the tribune stouffville ont thursday february 13 1941 page five special offer save 8c maple leaf pure soap flak cap naxes 1 large pkg and 2 cakes maple leaf toilet soap all for 20c crosse blackwells soups assorted 2 med size tins 2oc sunny day carrot juice for better health 2 tins 23c bulk cocoa special 2 pounds- 25c crothers meadow cream soda 2 lb pkg 25c crosse blackwells date nut bread junior foods heinz tiger catsup paper serviettes prunes large size maple leaf cake flour special pjcft 25c suxklst navel oranges 2 doyen 2sc watch fok our big inventory sale per tin 15c per tin 10c large 26 oz bottle 19c pkg of 80 15c 2 lbs 29c fresh vegetables fruits fresh smoked haddock fiilets fresh oysters frozen salmon watch for the weekend hand bill ratcliff c town delivery stouffville ontario phone 7112 melville a collection in aid of the war victims fund wil be lifted in all three churches on our circuit next sunday mr a d bruce is making favor able recovery in the private patients pavilion toronto general hospital we saw him on monday and he was very bright flviax makes fixe donation vivian ladies are to be congratu- lted on the fine donation of their ted cross unit to the newmarket tranch and which consisted of 15 ujhs one nightgown five long- leered sweaters four pairs of socks is helmets seven pairs of twoway iitts red cross notes all ladies of stouffville and dis trict are reminded that the red cross workroom upstairs at the council chambers is open every thursday afternoon- more helpers are needed so a warm welcome awaits you 000 iiove letters result ix wedding 8th line markham miss nancy shank is spending some time with friends at kitchener miss marjorie snyder and miss molly dyck of stouffville spent the weekend in our community many farmers have been obliged to meet the milk trucks at the high way the early part of this week on account of blocked side roads mr joseph reesor is a very busy man these times killing and curing meats for many of the people of this vicinity mr alvin wideman who is now travelling representative for master feeds in this district has purchased i new 1941 chev coach mr and mrs allan wideman mr and mrs l r wambold mr edwin 3yer mr ed bauman and several others are attending the mennonite bible conference at kitchner this week mr john harris who has been with the boys at newmarket camp visited with harry spang and other friends on this line on sunday he expects to be transferred to the tank corps at camp borden this week mr and mrs aaron krupp of portland oregon spent several days at the home of mr and mrs allan wideman mrs krupp is a sister of mrs wideman and the visit came as a pleasant surprise to mr and mrs wideman on sunday afternoon several cut ters with loads of people travellin along the highway reminded one of the bygone days oh yes the high way was open for motor traffic but these young people just took notion to have a good old fashioned cutter ride new giseek premier alexandras korizis 55yearold governor of the grwk national bank has been named premier of greece to succeed gen john metax- as who died king george ii made the announcement gormley three hundred letters in seven ontbs going both ways between rrporal ubald cuerrler and mile 9e afmee desmarchais of mon- sal have resulted in mile desmar- tais becoming the bride of the cor ral who is stationed at no5 ser- co flying training school rcaf brantford ontario he is the eond frenchcanadian at the aool to go away on leave and come back with a bride the first was lac jean bougie who married mile carcelle dicaire in montreal january 14 corporal cuerrier married mile desmarchais in mon treal januaryl8 the letterwriting he explained definitely led up to it left lac jean bougie and mme bougie right corp ubald cuerrier and mme cuerrier mongolia neighbour night meeting on february 18 at the home of mr william rennie topic can we pay our mortgages and should the government make terms last week mr and mrs bert williams and family moved over to his fathers farm as mr a williams moved to the east end of stouffville miss alta zeller is spending some time in toronto miss jean pugh of toronto was at home over the weekend mr loland fairies spent saturday in toronto our school has been closed for a coupe of days owing to the illness of the teacher the second skating party of the community took place at the cedar- ena on friday night still more at tended and report a jolly good time we are counting on another one in the near future mrs ernest jones has been spending a a few days with friends in toronto this week mr and mis george french spent a few days with mr and mrs and mrs frank harvey and friends mr harry bennet has purchased the house of mr george french and expects to move here around the first of april miss mccallum head nurse at the convalescent home spent tuesday in toronto miss mary baker visited with mrs george baker on monday there have been many about us lately who have been on the sick list again and we trust they may all have a speedy recovery miss carry epp of toronto spent the weekend with mr and mrs c doner and family thursday night prayer meeting is at the home of mr s n doner and there is to be a special collection taken to help the sewing circle of the mennonite church anyone who cares to contribute toward this work could get in touch with mrs c don er the ladies are making quilts and clothing for refugee work and any donations in money or clothing which could be used for quilts will be greatly appreciated chopping please note drop in price under 20 bags 6c per bag 20 bags and over 5c per bag fuel for every need blue coal drv body hardwood light slabs gormley elevators frank harvey prop phones elevator 7303 res 7307 local school wins again in the intercollegiate hockey league stouffville won a decisive victory over scarboro last thursday a few minutes after the opening whistle blown by bruce harper the first goal of tiie game was scored by ted cadieux in the second period the only goal scored was by murray vague on an assist from jim abell the third period was fast and ex citing the goal getters were vague unassisted and arn schell from jim abell the final score was 40 in favour of the locals fred clubine in goal and fred williams on