Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 31, 1938, p. 5

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stouffville ontario thursday march 31 1938 amuaanananaaii i town topics i phone ix youk pkrsoxajls 15801 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii urn iiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiimmp mrs milton clark ot peterboro is spending the week with her mother mrs kliiiek obrien ave the village council will hold their regular meeting next monday evening in the council chambers miss marion ratcliff was visit ing her father in town for a few- days ladies valuable gold watch in good order for sale cost 23 but will sacrifice at less than half price apply tribune office a number of district public school teachers accompanied by their friends were in attendance at the york county teachers annual ban quet and dance held in the royal york hotel last friday evening mrs will hopkins has been holi daying sith friends in toronto and west hill for several days mrs harold xicbol of hagersville has been spending a week with her mother mrs j h ratcliff roller skating on main street is again a popular pastime in the evenings for young folk they should be warned to be more caut ious about motor traffic and the motorist should be careful too two weeks from good friday and time tomorrow is easter bonnet the condition of mr chas harper who has been in delicate health is reported most critical mr harper is putting up a good fight however for recovery york county jobless are asking for relief money to cover the cost of haircuts nothing has been said about perinanents so far april fools supper choose it and eat it march jlst 6 to 730 pm band of willing helpers st james presbyterian church cafe teria style no program stanley theatre phone stouffville 100 thursday friday saturday march 31 april 12 swing your lady starring louise fazcnda nat psndelton a warner production private rest room accom modation for convalescent patients professional references marjorie stewart reg n mrs frank gordon we regret to announce suffered a mild stroke the latter part of the week but high hopes are held for her complete re covery mr and mrs james lunau have returned to their home in union- ville after spending some time with mrs heltnkay main street who is now slowly improving in health frier ds will be glad to learn the poor outlook for sap as in dicated last week was slightly im proved when a colder snap came on sunday and improved he ruu de spite the improvement the year is likely to be a poor one for maple syrup radio licenses are due after to- day the new 250 rate applies to electric sets whereas we understand battery sets will still be licensed at 200 monday tuesday wednesday april 456 park avenue girl starring fay wray richard arlen thursday friday saturday april 789 handy andy with will rogers and as an added attraction on the same program the march of time we receive many compliments about the results received by our small adlet patrons last week john spence of whitchurch inserted a small advertisement about apples for sale he sold 47 bushels in three days all going in small lots fo- 3c you could not hope cor bette- results was the admission john made at the tribune office mon day morning last week when copy in the tri bune office read that exclusion of women from beverage rooms was advocated by morgan baker the linotype operator made it read se clusion from beverage rooms but the error is perhaps not so serious as some readers might imagine it they sensed anything wrong at all we think morgan baker would not be far astray in having the female tipplers secluded as the first 3tep in the reform program certainly if they were set apart as seclusion would require there would not be so much demand for their ex clusion the entire text of imr bakers address in the legislature appears in this issue and will un doubtedly be widely read by his constituents and others as a clear- cut statement of his stand on im portant public issues before the leg- i islature the farmer is getting the break on the hog market for which lie iias waited a long time says the altiston herald in their interesting live stock column a farmer seilinfe a lot of eight hogs which a few years ago would jiave sold for total of about 60 brought the vendor 163 mr and mrs p hardy who have been farming on the 2nd con cession of uxbridge moved this week to clareniont where they will work the mae forsyth place betty beauty salon for easter we suggest a nestle permanent wave moderate prices a consultation is free telephone 3206 mr gordon bailey of the high school staff has been forced to take a weeks vacation owing to ill health he has gtfne to his home iu klinburg during the interval miss betty booth daughter of mr and mrs a e booth has been engaged to carry on mr baileys classes rev herbert lee and mrs lee were in toronto last weekend and we hear that the retired minister was celebrating his birthday along with his young grandson at the home of mr and mrs walter lee and mr and mrs lester locke rev mr lees birthday came last satur day while that of his young grand son was on lmonday the young ladies composing the class in household economics and marketing have requested the tri bune to pass on their hearty irote of thanks to the united church offi cials who granted them the use of the church kitchen for their short course the young ladies were t stuck for a place suitable for the purpose and when they made a formal request to the church the kitchen was granted to them with out charge the class supplying their own fuel pastor of knox united church regina for six years rev john mutch has accepted a call to mel rose church in hamilton mr mutch is remembered in stouffvillo whore he was a beloved pastor in st james