over 5000 readers witane copies this issue 1525 largest circulating weekly for whitchurch markham pickering and uxbridge twps vor 33 no 48 stouffville ontario thursday april 17 1941 eight pages no rush necessary for nomination is councilmans view when reeve earl toole reminded his colleagues on whitchurch town ship council that it was his duty to issue a warrant calling upon the clerk to hold a nomination meeting to all the vacancy due to the death ot jesse cook councillor herman kidd urged that he delay issuing it until after the may meeting by then roads would ho hotter and more respect for the dead would be shown he contended councillor george leary said he saw no reason for any delay and if the reeve sees fit to issue his war rant for an election i will submit my resignation to contend the seat i have been on the council seven years and am the senior member he said that doesnt cut any ice the rate payers will decide said mr kidd who signified that he too would contend the seat reeve toole said he did not wish an election argument and that in deference to what had been said he would wait nntil tuesday and get a higher ruling on the matter if other authority says it is his duty to pro ceed with the election forthwith as stated in the statutes then he prom ised to call the council together promptly and give memhers a chance to file their resignations local bride to live a kettleb in the presence of some thirty guests the marriage was solemnized on saturday afternoon at 3 oclock at the home of the brides parents of erma johnson daughter of mr and mrs robert johnston to john mcallister little of kettleby rev n r mcleod of brampton officiated miss joyce johnson was her sis ters bridesmaid while bruce john ston brother of the bride was best man a reception was held after which the happy couple left for a honey moon trip which will talce them as far as windsor they will make their home at kettlehy local hockey player was s hurt ike harpct stalwart le- fcnsimun of the markham jun ior hockey champions and n stoufrville boy son of mr and mrs william harper lias been resting in the hospital for the past week due to a severe gash over his one eye bruce received the clip from a bolton players stick during a brawl which occurred in the second game of their recent series he was at tended by the maple eaf gardens physician and it re quired five stitches to close the wound when he returned to toronto for the third game it was found that infection had set in and he was hastily re moved to the hospital ho was able to return home tuesday good stock prices feature wmrennie auction sale a bold fo on the farm of john crawford township clerk at vaudorf a bold fox sped right into the barn yard in view of the people at the house who stood mystified as the fox snatched up a plump chicken and hied off with it before anything could be done to stop the thief mr crawford said that it is be lieved foxes are also taking quite a toll of pheasants in the township where they have wintered very successfully two minutes silence out of respect for their colleague the late jesse cook two minutes silence was observed by the members of whitchurch township council at the opening of their april meeting last saturday this was the first regular meeting of the council since imr cook died a model soldier bunnie meets spectacular death passersby were amazed on good friday to see a rabbit hanging on the closemesh wire fence in front of mr jim barrys farm just west of town examination of the dead rabbit showed that he had hung there to death from shock and starvation evidently forced to put on more speed than was good for his eye sight in negotiating this busy high way bunny jumped headlong with terrific speed into the wire his head and part of his body went through one of the small apertures and there he hung the blow must have been terrifflc but it wasnt fatal the farmer thinks because bunnie was so thin when taken down it was evident he may have starved lower fire rates possible on school building the farm stock auction on the premises of mr william rennie 10th concession markham last thursday afternoon drew a large crowd and prices ruled high for the stock offered was of high quality and much of it went far from homo the sale totalled around 1900 with auctioneer a s farmer in com mand a 9yearold percheron realized 130 and her daughter 3 years of age went at 125- while a bay mare brought an even hundred all three went to alex doner newmarket the high priced cow at 78 found a new home at queensville the same buyer taking four cows in all two beef cattle went for 70 each and two more at 68 to harry paisley chunks of pigs one bunch sold for 625 and another lot demanded 790 david boyd being the buyer every thing put on the auction block was sold but the number of implements was small as mr ren- nies son is taking over the farm and consequently the implements were mostly reserved and were not adver tised for sale hauled out twelye c in o day charlie barkey has been playing the part of the good samaritan a deep bog hole opposite his farm east of altona hogged down no less than 12 cars in one day and the genial charlie ambled out with his farm tractor and gleefully pulled his friends out of the mire with or with out financial reimbursement which should have been forthcoming in every instance oh yes charlie flatly denies the accusation that he spent his spare time drawing water to the hole it was just a natural bog which is so familiar this week on almost any stretch of roadway says charlie clarkmont isolated auctioneer finds a wav engaged to conduct an auction sale at clareniont on tuesday- auctioneer a s farmer was con fronted with a poser there were no roads open to traffic and the vill age was isolated from practically all sides jnst when he was resigned to ride into town john gilpin style he thought of the iron horse and motored to locust hill where he went aboard the cpr and landed at his destination in comfort the sale being a small furniture auction was readily carried on with a good crowd of villagers to buy the goods new egg grading has so far proved detriment to farmers c whitchurch election may just as we