the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 10th 1943 il florida oranges juice california sunkist size 250 size 250 size 220 doz 35c doz 45c doz 50c lemons grapefruit catellis cheesaroni cooks in 8 minutes van camps precooked beans kraft dinner 22c evaporated apples rice potatoes 22c 15c select dinner 25c per lb 20c per pound 12c per peck 50c cooked meats weiners fresh vegetables ratclif f co town delivery phone 198 red cross commissioner coming canadian commissioner of tbe canadian red cross dr fred rout- ley of maple is coming to stouffville next monday evening as the guest of the lions club and will speak to the members at their dinner meeting in the village inn which commences at 630 oclock dr routley is an out standing speaker and will have some interesting facts to tell the organiza tion ballantrae native dies at ottawa gormley di lemonville lac jim rae ircaf of alaska is spending leave at the home of his parents mr and mrs stewart rae mies doreen rae is recuperating from an attack of measles miss marion vannostrand has ac cepted a position on the aurora pub lic school staff congratulations are extended to grant wells and george timlbers managers of our school baseball team which has won two games re cently miss lenore spence has been ill with wood posoning in her finger reports are that she is recovering satisfactorily a number from this locality at tended the field day at mt albert on saturday evening several friends gathered at the home of mr and mrs melbourne emmerson on monday evening for a surprise party in honor of miss margaret emmersons birthday a very pleasant evening was spent by her friends look forward to the church anni versary services on june 20 morn ing service is to be taken by mr roy irwin evening service will be conducted by rev douglas davis and the choir from stouffville mrs bruce winterstein was host ess recently to a number of her family and friends in honor of the birthday of her husband fine wea ther permitted an enjoyable evening on the lawn saturday dawned bright and fair for the wedding of our minister mr sold twopant suits fined 1000 these are stern days for frank e rae john monkhouse and all mer chant tailors throughout canada should they fail to cut the cuffs off pants and throw them into the rag bag where they may remain until the war is over or they may be sold to the rag man there is no use ask ing why for nobody hardly knows the reason for cutting the cuffs off pants and at the same time increas ing the width of the rim of mens felt hats two inches tailors must also watch their step and not be tempted to sell two pairs of pants with a suit of clothes con victed of selling twopant suits in violation of wartime prices and trade board regulations a hamilton tailoring firm was fined a total of 1000 the firm pleaded quilty of two charges of selling suits of cloth ing with two pants and was fined 500 on each charge stroke proves fatal for mrs quibell the sudden passing of mrs john quibell at the home in stouff ville on monday of this week follow ed a stroke suffered by her on sat urday evening and it was evident from the severity of the seizure that the end was near mrs quibell was born in mariposa township one of a family of eight children born to pioneer farmers there she was the sole survivor she married john quibell and the couple spent many years at gilert where he was employed as a section- man besides the bereaved husband an only son harold quibell mourn the passing of a beloved mother the family moved to stouffville about 12 years ago members of the united church the funeral service on wed nesday afternoon conducted by rev d davis was held in the local church and interment was in stouffville cemetery- support religious instruc tion ix schools roy irwin to miss marion douglas of toronto formerly of the post office staff services here and at ballantrae were conducted in mr irwins absence by mr riches of stouffville the young people will hold a social on the school grounds this thursday evening the program will include a ball game followed by games and refreshments next weeks meeting will tie in charge of miss arlene harper the topic the stranger in our midst is to be presented by mrs stanley hast ings o d o o d o a o i o xoc xoe xoe30i spring coats and o n o summer dresses and sheers crepes washable spiins and rayons in one and two picco styles smart summer styles o d o there are men and women born in canada and educated here who know nothing of religion or the bible irev a i heinonen timmins told members of toronto conference united church of canada last week mr heinonen was speaking during a discussion of christian educa tion he is a native of sweden and made a strong plea for chustian education in the public and high schools especially for new canad dians i have married men and women who could proudly boast that they were born in canada and educated heie but who knew nothing of the church religion or the bible mr heinonen told conference a recommendation of the chris- tain education committee which ivas adopted proposes that a system be worked out whereby local clergy seek the cooperation of their school boards so that systematic training be started in the autumn a clause in the report recommended that careful study be made of existing conditions and recommended books that all engaged in this work be asked to realize that only with ade quate preparation and diligence in the whole situation can those standards be maintained which will commend the respect of the school inspectors teachers students and the commun ity at large mrs ross cilmore died at her