Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 30, 1939, p. 5

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the tribune stouffviue ont thursday march 30th 1939 page five 30e30e 30e30i n o o d o o d o q o o 0 o robertsons easter novelties old fashioned dried apples 2 pound 15c special cooking figs 3 pounds for 25c kellogs or posts bran flakes special 2 packages 19c tip top tomato juice3no2 12 tins 25c sauer kraut per tin 10c amber honer no 4 pail 35c sunset soap dyes westons tuttie fruitti biscuits water ice 2 pounds 35c tapioca bulk 3 pounds 25c club house chopped nut butter per jar 20c shell macaroni per package 10c o fresh ovsters frozen salmon smoked fillets herrings n o ratcliff o a o town delivery stouffviue ontario phone 7112 o rjcaoc ioc aoi altona a windy march and a rainy april make a beautiful may mr and mrs stanley thomp son and family had dinner with mr and mrs fred mcnair on thursday evening mr and mrs howard st john had dinner with her parents mr and mrs d crosier on friday evening mr and mrs roy wagg and mr and mrs f wagg were guests of mr and mrs fred draper on sunday mr and mrs murray dunkeld and mrs frank wagg spent monday in toronto mrs foreman son and daughter and miss blair of at- wood spent a week recently with mr and mrs h mcintosh spring has definitely come to altona we see robins crows and the sap is running also bulbs are coming up are there any better signs on march 21 the young men of the community entertained the girls to a sleigh ride and oyster supper at the home of miss grace lehman it was a spring party under winter con ditions the oyster supper held on march 17th sponsored by the altona w i was well attended despite the bad conditions of the roads a very sociable even ing was spent bloomington mr clifford lemons have had the hydro installed recently e a storry had the mis fortune to lose a splendid cow last week mr e a storry and miss ruth spent last wednesday in toronto sorry to report mr clifford lemon is quite ill with pneu monia his many friends wish him a speedy recovery mr thos wright visited at his brothers home in new market on sunday mr and mrs albert smith and audrey spent sunday in brampton with relatives the young people of the christian church were enter tained by baker hill on friday evening owing to the condition of the roads not so many were able to go as otherwise had planned to was held last thursday at the home of mrs herbert wide- man sap is running mr roy moyer tapped in his bush last week we hope it will be a good season this year rev and mrs p g lehman and mary also rev mr ditmer were guests at a c barkeys on sunday we are sorry to hear that mrs william risebrough has been ill in the toronto general hospital we all hope that she will be home and well soon mr bruce anderson who has been employed at mr harvey moyers is leaving the neigh bourhood we are sorry to say bruce has engaged with mr leitch on the 3rd concession of maikham mrs wesley wideman and mrs alex jones are helping to tke care of their mother mrs warkentin who is very ill at her daughters home mrs jos sider in gormley in the mean time miss alta jones of the ninth line is keeping house for mr jones we were glad to have rev r p ditmer of the ohio mbc conference with us sun day morning mr ditmer is holding special meetings at mount joy church this week and next he is worth hearing dicksons hill miss jean hallman spent last wednesday night with marion and norma barkey we were glad to have miss edith hoover with us again last sunday mrs herbert wideman and harley attended a symphony orchestra concert in massey hall one evening last week the ladies sewing circle ringwood mrs r j filyer spent last week in toronto attending lectures at the toronto bible college last wednesday mrs r j filyer visited with mr and mrs edward hay rev r w and mrs serrick keswick were visiting in our locality last saturday albert hoover is spending this week with relatives in brooklin our young peoples mission circle is to be held at home of mr and mrs e brownsberger this thursday evening come along and help make it a success our young peoples choir led in the singing at the c e missionary meeting last monday night come on young people let us keep up the good work the church was well filled on sunday evening to hear the splendid sermon delivered by our pastor mr cockburn and all enjoyed the quartette num bers we are pleased to report an addition to our church basement fund of fifty dollars given by miss irene raymond also four dollars and fifty cents from miss marion steckley both of toron to boys and girls dont forget the special object talk given for you by mr h cockburn at our afternoon church service this is an added feature and is very interesting to young and old vandorf the flu is still visiting in this vicinity miss ruth oliver presided at the organ in the absence of pur regular organistmr richardson mrs james grahams friends are glad to hear that she is feeling much better mr and mrs john empring- ham and ethel were saturday guests with mr and mrs roy morley we welcome miss jennette empringham of bethesda who has been employed at mrs herb olivers home communion of the lords supper will be observed next sunday let us examine our selves and see that we are worthy of this sacred ordin ance over the weekend our roads have been flooded in places ow ing to the five and six foot banks of snow on each side of the road but openings have een made now for the water to drain away dont miss our special easter service april 9 those who are still connected with our church and are unable to attend regularly owing to distance are specially invited to join old friends well it is maple syrup time once more some will tap this week so far the