church during his younger ministry andrew thomas hood resident of ballantrae district for 6 years has rented the wellknown appleton property at lake musselman for a term of one year mr hood intends to carry ona summer camping grounds for which the property is ideally located on the lakeshore celebrate goijdex wedding xlnxiversari a kitchen shower was held at the home of mrs teller rennle church street on rriday evening in honour of miss margaret schmidt whose marriage takes place thla week between thirty and lorty friends of the bridetobe showered her with a beautiful set ot kitchen utensils and kitchen accessories miss schmidt was taken completely by surprise but managed to warm ly and sincerely thank one and all for their kindly wishes and useful gifts among the scores who have taken in the flower show in toronto from stouffville we note that mr and mrs henry brillinger were in atten dance one day this week they have both recovered from recent illnesses and mr brillinger who is among the eldest men in town made a remarkable recovery after being in a most critical condition his ten acious spirit stands him in good stead the death of miss annie camp bell in toronto on sunday removes a very highly esteemed woman who had lived in stouffville for at least a short period in her life she was a sister of the late j r campbell of dicksons hill and when in town lived with a sister mrs e mulholl- and deceased was in her 81st year the funeral on tuesday took place to thornhill cemetery for interment mr and mrs harvey moyer mr and mrs ken campbell and other rela tives from this section were in alien dance ladies and mens coats and suits it is now too late to dispose of your pet dog either by smuggling him out of town or any other decep tive means the assessor has your number and will issue a tag the dog census is certain to ds in creased in number this year with so many additional pups in the village the assessor is now on his rounds and will present a dag tag to those who have such animal on the premises we have a full supply of coats and suits in all colors and sizes made of all wool tweeds worsted and trici- tines no extra charge for coats madetomeasure if necesary we also have a full supply of childrens coats every garment guaranteed as represented harry golden phone 263 stouffville the sap season is here we have everything you need for this busy time spues pails etc save money on that repair or paint job this spring a full line of monarch martin- senour paints brathwaite hardware stouffville beginning with this issue the tribune intends to publish the por trait of every reeve who has served the village since its incorporation in 1s77 coupled with a short his torical sketch of their activity in the community particularly with re ference to their municipal move ments now that the portraits ot these men have been placed on the walls of- the municipal building it is but fitting that further records should be made public and will at the same time prove most interest ing to our readers driving his car through the swamp road near zephyr a few days ago c e bailey the uxbridge vet erinary heard a dog barking and a few minutes later a nice buck fawn jumped from the thicket and ran ahead of his car then jumped into the bushes again on the opp osite side of the road the zephyr swamp extends for many miles and affords good protection for game robert keyes of redvors sask dropped in on his old friends and neighbors- imr and mrs martin reesor in town here this week seventeen years ago the reesors farmed near redvers when the keyes were close neighbors the guest is visiting relatives in ontario and although 75 years of age is a great traveller and as his action in coming to stouffville would in dicate he does not soon forget old friends the worlds good news will come to your home every day through the christian science monitor an international daily xtzvsfiaper it records lor you the worlds clean constructive doings the monitor docs not exploitcrime or sensation neither does it ignore them but deals correctively with them features for busy men and all tht family including the weekly magazine section the christian science publishing society one norway street boston massachusetts please enter my subscription to the christian science monitor for a period of i year 300 6 months s50 3 months 2 25 i month 75c wednesday issue including magazine section l year 260 6 issues 2 name there was a large percentage of people from stouffville and dis trict who took in the national flow er show in toronto and of course all were impressed with the beauty of it all in one of the pagentry programs the girls of moulton coll ege presented the tulip court in which miss phyliss klinck was one of the twenty students taking part for the first time in its history tht national flower and garden show is being held in canada with toron to as the setting the nig show closes saturday the national flower show is sponsored each year by the society of american and ornamental horticulturists and has been staged on is previous occ asions in various large cities of the united states such as milwaukee indianapolis boston philadelphia cleveland buffalo minneapolis st louis and detroit at toronto the spacious automotive building in the canadian national exhibi tion grounds houses the 19th show and so great interest iias been shown among the various canadian horticultural societies that huge as the building is it is none too large to accommodate the numerous ex hibits and displays while the nat ional show is primarily one for professional competition there is much to interest amateur gardeners and in the schedule of the show opportunity is provided for the part icipation of amateurs and amateur gardening clubs such as the canad ian horticultural