home in the city of ottawa on tues day last week following a prolonged illness interment was made at the capital where with her husband she had lived since 1920 mrs gilmore was the former vera beatrice mcmullen and was born at ballantrae a daughter of mary a and the late george a mcmullen the family lived in stouffville from 1900 to 1911 when they moved to toronto vera mcmullen attended stouff ville public school and markham high school in 1915 when a resi dent of toronto she married mr gilmore and they resided at arbana illinois finally locating in ottawa where mr gilmore is senior engin eer fuel reseach laboratories de partment of mines and resources and past president of the ottawa branch mcmaster university alumni since his home when a boy was at baker hill he too attended mark- ham high school the late mrs gilmour was a de vout christian and member of the united church although of recent years ill health prevented her at tendance and active participation in the work surviving relatives besides her husband and mother include a sis terinlaw mrs florence mcmullen toronto an uncle was the ilate newton a hill grocery broker in toronto and a great uncle was the late rev newton a hill port hope robert and eliza hill general mer chants at ballantrae were grand parents her passing was deeply mourned at the capital where a very large concourse of friends and acquaint ances attended the funeral services ringrwood jim bowes of stouffville visited at oliver hardings on monday mrs rolph burkholder was a toronto visitor on monday mr and mrs carl davis of tor onto spent the weekend with his parents mr and mrs earl davis ed stover of stouffville was a monday visitor with his niece mrs j m grove mrs ward of claremont spent a few days recently with her daughter mrs gordon ratcliff mrand mrs will robinson of tor onto spent a few days this week with miss ada barkey pike peak camp meetings open sunday then comes the christian conference at ringwood big events all mr and mrs wm heise and dau ghter marjorie of victoria square had tea sunday with mr and mrs g hiltz and vera miss evelyn shantz of stouffville visited last weekend with miss betty farmer word was received last friday that pte v d gooding of the ciru has arrived safely in eng land mr and mrs roy bell of toronto visited last week with rev and mrs w shantz mr and mrs harold doner and shirley had supper sunday evening with mr and mrs c doner and family mr and mrs asa byers of toron to visited last thursday with mr and mrs e jones mrs jones re turned to toronto for a short holi day ac2 harold sider arrived home monday night from st thomas har old is on sick leave after recovering from the mumps and tonsilitis he will be home till monday next mr and mrs metro sudayki of toronto visited in the johnson home on sunday other sunday visitors were mr and mrs murray baker of newmarket in the baker home and mr and mrs alex jones and fam ily of dicksons hill with mr and mrs j sider and agnes mr and mrs robert taylor and muriel of toronto also miss marg aret duncan of the rcaf wd from vermilion alta now stationed at toronto visited rev and mrs a tgooding and family sunday mr and mrs melvin baker were the guests of mr and mrs n car- rington last sunday evening sunday was the occasion of mr and mrs carringtons first wedding anniver sary bishop alvin winger of the heise john farthing dies in his 84th year enjoying very good health right up to within a day of his death john farthing passed away at the home ot his son robert g 365 main street toronto in his s4th year on tuesday afternoon june 8th the aged man- was in good health on monday morning but was seized with shortness of breath whichdeve- loped other trouble and the end came suddenly john farthing came to canada 55 years ago and settled in pickering township but 19 years ago his life partner passed away some years ago the father locted in toronto living with his son sur viving are two sons robert in the city and arthur of stouffville also one daughter mrs mackenzie tor onto the funeral on friday after noon takes place to st georges cemetery pickering ker brethren in session at the old meeting house on yonge street on a recent sunday he told the gather ing it gave him a real pleasure to be able to meet with quakers and friends after the morning services a basket lunch was enjoyed in picnic style and the people visited together new minister on temper- anokv1llk charge rev e c moddle minister of the united church at wanstead on the danforth has been appointed to the temperanceville charge which in cludes wesley church at vandorf and the mt pisgah church by the settlement committee his new du- hill church here called on the qua- ties to commence in july the church services bethesda gordon bolender from conestago accompanied by blrs robert cole man from gait spent the weekend at his home mrand mrseldon bol ender bethesda seeding is well advanced here npw since the weather man has dried up during july and august only morning services will be held in the united church stouffville it has been decided by the official board stouffville cemetery memorial you are invited to attend the an nual cemetery memorial day ser vice at the stouffville cemetery on sunday june 20 1943 at the hour of 230 pm rev h shantz has been invited to be the special speaker and will be supported by other ministers of the district stouffville junior band will lead the singing this is an opportunity for every body to pay respect and tribute by their presence to the sacred spot where so many loved ones now he l e oneill h 0 klinck blake sanders commissioners dickson hill