page eight stouffville ontario thursday october 27 1938 john lehman sectionman brought to our office on tuesday a small branch of raspberries fairly loaded with big ripe red fruit he picked them along the track and reports that walter baker of markham also on the section picked a couple of box es of berries this week from his own garden d o o d o n o d o q o xoexoi ioc soeioz correct feeding pays premiums try marmill fattening mash which is designed to pro duce a prime quality white fleshed bird which will meet the demand of a select market dont forget as a shell maker oyster shell should be fed in conjunction with all poultry mashes feed more cod liver oil it gives disease the knock out visit our store and make your own choice of mar- mill master and maple leaf products free folders on all feeds just for the asking central feed store price pugh free delivery phone 277 a b o o n c o d o n p o n o xoe xoe30e 30e30e iocw oak heater for sale miss stouffer opposite public school or phone 3813 special sale of hats for this friday and saturday at mrs m watts classified advs wanted girl for general house work phone 6603 mr and mrs bert wilkinson have returned from a holiday in montreal our superior groceryman is feeling some better after taking a rest to com ply with doctors orders the cgit girls are planning to give three oneact plays in the basement of the united church on the evening of nov ember 17 additional announce ment will be complete with de tails later miss luella gayman entered the womens college hospital in toronto on tuesday for a ton sil operation luellas many friends will be glad to know that she is making prompt recovery and is expected to be home again almost right away mr morgan baker mpp and family were entertained at a dinner party saturday evening at the home of mr and mrs i s clubine toronto on the occasion of the birthday of mr bakers daughter mrs j old ham housekeeper wanted lor a small family one interested in permanancy and good christian home rather than high remuner ation apply box t tribune office found on the markbam-whit- church townline a ladies wrist watch phone stouifville 613 lost truck license no 5170xc just recently lost apply to john sheehy or phone 7604 cabbage and turnips for sale j spence phone 2913 cider apples wanted must be good quality high price p nighswander phone 9021 apples for sale good nor thern spies stouffer bros ring- wood phone 9909 for sale yellow globe danver onions no 1 quality 75c per bushel edw walls phone 7820 spy apples for sale at 200 per barrel sprayed fruit w carter phone 6615 spy apples for sale hand picked and good size v bolender phone 8504 auction sale of dairy herd also horses swine sheep implements furniture etc the undersigned has received instructions to a at lot 21 con 6 markham sell by public thursday november 3rd 1938 the following property belonging to b gayman mr and mrs robert holt nee mattie coulson formerly of milton who used to visit her two brothers r p coulson and w h coulson in stouffville celebrated their golden wedding on saturday october 22 at the home of their daughter and son- inlaw mr and mrs a b mertens 171 earlscourt ave toronto for rent 2 or 3 stairs mrs wm- main street rooms qp- lickorish ioc o quality ioe price 18 24 and 35 per cent o n o shurgain i dairy feeds are topnotch in quality balance the grains which you now have are milled at your door hence cost less to buy milled only in this district by dicksons hill mills established 1842 o d o- q o i oca stouffville ontario markham ontario service ioc ioe d go to church house to rent six roomed on main street lights and water gar age apply to mrs george brownsberger horses and cattle bay mare h d bay gelding h d bay gelding h d bay gelding driver pacer cow black calf by side cow black calf by side cow white due time of sale cow durham supposed due november 18 cow black and white supposed due november 10 cow ayrshire milking bred may 21 cow black and white full flow bred july 23 cow blackf ull f lowbred july 26 cow black and white full flow bred september 21 cow roan full flow cow jersey full floy bred on october 3rd cow jersey milking bred on may 14 heifer jersey 18 months old heifer jersey 8 months heifer black 18 months heifer black 18 months heifer black 17 months heifer roan 16 months heifer white 16 months implements drill 13 disc deering 2 mowers 5 foot mh cultivators 13 tooth mh cutting ox mh potato digger j deere potato grader set harrows 3 sections riding plow cockshutt walking plow fleury 21 scuffler singlehorse set sloop sleighs open buggy flat bottom for sleighs wagon truck 3 tire bain farm wagon 2 cutters hay rack flat bottom set wagon springs root plper massey harris wheelbarrow gas engine 2 12 horse power 16 foot of line shaft power rip saw i quantity of belting 100 foot- draw rope new 125 foot draw rope set sling ropes sausage press meat barrel 40 ft galvanized pipe 1 grass seeder set stillyards colony houst 10x12 