1 m the tribune stouffville ont thursday nov 11th 1943 marmill laying meal clo for the poultryman who is chiefly interested in egg production and wants more eggs at the season when the prices are best marmill laying meal clo is the standby of many years it has been tried and tested in every way for profitable production and low mortality and has more than proved its worth more and more poultrymen pin their faith on marmill laying meal all the time central feed store phone 277 stouffville toronto goodwood flashes 1 cheer up just 43 days till christ mas we are glad to see george stewart in our midst again congratulations to mr and mrs b lickerish of stouffville who celebrat ed their wedding anniversary nov 12th very sorry to learn mrs helmkay who lives on the george maye farm broke her leg and was rushed to newmarket hospital miss ruth elson is helping mrs jack todd with her house duties mr and mrs wm maye and john also mr and mrs reuben maye and kenneth had tea on sunday with mr and mrs baldwin and george mr and mrs clarence jones and family spent sunday with his par ents mr and mrs geo jones pte harvey bunker is now sta tioned at cainville he spent the weekend at home mrs wm sellers is visiting with her niece mrs frank collins mr and mrs clayton hill visited with her sister mrs howard forsyth last week mr and mrs e j davey visited mrs daveys sister mrs gray in the toronto general hospital last week mrs t feren was visiting with her niece and nephew mr and mrs redhead of agincourt for a few days fte jack johnston of camp bor den visited with friends in good wood sorry to hear mrs walter todd received a serious burn on the arm mr and mrs jcuthberton of kit chener spent friday evening with mr and mrs r e ashenhuist mr and mrs m symes of good- wood spent sunday with mr and mrs e norton ouv deepest sympathy to the fam ily of the late mrs frank delrusha who passed away at her home on thursday last mr and mrs d norton mr ivan norton mr gordon symes were sun day evening visitors with mr and mrs h norton lieut bert ashenhuist and pte jack johnson of camp borden were in goodwood on sunday corporal bruce byam and mrs byam have been visiting in the goodwood district bennie jones is spending a few days with harold steckley at ring- wood congratulations to aw 2 muriel jones who was one of the graduates last week at 2 kjs she is now stationed near aylmer mrs wlllard slack and mr dan baker along with mr and mrs gib wright and joyce of ballantrae visited mrs slacks sister mrs myers at hamilton very sorry to hear that mrs d seebeck of brougham is on the sick list robt armstrong better known as bob is again back with his old firm t eaton co getting things ready for santa olaus parade robert be fore superannuating was boss car penter you will no doubt be reading a de tailed account of the roach sale in this issue such commotion around the old home where the correspond ent once lived is interesting when we llvefi there a carriage shop stood onuie next lot north oh yes if you look closely lii glass in the kitchen i wlndojv you might see the scribes initials thereon bad boy he was but you know what a boy will do further donations to comfort fund the stouffville veterans comfort fund which is sending over forty parcels each month to local boys overseas extend their thanks for the following donations a friend 100 mrs slcgrogan 100 the best results are obtained from trlbnne classified ad vs mrs a vaughan mars g thomas c cadieux l e oneill dave smales euchre party a e weldon c h bell 100 100 500 200 50 1000 200 200 wes boadway 200 carl boadway 500 mrs e a button howard j malloy womens institute mrs g smith bert maskell 500 100 500 100 500 anthony dixon 500 four york holsteixs to allcanadian sale a group of four head of purebred holsteins have been consigned by york county breeders to the all- canadian sale which is to he held november 11th at oakville hon g s henry todmorden is offering a sevenmonthsold calf stanley b watson agincourt a yearold heifer g e d greene agincourt a six- yearold cow and york county house of refuge newmarket a threeyearold heifer funeral services held for mary ann kelly funeral services were held friday at unionville for the late mary ann kelly who died at the home of her niece mrs russell boyington on no 7 highway rev gjp duncan conducted the service miss kelly was in her 89th year and had spent her life in markham township she was a descendant of early pioneers her grandfather and grandmother having landed in can ada from the north of ireland in 1s15 they were married in the first anglican church to be built in new market surviving is one sister mrsjohn miller of unionville church hill mr and mrs mckendry mr and mrs frank harrison all of toronto and mr stone of hawkstone visited mr and mrs lazenby recently mr wm beach and marlon were spending a few days with mr and mrs jack beach gravenhurst mr beach hopes to bring back a deer with him mr and mrs hughes of toronto had tea on sunday with mr and mrs lageer misses hazel and velma pegg have returned to toronto to work in a war plant for the winter months mr and mrs chas maclean and mr and mrs bruce maclean attend ed the funeral at fort elgin of mr chas imaclcans sisterinlaw mrs maclean mrs jack mclaughlin spent a fen- days holidays with friends at graven hurst the red cross meeting was held last thursday at the home of mrs ted holledgc with 15 present they completed 2 largo quilts ve wish to acknowledge the gift of material for 2 tops from mrs h pegg congratulations to this commun itys lowman mr ivan mclaughlin who obtained two first prizes a se cond and a third prize this season sunday school lesson lesson for nor 14 th the sanctity ok the home joiiuu text blessed are the pure in heart for they khali see god malt 38 the lessim as a whole approach to uie lesson it is god who has established the family as the basis of all communal aud society life he setteth the soli tary lu families by creating one pair a man and woman suited to each other in the beginning he in dicated his will that in marriage one man should be united to one woman for this cause he said shall a man leave father and moth er and shall cleave to his wife not to his wives or his women and they twain not they three or more shall be one flesh it is true that be cause of the hardness of mens liearts and in order to protect weak womei from cruel and inhuman treatment by unkind and selfish men he per mitted polygamy and allowed divorce for various causes but originally it was not so the seventh command ment was