w rf jpt vtfhvlfr i jw w5 page two sty sinitfiftrtui riimn i established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1500 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 260 a vnoiari son publishers notes and comments lets stick to the english language with every mail bringing in literature from ottawa half of which is printed in the french language one wonders what the government really imagines our official language is the whole thing is surely an attempt to coddle the french people for there is no need of french being printed on so much of our literatureomittedthousands and thousands of dollars would be saved in one year in printing every month when employers handle those unemploy ment insurance books they musif be amazed to have to fig ure out the french on them for half or more of the print ed matter is in french frankly we do not like it and feel that the govern- mentin showing the way for a policy that will ultimately lead to a great deal of racial trouble the official language of canada is english lets stick to it the week of prayer the week of prayer ran into a period of bitter cold weather yet while the attendance was satisfactory there was always room for many iriore people at any of the meet ings despite weather conditions those who did attend were not the socalled younger set who might have been expect ed to turn out regardless of the weather conditions it has been suggested thaftnstead of going from church to church on five evenings it would be just as satis- factory to make use of one church once a large building like any of our churches is heated the heat may be main tained more easily throughout the week hence there would be a saving of coal and more comfort for those who attend the week of prayer this could be arranged by using one church in 1943 and another one- in 1944 and so on until the round of churches is gone through it is only a passing idea given for what it is worth those who sponsored the week of prayer are to be com mended for it is said that more is wrought by prayer than by anything else and in war time as in peace time it is a stimulatingthirigto find the people of any community unit- ihg in this manner owned in canada war with japan brings into being a minor canadian trade problem with respect to the goods of japanese origin still on the shelves of canadian merchants a natural public reaction would be a refusal to buy any japanese goods while the state of war exists but a moments reflection shows that this would be of no practical advantage to anyone and would indeed be a slight impediment to our own cause no japanese goods will enter canada until the war is ended and the japanese have already received the benefit of any of their goods that are now in this country refusal to buy handkerchiefs of japanese origin not only does no harm to the japanese but it means that some canadian textile machinery must be devoted to making handkerchiefs in stead of materials for the army navy and air force patriotic ladies who might feel impelled to declare a personal boycott on japanese goods should pause and ask themselves whether they are also prepared to sacrifice their carefully preserved supply of allsilk stockings of which v the raw material is japanese if they will answer the ques tion honestly they will realize that the impulse to boycott japanese merchandise already in the country springs from 3 desire to advertise their patriotism rather than from a desire to win the war farm labor crisis to the average rrtan in the city the canadian farmers labor problem is one that concerns itself largely with get- ting grain and hay under cover the same city man would probably solve it by giving soldiers and airmen a special ten days harvesting leave next fall once upon a time under certain types of agriculture farm work it is true -was- largely concentrated in the late summer and early fall this explained the historic harves- tefs excursions to western canada when the young men ffrom the east were offered pleasant and profitable cooks ftours of the prairie provinces but those harvester excur- sions are now obsolete and have been for a good many years today canadian agriculture to a large degree has be- scame a- yearround occupation and one that requires very special skill this is particularly true of that part of the industry that is now turning out bacon cheese processed milk and other special food products for great britain soldiers on special harvesters leaves will not help here n what is wanted aire men and women that can look after live- stock that knowhow to milk cows either mechanically or y h know something about balancing feeds how to sow and cultivate crops as well as harvest them know how to operate machinery without harm to themselves or loss to their employers jr5 v- all they must be prepared to work seven days awetk and 365 days a year because farming is a natural i industry and never yef recognized- either mans calendar or- x his clock cows insist on being milked and pigs get just as hungry on sundays and holidays as any other day the tribune stouffville ont thursday jan15th 1942 x sunday school lesson january 18 john the baptist and jesus golden text thou art my beloved son in thee i ain well pleased luke 322 the lesson as a whole the testimony of john the baptist was allimportant because the scrip tures ot the prophets had declared definitely that the coming or appear ance of the messiah was to be pre ceded by that of the messenger who was to go before his face to prepare the hearts of the people to receive their king the forerunner was to come as an elijah to restore all things to hring the remnant in israel back to god and to herald the approaching advent of the redeem erking john came in exact fulfill ment of these predictions as set forth in isaiah 40 and malacht 4 his was a preparatory ministry of most searching character he began with a trumpet call to repentance he separ ated the waiting remnant from the unreal mass by a baptism for the re mission of sins it was not that baptism in itself procured remission but it was the confession on the part of those who with honest hearts and exorcised consciences