brooder stove 500 cap feed hoppers saw manril new milk cart water trough turnip shoot sausage grinder tool box big iron kettle set platform scales roll hog fencing 20 rods new 80 rod roll barbed wire new whitewash barrel with spray er 40 gal hand sprayer block and tackle ice tongs logging chains fish net 2 oil drums pig crate turnip mattick pipe wreinches bags sacks shot gun 12 guage quantity of gyiproc milking utensils veggar cream separator 750 lbs churn milk pails strainer milk seals and tags creamery can 2 milk strainers 2 plungers harness and grain set team harness 2 sets single harness pair high tops for collars quantity mixed grain set harness collars blankets barley poultry sheep swine 30 leghorns 32 chunks 12 breeding ewes ho goods dining room suite studio couch goderich organ three rocking chairs leather cushioned chair collapsible back kitchen cabinet barnett glass cupboard kitchen table six chairs kitchen sink kitchen mirror drop leaf table 3 iron bedsteads with springs wooden bedstead with springs washstand and mirror mattress and pair pillows wardrobe trunk good as new lapp rug cowhide cook stove power washer kitchen stove empire coaloil stove power washer washing machine and wringer two hanging lamps alladin coleman gas lantern coaloil lamps number jars and dishes quantity oil cloth other articles too numerous to mention the directors of the stouffville lion club announce that they will hold a ladies night on the evening of november 14 it is also the wish of the directors that the club sponsor a hockey team this winter also the christmas tree program usually provided on main street for ail the kiddies of town and county recently the club sent three children to be treated by an eye specialist and have re ceived now a very satisfactory report lots for sale two good sized building lots central apply to isaac boadway albert street stouffville farm to rent 200 acres lot 27 conl uxbridge with two sets of buildings and two houses will rent separately if desired about 150 acres workable land some bush and pasture land rural mail passes the place apply to morgan degeer stouffville clydesdale mare three year old for sale good in all harness c j brodie phone 1402 wanted a driving horse state age and price apply box m tribune white rock pullets for sale 25 choice birds 4 months old price pugh phone 277 plowing match winners positively no reserve geo storey clerk ed nigh asst clerk terms of sale cash sale at 1230 oclock a s farmer auctioneer continued from page 1 the complete list of prize winners and their home address are given here class 1 sod high cut 1 e timbers milliken 2 g iron atha 3 l marquis sunderland crown and finish e timbers class open jointer 1 w harrison gait 2 r marquis sunderland 3 w ferguson whitchurch 4 w houton class 3 jointer green 1 gordon cain sandford 3 elgin walker markham 3 louis wells whitchurch 4 percy pattenden whitchurch class 4 no handling 1 floyd steckley whitchurch 2 james lea greenbank 3 john mead brock 4 russell jarvis milli ken class 5 stubble 1 b tap- scott milliken 2 neil mclean scarboro 3 geo moore ux bridge 4 rss creighton class 6 stubhle 1 haity wideman whitchurch 4 alex hunter hartman class 7 stubble boys 18 and under 1 leslie smith gorm- ley 2 h thaxter uxbridge 3 murray crone mt albert 4 sam fockler stouffville 5 n tapscott agincourt class 8 stubble boys 15 and under 1 robert timbers milli ken 2 mansel timbers stouff ville 3 dan hall jr whit church 4 clarke trent aurora class 9 tractor sod 1 geo hostrosser malton 2 fred timbers stouffvile 3 allen meyers stouffville 4 w l kennedy agincourt class 10 tractor stbble 1 joe tran atha 2 stan hall lemonville 3 dan harper whitchurch 4 m burnett whit church class 11 tractor stubble boys under 15 1 m timbers mark- ham 2 allen wells lemonville crown a wells finish m timbers youngest plowman dan hall aged 9 years best land w harrison gait best team 1 elmer wells lemonville 2 c williamson vandorf 3 h botham aurora for sale 27 grade ewes for sale also litter of pigs william heise phone 6111 for sale deer hound well trained 2 years old apply geo alsop phone s714 stouffville presbyterian church av h fuller ba pastor 200 pm sunday school 300 pm worship service mm christ church anglican rev f herman rector 1100 am morning prayer everybody welcome mm mm sixth line baptist church rev w e smalley pastor phone 2203 1000 am sunday school aniversary services at 11 am and 700 pm for sale 10 yorkshire pigs chunks averaging 70 pounds jos winterstein phone 8617 pigs for sale a number of suckers and shoats h malcolm no 7 highway 1 12 mile east o green river cows for sale about 30 springers 20 cows and remainder heifers springers mostly hol- steins these are all eastern cattle j oboyle phone 6715 for sale 1932 chevrolet coach- in lovely condition throughout and equipped with a 1938 model american zeneth radio harry m spang claremont phone stouff ville 6616 stouffville congregational christian church 