page six the tribune stouffville ont thursday nov 7th 1940 toronto goodwood flashes walter davey 8 stanton ave toronto olive tmaye was home over the weekend with her parents mr dudley white ot altona is having extensive repairs done to his farm buildings all roads lead to the goodwood united church fowl supper on nov 13th mr and mrs w davey and family visited mr and mrs oliver blizzard on sunday mrs rae and her workers would appreciate nice treats for the boys overseas christmas boxes e j davey of stouffville visited the davey homes on stanton ave last thursday send in your news items and birthday list you may be the weeks lucky prize winner oboyles of stouffville we note in their advertising can undersell the city stores in spots stouffville tribune subscribers may renew their subscriptions by calling on the correspondent an other new subscriber this week mr and miss lillian strehlow also miss ruth miller visited mr and mis george lee on wednes day mr and mrs welsh are now re siding on montrose ave having taken up housekeeping mr and mrs george lee were out to goodwood on saturday pleased to report our friend mr reuben gray has improed well enough to sit in a chair for his meals imr and mrs wellington smalley miss bertha and mr dean alcock spent sunday afternoon with mr and mrs norman feasby the scribe celebrate their birthdays this week including mrs kendall roseville frank wagg h harper and h roach the veteran clerk of uxbridge mrs collie visited mr and mrs w davey on wednesday united church anniversary ser vices and fowl supper posters arriv ed in toronto on wednesday mrs george hutchinson of manitoulin also mr and mrs leonard caddies of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs john maye mr and mrs wellington yake and verna also miss eunice and mr e yake spent a day last week with their sister mrs alger imaye the bypu are holding a social at the home of mr and mrs bert maye on friday evening messrs clate davis roy mcdon ald of stouffville also mr walter taylor spent sunday at mr alfred mcdonalds home visitors to goodwood as well as cement experts report the new side walk at goodwood one of the best keep up the good work john maye mr a strehlow visited our friends george morganson and the simpson family on monday the ladies in costume on hallowe en at goodwood had the younger sex guessing as to who they were thats the spirit ot balloween he scored jes siree ye old hock ey games have started once more at maple leaf gardens and the correspondent was on hand to see the opening game the goodwood war workers met at the home of mrs jones when about ten members turned out de spite the rough night on monday night november 4 we hear that the workers intend packing boxes for the boys overseas yes siree from the district we understand some seven of our men have gone over mr and mrs bert tindall and family also mr ralph smalley and norman and miss evelyn cain spent sunday with the r feasby family the lucky prize winner of last weeks correspondents list was our friend mrs irmssell feasby of the fourth line thank you imrs feasby the shepard family have moved ixxdox ketlisxs to the kivki in past centuriesthlt thames was a great highway for passenger services in more recent years londoners used it only for pleasure trips now as a wartime measure a river bus service has been started be tween westminster and woolwich mr alfred strehlow of north to toronto from goodwood also we dakota visited mr and imrs james davie also mr and mrs georges home on tuesday some very well known friends of note that bruce taylors have moved to toronto from goodwood alsu we note that bruce taylors moved to oshawa from the township safety first thats the stuff vaccination clinic at the town hall goodwood on saturday dr mcciintock in charge nothing like being on the safe side there was a halloween party at the goodwood school on thursday we understand miss betty thomp son and miss marie feren organized the affair games contests and riddles and oh oh those eats be sides how we wish we could have been there century baptist church on mcpherson where the george lewis family attended years ago and our friend miss olive ottewell of tor onto attends sometimes is cele brating their 40th anniversary ser vices on sunday dr c h schutt well known in goodwood and rev l s haverstock present pastor will preach a toronto tady who secured gas and oil at the rae garage goodwood last week asked the correspondent who was the elderly courteous gentleman who waited on her well i suppose it was my friend richard rae that is the good looking gentleman anyway more than once we have heard of the service of this garage with its courteous staff goodwood 52 weeks of news for 200 a grand christmas gift to whose money hat money why the money in the banks the money care fully put away by you and your neighbours in savings accounts the money you could have spent today but wanted to keep safely against some future need the businessmans money for use in his normal operations there are more than 4846000 bank deposit accounts savings and current within these two classes the great majority of deposits are small or of moderate amount ce but youd be wrong if you assumed from this that the rest of the deposits are owned by the few quite the contrary the railways for instance have deposits in the chartered banks and that indirectly includes the whole population of the dominion the trade unions have deposits millions of policyholders share in the ownership of insurance companies