Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 16, 1939, p. 7

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page six the tribune stouffville ont thursday nov 16th 1939 p l- j 7b v ssi toronto- goodwood f l 4 5 tf w davey 8 stanton ave birthday greetings to our friends pauline oake roseville nov 18 russell dowswell nov 13 and george robinson goodwood nov 17 mr oswald lee spent last week in ottawa on business mr and mrs lang blueman and son visited mrs blueman in uxbridge on sunday mr charies feasby tailed on the correspondent on monday we wish to thank the sender of the poster bill advertising the anniversary of the united church also the fowl supper nothing like being prepared the correspondent is one of those fellows who can stand the heat hence in addition to his winters supply of coal along comes a load of that well known goodwood hardwood for the fire mr and mrs oliver blizzard and mr and mrs harold thor- ley visited at the correspon dents home on wednesday last mr and mrs bert tindall and family were visiting mrs russell feasby one day recently miss laura ashenhurst was at home with her parents mr a new valuable tool in education recent tests conducted by prominent educators have shown parents educa tors and students that the portable type writer is a most valuable educational tool in a dramatic two years series of tests they have proven that most chil dren improve grades as much as 14 when using a portable typewriter an unexpected outcome was that in addition to betterment in conposition gsstraphy hirtory science and even aritamehc self expression became easier even for shy students you tco can have this mariilojs cduca- lional aid for remincicn rand makes it easy lo get only a smal ueposit and ternn as low as 10c a d-t- vill bring ycu the rcmctte portare c models a trifle higher read what prominent educators say about stjdent use of typewriters send for free booklet 32page touch method instruction book with any remington portable you buy it contains lessons ex ercises charts and illustrations to help 23 teach you yp b the touch method remington remette portable lowest priced complete standard portableyn canada full standard keyboard shift keys shift lock back spacer margin stops extra strong geared type action nothing that can get out of order full mechanical guarantee youll be thrilled when you see how easy it is to type with the remette portable special carrying case included in the pur chase price of your remington portable is a smartly designed carrying case se n r eau p 6 n n o w remington rand limited 199 bay street toronto canada gentlemen please send me at once booklet tots at the typewriter also information on how i can get a remington portable on terms as low as i0c a day i i j name i get this booklet free address j city the stouffville tribune stouffville- ontario and mrs a ashenhurst meet the fourth line folks at the united church fowl supper on november 15th mr and mrs norman feasby visited mr and mrs v smalley on sunday yes siree some day the correspondent hopes to vis it these same folks mr hillyard pugh called on us on wednesday last sorry to hear our friend john todd is on the sick list how many children now liv ing in goodwood ever recall goodwood with two hotels yes siree and the buildings still stand the victoria hotel now the property of my friend wm todd and the goodwood hotel now the property of my friend thomas baston the heart of the empire is a picture every englishman and canadian should not miss it just takes you back home to dear old england for tickets see mrs n wage those advs in the tribune are well read here in toronto one man especially reads every word who well its my good friend fred haigh clarke hill son of mr and mrs headley hill is spending the weekend with the scribe and family clarke lives in the town of newmarket many new subscribers in the city and the latest one is none other than our friend lena mcdonald from goodwood mr and mrs fred haigh spent the weekend at their daughters home bowmanville ontario meet me at the heart of the empire goodwood town hall friday nov 24 8 pm its tough for our friend jack todd who is on the sick list at this hunting season mrs james we understand is now in the city for medical care our friend mrs lee is not well perhaps the mild weather will help pleased to hear our friend john latcham is improving how it cheers a person up to see the daughters and sons visit you when you are ill mrs cane and miss latcham were home over the weekend to to see their father pleased to receive a phone call from mrs beaver sister of howard harper and very glad to be able to inform her the date of the united church fowl supper on nov 24th mrs beaver is enjoying a copy of the tribune sent her after her phone call well well did you ever real ize that a person has a tough time cutting their teeth when small and also a hard time to ivii jill z keep them in order but still a tougher time getting rid of them so heres hoping our friend marie feren has re covered from her tooth and ear aches oh yes we can sympa thize with her pleased to hear of the num ber of