the tribune stouffville ont thursday nov 7th 1940 page fivh special save 49c 3 lb tin johnstons paste wax 140 10 oz bottle johnstons furniture polish 2 total value 189 special value both for 140 choice white corn 3 no 2 tins 25c bulk black tea broken pekoe lb 60c white cooking beans 5 lbs 25c stone bean pots each 32c brunswick sardines per tin 6c tiger catsup 26 oz bottle 19c miracle whip salad dressing 8 oz 21c marshmallows lb- ps 25c toilet tissue swan 3 rolls 25c neilsons cocoa lb tin 19e kellogs all bran per pkg 22c ratcliff co town delivery stouffville ontario phone 7112 mongolia sing song at mr ira rusnells on tuesday night mr and mrs simeon reesor and family visited with mr and mrs allan wideman on sunday mr and mrs wm rennie wore sunday visitors with mr and mrs roy wilson of alha mr and imrs e madill and family of toronto visited with mr and mrs o zellers on sunday we would be pleased to see an increase in number at the sunday school next sunday the stouffville mennonite young people held their weekly prayer meeting at fred pughs this week it is to be held at isaac lehmans last thursday the children of mongolia school enjoyed a real lalloween party they dressed in costumes played games and indulg ed in sandwiches cookies and candy and a peanut scramble we are glad to hear that rev h shantz makes a weekly visit on wednesday morning to mongolia ps the pupils are studying the nook of st john under his instruc tions mr and mrs blake vanzant ot aurora visited with his parents mr and mrs ed vanzant on sunday mr fred pugh called on mr art vanzant on sunday and was pleased to find him much improved in health dicksons hill miss doris lott was home on sun day mrs kenneth campbell visited with mrs orval drewery one day last week only a few more opportunities to hear mrs brown at dicksons hill take advantage of every service thursday friday and sunday wms was held at mrs roy moyers last week the ladies are meeting once a fortnight at present to take care of the extra work sunday visitors with mr and mrs kenneth walker were mr simeon hoover imisses martha and edith bethesda goodwood miss elsie hoover of markham is the goodwood willing war employed with mrs jacob wideman the w m s are holding their meeting this wednesday at the home of mrs shaffer the meeting of the y p u have been withdrawn during the preach ing mission at melville church misses selena and flossie atkin son spent the weekend with mr and mrs a galbralth at newtonbrook mr and mrs fred allin and family visited with relatives in minesing on sunday mr and mrs clifford gordon of queensville spent sunday with mr and mrs charles atkinson and family there will be a meeting ot the ore c executive of whitchurch township in bethesda church on november 22 mr and mrs wellington yake and verna had tea on sunday with mr and mrs s lmackuen in stouff ville the junior institute will meet next wednesday november 13th at the home of mrs arthur steckley the members are asked to bring with them the fruit canned for the red crss and mrs e brown in addition to his chosen vocation of farming we hear that earl has a hobby at which hes become quite proficient sketching ladies hats from the rear view the chirivari friends of mr and mrs jim walker enjoyed a halloween party at their home at dmibaiton thursday night and pre sented the couple with a mantle- clock imiss elizabeth wideman who accompanied by mrs abrara ray- mer of markham visited with rela tives in alberta this past month re turned on sunday welcome home miss edith hoover left the com munity on monday and will spend another winter in toronto recent visitors with mr and mrs wm redshaw were mr and mrs joe brown of lindsay and mr and mrs ed redshaw of claremont dicksonns hill school was the scene of a halloween party on thursday afternoon and of course everyone enjoyed the event we supposedtobe grownups remem ber vividly the pleasure of school- day parties and hope that the cus tom will never die out workers met at the home of mrs charles jones opening with prayer and a report given by the secy and treasurer plans were made to send christmas boxes to our soldier boys in iceland and england dress goods was given out to be made into child rens clothes for refugees a report was given on goods which have been shipped to the salvation army in cluding 3 large boxes of socks sweaters quilts scarves wristlets pyjamas and childrens dresses and second hand clothing the following letter dated october 7 from a local boy in england was read dear mrs rae and friends just a line to let you know that i received your most welcome box and i certainly appreciated it very much it is nice to know that one is re membered at home i am having a ery nice time in england although it is marred somewhat by jerry making a nuisance of himself so often the reaction of the bomhings on the english people is not what hitler expected they are not afraid but more determined than ever that nazism be wiped out the rainy season has started here now and it is most miserable at times i am most terribly tired tonight and i dont feel much like writing so please forgive me for this short note thank all my friends for their kindness yours very