page two the tribune stouffville ontario thursday april 6th 1939 ije tnnffmu ttjribmu established 1888 a member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per year in advance in canada 5200 i usa 5250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher notes and comments according to the bowmanville statesman that town is already considering a spring cleanup day it may seem early to be talking of a general cleaningup of yards streets and lanes vacant lots and other places where debris collects but it is not too soon to start considering plans for the successful carrying out of such a day in the past some local trucker has usually started the ball rolling with his tin can day the statesman goes on to say that in many towns a day is decided on the pubic are asked to cooperate and thus in one day of combined efforts as much is accomplish ed as would otherwise be done over a period of weeks and much better done as well it is true that most citizens will give their own yards and general surroundings a thorough spring cleanup they rake up anything that is loose and burn whatever can be destroyed in this manner the rest must be disposed of in dividually or just left in a heap where more will accumu late others there are who give little thought to matters of this kind unless it be that because everybody is doing it they feel in duty bound to fall in line and do like wise more out of shame than pride but the psychological effect is there and the result is what counts the duty of the town council and board of health would be first to set aside the day and outline what is asked of the citizens on that particular day and why the facilities of the town in men and trucks should be available for the removal of such rubbish as may have been raked up by the citizens and which should be disposed of in suitable manner if the town has not sufficient equip ment the engaging of a few extra trucks for a day or two should be considered in order the town would thus start off the summers season with clean skirts it would prove an incentive to citizens to continue to keep their surroundings in good order work of this nature is best done just as soon as the snow has gone and the feeling of spring is in the air it thus insures that this job is completed before spring gardening and out door sports commence thus in a week or two ordinary conditions prevailing it should be in order to plan such a cleanup day for stouffville i- yearly rates to be extended business firms everywhere will hail with delight the proposed amendment to the ontario insurance act now be ing brought forward by hon mr conant in the ontario legislature it is proposed by the change to allow insurance firms the right to insure mercantile risks for three year periods just as is permissable with domestic risks this would tend to lower rates for commercial fire insur ance which are recognized as too high by the attorney general only recently mr conant criticised the high costs shown by tariff companies for doing business as against the moderate costs which nontariff companies are able to carry on under without fear of failure many business men who have wondered why com mercial insurance was on a yearly basis only will be sur prised to learn perhaps that it was really a statutory requirement mr conant rightly can see no reason for it and intends to have the imposition removed from the statutes quick change politicians generally have the ability of changing their expressions to fit the occasion talking with tears in their voices one minute and lashing opponents with fiery fervor the next however premier hepburn learned something new in quickchange expressions during his trip to the antipodes the st thomas timesjournal columnist hank tells about the premiers lesson as it was taught him during his stop in the fiji islands a native funeral encountered on the drive out of suva furnished the premier with one of the amusing epi sodes of his trip the procession was afoot with a big native at the head he was wailing loudly tears stream ing from his eyes the driver of the car in which the premier was riding explained that the big fellow was the chief mourner at the funeral suddenly the chief mourner spied the premiers car he left the funeral procession and hurried over to the driver his face no longer lugubrious say he asked the driver of the car how did that fight come out in suva last night the driver told the chief mourner that a certain boxer had won the chief mourners face expanded with a smile of pleasure that fellow had the most pleased look on his face imaginable the premier related he grinned from ear to ear then he remembered where he was and what he was supposed to be doing and he switched back to the chief mourner business he resumed his sounds of grief big tears rolling down his cheeks talk about a quick change artist that big boy was a master limit reached in gas tax nobody relishes having commodity prices raised or taxes increased it was therefore just the natural thing to expect that when premier hepburn intimated there might be a two cents increase inthe gasoline tax a general protest would immediately break forth from all quarters of the province true to form objections are being expressed in no uncertain manner and we dont blame them it does seem like laying it on too heavy in raising the tax from 6c to 8c a gallon a 33 13 per cent increase cars arid trucks have long since passed the luxury stage and are now in the necessity class in the realm of transportation which is a big overhead item in business says tribune a credit to county the newmarket era accred ited as the best weekly news paper in its class of 2000 circul ation and under in all canada by holding the cup won at the annual contest for weekly newspapers conducted by the canadian weekly newspapers association printed a very kind and flattering paragraph in its editorial column concern ing your hometown paper in stouffville which reads weekly newspapers give a great deal of service for the financial return they receive- yet there is no need to feel sympathy with weekly publish ers there are so few weeklies going on the market for sale that it is evident that the pub lishers are either making a liv ing or like many farmers en joy their work so much that they do not mind just getting by when a town or village has a good newspaper it is pleasant to see that the citizens realize it for their interest and busi ness patronage make their community newspaper better or worse at the moment we are thinking of an everimprov ing newspaper not far from newmarket it is the stouff ville tribune one of the most enterprising newsgatherers in the whole province the tri bune is a great credit to york county although it serves both york and ontario counties junior farmers annual meting the annual meeting of the york county junior farmers was held on tuesday march 28th in the agricultural representatives office at new market and was one of the best attended and profitable in the history of this organization all