goodwood children be longing lo the library well the old saying please the children and you will also please the parents now altogether you kiddies just see that dad and mother are with you at the heart of the empire on nov 24 in goodwood ill be seeing you on saturday nov 18 at the queen street east presbyterian church the wedding will take place of miss gladys arm strong daughter of our friends mr and mrs oscar armstrong gait ave to mr clifford hedley of toronto rev samuel john ston will officiate and the brides sister mrs gracey will be maid of honor the brother of the groom will be best man after a weeks trip to us the young couple will reside in toronto attention goodwood folk some time ago a library was started in goodwood the pro gress and success of this is no doubt better known to our vill age folks than it is to the correspondent not living in the old home village patronage and support could not be personally given so friends once again the correspondent interids being present on friday nov 24th at 8 pm he takes with him a young man who not only is de sirous of helping the corres pondent to try to boost along this good work but to encour age those connected with this work mr harris has some 70 minutes of pictures of london and cornish coast trooping the colors the funeral of the late king the life of edward the coronation of our king and queen and their visit here in torontonow goodwood and dis trict friends here is a chance to help a good work these pic tures with mr harris are given to the library free it is up to you now roseville many happy returns of the day to our friend mrs kendall who celebrated her 70th birth day on wednesday november 8th mrs ralph smalleys mother mrs quibell is visiting her daughter for a few days pleased to report russell johnstons hand has healed nicely jim tompkins is working the hills on his place on the 5th nov 9th was our friend frank waggs birthday mrs oke made her first indian corn soup with pigs feet and was a big success private michael oke very happy at the oshawa barracks mr fred stiner gets around visits uxbridge and chats with his old friends he is 85 years old sir alexander mackenzie a giant among canadas men of action partner in the famous north west company he discovered two of canadas mighty rivers in 1793 at the ago of 30 ho was the irst white man to roach tho paciiic ocean overland by crossing tho north american continent north of tho spanish possessions his daring trip via peace and fraser rivers opened up a now world beyond tho rockies to canadian fur trader like the intrepid explorers of those early days enterprising canadian business men today are seeking and finding new outlets and new profits in export business they find the services of this centuryold bank of value in advising regarding new connections and later in handling the financial details of ship ments we invite inquiries from those desirous of extending their trade at home or abroad worldwide facilities in all departments of banking us well folks as the correspon dent writes flash items for the coming issue a letter arrives from mrs norman wagg secretary and librarian of the goodwood library at their meeting a programme of music was arranged for the big night at the town hall when the picture heart of the empire will be shown by mr harris friend of the correspondent with a musical program and a film picture of some 1 vi hours presentation of gifts to the folks holding the lucky num bers it sure does look like a big nights entertainment at a price where our friends will be able to enjoy it sunday school lesson eouggosg fry jr ami lesson for november 1j warnings and promises golden text a3 ye would that men should do to you do ye also to them likewise luke 631 the lesson as a whole by h a ironside litt d as we continue in the study of this great discourse of our lords we find ourselves searched more and more deeply by his solemn utterances fie who desires truth in the inward parts psa 516 was speaking through his son in a man ner calculated to lay hare all the hidden springs of character and to cause every honest soul to real ize how far short he conies to the glory of god in the first five verses o this section he exposes that al most unconscious hypocrisy so com mon to us all which leads us to pudge our fellows so severely while overlooking or excusing our owu sin as though they were of no moment then he goes on to show the necessity of being on praying ground ourselves if we would re ceive the expected answer to our petitions the broad and narrow ways are placed in vivid contrast the first be ing the road followed by all who ignore the grace of god revealed in christ and its claims upon mankind and the other the path of devotion to him who came not to bo minister ed unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many matt 2028 note that it is the way that leads to life not merely to heaven at the end of life verse by verse matt 71 judge not it is a question of motives there are cir cumstances when the people of god are commanded to judge 1 cor 512 in the sense of dealing with offenders against