Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 23, 1939, p. 2

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page two the tribune stouffvule ont thursday feb 23rd 1939 i gi0itfftriu srumtt established 1888 a member of the canadian weekly newspaper association- issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher notes and comments the royal visit when he reads of the plans being made by various official bodies for proper celebration of the royal visit the average private citizen may thank his stars for his obscur ity if their majesties planned to remain in canada for a year it might be possible to arrange for every citizen to have an opportunity to demonstrate his or her enthusiastic loyalty as it is many communities and thousands of in dividuals will be deprived of the privilege the fact will not mar the visit as far as our guests are concerned every town that is omitted from the tour will understand that it is a matter of bad luck cheering crowds will greet the king and queen wherever they go the recriminations will fall on the heads of those who arrange the tour one can picture ottawa statisticians already busily engaged with their sliderules and tables of population calculating that if toronto for example is en titled to eight and onehalf hours of the visit squashville is entitled to threequarers of a second but when they total their results they find that they still add up to sever al months so they iesume their calculations with the knowledge that whatever decision is reached many places are going to be offended with malice towards none the printed word asks its readers to remember the old western saloon sign dont shoot the pianist hes doing his best the printed word law reform overdtie very seldom do our newspapers undertake to point out defects in the administration of the law but when these defects are pointed out by some one in a position to effect necessary changed the unanimity of newspaper opinion on the subject points dearly to their unspoken or unwritten thoughts so much acclaim greeted the appeal made by attorn eygeneral gordon conant to crown attorneys and judic iary to exercise the utmost caution to see that the humblest citizen receives a fair trial and every help in presenting his defence that we take it that some such appeal had been long overdue also mr conants further remarks when he said we must admit that the science of law has not kept pace with progress in other fields of science although there have been enormous developments during the last century in practically all the other sciences we are still administering justice in very much the same manner as we did 100 years ago well i think we might as well acknow ledge that there is something wrong and that changes and reforms are long overdue the necessity of relieving our people from the burden of too much legal machinery and the delays and expense of legal procedure is almost as great and as urgent as the need for relief from the expense and waste of too much government a gordon if not a daniel has come to judgment the statement has been made that if japan succeeds in destroying chinas freedom it will be largely due to the part played by the democratic nations united states england and canada in providing materials for munitions seventytwo per cent of such supplies have been provided the japs by socalled christian nations if the japs should win democracy will pay dearly for its commercial efforts st marys journalargus monday holidays financial post belleville chamber of commerce has added its voice to those who favor monday holidays at a recent open forum it approved a resolution that victoria day and the kings birthday be fixed by statute to fall on monday the chamber was not able to agree that dominion day should fall regularly on a monday various members express the view that july 1 was too sacred a date to be tampered with discussion of this sort often breaks down because argument centres around dates rather than the event itself the press account of the belleville forum for example makes no mention of the words dominion day discus sion apparently centred around july 1 much of this confusion would disappear if the dis cussion were carried on in terms of dominion day rather than july 1 a dominion day which falls on the first monday in july can have just as great historical and sentimental value as our present celebration in fact it can have much great er spiritual significance because the preceding sunday can be set apart as a day of special remembrance and consecra tion in respect of the best things in our national life conant scores patronage system the agitation for better and cheaper government appears to be spreading in the house of commons tues day members came out in no uncertain language against the extravagance of government as we have it today and in st thomas the same day attorneygeneral conant spoke along similar lines t patronage system said mr conant undoubted ly constituted one of the weaknesses of democratic govern ment as long as political favours continue to be the price of political power he continued so long will patronage continue to torment the public men and to impair and in crease the cost of governments mr conant put the remedy directly up to the people elimination or reduction of the system he said depended on the people themselves which is just another way of saying that we get the kind of government we deserve that mr conant puts it up to the people is inter esting for after all the remedy lies in the hands of the electors if enough of them could be persuaded to join in a demand that patronage be wiped out and we believe enough of them could tor insist that appointments to office under a government should depend on merit and not on party service the problem would be solved overnight if sunday goes church goes too markham pastor challenges youth to preserve our sabbath heritage people today dont realize that the lords day alliance act was made for their bene fit stated rev h wobdhouse in a sermon on our observance of the sabbath in markham united church sunday if sun day observance goes pro- testanism will go too said mr woodhouse as our religion is definitely dependent upon the sabbath for its existence people today insist that their children go to day school to fit themselves for the world but they neglect to insist that they go to sunday school to fit themselves morally and re ligiously mr woodhouse did not con demn nonsunday observers in so many words but he stated that a man who slips over the line and does things contrary to the sabbath is laying the foundation for a godless com munity stole 7229 to help the poor this township treasurer call ed modern robin hood cows on road cost brant township farmer 104 when automobile ran into them hanover post a case of considerable inter est to farmers and