stoiutville ontario thursday july 14th 19 stye iimiffmue ribun established 1888 a member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription kates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 25q a vnolan jp v editor and publisher notes and comments under a new captain and on the march ottawa journal independent great and memorable and not merely in a party sense was the national convention of the conservative party if or the thing to which it gave testimony apart from the vigor of a historic party is the unity of canada the oneness of a nation which neither sectionalism nor prejudice nor any other false counsel can divide or destroy debate the convention brought and discussion with differences of honest opinion but these debate and un- dictated choice are of the glories of democracy and be neath all ran the refrain of unity in essentials loyalty to canada loyalty to a common empire high resolve to work for the common crowd in human dignity and betterment- democracy in canada will not perish nor freedom nor consciousness of partnership among the british peoples while marches a great party with such principles the men and women and youth of canada who during these three days worked together towards a common goal will return home better canadians with heightened faith in canadas destiny new pride and responsibility in citizenship that is gain for all of us of the resolutions passed by the convention declara tions which become the partys platform that which will strike the most responsive chord in canadian hearts was this we believe that the defence of canada and the preser vation of our liberties can best be promoted by consultations and cooperation between all the members of the british commonwealth of nations and again we reaffirm- our abiding loyalty to the crown and to the democratic system of representative selfgovernment of which the crown is the symbol we recognize in the british commonwealth of nations a mighty influence making for world peace and the preser vation of democratic institutions we reaffirm the principle of maintaining unimpaired the ties that bind together the british commonwealth of nations 0 canadian sovereignty and status in the achievement of which leaders of the conservative party have the witness of history there is no surrender here what is told without f urtiveness or fear is the truth of reality the thing dictated by canadas overwhelming heart and mind- one other thing and unmistakeably this convention told the truth that the conservative party is not a paity of reaction not a static party there are some who speak of the dictation of st james street of the power in polictics of big business a devastating repartee upon that was the resolution passed by the party on the unification of railways unification of railways was wanted by st james street so- called it was demanded by big business so-called- the answer of this convention was this the national conservative party hereby declares its opposition to any plan of unification or amalgamation of the great railways of canada and to any form of monopoly of railway transport either private or public nor was it in this alone that conservatism told that it is no creature of any class or interest or vested group in its declarations on social legislation on youth welfare on unemployment on labor it showed itself a party of right re form a party which places human rights and values fore most among its creeds a party whose revence for the past does not prevent its deep concern for betterment in the future thus rededicated to its historic mission of nation build ing the conservative party marches under a new and brilliant leader robert j manion is of the stuff which in leadership not merely deserves victory but compels it a gallant engaging fgure a flaming headlong spirit he is of that fighting fibre which calls a party or a cause back from f lifiht the captain who revives a drooping flag all his life bob manion has loved and been in action- on the lacrosse field on the battlefield in the house of commons or on the hustlings he has been the captain courageous intrepid against odds to the conservative party as to any cause he must bring a fresh touch it is twentyone years since bob manion back from distinguished war service first entered the house of commons almost immediately he brought to his duties a quick innovating mind within four years he was of front bench rank became minster of soldiers civil reestablish ment nor were his talents merely those of the brilliant skirmisher in controversy he could be tempestuous but in calm thought on complex problems he could bring a mind of acute penetration a sense of measure without which no man can achieve place in the house of commons the work manion is up emptied the smoking rooms for more reasons than his militancy indeed on every ground on grounds of character service ability and loyality robert j manion deserves the honor the conservative party has given to meighen who was his first hero and to bennett under whom he served through five years he gave every loyalty more than that though less spectacular and less known he proved as minis ter of railways to be an able efficient administrator if the canadian national railways today is still any asset to canada credit for that and in no small measure must