scribe has not heart of any yet our scribe would appreciate if you would forward any happenings we might as well have more of the news of our town we have had our second thunder storm this year does this mean an early or late spring or when it arrives mr george e richardson is now home after spending a week in york county hospital undergoing an operation and we wish him a speedy recovery mrs archie hellam of sprucedale is in our midst visit ing her sister mrs wm morley and mr morley and her brother mr phillips on the 7th line who is not very well victoria square mr and mrs lome baker and son lloyd visited on sun day with mrs murray avison mrs charles hart is in the city for a few days with her sister who is in the hospital mr and mrs p willows motored to uxbridge on sun day to visit friends mrs e avison is still in very poor health and does not im prove as rapidly as her many friends would wish miss jean mcdonald has re sumed her studies at toronto university after being con fined to her home here for near ly two weeks with the flu the regular tuesday night prayer meeting was at the home of mr and mrs stanley boynton this week with a fair attendance did some one say they had seen a robin we have them strutting gaily across our lawns and singing from many a tree top at the square the mission circle meeting which was to have been held on the 25th at the home of miss annie avison was postponed until the evening of april 1 and will be held at the home of mrs s boynton there isnt a doubt about it spring has arrived at victoria square just two weeks ago we counted four or five footsore and weary young men plodding slowly by our corner in the small hours of sunday night while their abandoned cars re posed in deep drifts on the 4th con our provincial highway spring looked a long long way off then but now the signs are unmistakeable spring is here wedding bells are to ring on the 3rd next week and mr orla heise has tapped his sixteen acre sugar bush and reports a fair run mr heise is the own er of one of the finest maple groves in markham and it is equipped with all of the latest devices for producing first class syrup claremont farmed fifty years celebrate wedding married on march 271889 mr and mrs william hill of clare mont celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on monday they were married at the home of the brides parents mr and mrs josiah pugh in pickering township by rev mr freed mr hill was supported on this occasion by frank roach now resident of cherrywood while mrs oxtoby of leaskdale was bridesmaid to the union five children were born on the homestead in uxbridge township three sons george of claremont morgan on the townline clayton on the 5th of uxbridge and two dau ghters mrs wm mcnelly in alberta and mrs harold dick inson in uxbridge township there are also eighteen grand children mr hill was born in devon shire england one of a family of nine and came to this coun try when nineteen years of age he took up farming in 1889 at brougham where he net his life partner emmaline pugh and after four years moved to lot 5 on the 4th of uxbridge where the couple farmed for the next fortyfive years when i took up the place on the 5th said mr hill we were experiencing a worse de pression than we have today in 1890 you could buy a registered horse for as little as 40 said mr hill i remember selling pork for sc a pound and wheat at 50c a bushel he said mr hill has seen many improve ments in the locality over the last half century but these have not been without their burden too as he explained that he had watched his taxes go from 30 to over 100 mr hill served the township as school trustee and secretary of ss no4 for many years mr and mrs hill who are each in their 78th year are in good health and look forward to many more years of happy and prosperous retured life they located in claremont four years ago mr hill who was a member of the old methodist church has attended services regularly in the claremont united church for the past 49 years and has served on the church board and session for a considerable period we look back on our fifty years of married life with con siderable satisfaction and no regrets said mr hill the couple were the recipients on monday of many congratula tions cards flowers and lovely gifts the entire family were home for the occasion also mrs carter from toronto hundreds of unsolicited testi monials recommending kleerex the quick healing salve for eczema psoriasis pemph igus erythema impetigo itch boils chaps etc 50c 100 200 ask storeys drug store claremont mr t sanderson who has been ill now for over a month is not improving as fast as his friends would like to see but hopes are held for improvement this week miss adeline barkey a life long resident of pickering twp was buried in claremont ceme tery last week rev mr glover officiated at the service which was conducted in the united church a special effort is being put forth to organize an undenomin ational bible class here some twenty young people were out last sunday to take up the work of organization plans were made for mr goddard to take two of the sundays in each mon th while a special speaker is to be arranged for the other weeks the combined choirs of the united and baptist churches are planning a contata from oli vet to calvary which is to be given on easter friday there will be three services easter week monday wednesday and friday mr and mrs robt rawson move to wilcox lake this week where mr rawson has taken a position on a large chicken farm the residence vacated by the rawsons is being taken over by mr and mrs george richardson a treat is in store for our townsfolk some evening in april when it is expected that miss ada found of toronto teacher