page two the stouffville tribune thursday september 11th 1941 ljp tfluffmur eritmn established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1500 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 3250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments mistake is more apparent now the failure to complete the five miles of road between goodwood and uxbridge is becoming more apparent as time goes by there is no provincial gravel road within a good many miles of this short stretch of unfinished road con sequently heavy machinery has to come long distances to service this road which is frequently in poor condition farmers and villagers from goodwood have within the past week told us about the rough condition of this stretch of highway which fortunately is not very long residents of uxbridge township entertain high hopes that mr frank kelly will put forth every effort to have the work completed next year as it is the uxbridge people and others who travel this way that suffer the most would discontinue snow plows now comes the suggestion that to save gasoline all snow plowing on the roads up in wellington county along with the rest of ontario counties should be discontinued for the duration those boosting the idea agree that provincial highways might be kept open with the snow allowed to pile high oh other thorougfares early in september the idea does not sound bad but when the snowdrifts are piled high we are wondering what those farmers who ship milk and cream would do especially the everincreasing numbers who have no horsedrawn vehicles if such a step as abandoning the snowplow is in troduced it would in fairness require long notice to allow the farmer to adjust himself however unless fuel oil be comes very scarce we predict the plows will operate in the usual way there are many other ways to save gasoline and fuel oil before the snowplows are taken into account and the farmer has no need to worry about the proposal pickering takes timely advantage of new amendment one of the first municipalities to take advantage of an amendment to the assessment act pickering township council passed a bylaw at its last meeting authorizing the assessor to levy an occupancy tax against properties which cease to become exempt after the return of the municipal assessment roll the legislation was passed at the last session of the ont ario legislature and provides the municipalities with the power to assess properties which heretofore were exempt from taxation for a portion of the year although actually occupied as homes or places of business the new legislation takes the form of an additional clause in the assessment act to be known as section 57a the pickering bylaw is to require every person who after the rate for the current year has been levied ceases to be exempt from taxation or being a building which was erect ed after the return of the assessment roll shall pay to the corporation an occupancy tax upon the commencement of such occupancy we imagine the adoption of the act in pickering is meant to gain some revenue from the increasing building activity in the southern end of the municipality due to the influx of war workers the township has lost a great deal in taxation due to the government taking over a large area of farm lands from which no more taxes may be collected the village of swansea has also adopted the same legis lation but other places where building operations need to be encouraged in the municipality it is not likely that advan- tage of the amendment will be taken some villages and towns before the war even talked of exempting properties for three years of those taxes they could exempt in order to induce more homes to be built auiston has the right idea it is time now to make those little trenches along the side of the cement walks in order that the water may get away in the winter time observes the alliston herald the idea is a good one and could be adopted in stouffville with good advantage ditches ought to be cleaned too in readiness for winter and any floods that may come in a season when it is difficult to do this work a little attention now to many places along the sidewalk this next few weeks would help materially to get the water away in the winter and spring a knotty problem to solve the whitby gazette and chronicle had a timely editorial last week on the distribution of bread as it relates to the use of gasoline the situation in whitby is similar to that of every other town or village and might go for the delivery of other goods by the big city stores who could ship then- goods by train here is the observation made by the whitby editor at a time when the dominion oil controller is taking steps to conserve gasoline to further the empires war effort and asking for public cooperation we respectfully call his attention to the large amount of gasoline being consumed under the present system of duplication of ser vices in the delivery of food for instance on the streets of the town of whitby a few mornings ago there were no less than eight trucks from toronto oshawa and brooklin delivering bread far more than is necessary to supply the towns bread needs when one considers that the staff of life can be purchased in every grocery store in town and when there is a modern bakery quite able to take care of the bulk of the towns needs all of these bread trucks from outside places use a lot of gasoline and the cost must either be absorbed by the manufacturer or charged to