submitted to it that they were sinners whp deserved to die but who were counting on the mercy of god to be extended to themthrough him whom john proclaimed as the lamb of god who taketh away the sin of the world john 129 t verse by verse keep the smokes coming november 27 1941 dear bert i received your parcel today it was intact and everything will be used and eaten as food like we get at home i wish to thank the soldiers com fort fund for the parcel it is almost impossible to get a decent meal ex- cept at the mess so we will usethe and when u ns w have sent me they are one of the best gifts a fellow can receive in this country at the present time i guess you fellows knew that from last time there have not been very many air raids here of late but one never knows when they will come over where i am it rains most of the time business directory food we can from parcels from over seas to make up a real christmas feed i now have my assistant crew mem ber he is a radio observer and can steer me by aid ot a machine where- ever i need to go even in cloud the course is hard and many men are washed out as unsuitable today i took a test to see if i could stand 40000 feet altitude without getting cramps if i had failed i would have been sent home again but i was okay aman tried to go without oxygon and he was a minute and 10 seconds before he passed out i saw a whirl wind a new twin engined fighter the fastest thing on wings but un controllable at high altitudes we have had a lot of fog lately and fly ing has been bad many aeroplanes come in and land here when they get lost so i see all kinds although little publicity is given to canadian squa drons i can assure you that there are many and they have made records one 406 holds the record for night fighters canadians have established a reputation in this war similar to that of the last war when the going gets tough they will be there to fight and win the victory i could tell of daring experiences of men and their work but the cen sor would cut it out so i wont but might i say in closing thanks to fog but you know thats england thumbs up harold lewis dear sir- just a few lines to thank you for the parcel which i received on nov 25th while i was on leave with my wife she also wishes to thank you all the things you sent are rationed over here i hope things are fine in stouffville ask george myland to remember me to his son albert and tell him im married now i hope you all have a nice christmas thumbs up oliver larkin luke 31 the fifteenth year of everyone who contributed towards the reign of tiberias caesar luke is very specific as to dates which would be well known to the people of his own times by placing the various rulers in the way he did he would enable interested persons to verify his records so as to satisfy inquiring minds verse 2 annas and caiaphas being the high priestthe hereditary highpriesthood of the law of moses had been displaced by an arbitrary ruling of the roman authorities who sold the priesthood to the highest and most satisfactory bidder annas was the head of a saducean family who managed to get himself appointed as high priest and later had his soninlaw caiaphas installed in the same office verse 3 all the country about jordan this would include a terri tory some fifty miles in length and possibly ten or more miles in breadth it is now knowrias el ghor here john came proclaiming the baptism of repentance for the re mission of sins he called upon men to face their true condition be fore god and to acknowledge by baptism that they were in need of forgiveness luke 729 the wat ers of baptism could not purify their souls but they were pointed by john to ono who could thelamb of god verse 4 prepare ye the way of the lord this quotation from isaiah 4035 witnesses to the deity of our lord jesus christ in the old testament the word for lord is really jehovah whose way john came to prepare the jehovah of the old testament is therefore the jesus of the new verse every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be brought low the language of the prophet is highly poetical and implies that all must come to one common level before god as con fessed sinners who seek to do works meet for repentance thus the very welcome christmas parcels sincerely alfred thomas ps i will go into an active fight ing squadron late next month i will try for a canadian squadron nov 30 1911 mr bert lichorish it is always a thrill to know that the people at home have not forgot ten the transatlantic wanderers when it takes such a concrete form as the -parcel- just arrived it is very acceptable i can almost see each item being removed from its haven oh the shelves on the familiar stores on main street allow me to congrat ulate you on your assortment wish ing your organization every success arid also the compliments of the sea son i am sincerely yours v neilsmith dear sir well i just received your christ- masparcel and it certainly is good of you people for what you are doing for the boys it sure cheers a fellow up to get something from home as we now get only 6 hours off out of nov 27 1941 dear comrades just a few lines to thank you for the christmas parcel which i receiv ed from your organization it wont be much of a christmas over here this year as everything is rationed so low that people cannot get enough food for much of a spread but they are not starving toy any means its just a- measure of precaution airraids are now almost a thing of the past just the odd recon naissance plane comes over around the coast and is stopped by our aa posts and night fighters i am now in my winter quarters on the south coast overlookingtho channel a very comfortable billet it is at that not central heated of courseas there are very few houses heated that way over here will close for now hoping all are in the best of health and thanks again for the christmas parcel sgt morley pugh december 12 1941 thanking you for the cigarettes also nice gift parcel best wishes to all the folks in stouffville fred madill received smokes okay thanks to the comfort fund and all who make it posible cheerio price pugh dental e s barker ldjs djml honor graduate