motorists was tried in division court at walkerton in which alex thompson of port elgin sued herman wedow of brant for damages to the formers car thompson was motoring past the defendants farm on the county line between hanover and elmwood on the evening of the 7th of october when he en countered a herd of cattle on the highway when 150 feet distant he applied his brakes but the condition of the road was such due to fresh gravel and potholes that the motorist feared that he might be ditched himself he released his brakes but applied them again and finding this too dangerous he took a chance on dodging the cattle he got past three but hit the fourth injur ing it so seriously that it had to be slaughtered thompsons car was badly damaged and his repair bill was 160 and he asked the court for judgment in this amount mr wedow said he had his cattle pastured in an ad joining farm and that they broke out and jumped over the line fence onto his farm from there they found their way to the highway evidence appear ed to indicate that wedow had been notified that his cattle were in danger of getting onto the highway but did not do anything to prevent them from doing so his honor judge owen found that thompson exercised due care in the operation of his car and that wedow was obligated to see that his fences were in proper condition judgment was given against wedow for 104 and costs robert wales 61 pleaded guilty in county court at wind sor to stealing 7229 from mer- sea township during a four- year period as township treasur er he was remanded until saturday for sentence after magistrate arthur hamahan termed the case most un usual wales told the court he had taken township money on a number of occasions to estab lish township residents on fai so they would not have to gv on relief he denied taking any money for his personal benefit what i did was not right from a legal standpoint but it was right from a humane stand point wales said his lawyer termed him a 20th century robin hood what has happened over a period of years may be shown by one case in which a man was about to lose his farm said c e awrey wales counsel t mortgagee was about to fore close because it was in arrears for taxes to save the farm wales gave him a receipt for taxes he had not paid he had no right to do that he would collect moneys from those who were hard up and give it back i have letters of thanks from those whose property he saved as far as he wasconcerned his emolument was 500 a year and a percent age of arrears but people were in trouble and he would not col lect his percentage as he should have the effect is here we have a man who should never have been in this office in stead we should have a man there without too much heart he and others feel that he sav ed the township thousands of dollars by keeping people off re lief so they might carry on pro ducing crops tested by time since 1847 canada life canadas oldest life assurance company life insurance and income plans to meet every need local representative a c burkholder aox aoz early chicks most profitable for success with your poultry this coming year start store clucks off right by using the right feeds a little common sense and by all means sanitation we carry marmill and master chick starters chick feeds charcoal grit oyster shell and sugared copra robin hood flour at reduced prices central feed store price pugh free delivery phone 277 d o o d o xoe ioexox xoe a p e s3 farmers advised to pr m producers of hogs in canada are reminded that the increase in the number of overfinished and overweight hogs now being marketed is creating a very serious and acute problem in the export of bacon and domestic pork trade farmers are there fore strongly advised to refain from overfinishing and to en deavour to market their hogs be fore reaching weight of 230 lbs at the farm aemwitij mwmwli miifrm3iiffira vm wjiouvllff assurance anhuitifsendgwmfnts head officemontreal ill chlfledllcaji faisiiiypabtectik local representative j l abell stouffville ont dsjuila permanent waves 250 to 1000 shampoo haircut and finger wave included hot oil treatments facial manicuring east end beauty shop phone 176 another preserve the township of whitby will in all likelihood be declared a regulated shooting preserve sub ject to the various rules and reflations of the game fish eries act following the action of the council at their meeting in brooklin last week when they passed a motion to petition the department of game and fisher ies to have this carried out send the tribune to absent friends the westview stouffville maternity boarding house visiting hours 330 to 430 oclock 700 to 800 oclock marjorie stewart reg n phone 272 we have a surplus of 44630- 000 pounds of butter in canada and if one desires to know why the price of butter fat is low and why butter is cheap the answer is right there brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stouffville maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 191 lehmans shoe store phone 4301 stouffville footwear for all the family womens hosiery boots shoes rubbers mitts socks gloves thieves take car and doctor rag gang damages second vehicle and robs gasoline station to secure fuel while the weathermans blasts in north america have driven snow over highways and frozen many an ear and finger two weeks of rain and snow in england have caused rivers and streams to overflow banks in undating farmlands isolating bridgeshire while its driver villages at least two deaths ponders the best way out of the have resulted in the floods hun- j difficulty shopkeepers in some dreds are homeless automobile english districts are making de- club scouts are shown helping a liveries only in boats numey- womnn passenger from a ma- ous children have been unable rooned car near ely cam- to attend school dr charles noble of sutton west had his car and satchel containing 50 worth of medi cal supplies stolen early satur day night but the theft was not reported to police until some 11 hours later dr noble believing his son had taken the vehicle cut on lake simcoe while he went fish ing didnt report the theft until his sons return late in the afternoon william parks also of sutton had his car tampered with but the thievs abandoned the vehicle after pushing it a short dis tance the same gang abondon- ed a smaller car onemile north of sutton the gas hose of the w c evans garage was cut but no gas taken the thieves then stopped at pefferlaw and broke open the gas pump at harry corners store filling their tank to make good their escape moving west m rawllnson ltd established 54 years special rates on household effects in pool cars to winnipeg and west to coast long distance movlnn and first class warehouses for mom household effects 610 vntir s toronto telephone kineali- 5125

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