the con sumer while we realize that the government has no de sire to restrain legitimate trade and recognize that every housewife has the right to choose what make or brand of bread she will use in her household yet standing out boldly is the fact that there is a war on that sacrifices have to be made by all citizens and that we must be ready to forego some of the privileges we enjoy in days of peace the gov ernment some time ago compelled the milk vendors to dis continue special milk deliveries to conserve gasoline and to keep milk at a reasonable price this was considered to be a wise and timely move and immediately the public fell in line why then should eight bread manufacturers be allowed to burn up gasoline in hauling bread to whitby and delivering it around the streets when it is entirely un necessary nothing but keen business competition and the desire to reach out for more at the expense of local business houses who pay large taxes here and are called to support to all church and community efforts has brought them here sunday school lesson the eternal god the source of help golden text holy holy holy lord god almighty which was and is and is to come kcv 4s the lesson as a whole strictly speaking the lovely scene portrayed in these verses is a fore shadowing ot the happiness ot those who will he redeemed from the earth at the close of the period designated by our lord as the great tribulat ion it will take place between the rapture of the church and the vis ible coming of the son of man to set up his kingdom on the earth in power and glory verse by verse verse 9 a great multitude stood before the throne when the present age closes god will not be through dealing with men in grace though a period of terrible judgment will follow the rapture of the church when the wrath of god and of the lamb will be poured out upon christendom but even then mercy will rejoice against judgment and many will he saved who had not pre viously heard and willfully rejected tho gospel this vast throng will stand before the throne of the lamb when ho returns to reign as victors over the hosts of evil of the last daysthey wave palms and are array ed in white robes which speak of practical righteousness verse 10 salvation to our god and unto the lamb like trium phant israel on the farther shore of the red sea after pharohs host was vanquished they sang a song of joy and victory having experienced the marvel of gods salvation in the most adverse circumstances verse 11 the angels the elders and the four beasts the heavenly hosts look down with ador ing gladness as they behold these earthly saints who are to he with the lamb when he reigns in power down here they fall as worshippers before the throne verse 12 saying amen amen means lie it so or let it be esta blished angels and saints carried out for the earth they see in this company the first fruits of the great millennial harvest and they set their seal to the fulfillment of the prophetic word verse is what are these which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they the question is asked of john by one of the twenty- four elder priests who represent the heavenly saints he would have the seer consider this great company who are evidently distanct from ei ther old testament believers or the church of this present age verse 14 these are they which came out of great tribulation john does not attempt to answer he ex claims sir thou knowest so the elder explains these are believers of a later age who will be saved in and come up out of tho tribulation the great one there are two definite artlclesh ere in the greek text and who in that time of great testing will avail themsevles of the cleans ing power of the blood of christ their robes that is their habits or ways will be washed white-cleans- ed from all that defiles in the blood ot the lamb all who are saved whether for heaven or mill ennial blessedness on earth in any age will owe everything to the matchless grace of god as set forth in the work of his son on the cross neither is there salvation in any other verse 1 5 therefore are they before the thone and serve him day and night in his temple this makes it clear that we are not here viewing a heavenly but rather an earthly scene there is no temple in the new jerusalem the temple of god will he built upon the earth and will indeed be a house of prayer for all nations in the millennial king dom moreover these are seen before the throne on this earthly foot stool and yike a company of sheep they will be enfolded under tho lords care he that sittoth on the ihrono shall spread his tabernacle over them this accords such pro tectioii will be required verse 16 they shall hunger no more neither thirst anymore in the testing days of the great tribul ation through through which they will haye passed they would have known much of deprivation of lifes ordinary necessities but all that will be over when the king for whose names sake they shall have suffered will rturn and destroy the powers of evil that have despoiled the earth no longer will they be driven out from the dwellings of men to suffer beneath the burning sun ot the de sert all discomfort will he over and they shall enter into the kingdom prepared for them from the founda tion of the world for these are really identical with the sheep of mathew 25 who are to sharo the blessings of the days of heaven on earth when the son of man reigns in righteousness over all this globe verse 17 the lamb shall be