page two the tribune stouffville ont thursday february 6 1941 op stouffmu rtbutip established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to ten pages average circulation 1400 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher editorial comment she knew her limitations a woman is reported to have wrote for a car marker probably to unionville and in her letter she asked for a small number which she could remember and added that she was enclosing a cheque possibly the woman realized her limitations because the letter was not signed and there was no cheque enclosed the junior band the junior band is an organization of which stouffville is justly proud they entertain us and at the same time the band is an educational institution for our young people next week they are calling for your support by way of patronizing their concert thus enabling them to earn funds with which to carry on the cornoners inquest on friday evening stouffville witnessed one of the few coroners inquests ever held in this village if the circumstances were such that we could decently tell the whole story it would prove most illuminating and entertaining for our readers but it proved to be one of those cases we cannot with decency publish because the evidence was not the sort of thing that children and young people should read therefore we forego issuing the evidence in detail but what of the case itself everybody who listened to the evidence was of the same mind that someone per formed an illegal operation and evidence led the court to strongly suspect a toronto person nevertheless the jury brought in the only possible verdict that could be brought in when they found that the woman came to her death through an illegal operation performed by some person or persons unknown it is one thing to know something but quite another thing to prove what you know in a court room the inquest established one fact beyond doubt namely that this woman died from an illegal act and that fact was well estab lished it is for criminal courts to take any further action if someone is to be prosecuted war savings stamps drive the most important news before the eyes of canad ian people at present is the activity across the country in preparation for the campaign in february to enlist two million men and wome as regular war savers the campaign will be nationwide and stouffville whitchurch and surrounding districts are preparing to take part in the drive it is planned to canvass every home to seek enlist ment in this necessary causa canadians may take pride in the knowledge that shrewd economists throughout the outside world are watch ing canadas war effort with intense interest comment from the united states and england in recent weeks indi cates a growing belief that canadas method of carrying out her economic program in war time sets a new hallmark in nation management there is more to this forthcoming campaign than raising 20 million dollars a year it is likely true that the government could scrap this job being done by tens of thousands of voluntary workers add 120 million dollars to the objective of the next war loan and get the money but if that were done only those with higher incomes and capital reserve would be able to participate hundreds of thousands in the lower income groups would then be forced to pay up through taxation alone from which there would be no return by placing emphasis on the sale of war savings cer tificates our leaders at ottawa are giving almost every body an opportunity to have a financial stake in the future of their country the policy is a longsighted one put simply this is what happens when we refuse to spend all the money we earn in war time and invest our savings in certificates we store up spending power against the time when the war is over and the war factories suddenly shut down then people will cash their certificates and start buying all those peacetime needs they have been doing without during the war and peacetime industrial firms faced with a sudden increased demand for manufactures of all kinds will then be forced to hire workmen released from war in dustries in order to meet the demand- canadians ask a fullout effort make that fullout war effort possible by devoting regularly a portion of your income to the job of carrying on the war this is a very small sacrifice to ask of canadians but at the moment it is vital and necessary to our war effort cabbages and strawbcries source of vitamin c the old scourge of seamen soldiers and explorers namely scurvy which was caused by lack of fresh fruit vegetables and fresh food generally and for which lime juice really lemonjuice was a specific is now readily pre vented by the use of either cabbage or strawberries of strawberries from three to live ounces say 30 berries or about 1 to 4 ounces of cabbage daily will suffice to prevent scurvy many other foods such for example as the local newspaper and its news coverage collingwood bulletin in a recent address at sher- brtoke a wellknown eastern editor pointed out some interest ing facts in the relationship of the local paper to its readers and to its community it has always been diflicult to get the public to under stand that the organization of a local paper is such as to encourage a much freer type of intimacy with its readers than is possible on the more detached city papers remarks the huntsville forester in other words our contemporary says the local editor in his weekly survey of the happenings of his locality re lies to a large extent upon the con tact he has with lils readers whose interests even though not wholly active has a noteworthy influence upon the character of the weekly issue and the extent of its news coverage headers can