the tribune stouffville ont thursday january 28 1943 buy 7 white beans per lb 5c dehydrated apples per lb 20c frozen silverbright salmon sliced lb 25c whole or half fish per lb 23c smoked fillet of cod per lb 25c fresh fillet of haddock per lb 25c s2frw zt t vvsr cheese cheese one of our specialities delicious old nippy fine flavoured medium per lb 39c per lb 29c tip top pumpkin toasted prairie nuts bulk cocoa catell1s spaghetti 2 tins 25c 25c special 2 lbs for 25c tin 10c fresh fruits and vegetables ratchff co phone 198 town delivery kvwimlen c k toolo con- gliatulatc mr stun osborne eleued warden of york county last week lor tlie jeur 1943 wirden osborne is reeve of east gilliiiibury township the election maiks tiie rare oicisioii when lie warden of york lias been chosen fiom the north end of tho county for two ears in succession ix air service freddy bartholomew 18 motion picture star is sworn into the us army air force at los angeles freddy who grew up in films signed inst decem ber shortly after obtaining lib first citizenship papers he will be given training as a ground crew member stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 once lad of lemonville will soon be 89 james h white of rokeby sask native son of lemonville will be s9 years of age on the 17th of febru ary next this is interesting informa tion to the many readers who will recall james white son of the lemonville post master of over a century ago those were the busy days for the little hamlet on the 7th of- whitchurch with its post master busy at his bench when not handling the mail many folks still lemember the post master william white his son james has been in western canada for a good many years james had a brother edwin who was employed here with todd cook for some time in renewing his subscription mr james h white says i would not like to be without the paper there has been some interesting things in it lately he also reports a fine winter around rokeby good sleigh ing and no storms up to time of writing old friends far and near will join us in wishing this old timer fronr whitchurch hearty congratulations on the eve of his s9th birthday alex mcmillax dead at uxbfudgk the death on friday night last of james alexander mcmillan came as a shock to his many friends in uxbridge as he had been down town in his usual health during the day and in the evening but during the night he was suddenly stricken with a heart attack from which he pass ed away in a veryuew minutes he was in his 55th year and had not been any too robust for some years the late james alexander mc millan was horn at unionville in 18s7 a son of mrs and the late david mcmillan and for some years was employed in toronto until 1932 when he returned to uxbridge and engaged in horse dealing in 1936 he married carrie bustin who with his mother survives him deceased was a relative of mr george wat son and hugh anderson of stouff ville uxbridge timesjournal seldom seen isnt it strange how we older fellons get the idea every so often that we are still young enough to go out and play with the youngsters last year i was iwatching the kids out on the pond in the meadow on the higgins place they were glid ing ai ound on their skates as happy and caiefiee as you please they were cutting figuie eights and curl icues and everything there was an old pair of skates hanging in the driving shed they were a bit rusty and the boots were hard from lack of grease but i pick ed them up and went across to the pond the youngsters didnt say anything but there seemed to be a titter of amusement running around the crowd they were frankly amus ed by the whole thing in fact they seemed to put on a perfect demon stration of skating from then on it looked so easy and it was so easy to remember the days when i cut quite a figure on the ice those first ifew moments od teetering on the ice were bad mighty bad but then after dis covering that the best way was to forget all about the long dashing strokes i staited to creep across theie were uisty stieaks along be hind me long brown smears and my toes were all cramped up in the toosmall boots a youngster went dashing around me in a grace ful swirl and i was off again on a flight of fancy imagining that i could do the same thing thats when i lost my balance and the ice came up with startling rapidity in fact i went down to meet it in a very amazing way the older you get the more stub born it seems you get no matter what you do you keep on thinking that in just a little while you will be able to do it properly the more you keep on the worse it gets and i do mean worse i slipped and fell and skidded and finally landed on some shell ice and went down on my knees in water i went home and spent a whole week with aches and bruises muscles i never knew ex isted befoie came to light in a painful way i got a cold that last ed all winter and every time 1 sneezed it seemed as if the paining muscles decided to start all over again just last week i watched the youngsters out from school trying their toboggan on the steep slopes of the big hill they had perfect to bogganing it had lained a little scum of ice over the snow and on this crust they weie whizzing along like bullets it was the most per fect thing you could imagine my but they were having lots of fun i sort of ambled over to where they weie hoping all the time that they would ask me to join them at fiist i just stood there mak ing out i just wanted to watch them then they finally asked me if i would like to go for a ride at first i said i didnt want to they insist ed and so finally i got on it was a most thrilling thing to go whizzing along the steep climb back up the hill wasnt so good but i took that in my stride i sat out for a couple of times and then the oldest higgins lad asked me to go along and go over the bump that was a hollowed out piece that gave just the right twist to send you flipping high in the air the boys had all gone over the bump and they didnt seem to mind it they put me on the back of the toboggan i was the heaviest they said we skimmed along like nobodys business then came the bump wow what a bump that really was we hit it at a tremen dous speed and the first thing i knew the toboggan was away off down the hill and i was rolling down the crust it was like rolling through a plate glass window yesterday was the first day that i could shave myself