their shepherd this is the marg inal reading of the authorized ver sion and the text of the revised version they will know the joy of his shepherd care and will never more he exposed to suffering and sorrow led to living fountains of waters theirs will be perennial re freshment and from their eyes all tears will be wiped away thus ihey will know lo the full how well worth while it as to endure the hat red and persecution of a godless world while waiting for their shep herdking lo take ills great power 9n the ditol mad stouffville sept c 1941 mr editor talk about the germans will fully destroying things why wo have people that iravel on the 10th line and just take each mail post and box with their ear and uproot them three were smashed on wednesday i think there should be two dozen police on the job these nights when there are dances at the lake we dont mind them running the roads but when they get so far gone well its time someone interferred yours for decency a subscriber for 30 years qult little town our little town god bless it is the grandest place to live it has all sorts of happy things and blessings fine to give it really makes my heart feel glad when up tho street i go i say hollo to ann and hill and others that i know its nice to pass the time of day at grocery stores and such meet aunt jemima hutchison who always knows so much our utile towns so friendly i know most every one feel sure that i shall see som friends i never feel quite all alone amidst my friends so dear so is it any wonder i thank god that i live here thanksgiving day a proclamation in the canada gaz ette of aug is 1911 appoints mon day 13th october 1941 as thanks giving day pays 150 fixe for violation ok bacox board orders louis golden of tecumseh street toronto was found guilty recently at a magistrates court in toronto of a violation of the orders of the bacon board and was fined 150 with the option of one month in jail in order to increase the number of hogs available for processing to be sent to great britain the orders of the board require that all packers or other persons slaughtering hogs or purchasing dressed carcasses shall restrict their weekly slaughter to the average weekly slaughter of 1940 in goldmans case the author ized number of hogs to be slaught ered would he 2s a week on the basis of the figures submitted by himself as his average weekly slau ghter in 1940 but in the evidence it was stated that he killed 1000 hogs in excess of his quota durin the months of june and july goldmans license had previously been suspended by the bacon board and the magistrate who tried the case expressed the view that anyone who would seek to renew the license should also be fined she went back health rules must be observed dont sleep on your left side for it causes too great pressure on the heart dont sleep on the right side for that interferes witli respiration of the right lung dont sleep on your stomach for that interferes with respiration of both lungs dont sleep on your back for this is bad for the nervous system dont sleep in a chair for that creates tension dont sleep standing up for you may topple over and crack your skull dont sleep olsa benning 19 went home to london from canada it took her six weeks first by clipper lo lisbon seeing the azores packed with por tuguese troops and in the lisbon airdrome british and german planes almost side by side a publishers blessing o blessed is he who does not fnss when he receives a bill from us but knowing his subscription due sends in the money to renew and doubly blest is that good friend who waits not till a bill we send but promptly sends us the amount wherewith to straighten his account send the tribune to absent friends business directory medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dr arthur l hore physician surgeon obstetrics eyes tested glasses fitted in stouffville twice a week phone markham no 67 reverse charges for appointment dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stouffviue maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service insurance thomas birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 190s insure in reliable companies xs reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffville see h o klinck obrien avenue for your insurance needs ixc fire life automobile burgte- and all casualty lines a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance civ -also- automobile and fire mrs e r good phone 193 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am l e oneill stouffville funeral dmector and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone harry m spang representative mutual life insurance ocr also mutual automobile insurance telephone 6616 stouffville ontario barristers office phone 3160 residence pnocs 351t arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary public 6 king street east osmawa ontario resident partner branch offlc wcpoliardkc port peru uxbridge ontario phone 25 stouffville marble granite works r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 a s farmer licensed auctioneer 20 years experience york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales i a specialty telephone stouffville 730s address gormley po clarke imtentioe phone agliicourt 52 v3 millikcn licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl kcj prenlice of casf and of the latj j h prentice former prenlice prentice fari and farm stocl sales a specialty at air and reaf sonablc rates