sr the tribune stouffville ont thursday jan 8 1942 page seven- v t x b it glaremont by staff correspondent mr lloyd wilson has taken over the single mail route from myrtle station miss bessie graham of toronto was home over the holiday miss smith has been visiting with relatives in uxbridge mr and mrs thomas paterson spent new years in brooklin with mr and mrs pengally mrs ed lewis has been visiting her daughter and her husband mr and mrs gordon graham the local branch or the jted cross have ten boxes ready packed for over seas shipment these include a great many quilts and other clothing several rinks from here were away this week participating in the big curling bonspeil at oshawa cake was white with yellow roses both madam clare and the connor shop enjoy a wide patronage for their tasty pastries a real family gathering was held at the will burkett home on new vears day when no less than twenty relatives and friends gathered for the holiday the group included mr thomas birkett and gordon from stouffville mr and mrs jack bur kett and family port perry mr and mrs r wilson brooklin mr and mrs jas wilson of mt zion messrs roy ward and fred ward former claroniont iad weds philip fingold of aurora former son or claremont was married at j christmas to miss esther hafekman theinterior of the baptist church i to sunday school room has recently i stanbury auction saturday been decorated and presents a vory the fi auctiol sale ln tnis dls pleasing appearance i trict 1942 wi be c0 on the mr jack brillinger is steadily ini- of stanbury lot 11 con proving from his accident of the fa s pick this coming saturday and is now able to get around the january 10 mr stanbury has just house with the aid of crutches receiltly disposed of 50 acres of his mrsrobert mcleod is now among farm w mr snidel wno is iocated those who are working at the picker ing plant mrs walter daniels wife of the local baptist pastor is in poor health andhas been under the doctors care for the past week mrs mclntyre has had a cousin from belleville visiting her for a few days in the past week mrs bud norton and mrs cordon just opposite on the same concession the list made up of farm stock and implements includes four horses and a pony six cattle a bull and two calves a s farmer will be the auctioneer s18r- for bwvf a social evening held at the home of william pegs last week by the benson were in oshawa during the easterners netted 1s55 for the past week british war victims fund there a reunion of practically the entire j were three draws the first being bushby family was held at the homej a quilt won by william pugh and of mrs j bushby here on the holij turned over for resale a table- day jcloth was won bvs mr lunau of miss enid cook of toronto was markham and tea towels were taken home here over the holiday miss clara neal of toronto visited relatives and friends here during the past week since no rink now exists in the village a number of young people by mis gedge toronto new face on school board mr will cowio will fill the vacancy on the local school trustee board caused by the withdrawl of mr fred took advantage over the holidays of morley air morley had previously the flats on the former evans farm carried the secretarys duties also to enjoy a few turns on the blades but since his present work takes him the yearly business meeting of the away from the village most of the baptist church was held on wednesj time he decided to relinquish his day evening of this week the annual public post the other two members supper attracted a considerable of the board are g m forsyth and crowd and following this the re ports of the various church organ zations were received mrs frank loyst was called sud denly to napanee last week owing to the death of her mother she was accompanied by her daughter mrs thompson of tweed the little son of mr and mrs jack brown who are on the lloyd- brook farm 8th concession had the misfortune to take a tumble while playing in the barn among some baled straw and dislocated his elbow get a copy of the tribune regularly at connors store the representative of this paper calls here every monday if you have any personals or other news items they maybe left here or word may be loft for him to call a shower for the newly weds mr and mrs gordon overland in the community hall on friday evening and another gathering took place at the home of the brides parents mr john scott mr scott will carry on the secretarys work for the present saved iiy guard rail on oth con comer a car driven by one of the wagg boys of altona had a narrow escape from being completely overturned when it plunged into the guard posts at the corner of the 9th concession asd the altona sideroad on monday the wagg car was attempting to make the turn from the sideroad but skidded on the ice and after smashing off tho guard posts hung with only the cable keeping the machine from overturning down the sharp embankment similiy school convention january 14th the annual convention of the pickering township sunday school association will be held in the bap tist church 011 wednesday jan 14 there will be two sessions morning brougham mr and mrs english have moved into the gannon apartments miss wanda varneum visited her sister mrs d a beer on new years mr- and mrs d mairs were at markham on sunday visiting mr and mrs f hamilton mr bruce easton who has been laid up with an attack of flu is able to be on duty again the h malcolm family had new