f page six the tribune stouffville ont thursday sept 2nd 1943 one of the good things you can still enjoy stovers bread white or wholewheat delicious vitamin filled loaves the stouffville bakery ambrose stover prop toronto goodwood flashes miss greta hatley has returned from goodwood to the city mrs nettle had the pleasure of a visit from her daughter and family of fort erie aimer cooper and harvey feasby have been home on leave pleased to hear our friend win morgason is feeling very well and back in goodwood mr and mrs hubbard of oshawa were visiting her parentsmrand mrs w bryan friends of ronald james will be pleased to know he is now stationed at fort william and pilots planes alone mrs bert maye and family spent a day with her aunt mrs oscar tin- dall who is on the sick list mr and mrs harry woodland end family also mr frank wagg visited with mr and mrs wm maye on sunday mrs akiey and three daughters spent a week at their summer home third line wood that the end was so near mr and mrs baldwin and george deep sympathy is extended to son visited at the ross hood home on john and his wife and the children sunday mr and mrs oswald lee toronto mrs chas watson spent the week- ere visiting in three rivers que end with his family at port bolster nd and grave choicest sand and gravel for your cement work delivered to your job nortons gravel pit brock rd uxbridge twp ph claremont office 700 residence 9 rll bee an old uxbridge boy his bro ther arthur lee of rochester has been visiting in new york art has a son in the us navy saving the church a cash outlay of 3s0 at least the sidesmen of st clements church where the corres pondent attends painted the building outside two coats doing the work themselves on weekends some who couldnt help paid in some cash which went to buy paint we pass on the suggestion in case some of our country churches wish to take up the idea jean wilkinson was home for sun day rev eugene beach and family have returned to iripley after spend ing four weeks with mrs beachs mother mrs harper miss ruth gulliver of oshawa is spending holidays with her grand parents mr and mrs w henderson five large cartons of clothing packed by the goodwood war work ers for russian relief flying pilot officer wesley james was paying a few calls in the village on tuesday afternoon last week corporal aylmer cooper of aylmer home on leave sorry to learn that mr norton symes had the misfortune to break his arm while working at pickering miss olive maye holidaying at her home hattie dawson of markham is spending a few days at home here corporal robert dawson spent a few days at his home before leaving for shelbourne nova scotia mrs alvin tirown and neutie are spending their holidays at the home of m and mrs geo brown messrs p and a miller are shin gling the school at ss no 5 mrs p suica spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs geoated to himself in 1 peter 29 pre- biown sent day believers are designated as mrs obrien is spending the sum- israel was an holy nation and mer with mrs a wilson in the previous practice because he mrs j noiton and daughter gay who hath called us is holy while of toronto called on mr and mrs standards of holiness have differed sunday school lesson continued from page two not called upon to decide as to what is practical or what may be dispens ed with the scripture will furnish the man of god completely unto all good works nothing is to be esteem ed as good in the sight of god which is not sanctioned by the woi d verse 2 ye shall be holy for i the lord your god am holy to be holy is to be separated from all evil or that which is unclean israel had been brought unto relationship with the infinitely holy one they weie lesponsible then to be wholly separ- walter symes and family on sunday mr and mrs wm maye and john attended the funeral of jos carter of whitpvale on tuesday also olive and hattie dawson and mr and mrs howard forsyth attended the funeral in company with alex brown the correspondent attended the fun eral of richard rae at stouffville little did we dream two weeks be fore when we called on him at good- reconditioned gars and trucks paris auto supply auto supply jos parisi richmond hill ont phone s6 in various dispensations according to light given by god to his people in every age the redeemed of the redeemed of the lord have been call ed to walk as a people sanctified to him to whom they belonged and who had identified himself with them observe however that our passage does not say be ye holy as i am holy but for i am holy we will never be as god is or as christ was as man here on earth until we are made fully like him in the day of manifestation verse 3 ye shall fear every man his mother and his father and keep my sabbaths filial regard and ob servance of gods holy sabbath are here linked together the family is a divine institution which breaks down completely if children do not respect and honor their parents the sabbath was the seal of gods coven ant with israel and they showed their regard for him by refraining from doing their own pleasure on the day he had claimed as his own while the sabbath was made for mans blessing and not man made simply to observe the sabbath yet it served also as a test of devoted- heres the new easy way jofj healthful family meals vtftomen everywhere acclaim eat-to- work- to win authoritative new booklet that takes all the guesswork put of good nutrition its practical timesaving easy to use and theres a copy for you free simply by mailing the coupon below authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health as an aid to victory yet recent government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of canadians is deficient perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health stamina high morale to help keep them fir on the job so learn the easy way to goodtocat meals that provide every food need of the body send for your copy of eattowcktowin today menus for 21 breakfasts 21 luncheons 21 0 dinners balanced delicious timely n nutritional itatementn tn emaworkto win are acceptable to nutrition strvtcf de- partment ot rrasloo and national ilrlui ottawx for tbe canadian nutrition programme mail this coupon nutrition for victory box 00 toronto canada plca4eseodffiemrniecopfofeattoworkowin namt spomortj bj the