Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 10, 1943, p. 2

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the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 10th 1943 uift touff trill srtlmn esumished 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average paid circulation 1850 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in ujsa 3260 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments what shall we sow on the sabbath day the editor of the richmond hill liberal is certainly not a farmer but somehow he professes a soft spot in his heart for the tiller of the soil and he is going to defend him even to sowing on the sabbath after all is it not better to sow grain on the sabbath than many of the wild oats that thou sands set out to sow with motor car and folks say little about it here is what the richmond hill paper has to say ton the issue there is considerable discussion throughout the prov ince on the subject of farmers working on sundays last sunday the drone of the tractor was heard on many york county farms and some have questioned this use of the lords day observance of the sabbath is one of the land marks we must zeaously guard and we are opposed to any move which would tend to give this country the open sun day of other lands however we know that due to the wet spring season wartime production on ontario farms is facing a crisis and in such an emergency it is no time to quibble farm production is just as necessary as any other phase of the wartime efforts of our people and if needed crops can be planted on sunday we dont think there are many who would find fault with the farmer who goes out to work the land on the sabbath it certainly is no worse than working in a munitions factory and is more to be commended than sunday golf pleasure driving and the thousand and one other abuses of the day of rest to which we have become more or less accustomed few perhaps realize the seriousness of the late spring season if we do not sow we cannot reap and if we cannot reap we cannot eat sunday seeding like so many other things is a matter for the individual conscience but we cannot see that there could be any public criticism if the hard presed farmer does some sowing on the sabbath voting by proxy one can hardly credit the idea of voting by proxy when it comes to governments yet it is said the ontario govern ment plans to take the overseas vote in this manner dis- cussing the matter the newmarket era usually wellin formed editorially says in the dominion elections of 1917 and 1940 soldiers were given a chance to vote for or against particular candi dates in their home constituencies that gave them a voice in government but what ontario proposes to do is to let each soldier give a proxy to a relative or friend who will decide how to use the soldiers vote will this give expres sion to the soldiers opinion it seems a waste of money and time it merely gives some people two or three votes whie others will have only one members of the same fam ily living in the same home do not always vote alike there is even less reason to think that soldiers overseas and their friends or relatives at home would vote the same way never again a national party prof f h underhiu native son of stouffville speaking before the canadian historical and political science ass ociation at hamilton made the following declaration which if heeded by the conservatives over canada will wind up a great political organization but coming from prof under hiu born a liberal the claim will be discounted here is what he said the attempt of the conservative party in the past six months to rejuvenate itself may it is true restore some thing like the old twopartv monopoty of canadian politics but the conservatives have so long ben unacceptable to quebec and the prairie provinces and their deeprooted british colonialism so unfits them for dealing with the new era of canadianamerican relations that they have probably lost the possibility of becoming again a national party sponsors of high school complimented this week the bylaw will be passed by york county council creating a high school district at stouffville in place of the present continuation school district the cost of operating a high school over a continuation school is said to be practically nil and the only difference is in the municipal setup a high school however has a distinct advantage over a continuation it has added prestige and this means it attracts good teachers more readily also the student likes to graduate from a high school in preference to something below that standard however what wo set out to say was to congratulate the school board who have sponsored the change and seen it through to a successful ending this same board will be charged with the job of organizing the new municipal set up for the conduct of the two schools public and high it enjails a different accounting and separate bank accounts otherwise the school wil go on as heretofore markham township gets more polls markham township is providing three extra polling div isions for election purposes in place of eleven in use there will bo fourteen set up in the next voters list the act provides that not more than 300 names shall vote in one poll sometimes this number is allowed to increase rather than to set up a new division for a few people but the markham situation needed the revision given it by the council last monday sunday school less on lessons for june 13 cods exceeding great promises golden text whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature a pet 14 the lession as a whole peter was the only one of the twelve apostles who knew he could not live until the return of christ the lord had told him definitely that he was to die as a martyr in the cause of the gospel he had lived for over a third of a century since the time when the lord jesus christ had so spoken to him now he was an old man paul had probably been mar tyred already peter refers to all his epistles that is pauls as in circulation among the churches to him it was given to live a little ion er and to continue witnessing the truth but he realized that the end of his life on earth must be near soon he would move out of his fleshy tabernacle before giving up his ministry he wrote this last letter as his final message to the scattered believers whom he loved so well though not definitely addressed in the same way there can be no doubt that both epistles were originally for the same group of hebrew christ ians because of the way he writes of this second epistle unto you in verse 1 of chapter 3 in this last letter he has much to say of the second advent and of the importance of keeping prophetic truth in mind whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place he warns too of thefalse teachers who would ridicule the promise of his coming the safety of the saints was to be found in cleaving to the word of god and growing in grace and in the knowledge of christ notice peteis use also of the ex- piession stir up he sought to a- rouse the saints to the importance of keeping in mind that which had been revealed by the prophets of old and by the apostles of christ of whom pei haps only he and john remained alive even the most sincere chris tians are apt to become selfcompla cent and to settle down forgetting that we need ever to be on the alert if we would really count for god whose precious promises are given to cheer and encourage us on our pilgrim way and to gird us with strength in the conflict with our spiritual foes shortly after writing this epistle peter followed his lord to a cross where he did what he declared he would do so long be fore that is lay down his life for christs sake verse by vesrse 2 pet 11 faith through the righteousness of god this is exactly opposite to that of which paul so frequently speaks the righteousness of god by faith paul presents that righteousness which god imputes to all those who put their faith in christ it is a by- faith righteousness not a byworks righteousness peter has something altogther different in mind since christ has died for all men it is an exhibition of righteousness oifthe part of god to permit all to share in that faith by which they might be price ceilings set for new potatoes effective june 7th prices of new potatoes must not exceed the lawful ceiling prices for canada no 1 grade old potatoes according to a prices board statement this action h been taken because of the current acute shortage which is not likely to be relieved until this years crop is harvested it is not expected that new canadian potatoes will appear on the market until around july 15 10500 contributed by holstein breeders the york county hostein breed ers club donated four heifer cal ves to the war effort calf auction held may 26th at brampton these calves selected by club officials from the herds of rankin c kellam wes ton eaton hall farm king hon geo s henry todmorden and stan ley b watson agincourt glen valley rag apple alcartra the kellam entry brought the highest price of the sale going to quebec at 450 after spirited bidding the watson heifer went to rembco farms wilton grove ont at s2s5 the henry calf realized s215 going to merle h green elsie mich and the eaton hall animal was bid in by her donor at 176 saved this faith comes as we know through hearing the word it would be unrighteous for god to deny this to any man who really desired to be saved note that the places where these believers dwelt are not men tioned in the salutation here verse 2 grace and peace be multiplied through the know ledge of god and of jesus our lord it is not the grace that saves of which he here speaks but the need ed grace for each day to keep the feet from stumbling neither is it peace with god about ones sins that is in view but the peace of god that preserves the heart from worry and anxiety these aie multiplied as one inci eases in the knowledge of the father and the son the better one knows god by walking in his company and living in fellowship with christ the more one enjoys the grace and peace of which peter speaks verse 3 all things that per tain unto life and godliness are thus communicated to the soul of the be liever as he inci eases in the know ledge of him that hath called us not exactly to glory and virtue as in the authorized version but rather by his own glory and vir tue as in the revised version the more we enter into that which is found in all perfection in christ the more we shall become like him in practical expeiience verse 4 that by these ye might be partakers of the divine na ture it is as we appreciate gods exceeding great and piecious prom ises that we enjoy active par ticipation in that holy fellowship which is here described all believers have been born of god and so have received a new and divine nature with which eternal life is linked but partaking implies partnership or fellowship and this becomes more and more real as we feed upon the word and make the promises our own in a confident faith thus we escape the corruption that is in the world through