truly john t evans a menace active cooperation o every ontario farmer is necessary to stamp it out ontario has a really serious outbreak of hog cholera this deadly infectious disease of swine has reached alarming proportions in the counties of essex and kent with smaller outbreaks in lambton elgin norfolk and haldimand if the disease is not controlled it is certain to spread to neighbouring counties every precaution must be taken the ontario department of agriculture is actively co operating with the federal department of agriculture and farmers in their efforts to stamp out this disease if the spread of hog cholera is not checked now every pig raiser in ontario stands to lose only the immediate and wholehearted cooperation of every ontario farmer will stamp out this menace to the hog industry how to prevent hog cholera the departments of agriculture strongly recommend every pig raiser to take the following precautions confine all hogs to pens or yards that have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with an approved disinfectant 2 l centres of heavy infection if possible keep hogs away from straw stacks as this is a place usually frequented by birds such as starlings sparrows and pigeons which may have come direct from an infected barnyard destroy as many pigeons sparrows and starlings as possible keep your ne and i up at night keep stray dogs off your farm a burn any dead pigs or bury them so deeply that stray dogs will not dig them up c keep all doors closed and protect the win dows so that no dogs or- birds can enter the pons g do not visit neighbours hog pens nor allow neighbours to visit yours 7 always have a pan of strong disinfectant solution just inside the door so that anyone 8 o keep dogs out of the pig pen dog under control in the daytime and tied entering the pen can disinfect his shoes and insist on its use keep livestock trucks olf your farm if you havo stock to ship load up at the end of the lane diseasebearing refuse dropping from the bottom of the truck might easily be carried to your hogs g do not purchase feeder hogs except from dependable sources within a clean district jq isolate nowly purchased breeding stock for at least three weeks before permitting them to run with hogs already on the premises j j in areas where hog cholera exists be extremely careful about breeding outside sows with your boar where hogs are serum treated follow to the letter instructions given by the vet erinary inspector of the federal department of agriculture 3 yeod only carefully balanced rations wellfed hogs havo the strongest resis tance to disease 12 atha lmiss isabel trail spent last week end in claremont imiss jean milton spent sunday with her grandmother mrs dunkeld mr allen myers is busy plowing with his new tractor tor mr will coates mr and mrs eli lehman and grace motored to victoria corners near gamebridge on sunday to visit mr lehmans niece imr and mrs m dunkeld and family also mr and mrs f wagg altona spent sunday with mr and mrs a wagg at leaskdale mrs william carruthers and fam ily from cashel had dinner on sun day with arthur and mrs carruth ers ernie carruthers and his mother called on wednesday to see mrs b lloyd of whitby who at time of writing is very ill mr and mrs bone of toronto spent sunday with mrs b bone and family miss molly dyck is at present keeping house for her uncles the dyck brothers the mongolia tin pan brigade tendered mr and mrs joe tran lovely shower an enjoyable evening was spent playing euchre mr david tran and joe each won first in their respective classes at south ontario plowing match at manchester david also won the salada tea special the class meeting met at mrs b bones last week their main speak er was mr cockburn his subject being the need of study of church history mr and imrs john scott called on friends on sunday at the base line to visit the old homestead as large number of farms have been taken over by the government rev arthur and mrs greer and two children were dinner guests one day last week with mr and mrs carruthers it being their wedding anniversary day for the newmaket folk make bigger profits bacon is what you make it 85of the cost of producing a bacon hog is the feed cost marmill and master pig starters and hog concentrates and rations are carefully built up to correct protein mineral and vitamin balance to give the most economical gains and enable the farmer to get the greatest value out of homegrown grains piggy pellets pellet feeding is superior from both sanitary and convenience standpoint with less danger from scours when pellets are fed keep trough cleaned provide plenty of fresh water to drink order your molasses now for winter feeding central feed store price pugh prop phone 2t7 members are from stouffville sut ton and toronto namely frank baker sam armstrong rolph flint f curwell george holborne fred wilmot frank burrows reg sedore percy reid stan cook e pollock and dr beatty farewell to missionaries next sunday evening the service at wideman church will take the form of a farewell to mr and mrs l s weber who are leaving for the mission field in south america church announcements christ church anglican rev f herman