defense played out standing hockey for the home team the first game of the playoffs will be on wednesday against markham in the southern arena band concert this thursday even ing deserves your support so buy a ticket even if you cannot attend church announcements st james presbyterian church stouffvilxie rev t de courcy rayner minister sunday february 16th 1941 945 am divine worship subject lahai roi a strange name with a beautiful and comforting meaning do you know it come to gods house on the lordsday specials for this week cute salmon tall tin each 17c corn syrup 5 lbs 39c corn syrup crown brand liptons ceylon tea small leaf 2 lbs 18c 37c maxwell house v4 lb 27c coffee 1 ib 51c quaker rice crispies 2 pkgs- 27c lemon or cocoanut biscuits 2 lbs 25c 3 kelloggs corn flakes tumbler all for 25c stouffville groceteria next door to library phone 280 self service we deliver mondays and thursdays on orders of 1 or more 5th uxbridge mr sid white of toronto visited at the sellers home over the week end sorry to report that little lorna jones is quite sick we all hope she will soon be better again miss edith peters spent the week end with her parents in port perry mrs h norton called on mrs w symes on monday afternoon mrs r coppins vllsted with mrs a wilson a day last week mr and mrs stanley slack of eckardts corners and mr and mrs morgan evans and edgar of claro- mont and mr and mrs elmer evans and family spent a day recently with mr and mrs e w evans extra special white flannelette in remnants extra fine qualityg00d weight ioc yd harry golden dicksons hill miss doris lott was home for a few days owing to the illness of her mother donald raymer mt joy is work ing here for mr wes wideman mr and mrs roy mover visited with mr and mrs ab stouffer on tuesday we hear that our new lance cor poral will be shown in a group pic ture in this issue but we must add our congratulations to lome hoover on his promotion since returning home both he andhoward are ill with colds the ladies of the wms met at the home of miss martha hoover and worked on mens dressing gowns the number of workers was smaller than usual owing to weather and bad road conditions plus sick ness george myland our school secre tary presided at a meeting in the school on tuesday evening called for the purpose of discusing the farm labor situation the ontario dept of education are taking up the prob lem in a serious way as the labor situation in some sections is becom ing acute not only was the church in dark ness but a few loads of people who came expecting to attend a yp meeting which had been cancelled until more favorable weather harvey movers lane is too long so thinks jack webster while the true details are not available wo are informed that jack rode ono of the horses out to the main thoroughfare to get the mail and while perusing the latest news or something old dobin ambled off and headed for the stables leaving jack behind to plod his weary way altona mrs wm mckay has been con fined to her bed tho past week cottage prayer meeting will bo held this week at the wilton homo lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family womens hosiery rubbers gloves shoes socks boots mitts stouffville phono 1301 opposite the town clock lemonville ballantrae rev w s irwin pastor thursday feb 13th 8 pm prayer meeting at mr and mrs gilbert wrights ballan- trae sunday february 16th 1941 1000 sabath school ballantrae 1100 am worship 200 pm sabbath school lemonville 300 pm worship and jesus answering said were there not ten cleansed but where are the nine luke 171 christ church anglican rev f herman rector sunday february 16 th 1941 200 pin holy communion and sermon the rector will be in charge bloomington ringwood christian churches sunday february 16th 1941 regular services next sunday come and worship with us second markham baptist church sunday february 16th 1941 945 am sunday school 1100 am- morning worship wed 8 pm prayer meeting stouffville christian church r k vickers pastor sunday february 16th 1941 thursday ten talent club at the home of mrs elgin wagg 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship subject the might of the tyrant 700 pm gospel service subject the tragedy of indecision tuesday christian endeavour in cliarge of the devotional committee church hhjj 200 pm sunday school 300 pmrworship service friendship with the churcli will enrich your home a step into the church is a step in the right direc hon we cordially invite you stouffville mennonite church rev h shantz pastor sunday february 16th 1941 1000 am sunday school 1100 am divine worship 230 pm mongolia s s 700 pm evangelistic monday s00 pm altona young peoples meeting miss bertha stouff er is leader of the group arranging the program tuesday s mongolia meeting classes in child study and the work of the holy spirit wednesday 8 pm altona pry- er meeting young ppeoples pray meeting thursday evening 8 pm stouff ville prayer meeting friday s pm this week atha prayer meeting at tho homo of mr and mrs wilton como ad worship with u3 you are welcome stouffville united church l e atkinson minister sunday february 16th 1941 1100 am subject the bondage of our feelings 700 pm worship subject the bible this is the third in a series of great books special singing 815 pm brief bright fireside hour under the direction of the ypu wednesday 8 pm prayer and fellowship hour invite strangers and bring your visitors to these services dickson hill and mt joy mennonite churches rev p g lehman pastor dicksons httl sunday february 16th 1941 standard time 230 pm bible school 800 pm subject this business of living a stirring appeal revealing per sonal responsibility you should hear it mr lehman will preach mount jox daylight saving time 1030 am bible school 1130 am morning worship mr lehman will preach 800 pm evening worship mr shepherd will preach we welcome you stouffville baptist rev duncan macgregor pastor friday 800 pm the young peoples bible class sunday february 16th 1941 1000 am bible school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship 700 gospel service subject an important question tho last in a series of sermons on great texts of the now testamont tiies 8 pm prayer meeting conic and receive a blessing