years dinner with l c and mrs brown t mr and mrs george gray and family and mr b carter of green river were guests at the a j gray home on new years mr frank ham and daughter nora were visiting in whitby on sunday mrs ham who has been staying with her sister returned home with them mr and mrs- dawson of claremont mr and mrs jos empringham also mr d dawson jr were new years guests at the d mairs home the y- p- w present their drama rooting for ruth in the hall on january 16th the evening will be started with a short game of pro gressive croquinole the dance on new years t sponsored by the firemen proved a real success around one hundred young people danced the old year out and the new year in to the strains of clarks orchestra thesympathy o the community is extended to the family of the late david annis whose death took place at his home in whitevale on january 2nd in his s7th year mr annis was born in scarboro township but mov ed 10 whitevale when a young man since that time he has been an active worker in church work serv ing as sunday school superintendent for 25 years sunday school lesson andmrs dave tran when the couple ai1i afternoon- according to rev received numerous fine gifts from admiring friends the large two storey cake letter- ed in gold 50th anniversary which adorned the table at the golden wedding festivities of mr and mrs kennedy of the local united church the usual supper which has accom panied the convention on previous occasions has been omitted as it is felt the onus of taking care of be tween one andtwo hundred delegates wellington widemah was turned outl a su to large a responsibility by the madam clare shop here the place on the ladies of the local 1 church stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral design cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 lehmans shoe store footwear for all tho family womens hosiery rubbers gloves shoes socks boots mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock i xo oraiikcj for children over six an english letter received last week from a claremont reader and written from the industrial city or leeds is full of appreciation for some lesjson for january 1 1 the infancy and boyhood of jesus golden text jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with god and man luke 252 the lesson as a whole profane men posing even as ministeis of christ have at times attempted to compare the opening chapters of- these two gospels with the myths of pagans in many of which we are told of demigods be gotten of human mothers but no anointed eye or spirittaught mind can fail to see how different is the pure holy record of the miraculous oil tli of the sinless son of god as man on earth from the vile lewd tales that satan himself foisted on the idolatrous ancient world in or der that when the true seed of the woman came who was destined to bruise the serpents head they might not recognize him but would think of him as but one of the mythical heroes of their folklore which was intimately connected with the wor ship of the powers of nature the story of the virgin birth of jesus stands alone among human records no other is in any respect to be com pared with it there is such an atmosphere or purity and holiness surrounding it that the spiritually minded have ever been impressed with it carnal men may mock and rationalists may sneer but faith re ceives it in jjll simplicity knowing that with god all things arc possible the incarnation itself is one of the greatest of all mysteries 1 tim 36 for the mind of man cannot under stand much less explain the union of the divine and the human in tho person of the iman christ jesiis 1 tim 25 who is thereby consti tuted tho mediator or daysman who can lay his hand upon us both j should not die ere the chosen one appeared verse 27 he came by the j spirit into the temple guided by i the same one who had given him 1 the assurance referred to in the previous verse simeon entered the temple at the very time that the parents biought in the child jesus in order that he might be circum cised in accordance with the law of moses instantly tho aged man recog nized in the apparently unconscious babe the redeemerking verse 2s took he him in his arms what a privilege was his he held in his arms for a few minutes the one who was god manifest in the flesh verse 29 according to thy word having lived to see the christ of god simeons joy was full the word had been fulfilled he saw 110th ins further to live for in this poor scene but was ready to depart in peace and enter into paradise knowing the saviour had come verse 30 mine eyes havo seen thy salvation christ is gods salva tion to receive him is to be saved to reject him is to foe lost just as simeon took the infant jesus into his arms recognizing gods salvation in him so we are to receive him by faith and in doing this we too be hold gods salvation verse 31 prepared before the face of all people god sent his son into the world to be the saviour of all who would believe in him to believe is to trust to trust is to com mit the keeping of our souls to him this is not the privilege of a select few but it is extended to all men everywhere and we who know christ already are responsible to make him known to others that they with us may learn to rejoice in the salvation he has provided verse 32 a light to lighten the gentiles simeons faith based up on gods testimony isa 196 could take in the nations who were strangeis to the