go to r j manion the proof is in the records in the election campaigns of 1930 and 1935 manion was the most trenchant swordsman among all his partys captains a flying column by all himself he was the spear head of every salient the essence of the firstclass fighting man in politics- only his unselfish loyalty to others brought defeat in his own constituency but bob manion sleepless though his shillelagh re mains in his hand will be more than a fighting leader he will be a human leader engaging and winsome in personal ity there is something lovable in his character an under current of understanding and sympathy widelytravelled widelyread he is a lover of literature a lover of his kind a lover of human comradeship crosier reunion saturday july 2nd was a per fect day for the occasion of the seventh annual reunion of the crosier family when they met at the home of d w crosier ponveu altona three miles east of stouffville one hundred attended after the sports in the after noon everyone gathered for the election of officers when the following were elected pres wright crosier manchester vicepres- mrs walter short toronto secretary treasurer miss hajel crosier london upon the invitation of mr stanley ploughman the next family reunion will be held at his home in pore perry on the first saturday in july 1939 the tables which were cen tred with roses and sweet peas were arranged on the lawn under the shade of the maples and at the supper hour everyone sat down to enjoy the many good things prepared for the occasion while still at the tables a short program of speeches and music was given also prizes for the oldest lady present mrs g prentice port perry the oldest man mr eastman wall ace toronto mrs frank stokoe seattle washington who came the farthest to attend the re union little gerald lee crosier young son of mr and mrs e crosier manchester being the youngest one present the following persons were present mr and mrs russel crosier and hazel london mr and mrs- cecil crosier cecil jr and clifford mr and mrs g crosier mrs c thompson marshall and shirley mrs w short mr myrtle crosier mr and mrs mitchell miss nellie tucker miss muriel crosier mr eastman wallace of toron to mrs frank stokoe seattle washington mr and mrs j crosier and harold crosier stayner mr and mrs- allen crosier donald and shirley ann seagrave mr and mrs george prentice barbara and pauline mr and mrs stanley ploughman luella ellen and mrs john plougham mrs w crosier port perry mr and mrs clifford sonley bobbie and marie mrs walter sonely mr wilson crosier mr frank crosier and helen mrs ehvood crosier and gerald mr- and mrs wright crosier and mrs innes of manchester mr and mrs george samells and jean marie of scugog mr and mrs norman prentice and dorothy mr and mrs gordon prentice mr- and mrs bob clarke mr and mrs john albright mr and mrs e mcknight mr ray munroe epsom miss jean wil son mac and bruce wilson trenton mr and mrs norman white brooklin mr and mrs- george wilson and gordon goodwood miss loretta sonely whitby mr and mrs frank vernon clarence and ray myrtle mr and mrs roy burrows arthur and russell cedar grove mrs roy grove ringwood mr and mrs j- w itaun mr wm malloy mr e howsam lucille and harold mr and mrs d w crosier mary irene and erla stouffville 500 at annual picnic over 500 people crowded into greenwood park on wednesday afternoon last on the occasion of the annual field day of green wood circuit united churches a program of sports was held in the afternoon with the evening program consisting of two plays presented by bethesda womens auxiliary and other concert numbers- music was provided by the claremont band novelty events for children and adults were al so featured a committee under rev h h mutton minister of the circuit and composed of r v mowbray j l- pegg ralph jones lome jones arch bell and milton pegg was in charge representatives were from mt zion greenwood and kin- sale churches in the circuit while competitors attended from oshawa bowmanvillej port perry scugog myrtle clare mont uxbridge agincourt un- ionville pickering brooklin whitby in the girls softball tourna ment uxbridge and claremont teams won after agincourt and unionville had been eliminated in the boys tournament teams were entered from myrtle claremont greenwood and bow man ville altona conviction continued from page one sergeant mcallister pleaded not guilty bennett stepped down from the dock to wait sentence and ough took his place to hear the formal charge of receiving mon ey knowing it to be stolen read to him by the court he pleaded not guilty and crown attorney annis at once recalled miss berry to the stand she related again her identification of the five dollar bill found in bennetts coat but was not positive that a two dollar bill found in the 38 recovered on ough was one of those stolen though it had a notation of the number twenty- five on the back she said that she had marked a bundle of twentyfive two dollar bills found guilty of receiving possession of the money does not transfer the onus one part icle- the crown must show that the accused knew it was stolen when he got it stated defense counsel d b mclntyre appear ing for ough mr mclntyre first asked that the case be dismiss ed without calling the defense on the grounds that the crown had not shown that ough knew the money