designed to safeguard fam ily life having in view not only the sanctity of the marriage relation ship but the welfare of the children god hates putting away he has made of marriage a divine institut ion and visits with severe penalties the violation of the pledges taken when entering into wedlock to vast numbers today marriage is just licensed prostitution and its sacredness is scoffed at by those who put their own pleasure above purity and even common decency the sam aritan woman who lad been the paramour of five men would be acc epted in polite society today apart from any repentance or acknowledg ment of her guilt verse by verse exod 2014 thou shalt not commit adultery this command ment forbids not only wrong sexual relations between persons married it is not that one is actually to de stroy the eye which was full of adult ery but the disciple of christ is call ed to judge every unholy thought and resolutely cleanse himself from i unionville junior farmers to other partners but as our lords jail filthiuess of the flesh and spirit application of the passage makes perfecting holiness in the fear of clear it was designed to ban all ill- god no matter what sacrifice of iclt relations of any kind whether personal desires may be necessary in by those who are married or single order to cease from sin there must the sex instinct is a divinely inipl- j be no compromise with evil but the anted appetite apart from which the sharp knife of selfjudgment must be selfishness of mankind would be like ly so to limit the reproduction of the race as eventually to destroy it coni- letely but this impulse is to be held in restraint and exercised only with in the bounds of divinely prescribed law matt- 527 it was by them of old time this was not intended to cast any reflection upon the inspirat ion of the ten commandments god himself gave these rules of conduct to israel but they were accepted in a formal way by the elders and pass ed on to others with little realization of their inability to keep them apart froi divine grace producing the new life which delights in the law of god versa 2s but i say unto you it was the same one who spoke at sinai who was again speaking in the son he undertook to magnify the law by insisting upon its inner mean ing as he declared that to look upon a woman to lust after her was to commit adultery in the heart we used unsparingly verse 30 it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell no one speaks more solemnly and more un equivocally of hell and the judgment of god upon unrepentant sinners than our blessed lord no honest person can weigh his words thought fully without realizing that he meant us to understand that there is a terrible penalty awaiting him who lives and dies in his sins better suffer anything here on earth in or der to live a godly life than enjoy illicit pleasures here and suffer the pains of hell in eternity mark 102 is it lawful for a man to put away his wife in ask ing this question the pharisees were seeking to test jesus to find a cause of complaint against him as one teaching something contrary to the law of moses verse 3 what did moses corn- are on very high moral and spiritual mand you jesus asked them to say ground here christ showed that the 8 what they had learned in the law premeditated evil impulses of the that there might be no quibbling or heart were as truly sinful as indulg- misunderstanding of the question at ence in unclean acts by this he issue i turned the light upon those hidden verse 4 moses suffered to write counsels of the heart which while j a bill of divorcement and to put her unknown to ones fellows are clearly away they answered correctly re- discernable by him from whom nojferring to deuteronomy 241 where secrets can be hidden jsuch provision was made and that verse 29 if thy right eye of- by god himself for the protection fend thee pluck it out drastic in- of women in a day of rudeness and deed is the instruction given here callous indifference to the sufferings kiss the next one ox the sly at the malvern dance s30 1200 saturday nov 13 russ creightox and bos orchestra of the weak and helpless verse 5 for the hardness of your heart he wrote you this pre cept in a stern cruel age such an arrangement would work out for the benefit of the abused wife god therefore permitted moses to grant divorces for various causes during the legal dispensation and the di vorced wife was free to be married to someone else if she so desired verse 6 but from the begin ning of the creation god made them male and female by creating one pair from which the whole human race sprang god showed his original standard as to marriage verse 7 for this cause shall a man cleave to his wife there was no room for polygamy or big amy in thisprimeval declaratino as recorded in genesis 224 a man continued on page eight jaa s w wfcj jrftrpi u ft w- yf n v sfii heartof hydro hydro is a living thing il takes people their hands and brains and hearts to keep ontario supplied with power in uninterrupted low producing power or ontarios needs is hydros number one job a veritable army of men is required to keep this power lowing at peak efficiency for hydro is much more than mighty power plants much more than the trans mission lines you see striding through the countryside hydro is the employees who keep the power plants producing who guide and coordinate the constant low of energy through the transformer stations it is the employees who patrol the lines that carry power to faroff mills and mines to roaring industrial plants busy stores and offices comfortable homes peaceful farms hydro is the families of those employees who have set up their homes in city and town and country and perchance deep in the isolation of wilderness and forest it is these and all the other cooperative men and women employees who have put life into hydro made it a living organization devoted to the benefit and service of ontario just now their efforts are directed mainly to producing power or victory and essential uses but after the war they will be ready again to provide the full peacetime service so essential to tho development ana progress of this province yesl the heart of hydro is people employees and consumers alike both necessary both partners in a great public enterprise for today as in the past and in the future the success of hydro is dependent on both the faithful service of the employee and the wholehearted support of the consumer vvfc x 1 the hydroelectric power commission of ontario uectricny ii is a war weapon