page eight the tribune stouffville ont thursday sept 9th 1943 classified advs phone 15301 for sale or rent farm for sale 75 acres two thirds tillable balance bush bard- wood and pine some standing hay 9rooni frame house hydro lur- nace cistern good wei bank barn hen houses garage about one mile from paved highway near school and church apply on the premises mrs conner stouffville rr 2 173 farm for sale 100 acres of clay loam o under cultivation 15 pasture and bush running stream 6roomed house very convenient water in pantty lovely groundsbarn 3sx40 good stabling garage 5 miles horn lxbiidge 6 miles port perry other fauns fiom 14 to 150 acres some with hydro and all conveniences bains well equipped also houses in town or uxbridge different prices apply wf makquis phone 23 uxbridge ont forsale six roomed brick house all conveniences double garage good location immediate posses sion apply at storeys drug store phone 2s603 for sale fuilets starting to lay leghorn and barred rock hy brids 180 each also a few bus dropped wealthy apples charles barkey claremont rr3 phone 6606 stouffville pups for sale 3 newfoundland pups apply raes garage good- implements 3furrow massey- harris adjustable tractor plow also 2furrow mh adjustable tractor plow both factory recon dition in excellent condition also potato digger j gillman mah- seyharris agent brougham ph pickering 9s r12 wood phone 2002 for sale 9 pigs s weeks old g e bartholomew just north of stouffville for sale rebuilt cream separ ators thoroughly overhauled mel- ottes delavals etc electric or hand turned apply b talbot rr 2 stouffville ph 5624 leghorns for sale 400 yearl ings apply to alex ratcliff ph 9912 for sale 13 chunks also 12 yearling hens at 125 and a holstein bull 2 years apply vera hoover phone claremont 1504 miscellaneous horse for sale gray fercher- ou 7 years old gelding ii n foote lot 21 con 10 mark- ham 172 for sale 15 pigs six weeks old forfar bros phone 9212 to kent 7roomed good brick house d gannon brougham ont for sale a choice building lot on north mill st stouiiville 1 new buzz saw frame complete with new 2s blade 1937 chevro let coupe in good condition ph 6605 stouffville for sale large house in good repair at bloomington hydro con veniences in house cellar soft water cistern and newly drilled well 1 vi acres good loam soil summer cottage on lot with hydro will sacrifice for cash can occupy- in six months mrs s english 39 bristol ave toronto 4 1s2 livestock for sale fercheron mare rising five years bay mare nine years good workers also two holstein bulls9 nad 12 months old lloyd jas white lot 22 rear con six pickering suffolk sheep 7 head 2 ewe lambs 3 shearlings and 2 young ewes for sale walter baker ph 1603 claremont cow for sale second calf w knight phone 7605 s for sale 28 pigs ready to wean phone 5s02 w irwin for sale 50 sussex hybred roos ters also 25 pullets 4 months and 11 chunks about 75 lbs earl keith stouffville for sale fresh brindle cowcalf at side- also mh corn binder and a corn scuffier owzeller phone 2110 work horse for sale cheap j e kidd goodwood threequarters lot 13 con 4 uxbridge for sale 40 figs s weeks old ted mantle kinsale for sale 175 sussex iroosters 6 months old mrs clifford king con 9 markham ph 4714 for sale or rent 100 acres at lot 3 con 5 whitchurch 1st class buildings hydro plenty o water a good dairy farm good brick residence possession on april 1 1944 apply to gordon tidsbury north markham or to fl button stouffville for sale 150 leghorn fullets 5 months old michell strain lloyd s pugh claremont phone 3rl3 for sale 40 rock pullets laying mrs elmer fockler ph 6713 for sale ring cattle ph 6911 several choice beef- john mcgillivray articles for sale good seed wheat for sale improved dawson golden chaff fred t wicks 9th con 1st farm north no 7 172 implements for sale a mh 101 super tractor on rubber and a m h sl crop tractor also on rubber and a oneway disc g w allison massey harris dealer mount albert phone 702 for sale dominion piano good condition apply g w allison mount albert phone 702 for sale 1929 durant sedan good running condition ken phillips stouffville for sale set of silo hoops for silo 14x30 also a holstein cow fresh calf by side wj deunie mile and half south of gormley on 4th concession for sale a quantity of seed wheat also prune plums ellis klinck victoria square phone 4011 for sale a quantity of seed je kidd goodwood