go to press we learn that whitchurch council will meet next monday night to receive resignations of any members wishing to contest the deputy reeveship nominations will likely be received on april 28 and if a contest is necessary the poll will be taken on may 5 clerk crawford says may get a chance at junior b winners clarence wideman is one of 35 soldiers chosen from 3000 army men to act as bodyguard for brig- general mcnaughton at state occasions mrs thos drkwery dead mrs thomas drewery aged resi dent of lemonville died this wed nesday morning aged 81 she had been in the brierbush hospital for the past year her husband is also patient in the same hospital church street residence changes hands bl00mingt0n is scene of pretty wedding glasgow teacher goes to niagara miss myrtle rose who resigned the glasgow school at easter to take a school in the niagara district was presented with a bookcase and eulogistic address by the parents at a gathering held at the home of mr lou slack mrs earl drewery read the address and all took part in the games and social enjoyment of the evening miss rose is regarded as one of the most outstanding teach ers the section has yet engaged mies west from toronto has been en gaged as her successor the home of mr and mrs lemon paisley bloomington was the scene of a pretty wedding on satur day afternoon when their daughter leuella edith was married to mr alen e a johnson son of mr and imrs merle johnson of britania rev e morton officiated miss kathleen mccay cousin of th bride played the wedding march the bride given in marriage by her father wore a gown of precious rose crepe tucked bodice and full skirt and carried white roses the brides attendant her sister miss wary paisley wore alice blue crepe and carried red roses the grooms brother mr john johnson was groomsman after the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served by friends of the bride mrs clifford gordon and miss bernice cutler after a motor trip to eastern canada the bridal couple will live on the grooms farm at britania for travelling the bride wore beige with brown accessories at their meeting on monday even ing members of the schoool board hesitated for a moment or so then decided to place their order for a fire door at a cost of 6500 for use on the engine room at tho big knowledge works the mere installation of such a door will permit of a reduction in insurance rates of 3c on the 100 premium and as the school is insur ed for 40000 there is quite a saving possible which will soon pay for the total investment of course there is the safety element that is worth something xo one would want the school to burn down and a fire door adds to its safety the board also placed an order for overhauling the electric wiring in the older part ot the building thus enabling the board to sccuro a hydro permit for the building and with this in hand a still further re duction in insurance rates are pos sible horace walsh was given the order for doing the wiring dr freel presided over the meet ing members present being ira aldrcd lloyd turner and a v nolan citizens urged to remove winters accumulation beautify properties the fine old mcdonald home on north church street was sold this week to mr d w parker who re cently came to town from atha dis trict and rented the john turner residence next the school grounds mr parker intends to remodel the house which has grown into disre pair over the years especially since it was vacated a couple of seasons ago he intends to fit the barn up for poultry while the residence will have a bath room added there are seven acres of land and the vendor is the grice estate sale price is reported as 1800 markham juniors may not be hanging up their hockey togs for a few weeks yet as the latest report is that these junior c champs will be given an opportunity to play the winners of the b group at the present time brantford and oshawa are battling it out in the final b driving young team unionville farmer killed in full view of his wife who was watching him from the window of their home william coulson of unionville was killed when his team reared and overturned the wagon causing him fatal injuries and sudden death mr coulson had hitched a team of spirited young horses which somehow overturned the wagon a successful farmer mr coulson had lived near unionville since 1930 taking over the w s elliott farm born at wexford mr coulson was in his 62nd year he is survived by his wife son ross and daughter doris the new dominion egg grading regulations are now in force and so far they appear to be a flop except ing that the farmer is going to be the goat and therein the whole thing is just too bad the regulations demand that the egg grading room bo kept at a cer tain temperature of coolness but after they leave this room they may remain on the merchants floor long enough to spoil any benefit hitherto gained only those merchants who have gone to much expense to equip them selves with approved quarters can get a license hence all other buyers must pay for their candling which will run three cents or more per dozen so far the price of eggs on the market has not improved consequently the increased cost of handling is likely to be taken from the farmer who goodness knows is paid small enough now for his hen fruit in newmarket merchants are sen ding their eggs to aurora to graded at a cost of 3 cents per dozen the whole thing seems to be so unim pressive that few merchants are willing to invest a few hundred dol lars in equipping themselves with grading quarters approved by the dominion vdept of agriculture local holiday spot prepares to open next week a constant milk inspection provided for local customers although the sn winter have not yet entirely dis appeared from the face of the earth in these precincts it is not too early to urge upon the citizenry the desir ability of a general cleanup of the past seasons accumulation of refuse the tin can collection system which is in vogue hero has gone a long way towards keeping the back yards and gardens neat and orderly and most properties are free from the usual assemblage of tin cans ashes and other rubbish which in years past