rector sunday november 10th 1940 200 pm evening prayer and sermon the rector will be in charge lemonville ballantrae united churches rev w s irwin pastor sunday november 10th 1940 sabbath school and worship 1000 and 1100 am oballantrae 200 and 300 pm lemonville tuesday nov 12 s pm an evening with mr w barrington toronto accompanied by a quartette from peoples church moving pictures on a trip to frince edward island by gaspe will be given come and enjoy an evening give and it shall be given unto you luke 638 stouffville presbyterian church rev t do courcy rayner jlinister sunday november 10th 1940 945 am remembrance day service subject bought for a price ought you not to attend church hog cholera is highly contagious and can spread very rapidly the above precautions put into practice today will do much to prevent the spread of this deadly disease ontario department of agriculture hon p m dowan minister of agriculture w r reek deputy minister 8th line markham miss grace shank went to bres- lau last thursday to attend the wedding of a friend messrs reg and harry kirk vis ited at the parental home on sun day miss agnes ford of grovetown ontario was a sunday visitor with miss edith byer mrs russell pike was a city visit or on monday the progressive literary society met at the tiome of mr and mrs leonard hoover on thursday even ing october 31 mr ivan leadley was in toronto on tuesday a number from here attended the ringwood plowing match on tues day halloween has come and gone again and some of the youngsters of tho community made merry by dres sing as ghosts witches and black cats making their usual early calls they were well rewarded by treats of cakes candles etc at the hal loween party at north markham school little grace leadley received first prize being dressed as a witch stouffville mennonite church rev h shantz pastor sunday november 3rd 1940 1000 am sunday school 1100 am divine worship 230 pm mongolia s s 700 pm evangelistic- monday evening at stouffville 8 studies in revelation by the pastor tuesday evening 8 pm mon golia meeting thursday eevning 8 pm prayer meeting at altona and stouffville friday evening s00 atha prayer meeting at the home of mr and mrs charles gostick come and worship with us you will be made welcome stouffville baptist rev duncan macgregor pastor friday s pm bible class sunday november 10th 1940 1000 am bible school classes for all ages 1100 marning worship 700 pm evening worship we preach christ crucified wed 8 pm prayer meeting men ought always to pray everybody welcome melville bethesda peachs united churches rev a j orr minister sunday november 10th 1940 peachs 1000 am melville 1115 am 1 bethesda j prn melville 730 special evangel istic service preacher rev j a cranston dd of toronto stouffville united church l e atkinson minister sunday november 10th 1940 950 am sunday school and and bible class 1100 am morning worship going backward to go forward 700 pm evening worsh rev robt young ba will conduct the service wednesday 8 ipm the monthly meeting of the garrett evening auxiliary will meet at the parsonage strangers and visitors are always welcome at these services derr reware 1 the stouitvllle and sutton hunt club have gone to camp with a com plete membership this year the dickson hill and mt joy mennonite churches rev p g lehman pastor dicksons htiilj sunday november 10th 1940 standard time 10 am and 745 pm mrs e brown evangelist will preach 1100 am bible school mount joy daylight saving time 1030 am bible school 1130 am morning worship mr lehman will preach s00 pm worship mr shepherd will preach services of inspiration and sound gospel preaching friendly churches come bloomington ringwood christian churches s h cockburn pastor sunday november 10th 1940 107th anniversary services at rioonilngton 1100 am dr thomas mitchell of ringwood will preach music by forsytho quartette 700 pm the kinsmen quar tette in charge with mr oliver raymcr preaching the regular services at ringwood will be held at 230 pm the pastor in charge 700 pm altona to hi spiritually minded is life and peace romans s6 second markham baptist church stanley medhurst pastor revival services nov 4th nov 17 thursday 745 gospel service friday 745 young people ser vice rev w j williamson will have s special message for the young people sunday november 10th 1940 945 sunday school 1100 worship rev williamson communion service music special music 700 pm gospel service rev w j williamson special music monday 745 pm gospel service soloist mr vickers tuesday 745 gospel service mr and mrs lacy of quintette will sing special wed 745 gospel service mr and mrs lacy will sing stouffville christian church r k vickers pastor thursday ten talent club at the hifme of imiss loreen wagg mrs utowbotham in charge sunday november 10th 1940 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship the pastor will preach 700 pm evening service will be cancelled in favour of tho anni versary at bloomington center field choir will meet at bloomington fol lowing the evening meeting church hhjj 200 pm sunday school 300 pm worship service thursday endeavour at hoylo isrcthours home the cross is the divine symbol of victorious love