societies as this is the first day of spring writes archie stewart of isabella man i had better renew my subscription to the tribune which we anxiously wait for weekly i wish your paper every success archie was a son of the late wm stewart and a brother of miss sadie stewart of stouffville hes a boo ster for his home district of isabella which if our geography is correct is in the hamiota district west of winnipeg and probably 50 miles from brandon stouffville memorial park will be available this summer for family re unions and picnics bookings shoud be made early with the park commission so that there need be no confusion at the last minute re specting the use of the grounds the pughevans reunion it is an nounced will be held in uxbridge on the last saturday in june miss irene pugh of whitevale is secre tary of the association and she has now made reservation for the uxbridge park well in advance fifty years ago on march 21 geo feasby was married to miss jane johnson at her home at quaker hill by the rev j d mcdonald presby terian minister there at that time they went to reside on the grooms farm in uxbridge twp where they lived for 29 years and when they retired 21 years ago they came to mount albert where they have sinca made their home and where they cele brated their golden wedding a week ago over a hundred took advantage of the occasion to call and offer con gratulations it was a beautiful springlike day and quite a contrast to their wedding day when the roads were blocked with snow and the groom had a rather exciting time driving from his home near sand- ford to quaker hill as his horse up set him and before he got it stopped and himself picked up had rather spoiled his wedding finery however he returned home witli his brido along a better road and had no accidents air and mrs feasby both enjoy good health and are able to tell many interesting stories of the past mr and mrs leslie feasby and son of sandford and mr and mrs john feasby and fmily of kitchener were present also their daughter and family mr and mrs b risebroiigh of sandford dont take chances feed stasrtena theres no question in the minds of more than a quarter of a million poultry raisers as to what starting feed thoy will use um spring the results these folks got last year with the new startena containing puratene exceeded even their fondest hope3 thsy know what startena will do so theyre taking no chances this year purina startena for years has been the countrys finest starting feed now through the addition of puratcne it i3 raado oven better poultry raijers who fed starina last yssr had chicks weighing a- much as a pound and a quarter and even more at six weeks sic us today have start ena on hnns when your cfucks uriwtl stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville ontario every saturday afternoon and evening a social hour may be spent at the brown betty tea rooms where mrs kayball expert tea cup reader will tell you the fortunes of your cup over a delightful tea table tea and reading 25c the hello girls at the b s telephone exchange had to revert to the old custom in vogue some year ago of cranking every call on saturday afternoon in readiness for such an emergency the local exchange board had the old appli ances still affixed since the days when they used their wrists as well as their heads in connecting two subscribers on saturday the hydro was off for several hours and the water power equipment while ready for use could not be resorted to owing to the drain at the rear of ratcliffs store being blocked and the waste water not being able to find an outlet thus did the ex change girls find it necessary to leaf back a page of history as it were once more to find that the old crank system was at least a sure way to carry on when all me chanical power was out of the uues- tion it was like relying on old dobbin when the motor car just isnt any good in the snowbank or deep mud anyway business was carried on as usual and the tele phone subscriber making a call was all unaware of what was going on in the exchange office this is the time to kill the smut in your grain ready for tho spring seeding avo recommend formaldehyde the liquid fungis- effective cheap and for powder use try ceresan keep in mind wo hare grafting wax price 50c boadways drug store there arc two new ford cars for 1938 the de luxe and the standard differing in appearance appointments and price but built to tbc same high standard of mecbanical excellence both are big impressive cars and thor oughly modern in appearance both have the famous centrepoise ride ford easy- action safety brakes and the other dis tinctive ford features both bring you the basic advantages of the 85horsepower ford v8 engine vtypc 8cylinder engines were used only in expensive cars before ford made them available in the universal car eight cyl inders give great smoothness and flexibility compact vtypc construction leaves more room for passengers and luggage both new cars are economical to operate economy has always been a ford tradition the facts of ford v8 economy are con firmed by the findings of owners who report 22 to 27 miles per gallon of gasoline value is also a ford tradition both cars in proportion to price repre sent true ford value the de luxe costs slightly more than the standard but pro vides extra style de luxe closed sedan body types have considerably more passenger room and luggage space more people bought the 1937 ford v8 than any other 1937 make it was a good car but these arc better cars because ford improvement goes on constantly youll realize that when you sec and drive either new ford v8 for 1938 jo a month with reasonable downpayment buys any new ford v8 car under t f c national finance plan

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