page four the tribune stouffville ont thursday april 17th 1941 altona 18 years at 195 order your congoleum and linoleum rugs now at a 10 per cent reduction in price ladies coats dresses men and young mens suits at our store or a call will bring a showing of ladies coats in your own home mr and mrs stanley thompson and family were guests of mr and 1 mrs wm mcxair on sunday miss elsie eckardt ot toronto was home with her parents over the weekend miss velma davis of kinsale is visiting with her aunt mrs bert lewis miss mary spang of toronto spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs joe symes and little daughter were guests of her mother mrs tindall on sunday mr and mrs clarence bunker and family of newmarket and mr and mrs harvey bunker of good wood were guests of mr and mrs n bunker on sunday imr and mrs wm malloy mr j taun and miss irene crosier of stouffville were guests ot david crosier good friday mr and mrs kirbison ot toron to were guests of mr and mrs wm clarkson good friday mr a davis still keeps up his reputation in the carpenter work in spite of his increasing years at present he is engaged at his hobby carpentering at kinsale almira our goldens store phone 273 stouffville ont melville harvey houck has been on the sick list for the past few days but we are glad to say he is now making a good recovery mrs a imaclennan of toronto is spending the easter week at the manse mr and mrs arthur n orr and baby ann and mr herbert orr of toronto were easter sunday visitors at the manse t miss phyllis winn of- stouffville spent the easter weekend at the home of mr and mrs a fleming miss jean pipher of stouffville was a good friday guest at the manse misses isabel fleming and beatrice orr returned home from the normal school toronto on thurs day last to spend the easter vaca tion at their respective homes owing to the condition of the roads it was impossible to hold the easter communion service in the bethesda church last sunday we hope to hold this service next sunday after noon at 3 pm the united church wms held their meeting on wednesday at the manse with a good attendance of members and visitors the president mrs a j orr conducted the de votional period and various items of news from mission fields were given by several of the members at the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by the hostess mrs h houck peaches mr and mrs thomas diller of mongolia had dinner at the hoover home on friday mr and mrs albert upton and joan of toronto spent good friday with a lewis miss vida gowland of toronto was a sunday visitor with her sister mrs albert cleverdon mrs john allen of new ontario has been visiting her niece and nephew mrs harry warriner and henry miller for a few days douglas cleverdon had the mis fortune to cut his hand in the grain grinder we hope it will soon be all better mr and mrs ivan walker of tor- onta visited at the walker home on friday alfred smith and albert clever don have been working on the land on our line henry miller also donnie and murray and jack warriner were down to the rouge sucker fishing on saturday and caught 150 of these honey creatures we were pleased to have so many present at our ypu held at the brignal home last thursday night when rev imr orr showed some very interesting and helpful lautern slides the roads on our line are sure in bad shape so just drive careful and if you do get stuck just wait until some one pulls you out you cannot get out on your own power this has been proven by many clean rest rooms you can be sure of unexcelled gas oil plus highgrade service si boadways service station phone 265 stouffville victoria square plenty to givo these is much in this world that money cant buy the flowers in springtime the blue in the sky the beauty of nature in the world where we live and theres pleasure in knowing theres plenty to give we can give of our time to a sick friends dark hour we can carry some roses or other bright flower let us bring our bright blossoms to folk while they live and rejoice in the fact that theres plenty to give theres plenty to give as we journey along the courage of laughter the lift of a song they may count us as poor on the street where we live of lifes fairest treasures theres plenty to give theres plenty to give in a life thats worth while a kind spoken word a bright cheery smile the master of men was not rich in earths pelf but he gave best of all when he gave us himself mr and mrs mnrray smith of wedding bells are ringing in town mrs herb spofford and daughter edith spent monday with mrs john white at unionville congratulations are in order tc mr and mrs levi staitb on the birth of a son on wednesday april 9 1941 mr and mrs donald jarvis called on imr and mrs willis jarvis at blackwater on sunday mr and mrs ed nigh also mr and mrs jacob wideman visited with mr and mrs carson wideman at dunbarton sir and mrs willis lehman and son john visited at delhi on sunday imr and mrs ben gayman and son lawrence of unionville visited with the lehmans on friday mr john ash and son meredith visited with mr and mrs lewis lehman on saturday congratulations are in order to mr and mrs john wagg nee dor- een lehman on the birth of a son on sunday april 13th percy castle is working at the summit gulf club peter steckley has a new water loo tractor 2nd line uxbridge wood buzzing and house cleaning seems to be the order of the day miss marjorie taylor of belleville spent