lust the heart that is occupied with christ lives on a higher plane than that of the world ling carnal and selfish desires no longer dominate verse 5 giving all diligence add to your faith virtue we are to cleave to the lord with puropse of heart we do not grow in grace and become strong healthy christians apart from real exercise of soul the soul of the diligent shau be made fat while we do not have here what might be called a sum in spiritual addition yet the revised version is better than the authoriz ed version in this instance it reads in your faith supply virtue faith is like the acorn in which the great oak tree is potentially present out of a genuine faith all else comes which has to do with true christian development the virtue here is not merely personal purity or chastity as we ordinarily understand that word to mean it is really valour which is the virtue of the soldier we forgive everything in a soldier but cowardice he is expected above all else to be brave so in our faith we should have the courage of our convictions eniabung us to stand for christ in a scene of contrariety then in this valor we are to have knowledge for zeal without know ledge may lead into wild fanaticism but zeal directed by an understand ing of the word leads on to increas ed blessing in our own souls and helpfulness to others verse 6 temperance pat ience godliness following knowledge and flowing out from it if properly assimilated and applied we have temperance or selfcon trol it is true that the christian is to be a spiritcontrolled man but this does not imply that he is not to exercise himself in the matter it is for him to keep his body un der and bring its appetites into sub jection we are to bring our wills over to the side of christ and to make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts to this we are to add or manifest patience this is one of the christian virtues in which many of us are lacking and it is in order that we may grow in this giace also that tribulation is per mitted out of this springs godlin ess which is true piety the word itself means godlikeness thus the fathers character is seen in his continued on page six business directory dental e s barker ld djos honor graduate of royal collect of dental surgeons and of tie university of toront office in grubins block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and surgeoa xray office cor obrien and mala phone 196 coroner for york county dr arthur l hore physician and surgeon general medicine and obstetric also eye ear nose and throat eyes tested glasses pitted school children tested frea markham ont phone 7 insurance thomas birkett general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates promt service phone 25902 stoantvlue lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffvlile phone 4301 opposite the town clock ioe30e 30e30e 30e30i 30e30i playfair company members toronto stock exchange h l trapp member stocks and bonds orders executed on all exchanges inquiries solicited toronto 08 king st west phone ad 0001 aox perehox c0htr01 the fuhgold disuses lai andeariy blfgm of potatoes lot boght of tomato cslsrybisabt hop powawy mlkfew tomato loaf movm cucumber powrfsiy mi mow aa4 fungus dittaml of flowsring plants 76e s4fifenaved copper fungicide j a oew highly concentrated fungicide guaranteed to coo- tain 50 freely disposable copper mixes readily with water and contains its own spreading wetting and stick ing agents can be stored tor long period in covered container thoroughly tested and used by the leading com mercial growers order from your local dealer or from your nearest cil sales office stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 h o klinck phone 3307 stoofmu fire auto burglary sickness and accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance go the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 year experience strength and service unexcelled a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire barristers office phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pobllio o king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wcpolairdkc port perry uxbridge ontario phone iff r g clendening funeral director ambulance service office phone elgin 7021 residence phone mo mi samuel d borlns barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street west toronto l e oneill stouepvuile funeral dhtector and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night othf ouanmd c4l pnparathat alorco cryolite sulforon blvtdom uodantod parmone nicotine sulphate 40 parh cnw celdum amkxc canadian industries limited fertilizer phone markham 9000 division halifax moihraal toronto chatham ont nw wsttmlnstsr bc cirws a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience 20 20 years experience yerk county uxbridge amd picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7309 address gormley po a c kennedy chiropractor church street stooffrfdsi monday wednesday friday 9 to 12 am stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 clarke prentice phone agincourt 52 w3 millihen licensed auctioneer for the cohntles of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice for nor prentice prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and reason able rates bribrbush hospital government licensed member of tha allied private hospital association main street kast stonftvilje maternity msdkal and surgical ambulance service m day and night service mrs e r good phone 191

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