covenants of promise as well as dods earthly people israel verse 33 joseph and his mother marvelled the testimony of simeon was a wonderful confirma tion of the angels words to mary and must have tended to strengthen the faith of joseph in the message that came to him in a dream omatl 120 21 verse 34 this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in israel simeon foresaw that many would reject christ but that others 1 would receive him to refuse his i native of dies in father of wckeriuk keller inspector commanded heroes a resident of pickering township for the past 29 years ernest h morley died at his home kingston road east on saturday in his 73rd year born at reading berkshire eng land where he was a tailor by trade he came with his family to canada in 1913 and engaged in farming at pickering and audley about five years ago he retired to his present home cast of uie village a baptist he was an honorary life deacon of the whitby baptist church and was an adherent of the picker- ins united church a lay preacher for the united methodist church in england for a time he acted in that capacity on the greenwood circuit of the former methodist church here he was a member of doric lodge no424 afam surviving are his widow the for mer emma ada piper three sons leslie m cyril e pickering relief oflicer and kenneth all of picker ing and four sisters in england salvation would mean eternal loss he was a sign in his death and resurrection that many would speak against verse 35 a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also mary was to endure the anguish of seeing her son whom she loved so tender ly crucified as a common felon who can depict the anguish of her heart in that hour but this must be that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed calvary was to be the test that would make manifest mans altitude toward god verse 39 they returned into galilee when the prescribed ritual had been fulfilled in connection with the birth of a man child lev12 4 the whole family returned from jerusalem to galilee and abode in nazareth where jesus was brought up- i verse 40 the child grew he was a normal child in every way but sinless as the holy one of god his physical development was marked by everincreasing spiritual understand ing and wisdom as his mind matur ed- and the grace of ood was upon him see v52 heroic was the stand of fewer than 400 u s marines on wake island in the pacific for 14 days the garrison equipped with 12 planes beatoff successive waves of japan ese planes naval vessels and land ing parties under major james s devereaux shown here they wrote another page in the glorious history of the marine corps on dec 24 the wake island radio went silent and washington said presumably tlie island has fallen father of pickering deputyreeve head was whitevale sunday school lcad- cr for twentyfive years onetime member of markham township council and retired farm er david annis died at his white vale home friday mr annis who was in his s7th year was born in- scarboro township and settled in whitevale as a young man he was an active member of whitevale unitedchurch and for 25 years served as superintendent 0 the sunday school his wife predeceased him three years ago surviving are two sons edwin of brougham and blake de putyreeve of pickering who lives in whitevale and one daughter mrs frank turner of claremont send thetribune to absent friends tea bags recently sent from here in 933 because lie is god the part theletter reads as follows eternal word he knows the father rationing is quite extreme and we he fullest sense and can reveal must go short of many things in thc 011s matt 1127 and bo- food line if the war continues i dont know where well be one can only buy oranges for children under six and you sometimes stand in line for hours at the shops to try and get a little extra such as half a dozen buns once a week then again we are thankful to be alive we have two boys in the army and a girl in the ats our girl decided on ilia ats rather than a munitions plant even though the pay is only 3 a week munition workers get much cause he is man in ail perfection the son of mary the virgin he can enter sinless into all normalhuman experiences and so act on our behalf as our great high priest with god heb 15 well may our adoring hearts exclaim hallelujah what a saviour verse by verse f 225 simeon waiting for the consolation of israel this aged man was one of the faithful remnant in israel in a day of mark more but they certainly earn their ed formalism and positive unbelief money night and day clean rest rooms you can be sure of unexcelled gas oil plus highgrade service at boadways service station phone 265 stouffville ir whose heart the messianic hope burned brightly knowing the prom ise that the lord should suddenly come to his temple mai 31 simeon lingered in its sacred pre cincts hoping to be there to welcome him who was the hope of israel when he should appear verse 26 it was revealed unto him by the holy ghost to this pious man the spirit of god gave a definite revelation that it was to bo his happy privilege to live to behold with his own eyes the messiah christ and messiah mean the same the anointed he of whom the prophets had spoken was jehovahs anointed isa 611 and the faith ful in israel knew his coming must be near but only to simeon was the t definite revelation given that he department of national war services ottawa v honourable j j trior ion v