deposits cand dont overlook the deposits of wheat pools farm cooperatives churches municipalities and municipal hydro commissions school districts school childrens penny bank savings deposited with the chartered banks and commercial and mining corpora tions with very wide lists of shareholders large and small all over canada truly money on deposit in canadas chartered banks is owned in fact by you and your fellowcanadians in war as in peace canadas chartered banks maintain uninter rupted their useful services safeguarding depositors funds facilitating the nations business looking forward to peace with freedom as the only sure basis of enduring prosperity the chartered banks of canada mother dad sister and brother send along 200 for one full year and we will find you the balance of this year free new subscribers only while on the subject if you have a friend in hospital or one who would like a single copy of this paper let us know and we will see they gel one without charge birthday greetings to loraine hubbard of mount albert bill young brougham m norton how ard harper hozekiah roach frank wagg and mrs wm kendall of goodwood and the township we hear the goodwood booth at the taylor sale did well cor themselves while rendering a service that was appreciated by mrs taylor and family and by the public messrs d roberts and h pen- nock of stouffville were among the sunday guests at hollywood lodge island grove mr and mrs charles watson and family were in stouffville on sunday at imrs d watsons delbert holden of stouffville is to be complimented on his splendid dining hall known as the village inn on the premises of the old mansion house here we had a full course dinner on sunday set up to the kingis taste congratulations to the stouffville gold fish man and his wife mr and mrs bert lickorish who on november 12th observe their wed ding anniversary day bert was in the last war as a single man so we imagine this is about his guess we better not do any guessing albert maye of goodwood is minus one of his dairy cows since the straw stack fell over on the animal and suffocated it before it was rescued now isnt that an unusal accident we note that oboyles meat store n stouffville is attracting a lot of extra business with their attractive advertising and that their prices are favorable with the special put on at the gerrard meat stores well folks last week saw a ten page paper from the tribune office and we doubt if any other village in all ontario could show such a record ten pages all homeprint when most of the towns much larger print only four page3 and get four from tor onto if one reads the advertising carefully and picks up the bargains the paper will make you money over the subcription price that big sale at carswells store in stouffville is offering goods at reduced price which are actually increasing in price on the wholesale market the sale runs to the end of this week we hear miss lillian strehlow is holding a reception for her father who has been visiting his daughter for the past two weeks lmr strehlow is our brotherinlaw and lives at new england north dakota and for the past twentyfive years has been farming 1g00 to 2000 acres toronto has gained a worthy citizen in mr wm morgason ot goodwood who is now in the city for the winter months on october 28 this veteran of goodwood walk ed from his home there to leslie morgasons a mile and a half away then rode on to toronto he was on that day 90 year3 of age can you beat it simdayschoolj lesson nazis lose oaoo planes up to october 7 germany has lost about 6500 pianos valued at nearly 500000000 the london dally telegraph estimated in that days issue in addition it was said the germans have lost 13500 avia tors whose cost of training is far greater than the investment in plan es the daily telegraph estimated that in terms of money the germans have lost 360000000 worth of bombing planes and 120000000 worth of fighter planes armistice sunday the golden rule golden text as yet would that men should do to you do ye also to them likewise luke 631 the lesson as a whole as i pen these words armistice day seems a mockery with over half the world engaged in conflict far forse than anything known in the last great world war barbarities such as the cruelest of the infamous conquerors and despots of the past never even dreamed of or imagined possible have frozen millions with horror and given men to realize that the war that was fought to end war was just in effect a delus ive hope based on wishful thinking and unsupported by the word of god lasting peace there can never be while the prince of peace is re jected but the gospel of peace is still being proclaimed in the world and where men receive it it brings its glorious messape of comfort and cheer moreover they who respond to it are born anew 1 pet 123 and the new nature impared to them manifests itself in unselfish love both to their brethren in christ 1 john 210 and to all men everywhere riom 13810 that which has been well called the golden rule is not the gospel itself it is the result of believing that gospel he who has received eternal life by simple faith in christ john 647 is responsible to walk as he walked 1 john 26 and so to evidence unselfish consideration for others phil 2 l3there is noth ing meritorious in this it is the manifestation of the divine nature of which believers are partakers 2 pet 14 men of the world may profess great admiration for the golden rule it takes the grace of god to enable one to live in