page two the tribune stouffville ont thursday february 13 1941 established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to ten pages average circulation 1400 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 9250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher editorial comment ontario county council buys stamps ontario county council voted unanimously at its january session to set aside 4 or more of each members per diem allowance during the current session for pur chase of war savings certificates the move was voluntary as each member pledged himself by vote were lending our money to help win the wax- and this action will give concrete leadeiship to every municipal ity in ontario county it doesnt make ahy difference where the certificates are purchasedlt will show one and all that were 100 per cent behind this patriotic campaign to help preserve the things canada and the empire stands for declared reeve j m roblin of whitby the lions appreciated your support the lions club sincerely appreciate the splendid co operation and support given their carnival last week mak ing it the biggest event of the winter season so far be cause everyone stepped in and gave a hand in such splen did way the affair proved a financial success as well as provicling an evening of good wholesome fun for the six hundred people who crammed the rink on this occasion thenet proceeds go to a most worthy cause namely that of helping unfortunate children the lions search out those who need eye attention and still others who require more milk than the family lar der can provide while the work of the lions is not fully known as their individual effort is not made public the the money spent in one year is amazing in this worthy cause if you bought a ticket for the carnival you have the satisfaction of knowing that you supported one of the finest works being carried on in any community- magistrates should first be lawyers reform in the system of appointing magistrates in ontario requiring them to be barristers and to hold office for the first two years at the pleasure of appointment is recommended by the select committee of the ontario legislature in its report on the administration of justice in the province a change that will meet with general approval dealing further with the appointment of magis trates the committee recommended that only those under 55 years of age be appointed and that after the pro bationary period of two years the magistrates be removable only for ill health or any other cause found by a judge of the supreme court magistrates should be retired at the age of 75 and a contributory pension plan set up for them under the public service act the big drive goes forward canadians are now engaged in a nationwide cam paign without precedent in the history of the country as 200000 voluntary workers are attempting to enlist two million fellow citizens as regular war savers is stouffville lagging behind you ask however months of preparation the war savings committee with headquarters at ottawa has created a human machine that reaches ito every community of the country- no fewer than 1500 subordinate committees com prising the cream of canadian citizenship drawn from every crosssection are tapping the hearts and pocket books of every last individual who owes allegiance to the dominion in the same spirit of efficiency each of these 1500 local committees are so organized that none will be neglect ed in the gigantic cavass every factory every business firm which has five or more employees has been listed and each such firm or factory has been assigned to a specific job every householder is definitely placed on some one workers calling list not even a man who works alone in his own small office will be overlooked consistent with the main objective of the february campaign no one is being asked to buy a certificate or some certificates on a single cash sale basis everyone is being asked to sign a pledge carrying a moral obligation to pur chase certificates month in and month out in keeping with the efficiency of the canvass itself are the plans now completed to keep track of the race to ward the objective of two million savers during the month let the good work go forward we have heard several favorable comments on the effort of the board of health in attempting to bring about a better milk inspection for stouffville one equal to that maintained in the larger cities if the scheme carried a qualified veterinarian will be employed to inspect heards stables and dairies so that our supply of this important fluid will be of the highest quality obtainable more milk will be used than ever before when parents are assured that the product is procured under most sanitary arrangements possible even the preliminary work done so far has been such that the samples brought in are really the best in years if this work goes on samples from every farm shipp er will be tested at intervals and everything possible will be done to aid the shippers in producing a brand of milk that will equal anything produced in the province in this effort the dairy is in full cooperation and willing to help in any way mrs pigh president op library board whitevale library board at its annual business meeting reported that a number of books both for adult and junior members were purchased during the year and have proved very popular mr miller librarian in his report stated white- vale has about the finest selection of books in the township the secre tarytreasurers report was also most encouraging officers elected for 1941 were president mrs 3 pugh vicepresi dent mrs w pitch secretary- treasurer mrs h pugh and librarian norman miller wants planes rushed your dollars needed now warns about lack of baco next year unless steps are taken to improve the lot of the ontario farmer can ada may find herself unable to pro duce bacon for britain next year predicted reeve l j cockburn of georgina township in york county council last week during a debate on the agricultural committees re port the committee viewed with alarm the future conditions of agriculture the scarcity of farm help the wag es the farmers will have to pay for assistance and the prices they re ceived for their products presents a rather gloomy picture the report stated the farmers of sinicoe county are not prospering and the plight of the farmer is a national tragedy reeve cockburn claimed the farmers are liquidating their assets their sons are in the army and their hired help has gone to work in the munitions plants and i dont know where they are going to get help next year he added claiming that steps to remedy the conditions should have been initiated at least six months ago several members of the council were critical of the prices set by the bacon board for nogs and objected that while the farmer was penaliz ed for hogs which failed to come up to standard the lower price was not passed on to the home consumer the packers are the bacon board and the farmer has little or no say its a case of the tail wag ging the dog charged reeve l j cockburn own warehouses reeve james rennie of markham township secretary of the agricul tural committee and an official in the federation of agriculture de clared that it was the feeling of tho federation that the only salvation for the farmer was for the produc ers to establish their own coopera tive warehouses and carry on theip own packing business m cockburn district agricultural representative who sat in with the committee during the presentation of the report explained that the