true always willing a kind act to do it is not tears at the moment shed that tell how beloved is the soul that has fled but tears through many a long night wept and loving remembiance fondly kept lovingly remembered by sister and brothers on kingston road the property of mrs j mood sat nov 13 hese days when tea must yield the utmost in flavour quality is of supreme importance ask for salada wanted work by a sturdy boy of 15 farm experience elwood elson altona wanted capable girl for house work apply to mrs ed leary gormley fh 405 wanted at once capable girl or woman for farm home plain cooking no heavy work phone stouffville 6903 milking machines we can now give immediate delivery on surge and w c wood co mechanical milkers we also have a limited number of beatty bros shallow well pressure systems on hand get your antifreeze from us and save money supertest and super pyro antifreeze have proven en tirely satisfactory in cars trucks and tractors bell and son fhone 2s1 stouffville hay straw wanted at 1500 per ton in trade on delaval milking machines 30500 6 hp motor belt pulley 5900 solution rack 650 12 cow installation 2100 total price 39150 sterling double unit 17500 hf motor belt pulley 5900 solution rack 650 10 cow installation 1750 total price 25800 milk seals per 1000 150 milk strainer disc 3 boxes 100 electro pail heaters 1675 a buy the easy way from canadas largest dealers write for catalogue toronto radio sports 241 yonge st wa 4501 card of thanks mrs margaret nettle wishes to express her heart felt thanks to all those who so kindly sent her cards of sympathy also fruit from the w a owing to the death of her daugh ter mrs clarence beam of fort erie card of thanks mrs walter davis of glasgow wishes to thank her relatives and many friends for kindnesses shown her also for gifts of flowers fruits and cards during her stay in hospit al in toronto all of which was great ly appreciated if you have visitors or contem- plate a trip from home let tho tri bune know a call on the telephone j will acquaint us with the information which will be appreciated and will phelp your home paper to more inter- esting than ever a good weekly is largely built on the cooperative i plan in memoriam gostick in loving memory of a dear husband and father thos c gostick who passed away novem ber 15th 1940 no one knows how much i miss you no one knows the bitter pain i have suffered since i lost you life has never been the same in my heart your memory lingers sweetly tender fond and true there is not a day dear husband that i do not think of you sadly missed by wke in memoriam norton inloving memory of our dear father and granddad walter norton who passed away on nov ember 13 1940 time speeds on three years have passed since you were called away how well do we remember that sad and dreary day we do not know the pain you bore we did not see you die we only know you passed away and never said goodbye lovingly remembered by alvin beatrice and family in memoriam sanderson in loving memory of our dear mother mary sanderson who passed away november 10th 1941 tis sweet to remember a mother so dear though absent from sight yet ever so near unseen by the world she stands by our side and whispers dear ones death cannot divide lovingly remembered by sons and daughters canadian codfish this 50pound codfish is a sample of what is being hauled out of the ocean these days by 3000 canadian fisnermen who are working off gaspe peninsula in an effort to supply the home market with cod liver oil that was formerly imported from scan dinavian countries codfish are dried and salted and shipped overseas to allied troops in loving memory of gostick father the rolling stream of life goes on but still the vacant chair recalls the time the voice the smile of him who once sat there lovingly remembered by family wanted highclass alfalfa hay reesors marmill ltd phone markham 96 2 electric frigidaires family size homestead kitchen range with war ming closet 2coil fuel burning attach complete for any range whitetop porcelain kitchen cabinet combination bakebin kitchen table hand food grinder new good steamer number of platters 3 large pieces linoleum 3 boston bean roast pots kitchen shelf cupboard 4 matching dining chairs number kitchen chairs large quantity dishes cutlery kit chen utensils large solid oak sideboard beveled mirror benches buffet with feltlined cutlery drawer and mirror day bed 4 folding camp tables oilcloth tops 2 washstands chemical closet childs tables odd armchairs 3 glassfront bookcases in 3 sections upholstered armchairs couches coal scuttle pollows number checkerboard sets 5 dressers medium size with mirrors good condition 4 single beds with springs near new number new window awning bedroom stand wicker rocker medium cabinet toilet sets full size modern steel bed springs and mattress white enamel childs wooden bed with springs white enamel childs dresser folding couch bathroom stool waidrobes and folding tables steel bed size with springs and mattress shower treads number window blinds 40gal fuel barrel steel number clocks gallon jars long heavy 1 inch hose lawn mower quantity of other household effects 10x15x4 vinelined tank suited for bathing tank descrhtion of property 9 room frame house with electricity installed 2 bathrooms builtin sink and cupboards water pres- sure system installed situated on subdivision lot 50 and part of 51 having a frontage of approximately 135 feet depth approx 400 feet house in good state of repair also subdivision lot 49 with so ft frontage and depth 321 ft both properties side by side on west point crescent rosebank ont terms on froperty 10 per cent day of sale balance on house with lot cash in 30 days to make up s00 remainder can be arrang ed with vendor on a mortgage 10 per cent day of sale on subdivi- sionlot 49 balance of 150 in 30 days and rest may be left on mort gage properties to be offered se parately subject to areserve bid at 3 pm terms on chattels cash sale at one pm clarke prentice auctioneer tractors and tlows hold at good prices at the auction sale in whitchurch of the late john nicely estate the tractor and plow together realized 500 the tractor went to a buyer from near langstaff but the plow was purchased by mr sam fretz for 151 that is just a few dollars from the price mr nicely paid for it several years ago new however new ones cannot be readily purchas