the tribune stouffville ont thursday october 31 1940 page seven now for carswelps economy store buyxw statement of facts regarding one of the greatest sales and value giving events in the history of this town a mighty sacrifice just when you expect to pay new high prices stock up now thrifty shoppers wont miss these savings in a good many instances prices are actualy below todays wholesale prices positively no bluff many items cannot be replaced right when we should be geting regular prices we aband our profits and pass the savings on to you every price offers a wonderful saving read the items come and see the gala array of bargains extra sale staff will be at your service doors open thursday oct- 31st sharp at 9 am be here bright and early sale starts thursday oct 31st and ends saturday november 9th only 9 days hurry and get your supply of the bargains a mighty sacrifice just when you expect to pay new high prices save china dept bargains cups saucers 25 doz fancy china and clover leaf cups and saucers sale special 10c salad dishes fancy china 9 inch assort ed designs reg 25c half price 2 for 25c 1 only 97 piece english dinnerware in sunburst pattern extra special 2345 dinner sets 97 piece english porcelain green band trim regularly 1635 special sale 1394 dinner sets 97 piece embossed english porcelain reg 1295 sale 977 50 doz 10 doz plain white cups first quality fancy fruit dish 7 in extra special 627c 9c ea special 20 pc discount on all china glassware and crockery sale of cottons 40ins grey cotton special sale l vd 36 ins grey cotton reg 20c yd sale 16c yd- 36 in grey cotton reg 25c yd sale 19c yd 36 in grey cotton reg 29c sale 22c yd 40 in grey cotton ireg35c yd sale 27c yd 37 in bleached cotton reg 35c yd sale 25c yd 35 in bleached cotton reg 29c yd sale 23c yd 35 in bleached cotton reg 25c yd sale 17c yd 100 yds heavy quality white terry towelling 20 inreg39c sale price 29c pyjamas in pastel shades with con trasting itrim sm and laige reg 159 sale 127 extra spectal 17 only silk knitted slips black only med large os reg 150 rush sale 69c ea dont overlook th hosiery bargains towel sale buy and save 5 doz terry towels assort ed colors and checks sale 10c ea 10 doz hath towels extra heavy 23x44 fancy checks in green rose and blue reg 50c sale 39c ea dish cloths 10 doz knitted cotton col ored checks large size sale 8c ea 5 doz terry towels large size good quality fancy stripes reg 35c sale 24c ea tea towels 15 doz fancy candy stripes and checks in red blue green and gold reg 19c sale 12sc ea towelling 100 yds pure linen towell ing stripe border extra special sale 25c yd lingerie sale 5 doz snuggles and vests rayon ond cotton size m l reg 35c sale price 500 pre fullfashioned in chiffon and semi service first quality every pair guaranteed to give long lasting wear the new fall shades are here sizes svilovj reg 98c sale 65c pr 2 pr 125 womens hose pure thread silk fashioned leg seamless foot the new fall shades are flirtatious coco pep permint dnd joyous sizes 910 reg 50c sale 37c pr 200 prs celnnese hose in peppermint coco joyous flirtatious bizes 910 reg 39c sale 25 dozen prs chiffons crepes and service full fashioned new fall shades pure thread silk buy now for the entire sea son the savings make it well worth while sizes s to 10 irg 115 sale 94c pr 27c pr 25 doz pr silk and wool rein forced heal and toe colors gunmetal toupemist and black sizes 910 reg 50c pr sale 34c 3 pr 100 sockees pure wool all shades sizes s10 sale 39c pr 300 prs rayon and lisle plain and ribbed tops all wanted shades sizes 910 reg 59c sale 44c pr i boys and girls fine ribbed cotton hose double heel and toe slze3 610 sale 24c pr heres where to save 10 dozen cotton hose black size57 sale 9c pair 15 doz ribbed cotton hose black sizes 610 sale 19c pair buy hosiery for months to come 10 dozen heavy double thread cotton hose spliced heel and toe colors black and suntan 910 reg 29c pr sale 23 pr underhose fashioned leg and seamless foot botany wool and cou ton mixture re 50c pr sale 37c pr 27c ea 5 dozen bloomers and panties rayon silk fancy stripe m l reg 35c sale pine rayon and silk full cut outsize regular 85c sale golf socks boys golf socks pure wool elastic top sizes 710 colors srey brown and heather mixtures reg 75c sale 47c pr silk wool 10 doz botany wool and silk and wool hose double soles spliced heel and toe sand shades sezes 710 reg 69c prsale 47c pr extra special 3 doz only pure wool full- fashioned lloso sizes 8 9 color pearl flush reg 125 out they go 25c pr golf socks boys heavy cotton ribbed golf sockscolors grey tan blue elastic top sizes 7 10 reg 35c sale 24c pr 20 doz boys and girls bot any wool fine rib colors sand and black sizes 7- 10 sale 39c pr sizes 46 sale 29c pr 150 pairs all wool cash mere hose fashioned leg and seamless foot new fall shades iriegular 69c par sale 54c pair 2 pr 100 corsets corsettes girdles 75 prs corsets glrdes and corsettes la dreosse and d a make our rogular stock line all sizes reg 150 sale 50 prs corsots girdles and corsottes bro ken lines all sizes reg 250 rush clearance sale 119 169 save on staples denims drills cotton tweeds 100 yds in blue and bluck i vds cotton tweeds brown reg 39c yd sale stripe reg 59c sale 29c yd 39c yd moleskins denims 150 yds striped moleskin blue and black denims soz wgt regularly 49c sale special 37c per yd flannel grey union flannel shirting 34 in wide ireg 59c sale 47c yd flannelette 27 in plain white and stripes reg 17c sale lc yd 1000 yds white flannelette also light and dark stripes 381ns reg 25c yd sale iscper yd 300 yds yama flannels woolettes and uulaussae flunncls figured and striped patterns reg 35c yd sale 29c per yd jhiiiluwiiiwiil 1 doeskin and cotton shirtings 1000 yds cotton shirtings 300 yds plain doeskin and stripes and checks 32 and i heavy cotton check shirting 36 in wide reg 35c sale i 36 ins wide reg 49c 29c yd 38 yd broadcloths prints 1000 yds broadcloth good quality fine even weave all wanted colors also black and white 36 ins wide reg 25c sale 21c per yd 750 yds print large variety of patterns to chose from regularly 29c yd sale 24c per yr bern ywsi 0um and aue 5 pieces todoussae and cotton tweeds 30 ins wide variety of patterns and colors ireg to 49c yd sale 33c per yd cotton plaids in red greeu g ood quality cloth 3s ins wide reg 50c yd sale 39c per yd wool twbeds in blue brown and grey 30 ins wide regularly 75c sale 59c per yd 150 yds allwool santoy and wool and rnyon dress material 36 ins wide regularly to 150 yd sale price 69c per yd qlaoed cmaid box oawe 6 doz neckscarves variety of styles new fall colorings reg 76c sale ladies gloves all wool new fall styles fancy knit colors and white reg 69c sale aq pa ladles chamolsette glove3 new fall shades variety of styles sizes 68 i reg 125 sole on n 3 doz handbags new styles large size inside fittings colors black navy green wine and brown reg to 150 sale 94c each i i wallpapersale 1940 final patterns clearance 25 pc discount sweater coats pullovers all new fall shades with long sleeves and mado from pure wool sizes 1420 reg 249 sale 188 carswelps economy store 9 big days surpassing all previous sales sweater coats pullover all pure wool assorted colors sizes 34- 40 reg up to 200 sale 97c