object of setting up the system of premium for hogs meeting a certain standard and penalties for sub standard hogs was to raise the standard of hogs produced for ex port trade after the last war when we should have held our export trade in hogs we lost it becaust anything with a squeal was accepted and shipped overseas he said but we have to have quality bacon to hold the export trade at the present time he said the percentage of bacon exported was far above home consumption and packers would willingly pay a high er premium if by so doing they could get a better grade of hog hoss held too lous one of the greatest difficulties he indicated was in farmers holding their hogs for fattening too long he cited one case where s400 was lost to the farmer on one hog in addition to the cost of feed because it was kept about two weeks too long before marketing a clause in the section of the re port which was approved instruc ted tho bylaws and legislative com mittee to present a bylaw deelar ing the common barberry bush a noxious week because it harbors spores which cause wheat rust the plant was said to have been preva lent in york county district agricultural representa tive m cockburn explained that the common barberry in question is quite different from the japanese barberry and purple leaf barberry which are widely used in ornamen- al gardens these latter plants are quite harmless he said four month training f0ry0 ottawa february 9 a four- month compulsory military train ing period has been substituted for the present 30 days to make the best possible use of canadian man power in defence and war industry prime minister mackenzie king announced that the extension will take effect with the next camp period opening march 5 in another radical departure from the original program tho g000 or g500 men called into the reserve army for compulsory training from now on will train side by side with volunteers for active service under the new arrangement only those of 21 years will receive compulsory training unless circum stances change materially or the numbers in this age group prove un expectedly small mr kings 950- word statement said as a consequence every young man at the time of his coming of age will recognize and prepare himself for his responsibilities for the defence of canada the three training camps held since compulsory training was in troduced in canada last year have been on the 30 day basis with an average of about 27500 men at each mr king said the equipment position did not make a longer period of training possible the new program calls for c000 to 6300 men in march and the same number at the 15th of each en suing month the first group would graduate by july 15 and a group would gradu ate at the middle of each month from then on and at least 24000 men would be in training constantly once the program was in full operation on the basis of the prime mini sters figures about 72000 would graduate in any year this figure is about 6000 below the number of 21yearolds who registered last august at national registration if the number of men reaching 21 years remained con stant there would be sufficient men in that agegroup to fill training needs with leeway for rejections on physical grounds mr king said there will be no exemptions from training although postponements might be allowed on principles to be worked out by the boards of review in each district a meeting of the board chairmen is being called to work out the prin ciples taking issue with col charles a lindbergh and appealing for na tional unity in support of the presi dent thomas w lamont above declared that prompt ajid unstinted us aid to great britain would as sure the defeat of germany lamont a partner in j p morgan and co urged speedy passage of president roosevelts lendlease bill with whatever amendments may be essential and said the country should prepare itself for anything possibly war national registration returns indicate that canadas population now exceeds 12000000 as against 103767ss at the 1931 census ontario may abolish the custom of having a byelection when a mem ber of the legislature is tak en into the cabinet ottawa did away with the custom and ontario could well do the same there never was any sufficient reason for the bahit and there is none now business directory a c kennedy chiropractor church street stoutfvilu monday wednesday fridayi 9 to 12 am medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county insurance see h o klinck obrien avei or your insurance needs la- fire life automobile burflan and all casualty lines dr- arthur l hore physician and surgeon eyes tested phones mark 67 stouffville 306 stouffville office in residence of late dr storey office hours wednesday 1000 to 1130 saturday evenings 730 to 9 oclock thomas birkett general insurance agencr representing reliable companies lncludloc lloyds of london england phone stouffville 25902 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance g -also- automobile and fire dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate ot royal coilg of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in ornbins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block harry m spang representative mutual life insurance co also mutual automobile insurance telephone 6616 stouffville ontario barristers no rationing today that its fairly safe to predict that there will be no rationing of gasoline in this coutry at least in the near future is the opinion of the printed word the most that the government could do wisely under present conditions is to urge all of us to go easy on the throttle and the speed ometer unnecessary consumption of gasoline affects ex change as much as unnecessary trips to the united states there are several reasons why gasoline rationing is not an immediate prospect one is that a sharp curtailment in consumption would so increase costs of refining that next summers tourist trade if any would be further dis couraged by high prices here a second reason is that high er costs of ordinary gasoline would swell the costs of avia tion gasoline of which the country requires vast quantities a third reason is that rationing would create tramway problems in all large cities with the result that electric railway companies would have to be granted permission to acquire new rolling stock with us funds a fourth is that while prohibition of pleasure driving might be practicable rationing would require an excessive amount of policing a fifth reason is that the percentage of crude oil which eventually is burned for mere pleasure as distinguished from industrial war and business use is perhaps not near ly so great as an academic observer would surmise dr j f weatherill office over bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 noon and 130 to 530 pm phone office phone residence 180 18002 clarcmont every tuesday office over bakers store phone claremont 1401 office phone residence phatt 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pnbue o king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wopollardkc port perry uzbrldge ontario phone is r g clendening funeral director brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stouffvillf maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour nurses and service mrs e r good phone 191 ambulance service phone markham 9000 stouffville marble granite work9 orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 l e oneill stouffville funeral director an0 embalmer continuous telephone servlc day and night business phone residence rkca