the christian standard of morals even to exclud ing them from church fellowship 1 cor 55 13 but wo are not to attempt to sit in judgment upon the hidden springs of action the motives of the heart if we disobey this command we need not be sur prised if others pass judgment on us in a similar way verse 2 with what measure ye mete we will be measured our selves by the same stringent rule that we apply to others verse 3 the mote the beam the one word signifies something infinitesimal like a tiny splinter while the other means a heavy log there is a fine irony here that is very striking verse 4 how wilt thou say to thy brother even the world says consistency thou are a jewel one cannot expect to correct a fault in another if he manifests an even more glaring one verse 5 thou hypocrite the original word was used by the greeks to designate an actor it means literally a second face as actors of old wore masks to re present the characters portrayed we speak of being twofaced god demands reality verse 6 neither cast ye your pearls before swine it is folly to endeavor to present the deeper and mors precious things- of the divine revelation to me who have no de sire for holiness verse 7 ask seek knock in these words our lord stresses the importance of prevail ing prayer which is not just a cas ual or thoughtless repeating of cer tain words we are bidden to ask that is to make our requests known to god phil 46 7 and if not answered at once we are to seek further by endeavoring to learn more clearly the mind of god in the matter that we may pray with en lightened intelligence isa 269 then we are to knock with that importunity which implies sincere exercise and faith which brings the answer luke 11510 verse s every one when gods conditions are complied with the answer is sure not for some but for all who approach him in prayer in accordance with his re vealed will verse 9 will he give him a stone a stone might bear an out ward resemblance to a loaf of bread but it could not be enjoyed nor could it nourish and sustain verse 10 a fish a serpent one is food to strengthen and build up the other is poisonous deal ing death verse 11 how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things human parent hood is only a feeble picture of the fatherheart of god who delights in wiving to his children that which is for their gooa verse 12 whatsoever ye would that men should do to you this is indeed the golden rule it is link ed with prayer for no one can pray aright who is not characterized by active benevolence to his fellows 1 john 31722 this is not the gospel it is the fruit of the gospel verse 13 wide is the gate and broad is the way that ieadeth to destruction this is the way of self- will of disobedience to gods word all are on the broad way who re fuse to own their needy condition and ignore the claims of christ it is entered by a wide gate for all men naturally choose this road verse 14 strait is tho gate and narrow is the way unto life there is no real life apart from the knowledge of christ 1 john 512 it is as we yield our wills to him that we enter the straight gate and pass into the narrow way this leads to life life in its richest fullest sense to be enjoyed in measure here on earth hut embraced in all its fullness in a blest eternity the heart of tlio lesson once more we find our lord in sisting on reality no shalow empty religiousness will do for god we cannot know hlmas our father who loves to meet our needs in his grace and mercy unless we are honest in coking his face to judge others upercihously while living in sin ourselves is abominable in his sight business directory medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dental neil c smith ldsdji office ovor bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 noon and 130 to 530 pm phone office phone residence 1001 1015 claremont every tuesday office over wilkinsons store phone claremont 1401 e s barker lds ddj3 honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday frldayi 9 to 12 am insurance see h o klinck obrien avei or your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of london england phone stouffville 25902 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire stewart beare radio service of newmarket formerly of markham in stouffville every wednesday brathwaites hardware phone 9601 at barristers mccullough button flbuttonkc hrbuttonba barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffville money to loan miscellaneous l e oneill stouffville funeral dffiector and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phon r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stbuflrvlllo maternity medical and surgical cases taken service 24 hour ambulance registered nurses and service mrs e r good phone 191 if we are honestly seeking to know him and ready to do his will he will guide us to the straight gate which is submission to the claims of christ thus leading into the narrow way of unselfish devotion to god and to the interests of those for whom christ died this is indeed the way to life

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