the easter holidays at her home mrs jos cooper spent the easter holidays in toronto with her daughter mrs mitchell jmr and mrs wm tilley and baby son of hamilton spent the weekend at the home of her parents mr and mrs knight mr and mrs albert brown also mr and mrs clarence brown and percy brown spent friday evening at albert taylors pte ralph cooper ot niagara-on- thelake is spending a few days under the parental roof miss shirley mcguckin and friend visited her parents on sun day mr and mrs bruce taylor and little daughter also willis taylor of oshwa spent the holiday at the home of their parents a number of our sportsminded fishermen sallied forth to beaverton church ffill misses ruby and mildred clark and thomas clark spent the easter weekend at mr a clarks sandy maclean of camp borden was home for easter mr and mrs ivan mclaughlin visited with mr and mrs robert windsor on sunday joe ogden was home to spend the weekend with his son leslie misses grace norma and marie paisley were home over the holiday harry ogden and ronald duck worth spent a day with orvau brethour visitors at mr will beachs on sunday were mr and mrs j harris on and family of mt albert mr and mrs ross thompson and family of zehpyr mr and mrs jack beach of queensville and mr and mrs c skinner of toronto on saturday night with good results toronto had tea at the home of mr thejr landed home in tne early hours with a couple of bogs of first class enjoy siqhtseeinq all the way motorcoacfh attractive return fares toronto 155 huntsvllle 865 vancouver 7025 gray coach lines and mrs charles smith on sunday evening miss verna nichols of toronto is home for her easter holidays mr john and isaac williamson visited with friends at victoria square over the weekend miss irene smith of toronto spent the weekend at her home here next sunday evening is to be in charge of marion boynton and the topic is to be taken by ruby avison special music is being prepared plan to attend the mission circle are holding their regular meeting this week at the home ot mrs douglas gee all the girls of the community are in vited to attend the w a held a pot luck supper in the church on monday evening of this week an interesting program was planned by mrs willows and her group the w a are changing the date of their regular meeting this month which is to be held on wednesday april 30 th the president of the toronto centre prebytery is to be the guest speaker plan to attend the jfa and the jwi held their regular meeting on tuesday april 8th the main feature of the evening was an illustrated talk on birds by mr edwin dixon of unionville assisted by mrs dixon who looked after the slides the ypu opened on sunday evening with harold klinck in the chair the scripture was read by mr john williamson while isaac williamson led in praper readings on easter were given by misses verna taun bonnie robertson and vera boynton the topic on the easter message was given by marion smith it was decided at this meeting to somewhat change the form of the program for the coming year start ing at 815 pm the girls and boys are to have separate meetings until 930 pm after 10 then intermission they will come together for a joint program until 1030 pm this pro gram can be made up of any form of entertainment the committee desire a new committee consisting ot three boys and three girls are to be put in each month we hope in this way to bring every peroan into helping with the meeting and see how you like this new idea suckers strange as it may seem these fish still have the usual num ber of bones bethesda mr and mrs thomas wagg and son of sudbury were visitors last week with mr and imrs clarence atkinson mr and mrs a galbraith of newtonbrook visited with relatives here on saturday mr wesley steckley spent a few days with relatives at kitchener mr and mrs fred yake are mov ing this week to their new home in markham township the former henry hoover farm congratulations to mr and mrs ert taun on the arrival of a daugh ter last week at stouffville we are sorry to report that more cases of measles broke out in the school too bad when they come during holidays mrs a b shaffer and mrs d snider took in some of the great spring weather on tuesday when they called at the louis brillinger home congratulations are in order to the girls of miss ethel empring- hama sunday school class who sang so beautifully the hymn lead me to calvary and to isobel stew art for the reading what the cross means to me at the easter s s service on sunday on friday mr john brillinger reports an interesting incident when an artist visited his maple sugar bush and painted a picture ot the camp where the boiling was being done in large iron kettles and also surrounding scenery many thanks are due to imrs e steckley who sent to the church on sunday a beautiful easter lily the fragrance of which filled the build ing wo are happy to know mrs steckley is feeling much bettor and hope to see her out again soon anyone passing the church on sunday afternoon might have thought there was a very small small attendance at sunday school judging by the number of autos out side however there were ninety in dividuals there most of them bravod the mud and walked as the road was almost impassable to cars pine orchard bruce hope is visiting relatives in our community miss mae rose spent the holidays with her mother imrs stevens also misses ilene and beverly stevens of gravenhurst were guests