and mt joy mennonite churches rev j harold sherk pastor sunday june 13 1943 mount joy 1000 am sunday school 1100 am public worship 730 pm gospel service dicksons hill sunday june 6 1943 1000 am public worship 1100 am sunday school there is a welcome for everyone stouffville christian church charles montgomery pastor miss nora stapleton organist sunday june 13 1943 1000 am bible school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service friday 700 pm childrens meeting soo pm christian endeavor church hill sunday june 13 1943 200 pm bible school 300 pm divine worship he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believ eth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of god abideth on him everyone is cordially invited to these services christ church anglican rev f herman rector miss elizabeth poote organist sunday june 13 1943 200 pm sunday school 230 pm evening prayer and ser mon no 6 2 o b o d o o o a large selection of ladies girls springs coats are still available here a good assortment of styles in all wool 2 boucles worsted and english tweeds in all shades also d ladies smartly tailored suits made of good serviceable n materials mens youths and boys suits in tweeds and worsted well made and in all shades and sizes we are well supplied with mens and boys work shirts overaks pants sport stiirts summer underwear eic congolium rugs a new shipment has just arrived in all sizas come in and look around h gold ens clothing store phone 273 stouffville ont aoi ioexoe aonoi o n o d o o 0 o musical recital in aid of the chinese relief fund will be given inthc second markham baptist church friday june 11th 1943 at 815 pm by the ladies double quartette alma oldham leader assisted by mary peal violinist ted williaiiin pianist ted bondwny tenor o canada land of our birth rudyard kipling the lord is my shepherd brother james air i will praise him hymn ladies double quartette nearer my god to thee carey mary baker violin solo mnrypenltoronto he walked with them lillenas pauline ratclift and ted boadway nocturne helmund ted williams come unto him messiah handel alma oldham vesper hymn stevenson ye watchers and ye holy ones ashamed of jesuus hymn ladies double quartette jesus ackley ted boadway violin solo mary peal bloomington ringwood christian churches rev g w brown pastor sunday june 13 1943 1100 am bloomington 700 pm ringwood sunday school in bloomington and ringwood churches at 1000 am in altona church at 1030 am classes for all ages childrens meetings in the ringwood church every monday at 700 pm you are cordially invited to attend these services the one hundred and eighteenth annual sessions of the congrega tionalchristian churches of ontario will be held in iringwood christian church june 16 20th inclusive young peoples rally wednesday night june 10th soo pm speaker rev d c percy missionary on fur lough from africa special music see other items in this paper con cerning conference st james presbyterian church stouffville rev t decourcy rayner minister sunday june 13 1943 945 am- divine worship followed by sabbath school and bible class the results of discipleship what are they to be in gods great plan world transformation through the transfiguration of human life come and hear this message sorely needed today this is a message worth getting up early on sunday to hear why not get uf and come to church stouffville mennonite church rev h shantz pastor sunday june 13 1943 1000 am- sunday school 1100 amdivine worship miss j peard will speak the offering for the city mission fund will be received at this service 230 pmmongolia s s 730 pmevangelistic roy brown 730 pmaltona miss j feard offering or city mission fund thursday evening 830 stouffville prayer meeting monday evening 800ypu next week tuesday evening 830mongolia wednesday evening 800 altona come and worship with us 0 saviour hear me walt in a flat lead me to calvary childrens prayer abide with me von gluck almn oldham brahms ted williams hymn hensel and gretel second markham baptist church rov norman rowan pastor sunday june 13 1943 955 am sundafy school 1100 am worship exalt ye the lord our god and wor ship at his footstool for he is holy psalm 995 prayer and praise meeting on tuesday at s pm friday june jj plan to be present and enjoy the musicale to be held in this church at 8 pm god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth john 424 we welcome you free will offering r ladies double quartette the king chairman dr thos mitchell mennonite brethren in christ church gormley and bethesda rev ward m shantz pastor sunday june 13 1943 all of the services for both ap pointments will be held in the big tent at pikes peak at bethesda services from june 13 27 sundays 1030 soo 730 sunday school in the tent at 2 ocloc for the gormley church week nights except saturday 8 pm evangelist re f huson of strat ford ont revive thy work o lord melville bethesda and peachs churches minister rev a j orrt- sunday june 13 1943 peach s 1000 am melville 1115 am bethesda 300 pm stouffville baptist fchurch rev d macgregor pastor sunday june 13 1943 1600 am sunday school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service the pastor will preach wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting come ami receive a blessing stouffville united church rev douglas g davis minister sunday june 13 1943 950am sunday school 1100 am divine worship 730 pm evening service what shall it profit a man if he gain the formal right of liberty to do- as he pleases and loses the inner spiritual freedom which is bondage to the will of god revealed in jesus christ