of royal cobeaa of dental surgeons and of ta university of toronto- office in grobins block phone 274 markham every tuesday- office in wear block medical y dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and phone 19e coroner for york coaatr insurance thomas birkett son general insurance ageaer stouffville ontario established 1908 insure in reliable companies reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 3touffbj 1 h o klinck 108 st gooege street toronto for your insurance needs be fire life automobile burglar and all casualty lines a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance ca -also- automobile and fire r dec 12 1941 dear comrades thank you for the smokes lately the ones you send are the only ones coming through i do appreciate the things sent to me by all the local clubs guess ill go back to work and i wish all of you the best of luck yours truly gordon lehman barristers 72 so you see we dont have much what does the citv time to ourselves i havent met any of the other fellows yet but if i get a chance i certainly will it would be nice to get talking over old times together hut that will have to be later on by the time we get our washing done and our kit straighten ed away theres not much time left we will be able to get off at christ mas and so eat off a plate instead of our mess tins wishing you all a merry christmas hope to be back to spend the next one with you best of luck dpi hs cook store do for you england dec 2 1941 dear sir just a few lines to let you know ijjg that i received your parcel and every- crooked shall ho made straight and the rough ways made smooth when men are honest before god a way is prepared for their blessing verse 6 all flesh shall see the salvation of god ths universality of theolter of salvation is here set forth the one heralded by john was com ing to fulfill the promise made to abraham in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed verse 15 the people iwere in ex pectation for centuries israel had been waiting for the- promised de liverer and the people and their leaders knew that the time of his appearing must be- neari naturally many wondered if john could be he they debated in their hearts as to whether he were the christ or not verse 1g one mightier than i cometh john disclaimed any such thought as that ho might be the mes siah he was simply one sent to pre pare his way he contrasts his ibap- tlsm with water with the greater baptism that was yet o come he he exclaimed shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire this he did when on pentecost he shed forth this acts 233 as pet er declared in giving the holy spir it in manifest power the baptism in fire is by some understood to refer to tho cleansing purifying efficacy of the spirit but others see an intim ate connection between this and the verse following and understand it to be the baptism of judgment awaiting the wicked verse 17 whose- fan is in his hand referring to tho ancient thing was perfect i certainly could not have wished for anything better pass on my thanks to all those who made it possible a thankful friend fred castle dec 16 1941 hello bert many thanks for the cigarettes you the whoat depicts the repentant portion bfuhe people who he will gather into his garner that is they will be chosen for himself whereas the chaff the unrepent ant he will burnup with unquench able fire rv this pictures the judgment to be meted out to those who reject the message of the king dom verse 21 jesus also being bap tized we know from other scrip tures matt 31315 how perplex ed john was about this as jesus had no sins of which to repent until tho lord made it clear that in baptism ho was but pledging himself to ful fill all righteousness verse 22 thou art my beloved son like a gentle dbvein some visible waythe spirit of god was seen descending and abiding upon jesus and the fathers voice was heard from the opened heavens de daring thou art my beloved son in thee i am well pleased or as it might be rendered in whom i have found all my delight thus at the very time when jesus offered him self in baptism to be numbered with trangrcssors and to hear the sin of many isa 53 12 god his father small town stores cannot possibly carry the variety in stock that large city departmental stores do but if our local stores were not given suf ficient business to carry on wo would soon realize their convenience to us they are the bigger taxpayers whose expenditures make the private citizens property of value by civic upkeep they are the people from whom every favour is asked when donations are wanted it- is the local business man who is called upon when civic improvements are made he is the man who helps foot the bill and unfortunately when cred it is wanted he is the man to whom you go yet day after day dollar upon dollar is spent in toronto stor es stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 l e oneill stoottytlms funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone attested his delight- in his son and method ot winnowing whereby tho witnessed to tho personal purity and chaff was separated from the wheat j holiness of jesus r ctendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 office phone residence 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary 0 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner brascbc wcpoilardkc port bear uxbrldgs ontario phone is m k office phone elgin 7021 residence posa kingdale 73x samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmoml street w toronto brierbush hospital government licensed main street east sfconrtfl maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 boor service mrs e r good phone 191 c kennedy chiropractor church street stoocvfuc monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sates a specialty telephone stouffville 7369 address gormloy po clarke prentice phone aglncourt52 w3 mtoflbra licensed auctioneer for the counties of- york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and rea son ble rates phono ki 4812 res ha 0795 ernest v hunter chartered accountant auditor residence 61 chilton rtl toronto office room 30c 37 blow stw