ed and are listed at 1s0 hence while the auctioneer made a good sale the buyer also made a good buy red crot note we gratefully acknowledge mrs wm ratcliff 1 quilt mrs macleod 1 quilt mrs c d pipher quantity of clothing mrs geo myland quan tity of clothing volunteer knitters are needed to make 25 pairs sea mens long stockings also 25 pairs seamens lsinch socks mrs roy grove sunday school lesson water c pr continued from front page had confusea water core with black rot black rot is much too preval ent in the district this year much publicity was given in the spring for the treating of turnip seed for the prevention of black rot and those who did not treat in many cases have turnips that are badly affected black rot usually works down from the top and forms black streaks through the turnips and anyone checking on the sprayed fields should not confuse this with water core there were some very interesting observations made on turnip varie ties in every case where lauren- tians were sown almost 100 per cent were suitable for shipping in the other fields less than 20 per cent would make shippers mjiny of the older varieties which have gained much favour amongst turnip grow ers are not as good quality as these varieties once represented the tur nips grow much rougher than they used to and these do not make good shippers the fact that an insurance against water core has been found and the practice proven should mean that bruce county will continue to parti cipate in the large business that has been built up many other similar districts in the province have been built up in previous years only to lose their trade due to the increas ing prevalence of water core from observation it seems that all that is necessary is one thorough spraying when the turnips are from one to two inches in diameter the spray con sists of s ibs borax 2 lbs bentonite clay h pint orvus mixed in 40 gal ions water which is sufficient for one here ontario county oversubscribed their objective in the victory loan 23000 residents of the county made purchases continued from page six and his wife constituted the family as instituted by god verse s they are no more twain but one flesh two individu als who have hitherto lived their lives apart become one in this nevr relationship which the apostle paul tells us was intended by god to pic ture the relationship of christ and the church verse 9 what therefore god hath joined together let not man put asunder for any man or any body of men to presume to lay down rules whereby this relationship may be ended at the will of one who has failed to find in his companion the satisfaction he had hoped for is to thwart the divine authority and to act on the presumption that mar riage is simply a civil contract rather than a divine institution verse 10 in the house his dis ciples asked him again of the same matter to them as to the phari sees his teaching seemed to be re volutionary they had never thought of it as so binding a relationship as he had indicated verse 11 whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committeth adultery against her our lord laid down a clear definite principle marriage is for life to violate ones marital vows is grave sin therefore to put away ones wife in order to take some later fav orite is wickedness in the sight of god and a violation of the seventh commandment in matthew 199 jesus makes one notable exception if one has already broken the tie by committing fornication this leaves the innocent party free as though not married at all but the fact that only in this instance is one said to be free to marry another should make one very careful not to try to trump up some charge against an otherwise faithful partner in order to displace her by a more pleasing woman verse 12 and if a woman shall put away her husband and be mar ried to another she commiteth adult ery auction sale of horses cows steers implements the undersigned has received instruc tions to sell by public auction at lot 12 con 3 uxbridge mile south of goodwood on wed nov 17 the property of john s maye horses 1 bay horse 6 years old hd 1 bay horse 5 years old hd a firstclass going team 1 black horse aged cattle r w cow 6 years bred to reg hereford roan heifer 3 years full flow 3 steers shorthorns 10001200 lfis 2 red steers shorthorns 800900 lbs red white steer shorthorn 800- 900 lbs 2 roan steers 700s00 lbs 2 r w steers shorthorn 600- s00 lbs hereford heifer rising 2 years roan heifer ris 2 yrs soo900 lbs 3 yearling steers shorthorn 700- s00 lbs holstein steer yearling roan heifer calf 6 mouths red bull calf 6 months 2 red white heifer calves short horn 4 months old red white bull calf 4 months all calves are weaned figs 23 white pigs 75100 lbs 2 white pigs about 50 lbs poultry number plymouth rock roosters and pullets implements etc m h mower 5 ft mccormick cultivator 14 tooth like new set hariows 12 ft hay rack wilkinson plow no 7 wilkinson plow no 21 steel truck wagon grain and hay 150 bus wheat and irye mixed 300 bus alaska oats barley mixed 400 bus scottish hero oats 200 bus victory oats the weight of the oats is standard 2530 tons of mixed hay more tim othy than clover hay may be left in barn until spring harness set heavy double harness harness for third horse 2 sets whifiletrees 2 doubletrees logging chains horse collars 16 cow chains new forks and many other articles cook stove with warming closet favourite churn bell 5 no 1 no reserve owner giving up farming terms cash sale at 1 pm george todd clerk y a s farmer auctioneer do you want work this winter toronto manufacturer of asphalt shingles and roofing products needs men for factory and warehouse work from now until farm work resumes next spring no experience necessary full pay while you learn the job good wages and working conditions room and board near factory this is essential civilian work in a governmentdesiga ated industry important to canadas war effort those employed in war work need not apply apply to your nearest employment selective service office ask for file c r 293 auction sale of a fully accredited herd 60 jersey cows and heifers clyde horses also farm implements 2 tractors and other farm stock to be sold on tuesday november 16th 1943 lotsl22 con 2 north gwillimbury at roachs point 2 miles north of keswick the irving farms sale at 12 noon lunch for those from a distance terms cash j e mcdonald auctioneer