Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 12, 1942, p. 1

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xj mihnm leading weekly for whitchurch markham pickerins and oxbridge twps vol 53 no 28 stouffville ont thursday november 12 w42 eight pages new municipal office proposed for markham township proposal to acquire a property at unionville is disclosed well rounded rumor has it that the township of markham is likely to acquire the lunaai residence in the village of unionville to be con verted into township offices at pre sent the municipality rents office space and has its vault in the post office building while council meetings are held in the base ment of the public hall it is reliably reported that the price for the building has been fixed between the council and clerk charles hoover who acquired the liunau property at the recent pub lic auction all negotiations up to this stage have been more or less a secret but with the deal now ready to put in the bag secrecy is no longer necessary reeve rennie stated that if the municipality assumes the building the entire business of the township council would be carried on all un der one roof at piesent records are required at a council meeting which aie in the office of the clerk and tieasuier and must be sent for the proposed change he said would enable the business of the road superintendent to be carried on from an office iin the building there would be ample room for a police office too which now is cairietl on fiom the lesidence of the police officer the change ovei it is aigued would not involve a heavy expendit ure nor would it disturb the tax rate those in favor of the idea main- lain that ithe saving in rental would more than carry the pioject while the change would give added accommodation to the expanding business of the municipality training ix sask memorial service to honor heroes of last war a memorial service under the auspices of the stouffville air cadets will be held on sunday after noon next november 15th at the hour of 3 oclock in the united church stouffville this service which is intended for both stouff ville and district is being held as a memorial to the canadian boys who fell in the last war under acting commanding officer m e watts the cadets will form up at the cnr station and will lead the parade to the church it will also include members of the stouff ville branch north york veterans association and civic bodies whitchurch organizes york reaches the victory loan live metal scrap campaign collection dates set for nov 262728 school sections to act 1 under the chairmanship of warden c e toole a big drive fo steel scrap will be inaugurated in his home township of whitchurch during the three days of november 26 27 and 2s every section is fexpected to participate and school secietaries and teachers are being asked to cooperate in the campaign the campaign is part of a big salvage diive throughout the rural the address of the afternoon will i districts of ontario and sponsored be delivered by flight lieut a a in each county by the warden prominent member of masonic order dies suddenly the death of mr george murphy of unionville which occuned in the hospital at welland ontario where he was confined when taken ill while on a visit to the home of his daughter in welland came as a tremendous shock to the people of his home village last friday and a still wider ciicle of masonic breth- ren throughout district b which in cludes stouffville markham and claremont death was due to heart trouble the late george murphy was only 59 years of age he was a native of scotland and graduate of glasgow univeisity as a young man he came to canada a mining engineer and located in noruiern ontario ho was a 32 degree mason and a member of banie encampment mr muiphy stood high in masonry was past district gland supervis or for northern ontaiio and since locating at unionville 1 1 years ago had been honored by being chosen ddgm for this toronto district b he affiliated with markham union lodge and was a member of northern light chapter and life member of golden beaver lodge timmlns a distinct loss to masonry in district b was the sincere com ment of one of his closest union ville companions to the tribune this week commenting on the pass ing of mr murphy 22 members of markham lodge mostly from unionville attended the funeral at fonthill cemetery and only the great distance pre vented many others from being pre sent messrs w j warriner jas smith f s pollard markham union alfred jones acacia t j johnson canada lodge and mr massie of golden beaver lodge timmlns were chosen pall bearers service was held in fonthill united church 75 masons assembled for the last sad obsequies mrs murphy and one dauglitcr mrs frank warren are left to revere the memory of a kind and loving husband and father lac bruce stover son of mr and mrs ambrose stover stouff ville who is at present stationed with the rcaf at yorkton sask bruce entered the service in janu ary of this yeai and will giaduate in a short time as a fullfledged fighter pilot big black bkar target for much local ammunition biggest news for local people last week was the hunt for rommels soldieis but next in line was the report coining ifiom the northern woods where ernie button is re ported to have met up with a big black bear the huge fat animal took a look at the letiied haidwaie merchant then started lumbering into the wood at full speed the hunter turned on his repeating lifle emptied it lefllled and emptied it again every shot found its maik and no neat misses but the old black beauty kept i oiling along un til lie was lost beyond recovery leav ing only a trail of blood as a bit of satisfaction for ithe huntsman and his allies who participated in the charge all being good marksmen that old bear must be carrying around an awful load of lead this week maloney padre at manning fool toionto mr muiray huntley of queensville will be the guest soloist and mrs charles nolan will pre side at the organ immediately following this public service the paiade will move to the memorial park gates wheie the remembrance day wieath will be placed by mis john peaison thence they will pioceed to the cemeteiy to decorate the graves of the fallen heroes all citizens of stouffville and sur rounding district are urged to par ticipate in this public function to honor our war dead of 19141s inspector praises work at stouffiville continuation school will ckliibrate 82nrt axxlbksry the st james piosbytenan church is celebrating its s2nd anniveisary with special services this coming sunday with the minister the rev t decourcy rayner officiating as anmveisaiy preacher at the special request of the kirk session theie will be two services the morning service at 945 am when the atha ladies trio will sing and the evening ser vice at 730 pm when the kins men male quartette of toronto will lender a programme of gospel songs former members and fiiends are cordially invited to these ser vices see advertisement in this paper report of the continuation school inspector lead before the school boaid monday evening was listened to with a gieat deal of satisfaction by boaid members credit was giv en the staff for their work and the able administration of principal murphy it was- noted however that the office furniture in the teach ers room was not rated because as chairman dr freel stated it is a disgiace the chairman recommended that the members meet at the school to inspect the furniture which he said was unfit for use and should be re placed with some substantial office fittings the report of the inspector con cluded with reference to the extra good work of the janitor the air cadets were granted space in a basement room which will be partitioned off for use of the cadet equipment cadet work is part of the school curriculum this year an expenditure of 125 was made when it was decided to trade in the gestetner printing machine in the school for the newer model strong factor in favor of the change was the fact that the guarantee and free service for five years had ex pired the machine is serviced four times a year and more if necessary the expenditure for a new machine would be more than consumed by having to pay service charges in future which will now be renewed for five years with the new machine which has important impiovements over the old model the secretary w e smalley an nounced that the elementary grant from the government had arrived and amounted to 92679 a slight increase over last year mr smalley made a formal re quest that the secretary be paid 150 a year instead of 125 no action at this time conveniently located groups will be headed by captains charged with the responsibility of seeing that all sciap owned by individuals is de- heied to a centiul point theie the government agency will pay 7 a net ton the price fixed by the de partment of munitions and supplies tor sciap iron and steel other than tin cans or sheet metal of any kind automobile bodies or fendeis stovepipes or wooden attachments an additional 150 per ton will be paid for scrap loaded into cais and a further 150 per ton if they are loaded with 25 tons or more- groups woiking neai each other may pool their accumulation and load jointly to take advantage of the higher price when the sciap has been collect ed by a group it can be donat ed to the voluntary salvage com mittee functioning in their com munity or sold to ithe government agency if that is done proceeds fiom the sale can be turned over to the local salvage committee or can be divided up between the various members of the gioup the plan wihich will afford people in countiy distiicts an outlet foi statioxkd ix bc bdr dudley h foster son of mr and mrs eail foster stouffville 5th concession of whitchurch who is stationed at present at a british columbia militaiy camp bdr fos ter enlisted in the irca one year ago last febiuaryiand was home on leave in september he is an only son cnr station thief still holding out so far no ai rests oi chaiges have been made since a thief stole about 65 from the cn r station in town one evening last week station master robeit johnston staited to count the money when unexpectedly the evening train whistle blew- he hurriedly locked the door entering the waiting room and went out through the freight shed door to the platform but was stoutvville first place to go over the top in the victory loan drive the district of north york has just reached its objective in the aictory loan campaign headquar ters at newmarket informed the tribune this wednesday morning stouffville was the first municipality to reach its objective which was 55000 and final figures for the village show that we have now subscribed 75550 the township of whitchurch was the only place in the local area which failed to reach its objective this was a foiegone conclusion as it was realized from the start that an objective out of all proportion to former subscriptions had been set for whitchurch up to wednesday morning the township had subscrib ed 97550 markham township with an ob jective of 200000 reported in 199150 and will go over the top markham village subscribed 78 550 and richmond hill village 59- 200 markham made a good showing and exceeded its investment in the last loan considerably while rich mond hill fell short of their pievious peak seventeen years service ended not out of his office more than their scrap metal will at the same three minutes he states time allow them to make a valuable returning the money was gone contribution to the war effort and i every dollar of it a police checkup i of the toys hanging around the war j place is being made strong suspic ions aie held but no action has been taken against anyone there weie several adults in the station room at the time of the theft who could readily have seen anyone at tempting to get in by that en trance off the waiting room fulfil another important obligation- the accumulation of funds for services in their community whitchurch farmer found