at this season was to be lamped on every property the can collection however is not taken advantage of by all householders and those whose back yards are in an unsavory state are urged for the sake of sanitation and the general appearance of the town as a whole to take steps as soon as conditions warrant to make a thorough clean up stouffvllle has always been noted for its beautiful streets boulevards and ice of homes and flower gardens and to keep it so can only be accomplished by the eooperatlon of the entire populace and a little facelifting on each property in the early spring results in a most desirable beautify ing effect on the whole during the entire summer flower folks have an attractive premium offer stoultvllie horticultural society hope for the hearty and loyal sup port of every householder again this year in the past it has been fairly generally given and the town has benefitted from the work of the organization in giving leadership to general improvements all of which had made the village more beautiful your help again at this time will enable those faithful few- workers shortly they will call at your homo for the annual membership fee there is a premium voucher being given with every membership of 40c good for use at the stouffvllle floral plant a bylaw has been placed on the records of stouffvllle appointing dr s t dodendistel milk inspector under the public health act this gives him power to watch the supply from its source inspecting the herds stables and handling of the commodity until it is bottled at the local dairy heretofore this village has been lacking in this service although all stables and herds are inspected and approved before milk may bo ship ped to toronto now the local con sumption will have much the samo inspection and with the cooperation of producers dairy and employees he milk left at the homes can be consumed with the knowledge that it is of the very best the local dairy approves the move made by the council in making the appoint ment urged by the board of health and its moh despite the fact that there is con siderable ice still bobbing around in musselmans lake cedar beach gardens the hub of this holiday spot is preparing to open its doors on a new season next saturday night april 26th patrons of this dance rendezvous will be delighted again this year with takes over old home ule improvements and ren0 lmr george storey has purchased done hy the manager mr george his brothers interest in the old dr i davies the entire hall has been john storey residence on main street redecorated in soft shades of blue and will shortly move from the cream with fancy lighting ratcliff residence to the old storey i arrangements home mr john ratcliff is advertis ing his residence for sale as lie will continue to reside with mr and mrs storey when they move llr art gadsby of newmarket also mrs c w bushell of toronto and mr e a thompson of port erie spent the weekend with the latters mother mrs f w thomp son injured in explosion pte bruce lintner son of mr and mrs ed lintner of stouffville and who recently arrived in england was totally blinded for three days whencoal gas exploded in his face while he was attending a fire latest word is that he has recovered his sight and is out of the hospital the picnic grounds are also undergoing changes broad gravel walks bordered by cement curbing lead to the beach while the newly sodded picnic area already green will be kept so throughout the summer by a recently extended irri gation system photo by sanders the picture of the markham hockey team appearing on page three this issue is published with the compliments of wr sanders veter an photographer of this town its a fine photograph well taken and one that will he on the records fifty years from now no excuse for the subscription takers and peddlers this spring with so many jobs available farmers should give them short shift wm hill wears beaming smile as he celebrates 101st birthday dr frank daley dies in alberta the misses daley received word on good friday that their eldest brother frank daley had died after a short illness at his home in cam- rose alberta the late mr daley and family went to alberta about thirty years ago previous to that ho had lived in sutton west for a num ber of years where as a veterinary kep the society active he had a large practice in the village and surrounding country where ho was well known and had many friends he is survived by two sons and one daughter also four sisters his wife predeceased him a number of years ago a shower of post cards lovely flowers and friends calling to offer their congratulations marked the 101st birthday of our townsman william hill on tuesday this week his 100th birthday was an occasion of a more public nature but this year it was explained hy his daugh ter xilss laura hill the event is being quietly passed only a few days ago mr hill fell off the couch and injured his knee so that ho cannot walk very well but he can think and talk about old times with a clear mind mr hill was enjoying a glass of plne- applo juice when the scribe paid his birthday call on tuesday oh yes i william hju sicep w e i but i stay on the couch all the time except when i go to bed at night this centurlan said ho never com plains and said it was a rule of life never to worry he wore the same sunny smile we recall him displaying on his 100th birthday although he smoked for 40 years he has no liking for it now but he does enjoy a chew and that is his one indulgence said miss hill he was nearly a hundred when he lost his last tooth and although he never replaced his teeth with a false sot he can chew almost anything hanna fairies bloomington is the only living person who attended tho old log school with mr hill over three quarters of a century ago and it was in this locality he spent all his life he recalls being quite grown up when miss fairies started to school mr hill has four sons alex walter russel howard and five daughters mrs ernest davis mrs watson fairies edna elma and laura tflbute is paid to the daugh ter laura on whom the aged father is dependent and whoso faithful services could scarcely be matched by any other person