was stolen when this failed defense counsel called no witnesses but pointed out that ough who gave his age as twentyone was younger than bennett and had been an out standing athlete playing junior rugby and hockey it is quite evident that you received fiftyfive dollars from jack bennett his worship told the accused fiftyfive dollars of an amount stolen from the palais royale on june 11 and which bennett admitted you were a roommate of bennett and there is no doubt in my mind that you were closely associated with him as roommates you must have known that he was not employed and that when you received this fiftyfive dollars you knew it was stolen- when questioned you first gave evasive answers and then admitted it was given you by bennett for no apparent reason his wor ship registered a conviction against the accused this man has already been convicted of robbery while arm ed observed crown attorney annis referring to the altona holdup on which ough was con victed last week bennett has found himself faced with four major charges since associating with ough i am strongly under the impression that in this ass ociation ough is just as determ ined to live a life of crime as bennett who had the decency to come forward and admit he had done it ough was clever enough to make bennett the fall guy im submitting that this man is the brains of the outfit- brainy enough to keep in the background take the proceeds and let the other fellow take the rap hes a menace to society of which society can be rid for a long time this man to my opin ion is probably more dangerous than his companion i deserve everything your honour will no doubt give me said bennett admitting that all the evidence presented against him was correct- i guess every one tells you the same thing but ill give my word for what its worth when i do come out i wont be a menace to society farm workers neededfor harvest county agricultural committee under reeve james rennie chairman backs premiers proposal to put all able bodied men to work stanley theatre phone stouffville 100 proposal of premier mitchell f- hepburn to have all able- bodied men on relief available this year for harvest threshing in the rural areas was highly commended by the york county agricultural committee last veek the committee indicated that in the past few years there has been a shortage of farm labor and with a bumper crop in the offing assistance will have to be obtained from the cities many rural members of county council felt an edict requiring abledbodied men on relief to ac cept farm labor had been long overdue and expressed willing- ness to back the premier to the limit on any action he had along those lines it should have been done many years ago said deputy- reeve wheeler of scarboro i welcome the governments con templated action as it is many ablebodied men who are on re lief will not seek employment on a farm years ago they came out looking for it before relief was introduced many farmers in this section of the county will need extra help as the harvest approaches reeve robert scott of vau- ghan township said the propos al was good news to all farm ers in the county- although most of the men on relief would be unskilled in farm work reeve scott opined they were needed indications point to a heavy crop this year he stated any help will be welcomed reeve james rennie chair man of the committee pointed out that all the unemployed of markham township had found jobs on farms and there would be plenty of openings for others during the harvest there isnt a healthier job in the country than harvesting and if a man is willing to learn he will quickly be an asset to any farmer said reeve rennie the crops are big and we could use additional labor now and when harvest comes labor will be in demand trucking local and long distance trucking gravel hauled live stock h r storry telephone 5803 thursday friday saturday july 111213 tovarich claudette colbert charles boyek short subjects comedy monday tuesday wednesday july 181920 trapped by gmen starring jack holt wynne gibson short subjects thursday friday saturday july 212223 the barrier starring leo carrillo jean parker jimmie ellison special attraction the march of time days of thrills and fun in new york in washington 1000 1150 in boston 1175 pricot include hotel room meals entertainment in atlantic city 3 days 7 days 850 2305 including hotel room and meals send friends the tribune to absent your consideration there has never been a news paper printed that satisfied everybody- but there is a very simple method by which better newspapers can be pro duced and that is for those who subscribe to them to take an individual interest in seeing that they get more local and person al news not that you are ex pected to become a reporter when you become a subscriber but because the newspaper stands as the exponent of all that is good for your community and because civic pride there fore lead you to encourage such an institution if you have visit ors if you have been on a visit or if you are going on one your neighbours are sure to be inter ested about it tell them through your home town newspaper every little item of local or i personal nature helps just that much to make a better news paper and getting it to the editor 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