with very little effort materially help in the gathering of tl3 weeks happenings for recording in their local paper with no organ ized newsgathering staff the editor welcomes a phone call telling of this or that happening in the comi muiiity which might not otherwise have been known he likes to hear of the movement of the citizens to and from town he welcomes social notes in which his readers are inter ested and all other forms of news within the radius of his circulation the local paper could be made more truly a local weekly news paper if the public cultivated the habit of informing it of the little happenings which come to their notice many of which escape the watchful eye of the editor however alert he may be the same is also true of organ izations one organization has an alert press representative it secures liberal publicity another wonders why this is so obvious when in real ity there is a lack of interest within the organization to have its activi ties brought to the attention of the paper the local paper is essentially an institution very closely connected with the everyday life of the citi zens its service to the community is not wholly separated from the interest taken by its readers in news gathering such interest may very often greatly add to the appeal the paper has for its weekly readers commandments for the farmer for and thou shalt pay thy taxes 2 thou shalt be thankful small mercies 3 thou shalt produce more take less thou shalt uphold thy politics in all their crookedness thou shalt wear old raiment and save it for thy children thou shalt take no holidays thou shalt use no luxuries thou shalt not pay tax for fresh air thou shalt vote without con science thou shalt work long hours be frugal and die before old age pension age limit the cobourg world 4 if kttfuy sftomsts business directory medical 9i oun mad heres good advice for everybody fovrth camup already made divisional registrars across canada have issued notices calling young men to report for medical examination in preparation for the fourth compulsory military training period under the national re sources mobilization act it was an nounced at the national war ser vices department monday majgen l r lafleche asso ciate deputy minister of the depart ment said the call went out in the nonial course of affairs but could adr no further details the fourth class to be composed of single men between the ages of 21 and 24 was drafted blind sincj it is not ttnown yet whether the training period at the thirtyeight reserve army centres being used in canada will be the usual thirtyday stretch or an extended time poss ibly four months as suggested in some quarters an announcement from defense minister ralston regarding the length of the training period is ex pected shortly the third draft of reserve army men now in training will leave camp february 10 it is expected the fourth class numbering about 29000 will move in shortly after ward this should quiet tho numerous rumors about town for the time at least that the camp would close for two months send the tribune to absent friends how is your health good health is a real blessing but sickness is a joy killer and hindrance to pros perity and the real enjoyment of life i a person were told that he is responsible for his own health per haps he would feel quite indignant but what machine running at twice is capacity twentyfour hours a day year in and year out would last very long well that is the princip al by which some folk are running their system i is said that some people take about twice as much food as the system requires for the proper nourishment of the body with the result the organs are overworked and fail to do their duty because the system becomes overloaded with impurities nature comes to your relicf in some cases by a sick spell although it is not appreciated at the time this takes away the appetite and gives the organs of the body a chance to do their work however many people seem to think they will starve if they go without a few meals and insist on taking nourish ment which only retards their re covery perhaps some wellmeaning person will make up something tasty to induce an appetite and if one is in delicate health it may only cause a relapse a bilious attack is a great cleanser of course it is far from pleasant but is well worth the dis comfort it brings by ridding the system of impurities and perhaps save you from something more ser ious later on impurities turn to poisons and if left in the system soon affect the organs and one is liable to have trouble in any part of the body the heart may put up a kick or you may have an infection of some kind a soon as one is conscious that there is something wrong it is bet ter to right the trouble at once the organs of tue body will eliminate the poisons if given a chance but as they are already overworked the only thing to do is to stop the intake cither wholly or partially according to the gravity of the case a very ilgli diet might be advisable if the patient feels the need of something before the real appetite comes back but it will not return as long as poisons are circulating in the system once you are on the road to health be wise and do not try to fill up too fast take small helpings of easily- digested food for a time and only miough to last until tho next meal by continuing this policy you will he safeguarding yourself for- future years doubtless some people would not care to fast but remember if you are not well and have a poor appetite there is no easier road to rid the system of impurities and poisons than by fasting it is not likelv one would feel much discomfort in so doing even so is there anything pleasant about sickness or opera- lions to