brewing industry ontario j in the interest of nutrition and health as an aid to victory a ajjrta ctj- ness even so is it today in regard to the first day of the week the lords day honored above all other days by the ressurrection of our lord the descent of the holy spirit and the designated day for special christian worship and devotion verse 4 turn ye not unto idols nor molten gods i am the lord your god all idols of the when here on earth and the apostle james enforced it in his letter to the christian jews verse 13 the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee until the morning god ever considers the poor employers might have a tendency to defer pay ment of wages due bu they were to remember the need of those working 5reat heathen were to be abhorred he for them there would be no capital who had- visited and redeemed his people was the one true and living god who alone was to be worship ped and obeyed because idolatry could only result in ruin and disas ter god was very jealous that his people should adhere to him only verse 11 and labour disputes if all were guid ed by the word of god verse 14 thou shalt not curse the deaf for even though he can not hear god can and will judge accordingly nor put a stumbling- block efore the blind he who has ye shall not steal sight whether physical or spiritual neither deal falsely neither lie one is responsible to be considerate of those who have not verse 15 ye shall do no un righteousness in judgment prac tical righteousness is simply doing what is right this should ever characterize those in covenant re lationship with god the righteous one verse 16 thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer th gossipy scandalmonger does far more damage than he realizes or may intend how important to guard ones lips- verse 1 thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour and not suffer sin upon him to see one going on in wickedness and not point out his error is not an evidence of love but rather of hatred or indif ference godly care for a failing brother is an evidence of the love of god in the heart verse is thou shalt love thy to another deceit is the natural ef feet of the fall and is found in the heart of every man therefore the importance of stressing integrity and transparent honesty on the part of all who profess to know him who is the god of truth and righteous ness so prone is man to overlook such admonitions that even in such inspired letters as those to the eph- esians and colossians we find the spirit of god solemnly warning christians not to lie or steal- surely such words as these tell us only too plainly that there is in every believer an evil nature that needs to be kept in the place of death tn rough the power of the cross verse 12 ye shall not swear neither profane the name of thy god all careless use of the divine names or titles is here forbidden whether in the way of adjuration or in what we commonly speak of as pointed out is one of the two commandments verse 32 honour the face ot the old man and fear thy god re- j spect for age and revereuce for god go hand in hand verges 33 34 if a stranger so journ ye shall not vex him con sideration for the stranger was in cumbent upon those who themselves had known the heart of a stranger in a land such as ours where men have come from all the lands of the earth seeking liberty and prosperity how important it is that we should manifest a kindly concern on their behalf the heart of the iesmn those who have been redeemed by the lord are responsible to behave themselves in accordance with his revealed will he is concerned about eery detail of our lives and would have us walk as those who are in re lationship with himself for christ ians the standard is even higher then that which god of old made known profanity our lord reiterated this neighbour as thyself this our lord ox mlsselmmavs l1kk the anglican mission at mussel- mans lake are having to close a successful series of services on sun day sept 5th the holy communion services at s am and 11 am will be conducted by rev dr rogers of toronto as this will be a thanks giving service residents and visitors near the lake are given a cordial in vitation to be present it was a dark night and the motor ist was lost presently he saw a sign on a post with difficulty he climb ed the post struck a match and read wet paint ottawa september 1st 1943 effective september 2nd preserves and sweet spreads are rationed by coupon the products affected include jams jellies marmalades extracted honey comb honey in squares honey butter maple syrup maple butter maple sugar molasses corn syrup cane syrup or any blended table syrup apple butter or canned fruit on and after thursday september 2nd 1943 it is unlawful for a consumer to purchase any of the above- listed products except on the surrender of a valid ration coupon coupons d in ration book 3 are to be used for this purpose coupon dl becomes good september 2nd starting september 16th two coupons become good every four weeks these products are being rationed so that there will be an equal sharing of the available supplies persons who do not use the coupons for these products may use them to acquire more sugar in addition to their regular sugar ration and canning sugar allowance one d coupon is good for not more nan jams jellies marmalades extracted honey apple butter maple batter or honey butter 6 fluid ozs or maple sugar or gomb honey in squares vz lb net or molasses or maple syrup 10 fluid ozs or corn syrup cane syrup or any blended table syrup 12 fluid ozs or canned fruit 10 fluid ozs or sugar v lb net when purchasing goods in containers it will not always be possible for the consumer to get the exact coupon value example if you are buying jam in containers one d coupon is good for one 4 5 or 6 qz container or two 3 oz containers two d coupons i are good for one 7 8 9 10 11 or 12 oz container or two s qz or two 6 oz containers or three 4 oz containers or any combination adding up to not more than the total value of the coupons permitted suppliers separate instructions which are similar to the regulations of applying on sugar rationing are available from any branch of the ration administration for quota users industrial users and suppliers ration administration the wartime prices and trade board