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship service 700 pm gospel service rev george h tranter of tor onto will preach at all services church hill 200 pm sunday school 00 pm gospel service mr tranter will speak and wood wood body maple cut any length also pole wood if de sired all hardwood we deliver charles alsop stouffville phone 3803 tractor for sale recon ditioned 1 allis chalmer united and 1 fordson latimer bros unionville phone 4800 fibre baby carriage large size like new reversible geer and good brakes reasonably priced mrs mcgrogan next post office tenders wanted tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon november 11th 1938 for the pur chase of 200000 two thousand dollars eight equal annual payment debentures of the township of ux bridge bearing interest at the rate of 4 per annum coupons attached for the payment of interest the highest or any tender not necessarily accepted said debentures are dated as and from the 15th day of decem ber 193s please mark tender on outside of envelope h roach township clerk goodwood p o ont reward a reward of ten dollars 1000 is offered by the controlling com mittee of the game preserve area of markham township to the per son furnishing information leading to tho conviction of any one illegally taking or shooting a pheasant in markham township stouffville baptist church rev d macgregor pastor 1000 am bible school classes for all ages 1100 am worship 700 pm gospel service subject a coming crisis how it may be escaped monday october 31 young peoples class will meet at the home of mr and mrs william slack wednesday 8 pm service of prayer and praise mennonite church markham circuit rev p g lehman pastor dicksons hill 730 pm mr e harvey will preach anniversary service nov 13 full notice later mount joy 1000 am bible school classes for all ages 1100 am subject the revival we need 700 pm subjecta refuge of lies special music you are cordially invited to attend mm stouffville united church l e atkinson minister 1000 am sunday school and bible class 1100 am morning worship subject work for everyone 700 pm evening worship subject mans crucial problem today monday oct 31 s pm weekly ypu a special halloween pro gramme is being carefully plan ned and a large attendance is anticipated wednesday s pm an hour of prayer and fellowship for the congregation anniversary services will be held oi sua iy xiv 6 193s with rev i g bowles lately retired from livington united chuieh hamilton as the guest preacher visitors and strangors are always welcome at our services annual hot supper and entertainment will be held monday nov 7 see posters bloomington and ringwood christian church rev e morton s herbert cockburn mr cockburn will preach 1100 am- bloomington 230 pm ringwood 700 pm altona the communion of the lords supper will be observed following each service this do in remembrance of me luke 2219 for as often as yo eat this bread and drink this cup ye do show the lords death till he come i cor 1126- stouffville mennonite church rev h shantz pastor 1000 am sunday school 1100 am- worship 700 pm gospel service the pastor will be in charge of all these services regular fellowship and prayer at altona and stouffville offering for moving fund will be taken at the morning service the public will find a warm welcome at any or all of our services lemonville bloomington and ballantrae united churches rev w s irwin pastor 230 pm bloomington worship 700 pm lemonville worship work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is god which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure phil 21213 50th year meeting the melville mission society- will celebrate their 50th anni versary in melville church on thursday october 27 at 230 friends will be made very wel come- janet bruce secretary sale register thursday nov 3 at lot 31 con 56 markham farm stock implements hay grain and house furniture belonging to b gay- man sale at 1230 sharp no reserve as farmer auctioneer friday nov 4th entire farm stock and implements hay grain the property of the late william norton lot 11 12 con 5 ux bridge sale at one no reserve terms cash a s farmer auct saturday nov 5 auction sale of farm stock and implemnts be longing to the estate of the late frank p graham at east half of ot 23 con 2 whitchurch no reserve terms cash at the samo time the valuable farm and bush properties will be offered subject to a reserve bid sale at 1230 fred smith auctioneer p a hamer clerk saturday nov b auction sale of 7roomed brick dwelling with modern conveniences and building lots in the village of markham on main street tho property of the estate of the lato gideon browns berger property sold subject to a reserve bid terms made known on day of sale for further par ticular npnly to mrs elthcrlng- ton mt joy ov o prenilco prentice auctioneers car for sale late 1928 essox coach will sell for cash or deal for live stock car in good con dltion phone 7315 murray bak er gormley