local junior farmer and junior institute and home- maker clubs according to the newly adopted constitution had held their elections during the first two weeks of march and the annual meeting attend ed by the officerselect of the locals took the form of a rally or leaders school all clubs with one excep tion were fully represented and enjoyed a programme especial ly designed to enable the vari ous officers to more efficiently carry out their respective duties in the coming year the busi ness session in the forenoon was presided over by the presi dent wm champion of union- ville who reported on the suc cess of the years activities in cluding the drama festival judging competitions county field day the recordbreaking home plowing comp and the skating carnival following ithe nominations of the county officers to be voted on in the afternoon rev w h fuller of markham ad dressed the group on how to conduct a business meeting the speaker gave some very valuable hints on the proper handling of motions amend ments voting etc w m cockburn agricultur al rep spoke on the duties of the secretary and treasurer offering many suggestions to help these officers to carry out their duties more effectively he explained the simple filing system which he had supplied to each secretary a good secretary is a tower of strength to any president in helping to keep the business running smoothly and even in the con ducting of a meeting the speaker stressed neatness ac curacy and prompt and proper attention to all correspondence rather than waiting perhaps three weeks for a meeting to discuss matters in the balloting for officers the following were elected president jerry walker tod- morden vice president miss doris cook maple secretary- treasurer jim fans new market owing to sickness and other factors it was decided to hold the junior farmers festival at pickering college on mon day april 17th instead of dur ing easter week plays will be presented by poplar bank vcl- lore unionville and victoria square cubs cows for worlds fair a canadian guernsey don alda lads ultra may owned by don alda farms ltd tod- morden has been named as elig ible for the new york worlds fair according to word just re ceived from the canadian guernsey cattle club this guernsey is eligible to be among the 150 purebreds that will be on display from april until octo ber in the dairy world of to morrow a dairy industry ex hibit sponsored by the borden company two ontario jersey cows have also been named as eligible for display in the worlds fair these two cows almonte designing netina owned by b h bull and son of bramp ton and sultans minnie owned by w d thomson of brooklin are eligible to be among the thirty chosen from herds throughout canada and the united states or from the jersey contingent in the herd of 150 purebreds she says here shell be home tonight i there anything more worrying than waiting one voice inside you says dont be silly shes all right and another voice whispers perhaps shes had an accident oh dear what thall i do i would have stayed up all night but when you hear her voice on the i telephone you know all is well you thank heaven for long distance service you realize how easy it is to keep in touch and you like people who do she didnt realize that i couldnt get away sometimes you think older people are foolish to worry but somehow you feel belter when youve brought calm and peace to anxious minds by long distance and its so easy too your call is on its tony in a few seconds your destination reached in the twinkling of an eye use low night rales applying every evening after seven and all day sunday as well and place anyone calls highlight figures in hepburn budget gasoline tax raised from six to eight cents a gallon municipalities to get 51t500- 000 of estimated increase of 56500000 from gasoline tax onemill subsidy to munici palities amounting to 53000- 000 to be continued surplus of 5236000 for the past year and surplus of 5150- 000 estimated for next year highway expenditures to cut 520000000 estimated 52000000 to spent on hospitalization tuberculosis sufferers as com pared with 51136592 last year expect 510750000 from liquor board operations as com pared with 510500000 last year unemployment relief to reach 522700000 an increase of 5637000 over year ending march 31 of which province to pay 59820000 estimate ordinary revenue of 5103500000 for the coming year 7000000 more than col lected in taxes this year estimate succession duty collections to reach 517000000 as compared with 515000000 during 515000000 during 1938- 39 increase during year of 537- 500000 in the gross debt of the province and 59000000 in in direct liabilities highway and motor revenue totalled 527000000 as com pared with outlay of over 535000000 for highways seemed quite as usual although he had been suffering from severe headaches at noon he came home from the office ate a hearty dinner left about 2 clock and about 4 oclock that afternoon i passed along and was talking with him but re turning however about 5 oclock i found the house filled with people a doctor and a nurse mr mather laying in an uncon scious condition paralyzed en tirely and a blood vessel had burst in the head the shock i can assure you was terrible i saw he was dying but the doc tor advised that he be taken to the hospial and at 1115 pm the same night he passed away without ever rallying i want to thank my kind friends of stouffville for their sincere sympathy yours very sincerly roberta m mather ontario motorists who pro test the gas tax increase may be thankful they do not live in trinidad license cost 585 and gas is 36c a gallon the govern ment talcing 18c the total length of the roads is only 2000 miles mrs wj mather writes banff alta march 30 1939 mr john ratcliff dear mr ratcliff as your letter was the first one to reach me via air mail after the death of mr mather i will according reply in the hope that through the press the information sought by my stouffville friends will be sufficient for the present on march 17 mr mather tribunes small advs cheap and profitable are sfejib permanent waves 250 to 1000 shampoo haircut and finger wave included hot oil treatments facial manicuring east end beauty shop phone 176 brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stouffville- maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour mrs e r service good phone 191 spuna h the time to modernize your property why not take advantage of the home improvement plan our nearest branch manager will gladly furnish full par ticulars of the unusually favorable terms to borrow money with which to improve your property you need not be a customer of the bank to secure the service write or call for descriptive booklets the bank of nova scotia over a century of banking service 3710 clean rest rooms we sell dependable tires guaranteed boadways service station phone 265 stouffville toronto buffalo pittsburgh st louis chicago 2770 detroit toronto tickets and information at mansion house stouffville gray coach lines