without su preme torture ive ached and pain ed and have resolved to never try anything like that again i wonder what fool thing ill try next year a person has a hard time learning common sense it seems obituary john jacob lunau after a lingering illness john jacob lunau passed away at his home richmond hill on- monday evening january isth 1943 mr lunau was born january 6th 1s66 in uxbridge township near good wood in 1ss7 he married harriett burnbam of scott township they celebrated their golden wedding on february 1st 1936 mr lunaus young manhood was spent in farming he lived at sand- ford lemonville and victoria square forty years ago he joined he macabees at stouffville twenty eight years 2go he moved to richmond hill he was elected to the council and served as reeve for seven years he was a member of the united church which he attended faithfully until his health began to fail mr luuau is survived by his widow and two daughters mrs r perkins victoria square and mrs e brown richmond hill also by three sisters mrs thompson of zephyr mrs lawton and mrs norris of toronto and one brother george in michigan air xathan keep farm poultry away from pjg pexs in spite of the fact that great strides have been made in eradicat ing bovine tuberculosis which was formerly believed to bo the main source of tuberculous infection in pigs tuberculosis in hogs is increas ing states dr a e cameron veterinary director general of canada a large percentage ot tuberculosis in swine is of the avian type and is transmitted to swine by poultry consequently farmers rais ing swine should take measures to prevent poultry having access to pig pens if poultry are kept away from swine healthy pigs are prevented from contracting avian tuberculosis forsythe of stouffville was his uncle the funeral took place on jan 21 following a private service in the home public service was held in richmond hill united church conducted by the pastor interment took place in victoria square cemetery the pall bearers were edward brown pte douglas brown donald giffen floyd r perkins donald pickering and gor don mortson the church services bloomington ringwood christian churches rev- g w brown pastor sunday january 31 1943 1100 am bloomington 230 pm ringwood 730 pm altona sunday school in bloomington and ringwood churches at 1000 am altona church 1030 am classes forall ages bloomington c e on friday january 29th at s pm for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die but god commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us romans 5 78 melville bethesda and peachs churches minister rev a j orr sunday january 31 1943 peachs 1000 am melville 1115 am bethesda 300 pm subject an old testament evangelists message for our time stouffville united church rev douglas g davis minister sunday january 31 1943 1100 am divine worship 1215 plm sunday school 730 pm evening worship wednesday prayer service thursday choir practice friday feb 5 w a potluck supper wouldnt life be lots more happy if we praised the good we see for leres such a lot of goodness in the worst of you and me christ church anglican rev f herman rector miss elizabeth foote organist january 31 1943 fourth sundny after the epiphany 1030 am sunday school 1100 am morning fvayer sermon by the rector the public are cordially invited to worship with us 1 stouffville mennonite church rev h shantz paslor sunday january 31 1943 1000 am sunday school 1100 am divine worship 230 pm mongolia s s 730 pm evangelistic wednesday s30 pm altona prayer meeting thursday 830 pm stouffville prayer meeting xet week monday 830 pm young peoples meeting at stouffville miss gladys stover is convener of the group tuesday 830 pm mongolia meeting at mr and mrs harold wrights home wednesday afternoon 230 womens prayer meeting at the home of mrs lloyd hoover come and worship mith us second markham baptist church rev norman rowan friday january 29th 1943 young peoples meeting at s pm sunday january 31 1943 bible school 955 am morning worship 1100 am subject spirit filled for whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it st matthew 1625 tuesday 8 p m prayer pvaiae and testimony thursday february 4th flan to attend the sunday school convention at unionville united and lutheran churches they released leningrad from nazis wanted to buy for cash good used cars see lew morden storkiviiile ontario or marwood motors xkwuarket ontario stouffville christian church charles montgomery pastor miss nora staplcton organist sunday january 31 1943 i 1000 am bible school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm gospel service friday 700 pm childrena meeting church hill sunday january 31 1943 200 pm bible school t 300 pm public worship i a welcome awaits you at all these services 1000 1100 730 dickson hill and mt joy mennonite churches rev j harold sherk pastor sunday january 31 1943 mount joy am sunday school am public worship the pastor will preach pm evening worship service in charge of the young peoples society dicksons hill sunday january 31 1943 1000 am public worship the pastor will preach 1100 am sundny school 730 pm evangelistic service the pastor will preach there is a welcome for everyone at these services saviors of leningrad were marshal gregory right with marshal tinioslicnko zliukov mioun st james presbyterian church stouffville minister rev t dcconrcy rayncr sunday january 31 1943 130 pm sabbath school and bible class 230 pm worship the saints security a great message from one of the best and grandest of all the psalms yet we do not know who wrote it can you guess which psalm this is come and learn- maybe this is gods own message to you keep tryst with god this sabbath stouffville baptist rev d macgregor pastor glenn ratcllff organist sunday january 31 1943 1000 am bible school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service wed 8 pm prayer meeting come and reccivo a blessing mennonite brethren in christ church gormley and bethesda rev ward m shantz pastor sunday january 31 1943 gormley 200 pm sunday- school 300 pm worship x would you mfce lo 15c a prophet 730 pm young peoples missionary xlght miss m l hood nigeria west africa will uvak thursday 745 pm prayer meeting f saturday 230 pm junior meeting rethksda sunday january 31 1943 200 pm sunday school 7 so pm evangellstl service when some men pray wednesday 8 pm prayer meet ing god is blessing come i