page six the tribune stouflfville ont thursday march 30th 1939 saw- f mkku i jjnbf ssjztm toronto- goodwood a s h w davey 8 stanton ave bunny morganson sports correspondent of the evening telegram is now down south in the maple leaf training camp son of goodwoods former simeon morganson bunnys activities are watched with much interest clarke hill spent the week end at the davey home in tor onto for 26 years our telephone has been on the wall and the number is har 3012 visitors from the home district please note this mr and mrs davey were guests of mr and mrs alex brown on sunday the death of john bradley last week employee of the tor onto geneial trust corporation recalls the fact that his father of the same name was conductor on the weigh freight through goodwood years ago and will be remembered by quite a few misses bertha smalley and mary risebrough were in from the home district to spend the weekend here huge snow banks in the country and ice in the city have bothered many people a hunk of ice was bounced off the wheel of a car and through alex browns grocery window the other day so now a new plate glass is installed spring is here and on sunday along came our old friend geo morgason on a visit to the scribe we sure welcomed him this youth of 83 summers his birthday is in september and he will be 84 next fall rev john bushell visited the davey homes on monday brown visited stouffville last wednesday mr and mrs james davey visited mr and mrs alex brown on sunday last glancing over an old photo graph taken at a social at the goodwood methodist church many years ago i can see many familiar faces of yester years there is the goodwood brass band and my friend isaac shav er with cross straps on to carry the base drum the lee boys stouffer boys and others the two biggest men in the front are john whittleton and john brown the pastor under a tall silkhat is rev mr wilk inson there is mary stafford maggie robinson the walking- ton sisters and many others these old pictures with the change of times and fashions new barber shop a new and modern barber shop has been opened up by len keeping who has had fifteen years experience and is fully qualified in all types and styles of haircutting for ladies and gentlemen we also do massaging singeing shaving and shampooing your patronage will be greatly appreciated prices reasonable four doors east of the presbyterian church footwear specials womens rubber boots pair 140 misses rubber boots pair 125 childs rubber boots pair 115 mens extra heavy rubber boots pair 250 mens rubber boots pair 179 red sole boys rubber boots pair 150 growing girls oxfords and straps black and brown pair 225 womens per pair rubbers 25c certainly provide plenty of food for reminiscing howard harper and al greenwood of stouffville took in the americonmaple leaf playoff game on tuesday last we extend our sympathy to mrs fred haigh in the loss of her uncle a resident of the owen sound district echoes of the bryan chiriv- ari in goodwood on march 20 reverberated in toronto mrs herb porter former stouffville resident says she reads the flash column and likes to hear the news on tuesday oscar armstrong underwent a further operation when the rest of his fingers alexwere removed from the damag ed hand owing to bone decay we note some correspondents refer to the difficulty of hearing news we are in the same pre dicament and thats why we send out an sos to induce folks to tip us off mr and mrs dudley white of altona visited in mount albert on sunday guess they encoun tered plenty of snow it is just 50 years now since the late price pugh bought the farm in uxbridge now occupied by russel feasby we sure re member mr pugh and fre quently think of him as w meet his children sorry to hear of the illness of george sharpe formerly of goodwood locality birthday greetings to gordon noble and kenneth peterson of glasgow and rose- ville respectively the blast in the uxbridge paper from sunderland was a little belated last week as now new things hold the spotlight veterans national veterans survey all veterans of stouffville and district are urgently asked to enroll at once so the returns may be sent in enrolling under this survey does not constitute enlistment and imposes no obligation it is a purely voluntary effort on the part of those able and will ing to serve in canada in the event that the internal security of the dominon of canada is threatened by inteijnational tension and it proves to the government that a body of men who have proved their worth are ready and willing to do so again enroll with either george saunders or bert lick- orish an inventor has just filed suit against the ford motor co for 6000000 he must be a patriot who has in mind paying off the national debt new letter rate this month a new low rate was inaugurated for special de livery letters the new rate is 10 cents plus the regular post age and applies to the united states as well as canada the old rate was twenty cents plus the regular postage and this still applies to parcels up to 15 pounds sunday school lesson lesson for april 2 saul becomes a new man golden text if any man be in christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new 2 cor 517 black mens oxfords 350 halftime black shoe polish tin 5c lehmans shoe store phone 4301 stouffville mass rally of youth in the interest of public welfare and efficient gover- ment and to take the youth of society into consideration a mass rally of youth in north ontario will hold a public meeting in the town hall sunderland on tuesday even ing april 11th at 8 pm under the auspices of the young conservative association to be formed the principal speakers will be mr gordon ford president of the young conservatives of ontario and mr c g frost of lindsay all both young and old arc cordially invited aoraoc ioc x0e30j o d o n o e o 0 o beautify your home with durolave an oil bound washable water paint in soft paste form easy to apply for walls and ceilings 5 lb pail 90c manufactured by the makers of walpamur crown diamond paint company limited toronto goudies hardware d o n o l stouffville 30e30e aox n 2j mrs r j daley who died in her 87th year the funeral will arrive from tor onto around 400 pm for inter ment in stouffville cemetery this thursday afternoon former lemonville family bereaved joseph ricketts husband of the late martha ann tarr and brotherinlaw of k g and nathan tarr died on friday at his home in armadale in his 81st year interment took place on monday in stouffville cem etery with service conducted by rev a e owen prior to the death of mrs ricketts some years ago the family lived at lemonville they were success ful farmers and took a keen and active interest in church life and the wellbeing of the com munity surviving are one son russell and one daughter mrs bert peterman manver sask and three daughters jiving in armadale mrs tapscott mrs wells and miss allie ricketts one son frank enlisted in saskatchewan and was killed in the great war the whole fam ily went west from lemon ville in 1911 new stamp issue a special issue stamp to mark the visit of the king and queen will go on sale throughout canada may 15 the issue will be limited to a commemorative number and will be double size the onecent stamp will be green bearing the portraits of