west three- quarters of lot 13 con 4 uxbridge notice will the party who has our wire fence stretcher kindly return it immediately agnews hardware stouffville frigidaire 4 can coolers and wood 6 and s can coolers for immediate 3 delivery toronto radio sports ltd 241 yonge st toronto bell and son agents for beatty bros barn equipment electric and hand pow er water systems de laval milkers and cream separators woods and gilson milk coolers supertest oil and greases cockshutt farm machinery phone 281 stouffville ont s p i it e l l a ladies for your foundation garment try spirilla mrs dvx cook corsetierre 1s2 phone stouffville s302 apple butter notice we are able to announce that there are no restrictions on the making of apple butter for our customers so long as each brings along his or her own supply of sugar we are prepared to make your ap ple butter by appointment as in for mer years cider making every week day excepting on mondays and sat urdays altona odder mill peter nighs wander ph 9021 lost and found lost two airdale dogs females reward apply to ireg hoskin claremont or phone 1401 for sale pair narrow bottoms complete with mould boards for oliver tractor plow also s ewes 5 lambs and 1 ram wanted to buy one set of diamond harrows with six row of teeth f e ewart newmarket eh lot 2s con 2 whitchurch 182 implements we have the following new and second hand farm equipment on hand for immediate delivery 1 25 and 1 60 cycle beatty elec tric shallow well pressure sys tems new 1 no is delaval cream separator new 3 s g pump jacks new 2 beatty farm stock pumps new 1 lacta cream separator goo lbs reconditioned several electric motors new and re conditioned mh 7 ft binder no 5 good work ing order deering 5 ft cut mower good order 3section diamond drag harrows new m h springtooth cultivator good condition bell son phone 2s1 stouffville missing number of granite pit chers and granite pudding dishes from gormley mennonite church anyone having same kindly re turn before conference wanted wanted experienced farmer wants to rent farm stock and implements apply to tribune office 163 wanted a party wishes to pur chase 5 to 50 acres with flowing well or spring creek buildings not essential state particulars to box t stouffville tribune wanted to hire a married man separate house good wages and privileges apply frank whetter phone 9320 1s2 auction sale of 100 acre farm fresh cows and springers heifer calves milking 31ach1xe implements etc the property of robert harbinson lot 7 on the 3rd con markham tup jut north of elgin mills sideroad on thurs sept 16 fresh cows 1 holstein cow fresh in august 1 holstein cow fresh in august 1 holstein heifer fresh in august 1 holstein heifer fresh in ugust 1 holstein cow fresh in august 1 white heifer freah calf by side 1 holstein cow fresh in july 1 holstein cow fresh in july horses 1 team good work horses springers 1 holstein cow bred dec 25th 1 holstein cow bred dec 30th 1 holstein cow bred dec 27th 1 jerseyholstein cow bred jan 13 1 purebred holstein heifer bred feb 9th 1 holstein cow bred march 14th 1 holstein cow bred march 22nd 1 black jersey cow bred march 22 1 holstein cow bred april 22nd 1 purebred holstein cow bred may 23rd 1 brindle heifer bred may 24th 1 holstein heifer bred june 5th 1 brindle cow bred june 2nd 1 holstein heifer bred june 19th 1 holstein heifer bred june 2sth 1 holstein heifer bred une 24th 1 jerseyhoi heifer bred june 24th 1 jerseyhoi cow bred july 7th 1 ayrshire heifer bred aug isth 3 ayrshire cows bred in july 10 holstein heifers calves ages 4 to is months 1 jersey heifer 5 months old 1 jersey heifer is months old all these heifers have been inoculat ed for bangs disease 1 purebred holstein bull age 2 yrs miscellaneous delaval magnetic milking machine two single units used only two years in good condition number of milk pails case 3furrow tractor plow in good condition power lift democrat wagon good findlay oval cook stove large size good as new fanning mill and bagger chevrolet truck half ton with stock lack in good condition good tires large straw stack fowl 22 yearling hens laying terms cili sale at 1230 sharp description of farm at the same place will be offered for sale the farm consisting of 100 acres of choice loam all under cultiv ation well fenced and watered the buildings consist of a bank barn 40 by so ft implement shed milk house hen house cement silo 12x44 pig pen drive