cleanse the system it has been said that glutton is the great est known enemy of long life so do not get the idea that you can gourge yourself indefinitely and get away t our regu lar shell service to check your battery frequently and add water when needed we also offer complete battery ser vice including recharging and replacement every new battery we sell is fully guaranteed we have the correct type for your car in several price ranges stop in and look them over x headways service station dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and mala phone 196 coroner for york county dr- arthur l horb physician and surgeon eyes tested phones mark 07 stouffville 306 stouffville office in residence of late dr storey office hours wednesday 1000 to 1138 saturday evenings 730 to 9 oclock dental e s barker lds bjdj honor graduate of royal cobix of dental surgeons and of ute university of toronto office in grublns block phone s201 markham every tuesdar office in wear block with it as nature will have its re- revenge and get you in some shape or form later on it is much better to skimp than to overload the system especially if you havent an active occupation by giving strict attention to your diet and taking only a reasonable amount of wholesome food you are doing more for your health with the proper care of the body than can be done in any other way one who knows goodwood ont afudic ut souaoh dr j f weatherill office over bank of commoa office hours 9 to 12 noon and 130 to 530 sm phone office phone residence- 180 18002 claremont every tuesday office over bakers store phone claremont 1401 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffvjj monday wednesday frldari 9 to 12 am insurance submitted by mj curtis music in schools of larger towns spinach turnips or potatoes do equally well on his first great voyage of discovery captain cook the celebrated navigator insisted that his sailors should use soups made from wild celery and other plants he set the example by eating wild celery himself and those of his crew who demurred were given the ropes end the saving agent in fresh foods fruits and vege tables is ascorbic acid both strawberries and cabbage are amply supplied with this acid the berries have from 36 to 65 milligrams oneone thousandth of a gram of ascorbic acid in each 100 grams of the fruit a gram is a little over 15 grains in cabbage the proportion runs from 48 to 181 milligrms to the 100 grams a common way in which to provide vitamin c for children is to give them a daily allowance of orange juice or other fruit juices and tomato juice- all these juices de teriorate on standing exposed to the air so they should be freshly prepared this is particularly true of tomato juice and cities is generally taught by a member of the staff who is also qualified with a special certificate in music some supervisors of mus ic spend all their time at music only in a large school in smaller towns and in oneroom ed schools the trend is more and mere towards the employment of a supervisor who spends his time in a group of schools and is employed by many boards the occupants is a highly competitive one and thus a school can often have a choice of two or three supervisors music supervisors are usually en gaged by the year and a grant of half the yearly salary is given by the department of education this arrangement provides the school with a lesson a week and super vision over the music lessons taught by tho regular teacher in the follow- up work during the week the plan has worked well so many schools have now taken it that the total annual grant for music for all the schools in the province is enormous as a direct result of increased interest in music music festivals have become very popular of late years pupils of public and secon dary schools compete as choirs and in solos and duets opportunity for competition in piano violin and other instruments is given by festi vals many have classes for reading and recitations as well the york musical festival held annually at aurora is attended by many york county school choirs soloists and students of piano or other instru ment these activities will bear fruit in ihe future choirmasters of church es throughout the county will dis cover more people interested in the choirs and will find them able to read music when they join the choir these who teach voice and piano will find more and more child ren wanting private lessons finally the level of taste in music and the interest of the general public in music will reach a height never he- fore known the achievement of that end is the purpose and plan of every one of the hundreds of music supervisors who labour daily in the schools of ontario see h o klinck obrien avei for your insurance needs ts firs life automobile burgltsy and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance ageccy representing reliable companies incladjogr lloyds of london england phone stouffville 25902 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire harry m spang representative mutual life insurance co- also mutual automobile insurance telephone 6616 stouffville ontario barristers office phone residence pfcone 3160 35m arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary panuc o king street east oshawa ontario resident partner brancb ooem wcpollardkc port perry uxbrldge ontario phono is r g clendening funeral director ambulance service brierbush hospital government licensed main street enst stouffville maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 191 phone markham 9000 l e oneill 8touffvhxjb funeral dffiectgr and embalmer continuous telephone serrfe day and night business phone residence pkom stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303