the princesses elizabeth and margaret rose while the two- cent stamp will be brown and carry the picture of the nation al war memorial in ottawa the threecent stamp will be red with the portrait of the king and queen send the tribune absent friends its just like a letter from home the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson as we enter upon a new ser ies of studies in the life and letters of the apostle paul it is well to remember that he was chosen of god from the begin ning for a very special ministry- he was ordered to cairy christs name to the nations to stand before the kings and great ones of the world as well as to preach the gospel to the poor it is noteworthy that al though the first apostles of our lord are described by their en emies as unlearned and ignorant men no such accusation could be brought against rabbi saul of tarsus pupil of gamaliel a man of wide learning and cul ture with a most versatile mind and one who had travel ed extensively even before he commenced his international missionary operations god chooses and fits the vessel according to the work he desires to do saul little dreamed that his early life was but a prepara tion for the arduous work of carrying the message of the lord jesus to the ends of the earth as then known the historical setting according to the accepted chronology it was in the year ad 33 that saul witnessed the stoning of stephen he continu ed for something over a year as a bitter enemy and persecutor of the new faith and its adher ents until in a d 34 he was arrested by the vision of the glorified christ verse by verse acts 91 breathing out threatenings and slaughter saul was a bigoted pharisee of the most rigid type who was persuaded that the faith of jesus was a delusion which ought to be rooted out so he put himself at the disposal of the high priest to deal drastic ally with all jews who profess ed to accept jesus as the messiah verse 2 letters to damas cus to the synagogues the jews were a separate community wherever found whose re ligious center was the syna gague this made it compara tively easy for the ardent per secutor to seek out and arrest those of their number who had accepted the new message verse 3 there shined round about him a light from heaven some unbelievers have attributed sauls great change to a sunstroke it was rather a sonstroke for it was the glory that shines from the face of jesus that illumined his heart and life 2 cor 46 verse 4 why persecutest thou me stricken to the earth saul was amazed to be thus challenged in audible ian guage it was the revelation of the great mystery that christ and his redeemed are one verse 5 i am jesus it was the glorified personal jesus who thus appeared to hhi and made himself known by name to touch the feeblest of his people was to touch him because all are one today and he their living head it is evi dent that saul had known con siderable exercise as indicated in the expression it is hard for thee to kick against the goads acts 2614 rv like a re fractory ox he had been in juring himself while resting the authority of the lord verse 6 lord what wilt thou have me to do convin past theie was instant sur render to the claims of the ris en christ verse 7 hearing a voice but seeing no man there is no contradiction between this statement and that of chapter 22 9 they heard not the voice of him that spake to me the fact is plain saule compan ions heard the strange sound as though it was thunder but they did not recognize the words that were spoken verse 8 they led him by the hand temporarily blinded saul was led by others to the lodging he had already selected in damascus verse 9 three days with out sight what judas of damascus thought of the con dition of his guest we are not told he must have been the cause of considerable concern blind and fasting from both food and drink for three days he pondered the greatness of the discovery that the one whom he had regarded as a de ceiver was indeed israels messiah and the redeemer of lost mankind verse 10 a certain disciple named ananias among the damascus believers was one whom god selected to be the messenger of his grace to the former persecutor of the church verse 11 behold he pray- eth prayer is the natural ex pression of an exercised soul saul thereby expressed his sense of need and of depen dence upon the living god verse 12 hath seen in a vision ananias coming in just as the lord prepared ananias to go overruling all his objections see vs 1316 so he revealed to saul the very name of the one who was to visit him in answer to his prayer verse 17 brother saul with implicit confidence in the word of the lord ananias obeyed his voice and welcomed the erstwhile enemy of the truth into the brotherhood of believers verse 18 he received sight and was baptized as the hands of ananias were placed upon him the blindness disappeared and without ap preciable delay he received chiistian baptism thus identi fying himself outwardly with the christian fellowship which be had once detested verse 19 with the dis ciples breaking his prolonged fast saul partook of food and for some days was found among the damascus believers evi dently as one needing care and instruction before he began his great work of witnessing to the truth that jesus is indeed the son of god v20 the heart of the lesson the conversion of saul of tarsus was as every true con version is a supernatural event brought face to face with the risen exalted christ he saw himself a poor guilty sinner 1 tim 115 16 who had been fighting against his own best interests in resisting the claims of the lord jesus repentant and subdued he yielded himself in wholehearted allegiance to the one he had spurned hence forth to count all things but loss for christ phil 378 some such crisis theie must be in the lives of all who are saved un less indeed they had trusted jesus so early in life that they have never been consciouslv his business directory medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dental neil c smith ldsjxdj office over bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 noon and 130 to 630 pm phone office phone resident 1001 1015 clarcmone every tuesday office over wilkinsons store phone claremont 1401 e s barker lds dds honor graduate ot royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am insurance see h o klinck obrien aver for your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines thomas butkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of london england phone stouffville 25902 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automoblle and fire stewart beare radio service of newmarket formerly of markham in stouffville every wednesday at brathwaites hardware phone 9601 office phone 3160 residence phone 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary public o king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wc pollard kc port perry ont uxbridge ontario phone 264 mccullough button flbuttonkc hrbuttonba barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffville money to iran l e oneill stouffviliie funeral ddrector and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phono residence phone r g clendening funeral director ambulance service ced at once of his error in the enemies phone markham 9000