accord ance with it the historical setting the lesson is taken either from the socalled sermon on the mount or from a discourse very similar to it we need not suppose our lord never repeated himself doubtless he frequently gave similar messages as the need of his hearers required these words were spoken in the plain luke 617 but that plain was probably a level place part way down the mountain and therefore identical with the scene of matthew 5 to 7 this precludes any sugges tion of contradictory accounts verse by verse luke 627 do good to them which hate you this is love in activity it was fully displayed in our blessed lord who laid down his life for those who were his ene mies and who hated him without cause when we are born from above john 33 we receive the nature which is divine and so are enabled in our measure to walk in love toward all men no matter how injurious and hateful their be havior toward us may be verse 2s pray for them which despitefully use you this is faiths resource none are so vicious or de praved hut what there is a possi bility that they may ibe reached and softened by means of the throne of god we touch that throne by pray er blessing those who curse us we intercede with god on their behalf again our lord sets us the example he who prayed father forgive them for they know not what they do luke 2334 verse 29 unto him that smitcth thee on the one cheek we need not try to press this too liter ally our lord himself when smit ten on the one cheek is not said to have challenged his persecutor to smite the other it is rather the spirit of retaliation which is here rebuked the disciple of the lord jesus is to be content to suffer wrongfully even if sued at the law he is to be ready to give more than can be legally demanded it is a standard too high for the unregenerate man and seldo reached by those who profess to i followers of christ verse 30 give to every ma that asketh of thee observe it not said that we are to give wh every man asks to do so woul often mean to work injustice o others for the head of a family t give to beggars what his own housi hold whom he is responsible to cai for 1 tim 5 might sorely nee there are times when it is belt to give faithful advice than to bi stow alms but if ones goods ai taken by force we can be content t let them go when assured we pos ess the true riches that shall nevt pass away verse 31 as ye would th men should do to you this is clea and positive the great chines philosopher confucius gave a negj tive command saying to his dh ciples what you would not hav men do lo you do not do to them this is human the golden rule i divine it is the highest standard c altruism of which the world ha ever heard verse 32 sinners also lov those that love them it is nature for men to be fond of their ow associates and admirers but he wh cai mm s born of god will not confine love to those who love him in turn verse 33 sinners also do era the same it is clear from this thj jesus was putting before men i standard to which sinners could nq attain it is only the possessors the new and divine life who reach the ideal which he portrait and commands as that which shoul characterize his disciples verse 34 sinners also lend sinners to receive as much again if we test ourselves by this ho much better are we who profe faith in christ than those worl lings who are ready to assist oi another if they can do so withoi loss the closer we walk with chri the more will we be ready to shal what we have with our neeil brethren though they may never able to reimburse us verse 35 ye shall be the chili ren of the highest when men li in accordance with the precepts iiel enumerated they will be recognize as of a different order from men the world not only will they ha rich reward in eternity but here earth they will be manifested gods children partakers of nature his character will be seen them verse 36 merciful as yol father of the highest when mf live in accordance with the preceu here enumerated they will recognized as of a different ordl from men of the world not onl will they have rich reward in eter ity but here on earth they will manifested as gods children pal takers of his nature his charactr will be seen in them verse 36 merciful as vol father also is merciful no low standard will do for the conscienj ous believer as a child of god will seek to act in such a way as make the father known to otheil mercy is a virtue little recognizi where the gospel of christ is known consequently cruevty arj hardness of heart abound whel idolatry rules it was christ who i ealed to mankind the true nature god as a loving tender mercifj father verse 37 judge not and shall not be judged it is the tempt to judge the motives of oth that is here prohibited no man competent to do this because he c not look into anothers heart co sequently he is assuming a respc sibility that is not his when he cc demns others if he forgives the who offend against him he will forgiven when he needs to sue i mercy this refers of course restorative forgiveness when a 1 lieer has failed verse 38 with the same mel ure that ye mete in gods govei ment he will see to it that we l treated at last as we treat otho the generous heart will reco generously in return no one ej loses by loving nor becomes pi by giving for he has the blessing those needier than himself vmsogajto a welcome spirit of good- natured friendliness is a delightful feature of coach travel youll enjoy this friendly way to travel tickets and information ai gray coach lines