miss kay radford was an easter guest with her sister mrs charles brandon mr and mrs wm galley also mr and mrs smith all of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs wesley lundy mrs palmateer and baby spent a few days in newmarket imr and mrs dean brandon and georgie spent the weekend with his parents mr and mrs brandon and mr and mrs shropshire were toronto visitors last week james hope had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow last week wilbur shropshire also lost one the same day we find it almost impossible to travel any distance for bog holes but certainly we enjoy the warm sunshine stanlev theatre phone 100 showing each night at 815 st saturday and holidays 700 and 90 thursday friday saturday april 17 is 19 lucky partners ginger rogers ronald colema u donald duck information please april 21 22 28 coming round the mountain bob burns opened by mistake charlie ruggles april m 2- 20 let george do it george formby dicksons hill miss edith hoover of toronto spent the easter weekend at her home miss marion barkey visited with miss lillian moyer sunday afternoon mrs harvey moyer and don visit ed in hamilton last weekend were glad to see harley wide- man and don moyer back for the easter holidays mr reg gibbons says that sun days are his busiest days we won der why easter sunday was a most beauti ful day which tended to a splendid attendance at our services the meet ings are continuing this week every night at 8 with our pastor in charge all are welcome with this issue your scribe bids adieu to her newspaper career as she will be employed in stouffville for the coming months many thanks to you neighbours and friends for your assistance and kindly tolerance during the past two and one half years and she trusts that the same will be given to her most capable successor the w m s ladies met at mrs cliff barkeys home last week and quilted and worked at clothing for relief purposes and on monday this week a box was packed which will be sent to kitchener headquarters this winter has been unusually busy in this line on account ot the urgent need in england mr and mrs elmore barkey 6th line whitchurch are the proud parents of a wee son congratula tions to them and also mr simeon hoover who is grandpa once again grandsons are a prize in his family since his granddaughters number twelve but the grandsons only four thursday last was a perfect day for a wedding and quite a represen tation from this village wore present to see mr samuel barkey youngest son of mr a c barkey and miss lena harding of milllken united in wedlock in the ebenezer united church the barkey families from here were among the guests and mr gordon schell had the honour of ushering them to their seats we wish mr and mrs barkey much happiness for the coming years bloomington mr and mrs donald storry mi and mrs walter tranmer and mi k gaham of toronto were visitor at e a storrys on sunday miss mary paisley of toront bible college spent last week at he home here mr bill tranmer ot toront university spent easter at home mr and mrs english were in tot onto for easter miss margaret brown was hom from vandort over sunday imiss ruth ramer and friend 0 toronto spent the weekend at th home of her father mr m ramer mr and mrs leask and famil of greenbank were at w a focklers on sunday friends of miss gwen tranme will be glad to know that she i progressing as well as can be el pected following her recent opera tion for appendicitis mr eugene winterstein of hai ilton was a holiday visitor at h home mr and mrs carl davis an daughter of toronto were at churc on sunday morning 6th line whitchurcl mr and mrs lome wideman vil i ted her parents for easter mr an mrs s h foote robert carver is still quite il also bruce winterstein is sick miss margaret mccowan stoufi ville was at emmersons here fq sunday tea mr and mrs floyd steckley ml and mrs norman steckley motoret to ottawa to visit the boys sistel mr and mrs rosser mabel stecl ley leland emmerson had the plow work this week and this seems to 1 the first in the immediate locality there is rumor that dan hall out for a seat on the council if theil should be such an opening when tl local situation is known for sure the ratepayers we asked mr hai about his intentions and he just r piled anything may happen time table changes effective sunday april 37th 1041 full information from agents is canadian national wt railways adtnot12s vandorf art sterr and orval ewart oac guelph spent the east holidays at their homes miss jean swltzer spent the wee end with her parents miss mary willis spent part easter holidays with mr and mi ralph willis prayer meeting was held at fre man allens on the aurora road ne the 3rd line last monday night wo are looking for an immedla election in our township for a depu reeve we hear there will be a co test mr and mrs david ellis at family of waterloo were weekei visitors with w h sproxton at imrs ellis and the boys are spendlr the week among her relatives whl mr ellis lett sunday morning f waterloo mr and mrs russel sproxton at family were saturday evening gues with mr and mrs m brillinger roads through our town are tl worst for many a year and the sli lines are almost impassible some our farmers havo the fun of pullli cars out and one man not far fro here pulled twentyfive cars throui one day with his tractor they line up to be escorted through we si ccrely hope with the rains that th will soon improve