shed and garage an eight room frame and cement block dwell ing all buildings hydro equipped and in good repair there are two orchards on the farm terms for property 10 per cent of the pur chase price at the time of sale and the balance in 30 days to be sold subject to a reserve bid property will be offered at 3 pm for farther particulars apply to the owner on the premises a s farmer auctioneer james smith clerk auction sale farm stock and implements the property of mervin annis lot li con u pickering tounliip brougham thurs sept 16 cattle holstein cow fresh calf at side guernsey cow fresh calf at side white cow due time of sale ayrshire cow bred april 9 hostein cow bred april 24 blue cow bred march 3 red cow ored roan cow due dec 11 jersey cow due december s roan cow bred may s holstein cow bred june 4 holstein cow bred aug 1 red and white heifer bred feb 2 hereford heifer bred feb 21 holstein heifer black bull 1 yr red bull ivi years 4 calves 3 months old horses black mare 12 years old black mare aged swine 5 pigs 5 months old 9 figs 2vi months old implements tractor john deere ar 1942 combine mh clipper 6 ft cutting box model q new case tiller case 6 ft mower case plow mh new harrows 6 sec cultivator mh 10 ft new- hay loader mh no 7 new- side rake and tedder new rubbertired wagon new- hay rack new fleury gang flow corn cultivator case wagon drill gf mh nearly new manure spreader mh cultivator 17 tooth mh disc 14 plate scuffier cutter chopper fleury 9 inch plate driving belt 75 feet new milk cart electric fence set sleighs set plow wheels fanning mill wheelbarrow whitewash sprayer oak barrel trailer with stock rack separator renfrew oil barrel milking machine delaval magnetic bagholder nearly new 1 hp gasoline eyigine milk pail and strainer stewart clipper rootpulper quantity 2 inch rope roll barbed wire eight acres of corn more ships more tea and rations up v just a year and a month after rationing commenced the govern ment is able to raise our allow- ance of teaafull third salada tealovers will rejoice at this happy turn of events for now they can get lb of their favourite tea every six weeks instead of every tight i ice crkam social the womans association of good wood united church will hold an ice cream social in the church there on the evening of friday sept 10th there will be a good program and everybody is cordially invited the admission for tea and program is 15 cents for children and 25c for adults markham council receives deputations markham township council on tuesday received several deputations at their regular meeting in union- ville thornhill police village regis tered a protest against dog kennels in the village and a deputation from milliken asked for road improvement in a certain subdivision district a recent demonstration by the crops weed and seed branch was carried out and was followed by a visit from a representative of the dept to the council meeting the branch spray ed weeds over a small area ireeve chas hooper presided over the meeting and all members were present church christening at anglican service terms cash john scott clerk sale at one pm ted jackson auctioneer help wanted farmers if your own harvesting operations are completed can you temporarily release your son daughter or any hired help to assist with the fruit and vegetable harvesting these vital crops must he saved will you help apply immediately stating age and period available to the ontario farm service force east block parlia ment buildings toronto marmill laying meal clo will boost that egg production for the poiritryman who is chiefly interested in egg production ana wants more eggs at the season when the prices arebest marmill laying meal clo is the standby of many years it has been tried and tested in every way for profitable production ami low mortality and has more than proved its worth more and more poultrymen pin their faith on marmill laying meal clo allthe time in memoriam fockler in loving memory of our dear mother melinda fockler who passed away sept 2 1942 one year has passed and gone since one we loved so well was taken from our home on earth with jesus christ to dwell the flowers we placed upon her grave may wither and decay but love for her who sleeps beneath shall never fade away lovingly remembered by son joseph and family in memoriam jones in loving niomory of a dear mother mrs hw jones who passed away sept 12 1932 theres