lifeless ox road life long lesident of whitchurch township william smith was found dead on yonge street last friday and investigation showed his death was due to a heart attack mr smith left home on the 3rd to visit schomberg jet and was overcome on the walk he was 78 yeais of age and has been a widow er since the death of his wife several years ago surviving are one daughter mrs peter ferguson stouffville and one son w h smith of gormley rr interment on friday was made in aurora cemetery election time drawixg near nomination night is two weeks from friday for the village of stouffville since the early election date lias been decided on by the council to get away from the christmas and new year season the 1942 council and school board will continue to function as usual until their term expires at the end of the year britains man of the hour births harper at the bricrbusli hos pital stouffville on friday november 6 1942 to mr and mrs carl harper the gift of a daughter stover at the brierbush hos pital stouffville on sunday november 8th 1942 to mr and mrs harry stover a baby brother for bobbie bingo in eastern star rooms thursday november 1 2th good prlzci lots of fun 25c ammunition cache discovered on the mtjoy sideroad markham township has a mystery case which remains unsolved a cache containing 125 rounds of ammunition powder and caps and a complete change of clothing was discovered recently on the mount joy sideroad just east of the sth concession the incident was first revealed by a farmer who reported seeing a soldier walking on the road saw him disnppcar and then reappear suddenly with a parcel and hurry away the farmer whose name is not disclosed told police that thi- performance was repeated on two occasions and that on investigation he round a neat hideout in the bank of the fivefoot ditch and a club bag containing the clothing and ammunition the case is under observation of constable ben cayman of mark ham township fixed for shooting up farmers combine four toronto men were found guilty of malicious damage to mr clark youngs combine in police court on monday and assessed 20 each the charge was laid by con stable ben gayman on the day of the pheasant shoot in markham township october 24 the men were allegedly seen on the farm of clark young 4th conces slon where they were said to have 1 riddled the tires of mr youngs com bine which happened to be sitting in a field at the time the quartette were also fined 10 each for using rifles during the shoot which is prohibited while a charge of hunting without a license was dismissed byllvxtrae patriotism nolds record this small hamlet of ballantrac has two families that have given four sons each to the war hugh bingham has four sons overseas while percy cutler has three sons in england and one in canada all serving whitchurch township council meet next saturday afternoon for general business mr n w byer will pass out of office next saturday as town elec trician for stouffville after continu ous service for 17 years mr byer is away hunting deer this week but left his resignation in writing after providing a means for the council to reengage him on more equitable terms for himself the electrician offered to remain at the old pay of 00 per month provided the meter reading was taken off his hands he aso required a certain amount of free electricity which he intimated is given inmarkham free for a electricians house use council was summoned together to consider the proposal a few days ago when after considerable dis cussion councillor hugh boyd moved that the resignation be accepted councillor ratcliff second ed the motion and it was carried the hydro work for the present beginning next week will be done on an hourly basis for a short time at least that is if n w byer or horace walsh electrician of the town or the markham i ural gang are required to do any work on the system it will be paid for on an hourly basis a new hydro contract setting out the duties of the electrician recently drafted was rejected by mr byer on the grounds that he was not be ing paid enough to take on the job under the terms of the said contract 500 lifted- from unionville safe thieves service last monday afternoon entered the smart looking station in unionville belonging to harry boadway located at the south east corner of kennedy road and no 7 highway and made off with 500 in cash the money was tak en from the safe while tho station was in full operation between four arid six oclock no untoward person was noticed around and the scoop is completely shrouded in mystery constable b gayman who lives almost opposite the garage has the case in charge here is fighting smashed bernard had 1oen weeks when rommels last the twofisted hard- commander who rommel lleutgen low montgomery in egypt just three he stopped offensive two i months ago and began plan ning his present drive trans forming desert warfare meth ods he is a veteran of the last war and campaigned in pales tine india mesopotamia and flanders library board member reinstated a formal notice from the library board sent by the secretary mrs riches read before the school board on monday evening stated that mr l c murphy was no longer a mem ber of library board and requested that the vacancy be filled the trustees were perplexed then mr murphy arrived at the meeting and explained that he had missed three meetings and the library board took advantage of their power to de clare the seat vacant he is a repre- sentatfve of the school board on the library board in quicker time than it took to write the resolution mr murphy was restored to the library board by resolution of trustees stover and mcmullen it was stated that the library does not send out notices of meetings and recently they were changed and no formal notice was given mr murphy however de clared that he had been very busy and for two of the mo2ngs was unavoidably absent chalrmtn of the library board is mr fred marshall

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