in weston high school will give an illustrated lecture on japan miss found recently visit ed the orient on a conducted teachers tour the evening will be under the auspices of the ladies cirtld of the baptist church linesmen of the woodbridge and vaughan telephone co were busy here this week sur veying the streets in readiness for the erection of new poles which will carry their lines sep arate from those of the bs wires which have hitherto shar ed the same poles additional poles certainly will not add to the beauty of our streets many places compel the com panies to double up mr and mrs richard cooper who recently moved to water- ford were in town over the week end visiting with their families w c renfrew from british columbia was in town last week a good crowd graced the tables at the annual banquet and open meeting of the bap tist church mission circle held on tuesday evening credit for the arrangements goes to the group under mrs augustine on friday evening the clare mont bowling club will hold their annual pot luck supper and election of officers all bowlei and any interested in the sport are requested to be on hand a gathering of the business men scheduled for monday night failed to attract more than one interested party it was hoped to revive the village board of trade but apparently the time is not ripe for such a move pine orchard mr and mrs edson johnston and family were sunday visit ors with mrs wilson mr ross armitage is confined to his bed with the flu mrs j hope entertained sev eral ladies on thursday at a diminishing tea the widdifield family were sunday guests with mr and mrs w hall mr and mrs marshall brill- finger are moving to the farm formery occupied by the late archie greenwood mr charlie brandons jr moved on wednesday to the house at pine 6rchard former ly occupied by the hutchinson family mr and mrs hutchin son are taking over the farm vacated by mr and mrs bran don charlie will continue his transport work while percy thinks with three joys grow ing up farming is o k the girls at the club enter tained the boys on friday even ing following a splendid pro gram lunch was served miss k radford is engaged with mrs hutchinson for the summer another sign of spring wedding bells in the distance skating is just a pleasant memory and once again we are thrilled to hear that magic word banquet which is being planned by a committee con sisting of beatrice chapman mrs brandon mrs wicke fred reid mr mcclure mr sprox- ton and mrs hope melville choir practice will be held at the home of mrs harvey houck this thursday mr and mrs popham and catharine mr and mrs k stots and milfred visited mr and mrs r winterstein on sunday mrs reid brumwell was at her mothers mr w forres ters a couple of days last week while entertaining friends at her quilting held there an interesting series of easter time sermons are being preach ed by mr mcewen these sun days preceding easter there was better attendance this sun day melville speaks again after a long silence the community is quite alive and busy just the same so for the good of those of you who are among the missing here yet are still going strong elsewhere we will take up the correspondence pen once more those of us who are not nur sing an attack of flu or meas les are holding quilting bees or going to them among the lad ies for the most of our men of course they have been shovel ing snow mother nature sems to have come to their rescue at last this last week in march when people seem to do their moving will we regret take away from melville three popular families mr and mrs bernic gayman and son lawrence and mrs n gayman mr and mrs k stots and milfred mrs t popham and catharine the former go ing to their new home south of unionville the stots family are moving to the gray farm at browns corners and the pop- hams are joining mr popham in new toronto these folks will be greatly missed in the com munity mr bernic gayman has not been too busy with his duties as township police officer to give us faithful service as sunday school superintendent for the past number of years both he and mrs gayman have always helped in young peoples guild and anywhere needed mrs n gayman could be always count ed on in the w a a full account of the farewell party to be held tuesday evening will be seen next week the melville w a held their regular monthly meeting at the home of miss edna houck on monday evening a good atten dance and interesting meeting was enjoyed by all after the program mrs mcewen made a very fitting address of well chosen words of farewell and kenwood blankets were pre sented to the president mrs t popham and to mrs k stots who are both moving this week refreshments were served by the committee mrs a smith and miss houck the twenty- two ladies wended their way home feeling that two good members were going to be miss ed a great deal spring decorating any one wishing to do decorating this spring should eommunicate with mr j h chapman phone stouff viue 7804 and have him call and show you his most beautiful and attractive wallpapers suntested selling at 10c a roll up also paint ing and graining done the price will he right send the tribune to absent friends march sale our march sale will be held on thursday friday and saturday these specials should interest you lemon oil regular 15c for 10c mens worr sox 15c moth proof bags 15c nail brushes 2 for 5c comforter batts regular 50c for 45c celanese hose regular 29c for 23c satin slips regular 75c for 69c pillow cases regular 25c for 19c curtains 39c 69c and 85c tea towels 17c envelopes 2 for 9c pads 2 for 9c milk chocolate budfe pound 17c egg cups 3 for 3c stouffville 5c to 100 store ao t iptaoi r j

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