coming a wonderful wonder ful day when free from our burdens we are going away as jesus returns for his own no longer well think of the trials down here the days when we suffer alone for gods loving hand wipes away every tear when jesus returns for his own ever remembered by the family kellys majority increased next years twine farmers bur your twine xow for next season and be assured of a supply of a firstclass product central feed store election of j frank kelly in musk- okaontario riding has been sustain ed by a recount in fact his major ity previously ss was raised to 100 by the judge auction sale of household furniture to be sold bypublic auction at the residence main street stouffville on sat sept 11 the property of mrs david snider 3piece chesterfield suite spiece walnut dining room suite 3piece oak bed room suite and spring mattress 2piece walnut bed room suite small oak table small walnut table 2 walnut end tables walnut magazine stand walnut jardine stand cong rug 6x9 cong rug 8x6 cong rug 9x7 6 in 2 floor lamps axminster rug ilx6x9 axminster rug 7x6 4x6 general electric radio 2 arm chairs gramophone with records 2 rocking chairs 2 lawn chairs 2 cain bottom chairs large table 3 kitchen chairs kitchen cabinet fall leaf table sday clock 2 burner hot plate 2 bed spreads 2 get gasoline cooker 3 burner coal oil stove perfection 15 lengths stovepipes cook stove acme a few small antique pieces new raymond sewing machine electric vacuum cleaner almost new 2 pairs feather filled pillows 2 pair of goose feather beds aluminum pressure cooker 65 piece dinner and tea set number of other dishes a quantity of silverware 2 lace table cloths linenware lawn mower grass clippers meat grider 2 wash tubs a number cooking utensils and numerous other articles sale at 1 oclock terms cash robert henry greenfield wee son of mr and mrs fred greenfield markham township was christened on sunday sept 5th in christ chur ch anglican by the rector rev f herman the godparents were mr and mrs eiic highstead of london ontario the occasion was also the birthday of mrs h johnson grandmother of the child a family gathering was held later at the home of the young sons parents at which 19 guests were present including rev and mrs f herman wilmot stover heads young peoples society reorganization of the stouffville mbc young peoples society was effected on monday evening when the following were elected to office president wilmot stover vice president kathleen jones 1st vice fres lloyd wideman sectreas dorothy moyer asst sectreas edna widemaa chorister theodore boadway asst chorister norma stover organist delma atkinson asst organist gladys stover ushers donald pugh gor schell social com mrs harry stover airs wilmot stover lola forsyth evelyn rusnell and geraldine stouf- fer card of thanks wethe undersigned wish to ex press our sincere appreciation to the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in any way during the illness and subsequent death of beloved father chas degeer signed by sons and daughters notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of al- fretta eckardt late of the village of stouffville in the county of york spinster deceased notice is hereby given pursuant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of alfretta eckardt late of tho village of stouffville in the county of york spinster deceased who died on the sth day of august 1943 are hereby notified to send to the under signed solicitors for the executor full particulars of their claims on or be fore the 11th day of september 194j after which date the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims or which the executor shall then have had notice dated at stouffville this 21st day of august 1943 addison c burkholder esq executor stouffville ont mccullough- button solicitors for executor 163 stouffville ont the best results arc obtained from a s farmer auctioneer tribune classified advs wanted highclass alfalfa hay reesors marmill ltd phone markham 96 piles sufferer of bleeding and p r o t r a ding piles should know bunkers herbal pills treat the cause at its source money back it the lim bottle does not satisfy buy from druggist live poultry wanted hens broilers spring chickens delivered to our poultry plant whitby we can pay the highest market prices as we sell direct to the consumer- get our prices before you sell pickering farms limited phone whitby 336